HK (+852) 3990 0799

商廈價格見調整 用家紛入市


據一間本港地產代理行每月10大指標甲廈統計,4月份 (反映3月份數字) 共錄3宗買賣。當中金鐘遠東金融中心2302室,面積約2,282平方呎,以約7,189萬元易手,呎價約3.1萬元,買家料為用家。按成交呎價計,已較高峰期同類單位下跌約4成。據悉,原業主於2016年底以約8,717萬元購入單位,如今持貨7年沽出,蝕約1,528萬元離場,蝕幅約18%。




息口仍高 甲廈租售價料平穩


近期商廈另一焦點為新盤市場,宏基資本 (02288) 旗下黃竹坑道23號「宏基匯」首批單位在本年初推售,短短一個月內已售出約八成半單位,套現超過7億元,最高呎價達16,300元。項目暫沽出逾55伙,平均呎價約14,800元,買家方面,用家為主佔7成,另外有3成買家來自內地資金。











上環南島商廈 交通便利配套齊




南島商業大廈位處核心商業區,周圍環境繁華,商業氣息濃厚,比鄰多幢甲級知名商廈,包括國際金融中心 (IFC) 及中環中心,不少企業及金融機構總部進駐設在此區。物業附近民生配套齊全,鄰近上環文娛中心及西港城,購物娛樂、各類食肆一應俱全,人流絡繹不絕。









兩全層單位放租 呎租逾24


實用率高 附寫字樓裝修





雅居樂九龍塘舊樓 周五強拍底價9.66億

市區土地新供應有限,近年不少內地財團積極在港「插旗」,收購舊樓項目進行重建。由雅居樂併購的九龍塘龍圃別墅,3月獲土地審裁處批出強拍令後,最新落實於本周五 (5日) 舉行公開拍賣,底價為9.66億。










343 homes to hit market as weekend sales boom

At least 343 new homes will be put up for sale this week, following a strong performance in both the primary and secondary markets over the Labor Day long weekend.

Wheelock Properties will be offering 118 homes for sale at Monaco Marine in Kai Tak today. Among them, 110 will be available on the price list, while the remaining eight will be sold through a tender process.

Meanwhile, Sablier, a project co-developed by Chevalier International (0025) and the Urban Renewal Authority in Tai Kok Tsui, will launch nine one-bedroom flats for sale.

On Thursday, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) is set to put 216 flats at University Hill in Tai Po on the market.

As University Hill has been in high demand, the developer has decided to launch a new round of sales.

The upcoming release will feature a total of 216 units, with 191 being offered on the price list and the remaining 25 units being offered through a tender process. The total value of this batch is estimated to be almost HK$1.5 billion.

Besides, after selling all 150 flats on the price list in the first batch for over HK$1 billion last Saturday, SHKP had unveiled the fourth price list of 103 flats and fifth price list of 68 flats at University Hill.

The fourth price list includes one- to three-bedroom units, with a saleable area ranging from 278 to 640 square feet. Based on the 15 percent discount, the prices for these flats range from HK$4.44 million to HK$10.91 million.

The fifth price list includes studios and one- to three-bedroom units, with saleable areas ranging from 217 to 628 sq ft.

These flats are being offered at discounted prices that range from HK$3.25 million to HK$10.53 million.

According to SHKP, University Hill is the phase 2A of the Silicon Hill project. The upcoming release, phase 2B, is scheduled to launch next week.

The developer has received pre-sale consent for phase 2B, which includes a total of 688 apartments. Further information regarding the sales arrangement for these units will be released on Tuesday.

The Knightsbridge, which is located in Kai Tak, will be releasing its first price list for parking spaces today. The project is a joint venture between six developers.

A total of 116 parking spaces were listed on the first price list, with prices ranging from HK$3.5 million to HK$3.75 million. The combined total value was over HK$410 million.

Earlier, the developers had decided to launch the first batch of apartments through tender on Friday.

In the secondary market, a property agency said that the 10 major housing estates recorded a total of 16 transactions in the secondary market over the Labor Day weekend, with 14 transactions taking place on Saturday and Sunday alone - an eight-week high representing a 55.6 percent increase week-on-week.

(The Standard)


Oyster Bay project to be relaunched

The MTR Corporation (0066) said it will improve the tendering terms for the first phase of Oyster Bay project and relaunch it later this year after a withdrawal in February.

The MTRC will adjust the terms to resolve technical problems and reduce risks for the developers in the new tender, said the property and international business director David Tang Chi-fai.

He noted that it is not the best time to land sales but will try to increase its competitiveness by amending the terms.

The increased interest rates and the large size of the Oyster Bay Project made developers cautious about the bidding, said Tang.

But the MTRC would put the important project in the market this year, reaffirmed Tang, as apart from providing home supply, it is also connected with the MTR station and shopping malls. The exact timing of the relaunch will be up to the external environment, he added. The company recently signed an agreement with the government on the land along the extended part of Tung Chung Line, and it expected to offer some 4,500 new units in the coming 10 months.

(The Standard)


























中環銀座頂層 買方撻訂1700萬







栢麗大道改劃 重塑新趣味旅遊點






同區9重建項目 總樓面逾112萬呎


而當中最大規模的重建項目,是3月發生火警的中間道11號酒店項目重建地盤 (前「海員之家」)。項目早於90年代開始傳出重建計劃,至近年海員俱樂部決定跟帝國集團合作,將重建成1幢40層高酒店,總樓面約34.7萬平方呎,包括30萬平方呎酒店樓面由發展商營運,約5萬平方呎樓面則預留給海員俱樂部,以作教堂及會所。就發展商透露,項目原擬於2024年開業,但在大火發生後,未知重建進度會否受阻。



4核心區舖 首季空置率回落至10%


餐飲業務增 帶動街舖需求升







BRAND OFF每月35萬轉租The ONE 彌敦道分店約滿 遭藥妝商提價截糊

中港全面通關近3個月,核心零售區舖位租賃成交增加,但都是由藥房或藥妝店承租為主,其他零售品牌租舖態度仍審慎,伺機尋找租金低水的舖位租用。日本二手名牌店BRAND OFF現時位於尖沙咀彌敦道良士大廈的地舖分店,突遭藥妝店提價72%搶租,近日以每月35萬元轉租同區大型商場The ONE正門的一線靚舖,面積增大近1.5倍。

BRAND OFF最新承租尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE地下GA1號舖,建築面積約2964方呎,月租約35萬元,呎租約118元。該舖處於The ONE商場正門,面向彌敦道,屬一線舖位。

商場正門靚舖 較疫前平56%

資料顯示,此舖之前由瑞士名貴手錶品牌歐米茄 (OMEGA) 承租多年,2013年曾以高達200萬元承租,呎租達675元,屬租金最高位。其後零售市況不景,該舖租金一直向下,至2018年已減租至80萬元,呎租回落到270元。直至兩年前,歐米茄終在租約期滿後不續租離場。

過去兩年,上址一直由本地時裝品牌包浩斯 (00483) 旗下品牌以短租形式經營,估計月租在30萬元以下。該舖位獲BRAND OFF洽談後落實承租,但月租較疫情前的80萬元低56.3%之餘,更較最高位大瀉82.5%。

現時BRAND OFF在尖沙咀的分店位於彌敦道27至33號良士大廈地下C2號舖連閣樓,地下建築面積約600方呎,連一個相同面積的閣樓,總建築面積約1200方呎,位置在彌敦道及北京道交界大單邊,在2021年5月以每月25萬元租用,呎租208元,簽約2年。

該分店租約今年5月到期,由於此舖在疫情前月租達80萬元,業主看好通關後市況,故大幅提價一倍至50萬元放租,短時間內獲藥妝店出價43萬元搶去舖位,較BRAND OFF現時月租大幅高出72%,呎租升至358元。

BRAND OFF因離場在即,只好在同區尋覓另一據點,是次成功租得The ONE商場地舖,面積較良士大廈舖位多1764方呎或1.5倍。


傳統連鎖零售商戶暫未見大舉租舖,造就其他行業進駐一線街舖。同區彌敦道111至181號栢麗購物大道G15、G16號舖及1樓8號舖,面向The ONE,地下建築面積約1302方呎,1樓建築面積約1342方呎,合共建築面積約2644方呎,有指以每月20萬元租出,呎租約76元。據悉,新租戶為一間中資券商,租用地舖作為分行。

此舖原租戶為連鎖珠寶金行六福 (00590),在去年底撤出。資料顯示,該舖月租最高位曾見103.5萬元,最新租金較高位下挫80.7%。



Mortgage wars back in city as rate hike cycle nears the end

Major local banks are competing for mortgage customers again, with the Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation and BOC Hong Kong (2388) reportedly raising their cash rebates to up to 2.6 percent and Standard Chartered HK lowering the rate cap by 0.25 percentage points.

The incentives come as the US interest rates are expected to peak soon and the sentiment of the Hong Kong property market has improved recently.

HSBC and BOCHK have increased the cash rebates to the mortgage clients, offering 2.55 percent for the loan amount of HK$3 million and above, and 2.6 percent for the loan amount of no less than HK$7 million, local media reported.

Another major lender Standard Chartered is rumored to lower the cap rate for mortgage plans based on Hong Kong interbank offered rate to 3.375 percent from 3.625 percent, in addition to the plans for a higher cash rebate.

The maximal 2.6 percent of cash rebates would mark a record high since 2007, according to a mortgage broker. And the cash incentives have kept climbing from the low of 0.8 percent in November 2020, the broker said.

The incentives could partly come with the expectations that the US Federal Reserve is likely to pause the interest rate hike or even reduce this year, the broker noted, despite another expected 25 basis-point rate rise on Wednesday.

The improved sentiment in the local property market, followed by the border reopening, will be another push for mortgage incentives.

The first-quarter private home price index rebounded 5 percent from the previous three-month period, data from the Rating and Valuation Department showed. The January-March reading marked the largest quarterly growth in four years, after a 15 percent slump last year.

The mortgage broker expects the market share of major banks to rebound with the latest incentives, after shrinking for two months in a row to 68.3 percent as of April.

However, the local banks are still under pressure to raise their prime rates again, which the other major mortgage plan is based on, as the Fed has not finished with the rate hike and the Hong Kong lenders have held their rates twice.

Meanwhile, the borrowing costs between Hong Kong banks are climbing. The one-month mortgage-related Hibor rose for nine days in a row to 3.41071 percent yesterday, marking a one-month high.

(The Standard)

紅磡祥祺中心銀主盤最矚目 接管人委託代理 3項物業將標售




祥祺中心前身為 One Harbour Gate 東座全幢,包括商廈連商鋪,陳紅天於2016年6月以45億承接,用作集團總部,當時造價位列全港寫字樓最高第6位,九龍區排行第3,以總樓面約28萬方呎計算,呎價約16071元,較中國人壽保險 (海外) 在2015年購入毗鄰的 One Harbour Gate 西座 (中國人壽中心) 高出近8%。

今年3月28日,祥祺中心大堂貼出通告,指根據抵押人 Cheung Kei Center Limited 與恒生之間、於2019年4月抵押協議,恒生已委任羅兵咸的合夥人蘇文俊及莊日杰為抵押資產接管人,3月28日生效,有關抵押資產包括祥祺中心 A、B座商廈,連同155個車位及8個電單車車位。


東半山傲璇 (OPUS) 5樓一個單位,面積5154方呎,由陳紅天與太太於2015年8月聯名購入,作價3.87億,呎價約7.51萬,於今年2月被會計師樓接管,昨日消息廣傳,有關代理已積極覓客,該豪宅為 OPUS 目前唯一放盤,估價6.8億,呎價約13.2萬,將以非交吉形式標售。至於山頂歌賦山道15號地皮,今年3月初被接管,為陳紅天於2016年6月向莊士國際購入,作價21億,重建總樓面9235方呎,樓面呎價高達22.74萬,創豪宅呎價新高。

紅磡祥祺中心、東半山傲璇 (OPUS) 單位及山頂歌賦山道15號地皮,即將推出標售,為市場上最矚目的銀主盤。






華潤置地1.4億 收購油塘工廈全層

增持約2.47萬呎 區內轉型具重建價值




屬臨海物業 已擁大部分樓面




區內重建項目 料供近3400


其中,長實 (01113) 旗下東源街5及8號項目,發展商已經在2年前補地價約22.1億元,將工業地轉為興建4幢住宅大廈,提供約800伙,預計以中、小型單位為主,將會在今年推售樓花。

併購方面,曾經在區內收購工廈重建成曦臺的宏安 (01222) ,去年以5.8億元購入油塘四山街18至20號油塘工業大廈第4座8成業權,料統一業權後,將發展住宅項目。



Holidays drive home transactions down

The Land Registry recorded 4,583 agreements for the sale and purchase of homes last month, which slumped by 31.5 percent from March but was up 17.6 percent from 12 months ago.

The total value of the agreements, however, slid only 9.5 percent month-on-month and was 49 percent higher than April last year.

A property agency said the decline was mainly due to more public holidays in April and a high base in March.

Between January and April the primary and secondary markets saw a combined total of 20,583 residential property transactions, which marked a significant increase of 41.5 percent from 14,545 transactions in the corresponding period last year.

Meanwhile, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) launches the second round of sales for 216 flats at University Hill in Tai Po today.

The response has already been overwhelming, with the project receiving 10,469 checks for 191 flats on the price list. That means a 54-times oversubscription rate.

The developer also sold six homes at University Hill via tender yesterday, which brought in a total of HK$53 million.

The prices for these homes ranged from HK$5.22 million to HK$11.71 million.

In Yuen Long, Star Group (1560) is set to release 75 apartments for sale and one by tender at After The Rain on Saturday. The apartments range from studios to three-bedroom flats, with discounted prices starting at HK$4.21 million.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong homeowners cutting prices drastically even as secondary property market continues to climb

Homeowners have cut the asking prices of 1,763 homes out of the 22,352 units listed for sale on a property agency’s website

A homeowner at Casa Marina II in Tai Po sold the unit after reducing the asking price by HK$3.8 million (US$484,000), or 17.4 per cent, according to another agency

An increasing number of homeowners in Hong Kong have been reducing their asking prices despite a key property index hitting a six-month high, indicating a weakening confidence in the market’s ability to remain elevated for longer.

While the market remains on the upswing, buoyed by an improving economy following the reopening of the border with mainland China after the Covid-19 pandemic, there are signs of a potential slowdown, with some homeowners looking to avoid increased competition from developers who are launching new projects, according to analysts.

Homeowners have lowered the asking prices for 1,763 units, representing 7.9 per cent of the total 22,352 units available for sale on the website of a property agency, one of the major property agents in the city.

“Potential buyers may hesitate to enter the market due to price increases in the first three months of the year,” said Raymond Cheng, managing director of CGS-CIMB Securities. But it may not necessarily indicate a long-term downward trend in home prices, according to Cheng.

The Rating and Valuation Department’s home price index for March climbed 1.35 per cent to 351.4, the highest since 360.3 in September. It was the third straight monthly increase, with gains in Hong Kong’s secondary market adding up to about 5 per cent for the year. But the growth slowed compared with February, when the index gained 2.22 per cent, the most in 33 months.

A homeowner at Casa Marina II in Tai Po sold their unit after reducing the asking price by HK$3.8 million (US$484,000), or 17.4 per cent, to HK$18 million, according to data provided by another agency.

The agency’s index, which reflects the degree of confidence of owners who have put their homes for sale, has declined for the two consecutive weeks.

As of May 1, the index fell by 2.7 per cent week on week to 61, following a 3.7 per cent decline the previous week.

The index, which is calculated based on the price changes of properties for sale on the agency’s website, represented a drop of 5 per cent month on month.

When the index declines, it reflects more price cuts on properties for sale, indicating prices are likely to go down further.

The number of properties changing hands, including residential, commercial and industrial units as well as parking spaces, sank almost one-third month-on-month to a three-month low of 5,755 in April, according to Land Registry data released on Wednesday. The total value sank 7.5 per cent to HK$63.74 billion (US$8.1 billion).

The secondary market saw the number of deals nosedive 38.2 per cent to a three-month low of 2,766 in April, according to another agency’s estimates.

“It reflects the outbreak of the banking crisis in Europe and the United States during March, the volatility of the global financial market, and the interest rate discussion in the United States,” an agent said. “The market tended to wait and see, which slowed down local property market transactions.”

Notably, the secondary market saw the number of deals nosedive 38.3 per cent to a three-month low of 2,766 in April, according to the agency’s estimate, as bargains became rarer and competition from new launches heated up.

Yeung expects the total number of transactions in May to fall again, this time by about 10 per cent because of a lack of big new launches in April. The figure mainly reflects the market conditions in the previous month because of the time needed to register transactions to the Land Registry.

An agent predicts the number will sink 13 per cent to about 5,000 in May.

Another agent predicted home prices in the city will change direction and eventually could fall more than 5 per cent for the whole of 2023, citing challenging economic fundamentals and global geopolitical tensions.

“I expect residential prices to trend downward as transaction momentum turns slower due to pent-up demand being digested,” agent said.

“Even if the interest rate peaks, the current level of more than 5 per cent can negatively affect the willingness to invest in the property market. And the global and China economies remain surrounded by geopolitical tensions.”

In addition, developers have an abundant supply of unsold units, which may force them to undercut one another and speed up sales, agent said.

Private housing supply in Hong Kong is likely to hit 107,000 units in the next three to four years, according to an update provided by the Housing Bureau on Friday.

However, Cheng of CGS-CIMB expects home price to rise by an average of 5 per cent as interest rates are likely to peak this year. He also expects housing demand and prices to sustain amid an improving economy in Hong Kong and increased cross border travel.

His views were echoed by an agent who said the Top Talent Pass Scheme could provide a new source of demand for homes as more people move to Hong Kong.

(South China Morning Post)

尖沙嘴新港中心每呎1.4萬沽 造價較疫前低20%買家擬自用作「樓上鋪」




原業主為Rohm Elecronics (Hong Kong) Company Limited,為日資公司,於2005年1月以1.02億購入連同上址在內的一籃子物業 (14樓2至11號單位),建築面積共約18127方呎,平均呎價5627元,若以呎價計算,售出單位於18年升值1.49倍。據了解,上述單位為高層單位,望廣東道景觀。











港非核心甲廈租金低廉 外資代理行:較新加坡平最多75%

有外資代理行發表最新研究報告,港府和新加坡就吸引人才及跨國公司 (MNC) 設立亞太區總部方面不相伯仲。
















外資代理行:首季甲廈空置率 升至13.4%


該行報告指,2023年首季的租賃活動主要來自政府和公營機構。隨着九龍東等非核心地區提供更多待租樓面和更實惠的租金 (該區首季空置率為21.8%,平均實質租金為每平方呎27元),一些公營機構乘着淡市及租金下調的機會,整合其營運規模以節省租金,選舉事務處在觀塘創紀之城一期租用了3萬平方呎寫字樓樓面就是一例。

港島東租金 按季跌3.1%










鄧成波家族 28億放售觀塘葵涌兩酒店


觀塘悅品海景酒店 市值23





馬亞木6400 沽大角咀舖





2,771 flats to rise by Fairview Park

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has won approval from the Planning Department to build more than 2,700 residential flats next to the low-rise Fairview Park in Yuen Long.

The project on Kam Pok Road was initially approved for the development of detached houses but in 2021, SHKP applied to change the plan from a mansion development to one of apartment buildings. Instead of 71 detached houses, SHKP will now construct 2,771 flats with an average size of 460 square feet.

The plan is expected to be approved by the Town Planning Board today. The project is adjacent to the planned Ngau Tam Mei MTR station of the North Link, and the revised plan includes the construction of 14 buildings.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong homebuyers ignore rising interest rates as they snap up flats at Sun Hung Kai Properties’ University Hill project in Tai Po

Sun Hung Kai Properties sold all 191 flats on offer by 5.30pm on Thursday, hours after HSBC raised its best lending rate by 12.5 basis points to 5.75 per cent

The property sale coincided with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s latest rate hike, which took the base rate to a 15-year high

Homebuyers turned up in droves and snapped up the second batch of flats at Sun Hung Kai Properties’ University Hill project in Tai Po, New Territories, on Thursday, even after HSBC raised its prime rate within hours of the latest interest-rate hike by Hong Kong’s de facto central bank.

Hong Kong’s biggest developer sold out all 191 units available by 5.30pm, suggesting that homebuyers have shrugged off rising mortgage loan costs, according to agents.

“The market expects this to be the last round of rate hikes, so buyers are not too worried,” a property agent said. “Also many potential buyers were not able to join the first round of the project’s sale, so they showed up today.”

The flats on offer ranged from 229 sq ft to 640 sq ft, with smallest unit going for HK$3.25 million (US$414,125) and the biggest for HK$11.4 million, after discounts of as much as 15 per cent.

The second round of sales coincided with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s quarter-point rate hike, which took its base rate to a 15-year high in lockstep with the Federal Reserve’s latest round of policy tightening to curb inflation in the US.

HSBC, the city’s biggest commercial lender, increased its best lending rate in the city by 12.5 basis points to 5.75 per cent from Friday, a move that was followed by some of its peers, including Bank of East Asia.

The 12.5-basis-point increase will add HK$347, or 1.6 per cent, to HK$22,452 in monthly instalments on a typical HK$5 million, 30-year home loan, according to a local mortgage broker.

Overall, the impact of the higher lending rates on Hong Kong’s primary residential market was likely to be minimal, as the hike was expected but not significant, according to another agent.

Another agent expected the rising interest rates to have little impact on home sales in the city. While he predicted an overall increase in property sales of 15 to 20 per cent, prices could remain flat or decline by as much as 5 per cent.

“Banks could raise prime rates at least one or two more times this year,” the agent said. “This will have a greater impact on the secondary market.”

Others, however, expect demand to likely be stymied by the rising financing costs.

“The impact of the latest increase may be marginal, but the cumulative adverse effect since the beginning of the rate hike cycle has not ended,” agent said. “Mortgage rates are likely to stay elevated, which is not conducive for demand growth.”

In the second round of University Hill’s sales, more than 10,000 prospective buyers had registered their intent to buy, meaning 52 potential buyers were competing for one flat.

Some 60 per cent of the buyers on Thursday were from the previous round on Saturday, when SHKP sold all 150 units, an agent said.

(South China Morning Post)

紅磡祥祺中心銀主放售 估值逾50億


全球招標 總樓面約28萬呎

代理公開招標出售九龍紅磡紅鸞道18One HarbourGate東座祥祺中心,物業總樓面面積合共約28萬平方呎,現為永明金融香港總部。代理將為物業進行全球招標,截標日期為2023828日(星期一)。市場人士估計,物業市值約50億元。

2016年陳紅天的祥祺集團向會德豐地產,以45億元購入紅磡One Harbour Gate東座作總部,易名為祥祺中心。物業由一幢寫字樓及一幢商舖組成。寫字樓樓面約25.4萬平方呎;商舖樓面約2.6萬平方呎,總樓面面積約28萬平方呎,以45億元成交價計,呎價1.6萬元。






工商鋪買賣錄322 代理:按月減少20%










Weekend sales languish, developer cuts discounts

Second-hand home deals hit a 44-week-low over the weekend with only two deals at 10 major housing estates as interest rate hikes and inclement weather kept buyers away.

The primary market, meanwhile, saw CK Asset (1113) cut discounts for its El Futuro project in Kau To Shan and more homes set for launch.

Data from a property agency showed only two second-hand homes sold at the 10 estates, down by 85.7 percent weekly and marking a new low in 44 weeks.

Whampoa Garden and Caribbean Coast in Tung Chung saw one transaction each, with no deals recorded from the other eight tracked housing estates.

Stormy weather yesterday affected home viewings in many districts, an agent said.

Besides, the quiet secondary market could also be due to prime rate increases by major local banks in the wake of the US Federal Reserve's rate hike last week, an agent said.

Meanwhile, the primary market seemed unaffected by the interest rate hikes with developers still racing to release new homes.

CK Asset HAS revised the payment schemes for its completed luxury project El Futuro in Kau To Shan, reducing the highest discount to 10.25 percent from 14.25 percent, and will launch the sale of 29 units this Thursday as well.

El Futuro offers a total of 266 homes and has sold 189 of them for HK$2.87 billion.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), meanwhile, has released a second price list of 115 flats at University Hill Phase 2B in Pak Shek Kok, only two days after unveiling the first price list of 138 flats.

The average price after discounts is HK$16,168 per sq ft, nearly the same as the HK$16,288 sq ft for the previous batch.

The 115 homes cost between HK$3.33 million and HK$8.92 million after discounts, and comprise 13 open units, 9 one-bedroom, 90 two-bedroom and 3 three-bed flats with areas ranging from 218 to 546 sq ft.

The cheapest unit in this price list covers 218 sq ft and is priced at HK$15,255 per sq ft after discounts.

SHKP plans to reveal the sales arrangement for University Hill Phase 2B today or tomorrow and sales could start this weekend. Further, SHKP might launch Phase 2A at Novo Land in Tuen Mun as early as the end of this month and put the units at Cullinan Harbour in Kai Tak for sale by tender next month, speeding up the sale of new projects.

(The Standard)

灣仔富通大廈 享地利配套齊



處告士打道正中心 成優勢




租戶包括 證券行會計師樓

用戶方面,不少上市公司曾購入該廈及租用,如27樓為葉氏化工 00408 ,另有尼日利亞領事館。至於其他租戶上,有證券行、會計師樓及財務公司等。

















中層全層放租 意向呎租32


面積6350 叫租20.3







灣仔333 HENNESSY低層 1528萬沽

近期工商新盤銷情不俗,消息指,凱龍瑞旗下灣仔商廈新盤「333 HENNESSY」錄成交,涉及低層01室,面積約872平方呎,以約1,528萬元沽出,呎價約17,523元,近期該廈成交加快。








西環香港商業中心 高層戶叫價4650



面積4233 呎價約1.1





新港中心呎價1.4萬售 造價較高位回落39%



原業主Rohm ElecronicsHong KongCompany Limited,為日資公司,於20051月以1.02億購入連同上址在內的一籃子物業(14211號單位),建築面積共約18127方呎,平均呎價5627元,若以呎價計算,售出單位於18年間升值1.49倍。



















Safe and secure expats are tempted to buy HK homes

Two in three expatriates living in Hong Kong are interested in investing in local property, and those with kids have a greater sense of security than their peers living in other major destinations, a survey shows.

The news comes as Hong Kong's property market continues to recover with private home prices up for a third month in March and developers rolling out new projects.

The HSBC (0005) survey covered more than 7,000 individuals in nine international destinations, including Australia, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man, mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States.

It showed 81 percent of expatriates in Hong Kong plan to invest in the local market while 68 percent have shown interest in long-term investments such as property.

A majority of those traveling with children agreed they felt supported by the government (90 percent) and local community (81 percent) in the course of settling, one of the highest percentages among all nine surveyed markets, with the global average being at 75 percent.

Meanwhile, in the primary market, phase 1A of In One atop Ho Man Tin MTR station has been named In One Above and the first price list is set to be released this week, according to the developer Chinachem.

The project's smallest flat is a one-bed apartment with an area of 311 square feet.

Chinachem said three show flats will be opened for viewing shortly.

The price list, expected to be uploaded within a week, will be based on the same series of In One's phase 1B and 1C with adjustments made to the prices to take into account different views and seating directions.

The company anticipates that the first round of sales will begin as early as next week.

In new home sales, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said five special flats at phase 2A of University Hill in Pak Shek Kok were sold via tender yesterday, raking in over HK$46 million.

SHKP has released a second price list for University Hill phase 2B, featuring 115 units with discounted prices ranging between HK$13,155 and HK$19,117 per square foot.

The newly added flats include 13 studios, 9 one-bedroom, 90 two-bedroom and 3 three-bedroom units, in sizes of 218 to 546 sq ft.

In Hung Hom, Henderson Land Development's (0012) Baker Circle Euston is expected to be launched with 28 flats up for sale on Friday.

The sixth price list includes 28 flats, consisting of 13 studios, 9 one-bedroom units and 6 two-bedroom units, with saleable areas from 214 to 378 sq ft. The discounted prices for these units range from HK$20,048 to HK$24,092 per sq ft.

(The Standard)


Seized US$892 million Hong Kong commercial property put on sale as tycoon Chen Hongtian fights to reclaim it

One HarbourGate East Tower in Hung Hom has been put on the market for tender sale by its receivers, according to a real estate firm

The announcement came after Chen Hongtian said on Friday he was in talks with lenders to retrieve a trio of assets including the property

Creditors have appointed agents to sell a HK$7 billion (US$892 million) Hong Kong commercial property that is among a trio of seized assets tycoon Chen Hongtian is fighting to regain control of.

One HarbourGate East Tower in Hung Hom has been put on the market for tender sale by its receivers, according to a statement released on Sunday by an international real estate firm, which said it has been appointed as the sole agent for the tender.

“I will ask lawyers to study it,” Chen, the chairman of Cheung Kei Group, told the Post on Sunday when he was shown the agency’s statement.

The statement came after Chen told the Post on Friday he was in discussions with lenders to retrieve three assets worth an estimated HK$10 billion (US$1.27 billion) after a “short-term liquidity issue” forced him to miss mortgage payments.

Chen said on Friday that he has plans to inject fresh funds to resolve the “mild default” issue related to three properties, including the One HarbourGate tower and a HK$2.1 billion house on The Peak.

One HarbourGate East Tower has about 279,000 sq ft of commercial space. Completed in 2016 by Wheelock Properties, it comprises an office tower and a two-storey retail space along the waterfront, with 155 car-parking spaces.

The market valuation was around HK$7 billion last year, the Savills statement said, citing the original owner’s provision. The tender will be floated globally and is expected to close on August 28, the statement added.

The One HarbourGate building, bought for HK$4.5 billion in 2016, was taken over by Christopher So Man-chun and Victor Jong Yat-kit of PwC Hong Kong on behalf of Hang Seng Bank.

The property serves as the headquarters of Sun Life Insurance, while the neighbouring West Tower houses the headquarters of China Life, an agent said.

The property has an occupancy rate of 84 per cent, the agent said.

The agecny declined to comment on Chen’s reaction to its statement. The Post has reached out to the receivers for comment.

Chen, whose Cheung Kei Group owns offices, hotels and finance firms, has had at least three of his assets seized by lenders in recent months.

The three properties – a 9,212 sq ft house at 15 Gough Hill Road on The Peak, a flat in Opus Hong Kong in eastern Mid-Levels and One HarbourGate East Tower – were mortgaged with banks for around HK$6 billion, but were valued at around HK$10 billion, according to Chen.

In March, the Gough Hill Road property was seized by receivers appointed by Bank of East Asia, which appointed Deloitte China partners Derek Lai Kar-yan and Ivan Chan Man-hoi as receivers and managers.

The previous month the Opus Hong Kong flat was seized by Bank of Communications, which had extended a mortgage in August 2019.

“Investors in general are still seeking bottom-fishing opportunities, with assets presented at discounts across different real estate sectors, and with some acquisitions being large-sized receivership deals,” another agent said.

“In recent months, the market has already witnessed some receivership deals, and some property owners are now more willing to sell noncore assets,” the agent said, adding that she expects more such large-scale transactions later this year.

(South China Morning Post)

金鐘匯中心呎價1.48萬售 較2018年高位回落35%



















Hung Shui Kiu to get 26,862 new homes

Hong Kong's government plans to build 26,862 new private and public housing homes at Hung Shui Kiu in Yuen Long - 5,210 more than the previous plan.

About 90 percent, or 24,267 units, are for public housing and are located in nine sites adjacent to the proposed Hung Shui Kiu MTR station on the Tuen Ma Line, according to the application received by the Town Planning Board.

The remaining 2,595 private units are included in the two sites at Ping Ha Road.

The proposed development will house an additional 7,130 people, said the government, as it suggested relaxing the plot ratio and building height restriction for the 11 sites. The maximum plot ratio is proposed to be increased to 6.5 and 6.8 for private and public housing sites respectively. The building height for four public sites and one private site may be increased to between 135 and 175 meters above the principle datum, or no more than 51 stories.

In the private market, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said yesterday that phase 2B of University Hill in Pak Shek Kok will launch the first round of sales on Saturday, offering 183 flats, with the cheapest priced at HK$3.33 million after discounts.

Meanwhile, a home with two car parking spaces at Opus in Mid-Levels has been put up for tender for HK$680 million, according to the agency.

The luxury home on the fifth floor has an area of 5,154 square feet and includes five bedrooms, a study, living room, dining room and kitchen. Each of the 12 Opus homes occupies an entire floor.

The property is extremely rare as no units at Opus have been put up for sale since its launch on the market, an agent said.

The tender closes on August 8 with the property sold on an "as is" basis with non-vacant possession.

(The Standard)


Creditors put tycoon Chen Hongtian’s US$86 million Frank Gehry-designed Hong Kong flat up for sale

The HK$680 million (US$86.72 million) flat in Opus Hong Kong has been put up for sale by tender by the receivers, according to a property agency

Fifth-floor unit ‘easily one of the most precious residential properties in Asia’, an agent says

Creditors continued selling tycoon Chen Hongtian’s assets in Hong Kong on Tuesday.

A HK$680 million (US$86.72 million) flat he owned in Opus Hong Kong in eastern Mid-Levels has been put up for sale by tender by the receivers, according to a statement by an agent, which said it had been appointed the sole agent for the deal.

Chen and his wife, Chen Yao Li Ni, bought the fifth-floor flat on 53 Stubbs Road for HK$387 million in September 2015, according to official records. In February, the flat was seized by Bank of Communi­cations, which extended a mortgage in August 2019. The bank has appointed Deloitte China partners Derek Lai Kar-yan and Ivan Chan Man-hoi as the receivers.

The flat’s current market valuation stands at HK$680 million, the agency told the Post.

“Its value is extraordinary, making it easily one of the most precious residential properties in Asia,” the agent said with regard to Opus Hong Kong.

Chen, whose Cheung Kei Group owns offices, hotels and finance firms, has had at least three assets seized by lenders in Hong Kong. The three properties – a 9,212 sq ft house at 15 Gough Hill Road on The Peak, the Opus Hong Kong flat and One HarbourGate East Tower – were mortgaged with banks for about HK$6 billion, but are valued at about HK$10 billion, according to Chen.

Chen told the Post in 2016 that the Opus Hong Kong flat was “too tiny” and that was why he bought the Gough Hill Road property.

Tuesday’s developments come a day after One HarbourGate East Tower in Hung Hom was also put up for sale through a tender by receivers. “I will ask lawyers to study it,” Chen told the Post when shown a statement about the tower on Sunday.

The open tender for the Opus Hong Kong flat, which comes with two parking spaces, is to be closed at noon on August 8 tentatively and will see the property sold on an “as is” basis in its current condition with non-vacant possession, which means it may not be empty.

Developed by Swire Properties on a site long possessed by the company as a home for its executives, Opus Hong Kong is the fruit of a collaboration with Frank Gehry – it is his first and only residential project in Asia.

The 5,154 sq ft flat comprises five bedrooms, of which four are ensuites, a study, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. It has an open-plan design and a ceiling height of more than four metres, and is the only unit on the entire floor, the statement said.

The building twists to give each of its 12 flats a unique floor plan, and is only a nine minutes’ drive away from the business district and SoHo in Central.

(South China Morning Post)

啟德 AIRSIDE 寫字樓租出3成 呎租見49元

南豐:今年甲廈供應多 料全年租金持平

今年市場上多幢甲廈推出,而南豐旗下啟德地標項目 AIRSIDE 寫字樓近期入伙,已租出約3成樓面,即約40萬平方呎,呎租高見49元。


南豐料年底前 出租率達5

南豐啟德 AIRSIDE 寫字樓部分近期入伙,項目為47層高的綜合大樓,提供32層甲級寫字樓,以及多層商場,總樓面面積達190萬平方呎,寫字樓佔120萬平方呎。


租客涉環球企業 日資銀行

許謙讓透露,集團將保留 AIRSIDE 約兩層樓面自用,作為集團新總部。南豐目前總部位於上環南豐大廈,涉及6層樓面,據悉將保留兩層作會客等用途,騰出近4萬平方呎樓面,日後重新招租。






更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租







甲廈吸跨企進駐 ESG元素不可缺

近兩年大批甲廈新供應出現,業主各出奇謀吸客,而ESG (Environmental, social, and governance) 元素成為物業不可缺少因素,要配備齊全才可吸引跨國企業進駐。

AIRSIDE 多環保設施 保競爭力




以近期落成啟德 AIRSIDE 為例,物業獲多項綠色建築證書,並提供環保設施,如全球首個智能廢物分類管理系統等,大廈亦設農莊等,相關元素可令物業保持一定競爭力。



更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



HK luxury home market dips amid global slump

Hong Kong luxury property prices dropped 1.3 percent in the first quarter from a year ago, as the global market recorded its first price contraction since the 2008 financial crisis, a report from a property consultancy showed.

Despite the decline, the SAR's ranking by annual percentage point changes rose from 37 in the fourth quarter last year to 34 in the past quarter, according to the Prime Global Cities Index report that tracks movement of prime residential prices across 46 cities worldwide.

Luxury home prices in the financial hub remained unchanged in the January-March period from the previous three months.

Annual prices slid in 16 of the 46 markets tracked. While two-thirds of markets are still seeing positive growth, the large size of price declines in the weakest markets has pulled the overall index down by 0.4 percent as interest rates jumped.

At the top of the first-quarter ranking was Dubai's 44 percent annual growth, with second place Miami the only other city to reach double-digit growth at 11 percent. Singapore was in the fifth spot with a 5.5 percent rise.

The report came as Hong Kong's overall stamp duty revenues from property purchases dipped by 4.6 percent to HK$764 million in April from the previous month, with the number of transactions tumbling 25.5 percent to 280.

Among them, revenue from special stamp duty more than halved month-on-month to HK$495 million, data from the Inland Revenue Department revealed.

Meanwhile, all the Hong Kong interbank offered rates rose yesterday along with the local currency. The mortgage-linked one-month Hibor grew by nearly 40 basis points 4.16 percent, the highest since early January. The overnight rate even rallied by 92 basis points to 4.44 percent.

In the commercial market, Nan Fung Group said it has pre-leased about a third of the office space at AIRSIDE, a mixed-use commercial building in Kai Tak that will soft open in the third quarter. The average rent of the office area ranges from HK$35 to HK$49 per square foot, compared to around HK$25 in other Grade A commercial buildings in Kowloon East, the developer said.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at AIRSIDE please visit: Office for Lease at AIRSIDE

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Kai Tak please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Kai Tak

鰂魚涌華廈工廈准強拍 底價51億破頂

太古地產 (01972) 近年密密循併購方式增加港島舊區的重建地盤,當中不乏貴重的工廈重建項目。該集團2018年申請強拍的鰂魚涌華廈工業大廈,經過約5年時間,終獲土地審裁處批出強制售賣令,底價更達51.25億元,成為獲批准強拍的個案中底價最貴的一個項目。





資料顯示,華廈工業大廈佔地約2.71萬方呎,測量師估計,單以該廈重建,具潛力發展成一幢28層 (另設地庫停車場) 的甲級寫字樓,總樓面面積約40.63萬方呎。


不過,太古地產一直計劃把華廈工業大廈,連同該集團已統一業權的毗鄰仁孚工業大廈一起重建。太古地產發言人周五 (5日) 接受本報查詢時亦指出,歡迎土地審裁處就華廈工業大廈頒下強制售賣令,重申若該集團統一華廈工業大廈的所有業權,計劃把該廈與仁孚工業大廈一併發展,總樓面面積約77.9萬方呎,作為寫字樓及其他商業用途。



IWG兩月增設4據點 涉6.66萬呎

靈活辦公空間供應商IWG再拓展業務,新推出兩個全新品牌 HQ 和 Open Office,將帶來三個新辦公空間;加上另一個新的 Regus 辦公空間,IWG 將進一步擴大其對於工作空間方案和服務的範圍,以滿足不同行業的需求;並回應由中港兩地通關帶動,香港和大灣區工作者對於混合工作模式愈發增長的需求。

HQ 為 IWG 旗下一個正快速增長的品牌,它能為各種不同類型的客戶,大至跨國企業,小至自由工作者提供實用的工作空間,為客戶提供針對他們工作需求的設施。另一個新品牌 Open Office 是 IWG 唯一一個自助式工作空間品牌,此前僅在日本營運。品牌透過無人接待模式提供服務,包括靈活工作空間、虛擬辦公室和會議室, 非常適合追求成本效益的香港客戶。

IWG 今年6及7月,旗下品牌包括 Regus、Spaces 及 Signature,開設4個新的辦公空間,分別位於銅鑼灣禮頓中心,約佔1.5萬方呎、鰂魚涌 K11 ATELIER King's Road,約佔2.12萬方呎、灣仔告士打道60號中國華融大廈,約佔8200方呎,以及旺角新世紀廣場,約佔2.22萬方呎,4個據點合共6.66萬方呎。

IWG 香港及大灣區區域經理 Paul MacAndrew 表示,隨着員工偏向靈活的工作地點,集團決定繼續拓展在港版圖,為希望進入混合工作模式世界的員工,以及企業提供更多選擇和無可比擬的龐大網絡,滿足當今由混合工作模式主導的職場中各類型客戶需要。




更多K11 Atelier King's Road寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:K11 Atelier King's Road 寫字樓出租







華置劉鳴煒放售山頂2豪宅 意向價逾9.6億


白加道31號獨立屋 呎價逾13

市場消息透露,華置 (00127) 主席劉鳴煒或相關人士,正透過中原地產放售山頂白加道31號A號及D號屋。其中,A號屋 (董事屋) 實用面積3,845平方呎,屬於5房間隔,連約4,000平方呎私家花園及1,100平方呎天台,並設有私家泳池及特大車庫,意向售價5.383億元,呎價約14萬元。







油塘工廈每呎1.25萬創新高 宏安高市價1倍拔釘統一全幢業權




該代理續說,該單位並非地廠,而是高地廠一層 (Middle ground floor),屬於低層單位,「收購價非常高」。根據市場記錄,該廈於過去一年多,成交呎價由2700元至8700元不等,惟集中呎價5000多至6000元成交,以此計算,最新收購呎價高市價約1倍。


該項目地盤面積約41800方呎,地積比率約6倍,項目鄰近如曦臺、Peninsula East、Ocean One等,其中,曦臺同樣為宏安地產發展項目,預計區內將由工業區轉型為住宅、工商業發展的綜合發展區。物業位處臨海地段,日後大部分單位可享海景,沿鯉魚門道有多條巴士及小巴綫路,交通位置不錯。







New Ho Man Tin flats 'conservatively priced'

The first price list for flats at In One Above in Ho Man Tin has been released, featuring 90 flats with the cheapest costing a shade under HK$8 million.

Market watchers say the flats have been conservative priced, considering Hong Kong Interbank offered rates are flirting with 15-year highs.

Developed by Chinachem and MTR Corporation (0066), In One Above forms phase 1A of the In One project being built atop Ho Man Tin MTR station, and offers 447 flats in total, following the launch of phases 1B and 1C.

The 90 flats cost between HK$7.99 million and HK$29.19 million after discounts, and comprise 23 one-bedroom, 49 two-bedroom and 18 three-bed flats with areas ranging from 364 to 960 square feet.

The average price per sq ft amounts to HK$26,718 after discounts, but it is 7.6 percent higher than the HK$24,838 per sq ft for phase 1B and 2.9 percent higher than the HK$25,953 per sq ft in Phase 1C.

After discounts, all 23 one-bedroom units cost less than HK$10 million with the cheapest at HK$7.99 million or HK$21,948 per sq ft.

The cheapest two-bedroom is HK$10.67 million or HK$22,731 per sq ft, and the cheapest three-bedroom is HK$23.93 million or HK$25,004 per sq ft.

An property agency said the pricing for In One Above is conservative, considering that the previous two phases sold like hot cakes.

And another property agency believes the developer aims to sell these 90 flats as soon as possible with the attractive prices.

The launch came as the overnight Hibor surged to 4.81 percent yesterday, the highest since 2007, and the mortgage-related one-month maturity advanced for a 16th consecutive day to 4.53 percent yesterday, indicating the tightening liquidity amid dollar defense in the city.

Chinachem will open show flats for viewing and start to receive cheques this Saturday. The first round of sales will start next week at the earliest.

The developer said it would not put all the flats at In One Above into price lists and could sell some three-bedroom flats by tender during the first round of sales.

Phases 1B and 1C have sold 347 out of 397 flats for more than HK$5.9 billion since March, and the entire In One project will provide 844 flats in total.

Elsewhere in Pak Shek Kok, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said University Hill's phase 2B has received more than 7,700 cheques for the 160 units in the price lists, making the batch 47 times oversubscribed.

(The Standard)


















上月錄377宗鋪位租賃 代理行:按月減約30%











Shop deals dive 31pc as core vacancy rates rise

Commercial and residential property sales languished in Hong Kong as the vacancy rate in four core shopping areas increased and weekend sales of second-hand homes remained lackluster.

The number of shop sales in April dipped 31.2 percent monthly to 377 while the total value of deals fell 31.9 percent to HK$45.67 million, a property agency said.

At the same time, the vacancy rate in the four core areas shot up last month compared to March.

Central reported the highest vacancy rate of 13.21 percent last month, up by 0.1 percentage points monthly. The proportion of empty shops in Tsim Sha Tsui rose 0.06 percentage points to 11.53 percent, and that in Wan Chai grew 0.03 percentage points to 13.06 percent. Mong Kok recorded a 0.02 percentage point climb to 9.12 percent in April.

Causeway Bay was an exception, with the vacancy rate staying flat at 6.34 percent, but the reading was 0.94 percentage points higher than the same month last year.

The agency said shop transactions fell because the merchants were focused on the long Easter break and had put their buying plans on hold.

Despite the fall in the number of transactions and higher vacancy rates, the agency said market sentiment has greatly improved compared with last year and it expects shop deals will rebound in the second half.

Meanwhile, in the residential secondary market, only six transactions were recorded at 10 major housing estates over the weekend, data from the agency showed.

Though up twofold over the previous week, the number remained in single digits and six of the estates reported no deals.

The lackluster sales could partly be due to inclement weather, which prevented people from viewing homes, as well as price increases by some owners, an agent said.

Moreover, developers are racing to attract homebuyers with market-level prices, squeezing the secondary market, the agent added.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), for example, released the third price list of University Hill phase 2B in Pak Shek Kok to offer 206 units, with the cheapest flat priced at HK$3.28 million after discounts.

This came after it sold out 160 flats on previous price lists on the first day of sales last Saturday.

The 206 flats range from 218 to 729 square feet and cost between HK$3.28 million and HK$14.09 million after discounts.

SHKP expects to kick off the second round of sales on Wednesday to offer 185 units on price lists and 20 by tender.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong’s luxury home renters should prepare to pay more in the second half amid rising demand

Market observers expect high-end rents in the city to rise up to 6 per cent in the second half amid rising demand

The rental index for homes over 1,077 sq ft rose 2.7 per cent from January to March, according to the Rating and Valuation Department

Hong Kong’s luxury home rents have turned a corner and are set to rise up to 6 per cent in the second half as expatriates return, market observers said.

The government’s Top Talent Pass Scheme and the gradual return of expatriates, who had temporarily relocated to other cities including Singapore amid the Covid-19 pandemic, will support the high-end rental market, they said.

“The demand is quite high for big-ticket leasing,” an agent said, who expects luxury property rents on The Peak, Hong Kong’s most exclusive address, and the Southern district, to rise 3 to 5 per cent this year.

This is borne out by the strengthening rental index for big homes – over 1,077 sq ft (100 square metres) – which has risen 2.7 per cent from January to March, the highest level since July 2022, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

The Top Talent Pass Scheme announced by Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu in October to attract professionals and top graduates to the city has had the desired effect. As of mid-April, more than 60,000 applications had been received, with over 50 per cent of them being approved, Financial Secretary Paul Chan said on May 9. Among the successful applicants, a few hundred earned more than HK$10 million (US$1.27 million) a year.

Rents for houses on The Peak and in the Southern district will rise 3 to 6 per cent in the second half amid frequent leasing and limited supply, another agent said.

Another agent also said that leasing activity was brisk for flats and town houses on The Peak and Mid-Levels, with monthly rents ranging from HK$80,000 to HK$120,000.

“With strong leasing demand and momentum mainly driven by the relocation of mainlanders and foreigners in recent months, landlords are less flexible in negotiations,” the agent added.

Leasing activity for high-end property in the most desired areas of Hong Kong Island is on the rise. Transactions on The Peak and in the Southern district rose 8.1 per cent year on year to 120 in the first quarter, according to a property agency. Among them was a 5,032 sq ft house at 11 Plantation Road, which was rented out at HK$580,000 per month in January, according to another property agency.

New leases for upmarket homes on The Peak and in the Southern district rose to a six-month high of 47 in April, according to data from a property agency, which expects the numbers to rise further.

“We certainly expect rents to rise, and already across our portfolio rental growth since the reopening has been more than 10 per cent,” said Sachin Doshi, the founder and group CEO of Weave Living, which owns and operates rental accommodation units in Hong Kong and across the Asia-Pacific.

“Also on a relative basis, for many expat professionals who temporarily relocated overseas to places like Singapore, Hong Kong rents and cost of living are looking attractive again and we are seeing a reverse migration of this expat talent pool back to Hong Kong in a big way,” said Doshi.

Sai Ying Pun, Kennedy Town, Sheung Wan and Mid-Levels on Hong Kong Island were popular leasing areas, while Kowloon West and Tai Kok Tsui were preferred by expats and renters from the mainland.

“Recovery in leasing demand has been extremely rapid in Hong Kong after the Covid-19 restrictions were fully lifted, with a 50 to 60 per cent increase in inquiries over the second half of 2022,” said Doshi. “We see this demand continuing to accelerate as we go into the peak leasing period over the summer as the Top Talent Pass Scheme attracts more high-earning global talent.”

Not all market observers share the same enthusiasm, pointing to economic headwinds and a net loss of high-flying expats.

High-end rents will decline as demand is weak, an agent said, adding that the ultra-luxury segment may fare better because of limited supply.

“Expats have [seen] their housing budgets cut, some by up to 50 per cent,” the agent said. “Tenants from the mainland are just trickling, not in [hordes] as people had hoped for.”

The agent added that most businesses expect a full economic recovery in Hong Kong to be slow and gradual because of external factors such as high inflation, interest rates, the possibility of a recession in the US and slower-than-anticipated recovery in China.

Hong Kong’s government, however, has forecast growth of 3.5 to 5.5 per cent this year after the gross domestic product contracted by 3.5 per cent last year.

The agent expects a 10 to 15 per cent drop in high-end rents, saying that he has observed that it was already down 15 per cent compared with a year ago.

Meanwhile, luxury rents in Singapore will rise 3 per cent in the first half from the fourth quarter, before flattening or softening by 1 per cent in the second half, another agent said.

“Landlords in the luxury segment are now more realistic in their rental expectations,” the agent said, adding that transactions in the high end segment had fallen this month and in April.

(South China Morning Post)

長江集團中心二期首錄租務 中資搬遷升級

呎租約120 通關後中資機構租賃增





長實 (01113) 旗下和記大廈重建項目,長江集團中心二期料今年落成。項目樓高41層,總建築面積達55萬平方呎,標準辦公室樓層建築面積約17,300平方呎。據悉,樓層採用方正及無中柱式設計,並採取雙電梯大堂設計,項目分為東、西兩座,並提供185個車位。早前因受疫情封關影響,甲廈租務活動淡靜,直至近月通關,租務查詢稍加快。

通關後中資機構租務個案有所上升,如中環國際金融中心一期錄得租務成交,涉中層單位,面積約1.5萬平方呎,以每呎約120元租出,屬市價水平。據了解,新租客為中資科技公司字節跳動,原租用港島區較細辦公室,是次租國際金融中心一期單位,既可整合業務及擴充,又可升級至超甲廈。另外,中環友邦金融中心 (AIA Centra) 全層,面積約1.2萬平方呎,以每呎約100元租出,新租客為國企中石油。

長江集團中心二期外,過去較罕有新供應的中環,今年亦有另一幢全新項目,恒地 (00012) 旗下 The Henderson 料年內落成,早前錄得第3宗預租個案,涉及兩層中層樓面,每層面積約1.4萬平方呎,合共約2.8萬平方呎,成交呎租料逾130元,新租客為加拿大退休金計劃投資局 (CPPIB)。






更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租






啟德地標 AIRSIDE 處商住區享大樓面

啟德新甲廈 AIRSIDE 為區內地標項目,而樓面大加上地區前景理想,料項目租務將加快。

南豐旗下啟德地標項目 AIRSIDE 寫字樓近期入伙,項目位處區內核心商業及住宅地段,至於商業項目方面,則有稅務中心等,而附近亦是住宅群。


而配套方面,目前啟德商業配套未算多,暫時上班人士可前往附近商店及餐廳,或從天橋前往Mikiki商場。AIRSIDE 的商場部分佔地70萬平方呎,將提供餐廳、零售等,預租率理想,屆時上班人士用膳選擇甚多。

AIRSIDE 寫字樓部分近期入伙,項目為47層高的綜合大樓,提供32層甲級寫字樓,以及多層商場,總樓面面積達190萬平方呎,寫字樓佔120萬平方呎。


合大型企業進駐 整合業務





更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



全層達5萬呎 項目逾3成租出

啟德 AIRSIDE 具吸引力,據了解目前項目寫字樓出租率逾3成。



許謙讓透露,集團將保留 AIRSIDE 約兩層樓面自用,作為集團新總部。南豐目前總部位於上環南豐大廈,涉及6層樓面,據悉將保留兩層作會客等用途,騰出近4萬平方呎樓面,日後重新招租。



更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租







銅鑼灣西環物業放售 意向價合共2.4億













Checks flow in for Ho Man Tin flats

Chinachem says In One Above, over the Ho Man Tin MTR Station, received about 1,000 checks in two days for the 90 flats on the first price list, making them 10 times oversubscribed.

The developer has recorded 8,000 visitors for the project and plans to release at least 45 apartments for sale on the market as early as today.

About 50 customer groups have shown interest in the south-facing three-bedroom units, which will be sold by tender. The sale is expected to begin within a week, and the sales brochure is due to be uploaded in the next couple of days.

Meanwhile, The Knightsbridge, a joint development project in Kai Tak by six developers, sold two top-floor apartments for a total of HK$157.85 million through a tender yesterday, with one of the transactions setting a new price record for the project.

A four-bedroom flat on the 31st floor of Tower 8 featuring 1,890 sq ft of living space and a 405-sq-ft platform sold for HK$103.95 million or HK$55,000 a square foot, setting a record for the project.

Another unit on the 27th floor of Tower 5 with an area of 1,382 sq ft and four bedrooms sold for HK$53.9 million or HK$39,001 per sq ft. The project has reportedly sold 13 flats so far, cashing in more than HK$610 million.

The increase in home prices is expected to lose momentum in the second quarter due to interest rate increases after prices had risen for three consecutive months, a property agency said.

The residential property transactions in April fell by about 31.5 percent month-on-month, due to the global banking turmoil that led to financial and banking uncertainty, affecting investment sentiment.

Homes priced between HK$4 million and HK$10 million accounted for more than 60 percent of the total transaction volume, which saw the biggest drop, down about 40.5 percent month-on-month.

Meanwhile, the Lands Department recently announced that a HK$41.3 million premium was paid for the No 15 Chi Fuk Circuit residential project in Fan Ling. The site covers an area of about 13,158 sq ft and can be redeveloped with a maximum plot ratio of 1.5, allowing for a total gross floor area of 19,737 sq ft. The premium per sq ft for the site is about HK$2,090.

(The Standard)












上環德輔道中地鋪1.8億易手 由6家找換店承租回報逾3厘






原業主於2017年4月以1.87億買入上址,連同A1鋪於2020年以3128萬沽售,合共套現 2.1116億,帳面獲利2416萬,物業升值12.9%。







荃灣海濱廣場全幢放售 鄧成波家族索價12億










More new homes set to go on sale

Chinachem has released the second price list of its residential development In One Above situated on top of the Ho Man Tin MTR station. The price list includes 45 homes, starting from HK$8.34 million.

The newly launched apartments range from 327 to 960 square feet in saleable areas.

After discounts, the 45 units carry price tags ranging from HK$8.34 million to HK$30.78 million or HK$25,500 to HK$32,800 per square foot.

Meanwhile, 20 apartments of El Futuro, a CK Asset (1113) project in Sha Tin, will be launched for sale by tender next Monday.

The tender exercise includes 18 four-bedroom units of saleable areas from 1,213 to 1,226 sq ft. In addition, two special terraced apartments are included in the offerings.

In a separate development, four luxury mansions on No. 46 Plantation Road have been marked for sale by tender on May 22. These four-bedroom villas boast saleable areas of more than 4,000 sq ft and are equipped with lifts and swimming pools.

Henderson Land (0012) has announced that 20 one-bedroom flats at Baker Circle Euston in Hung Hom will be released for sale on Saturday, for a discounted unit price of HK$20,082 per sq ft on average.

Elsewhere, a property agency proposed incorporating factors for the elderly in land sales while promoting public-private partnerships in property development, saying that the aging population issue is becoming increasingly critical in Hong Kong.

(The Standard)

皇后大道中9號商場舖 每呎140元招租







灣仔樂基中心新方案 料開綠燈

鄰近灣仔集成中心等商廈的樂基中心,早前撤回舊申請,並重新向城規會申請重建1幢商廈,新申請擬將建築物高限維持在110米,較舊方案減約9%。據規劃署最新表示,不反對該申請,意味周五 (19日) 很大機會獲城規會批准方案。

樂基中心位於灣仔灣仔道165至171號,地盤面積約6,932平方呎,現坐落於「住宅 (甲類)」用地之上。申請人早前撤回舊方案,並重新向會方申請以地積比率約15倍,重建1幢27層高 (包括2層地庫) 的商廈,以發展食肆、商店及服務行業、辦公室,總樓面約103,948平方呎。





渣甸山超豪宅屋地 7.5億易手






其次,山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON上月中以約5.77億元售出12號洋房,該單位實用面積7,042平方呎,採四房四套連儲物室間隔,連2,715平方呎花園及泳池、1,970平方呎庭院及兩個車位,成交呎價8.2萬元。據指,登記買家姓陳,英文名採用國語拼音,須支付成交價15%、即約8,661.7萬元從價印花稅,惟未知是否須付買家印花稅,有機會是內地客或在港擁有物業的新香港人。




鄧成波家族19億放售兩商場 油麻地寶寧蝕讓放盤荃灣海濱大幅減價












裕景4.65億統一西環利宏業權 可建樓面逾4萬呎每呎1.09萬







現時上址為1幢8層高商住物業,地下為10個商鋪及3個住宅單位,1樓至7樓每層各有13個住宅單位。該物業地盤面積約10287方呎,現劃為「住宅 (甲類)」用途,若按地積比率約9倍重建,最高可建總樓面逾9.25萬方呎,每呎樓價地價約11578元。





Hong Kong home prices ‘likely back in a downtrend’ as slump resumes after ‘short-lived’ first-quarter recovery: Citi

Since the last week of March, the city has recorded fewer than 80 transactions per week, and in one case only 35, according to a property agency

As low volumes pressure owners, with some of them selling at a loss, Citi now expects overall prices to stay flat through 2023

A first-quarter rally in Hong Kong’s home market turned out to be remarkably “short-lived”, as sales have now slumped and sellers are slashing prices to get deals done amid a “downward trend” that will last through the year, according to property agents and analysts.

Since the last week of March, the city’s property market has recorded fewer than 80 transactions per week, and in one case only 35, according to a property agency’s data.

The downturn follows a 7 per cent increase in home prices in the first quarter, Ken Yeung, property analyst with Citi, wrote in a research note on Tuesday.

“Hong Kong residential transaction volumes have been weakening since March 23, which was quite a surprise to us how short-lived this round of recovery was,” he said.

Hong Kong home prices “are likely back in a downtrend” given that weekly transaction volume in the secondary market has been low for two consecutive months, he said.

This is already evident this week, with some owners selling flats at a loss, according to another agency.

On Tuesday, one owner lost 5.4 per cent after selling a two-bedroom apartment at Mountain Shore in Ma On Shan for HK$7 million after five years of ownership.

A day before, another owner slashed the price for a three-bedroom home at Dragons Range in Kau To Shan, owned for eight years, by 16.8 per cent to HK$13.3 million.

The second-hand home market has been “inactive recently,” an agent said. Most of the deals that closed did so only after sellers dropped prices, the agent added.

Non-local buyers and local investors have not yet returned to the market despite the agent’s reopening, said Citi’s Yeung.

In April, transactions by non-local buyers accounted for only 1.5 per cent of home sales in Hong Kong, according to data from the Inland Revenue Department. The percentage has stayed below 2 per cent before and after China’s reopening – far from the average 5.2 per cent seen between 2018 and the first half of 2019.

Local investors are also buying fewer second homes. In April, they accounted for only 2.7 per cent of the transactions, versus 6.1 per cent between 2018 and the first half of 2019.

Looking ahead, Citi expects “overall home prices to stay flat in 2023, indicating around a 7 per cent home price drop during the second and fourth quarter”, Yeung said.

When weekly secondary volume falls below 80 deals, home prices have historically been unable to rebound over the short term, he said. Given the data since late March, he believes the market is at the beginning of a correction period.

“We expect this round of correction to last until the end of 2023,” he said, adding that home prices may rebound again when the US starts to cut interest rates in the first half of 2024 and a high season begins around the Lunar New Year period.

This month, a real estate consultancy also predicted that the home price rally in Hong Kong would lose steam in the near term.

Interest-rate increases are “affecting the buying interests of local and mainland buyers”, an agent said.

That said, Hong Kong’s investment-immigration scheme and tax incentives, coupled with Singapore’s hefty increase in stamp duty for additional buyers, “will lend support to housing demand in the future”, another agent said.

(South China Morning Post)

上環信德中心低層數戶放售 估值1.5億
































旺角東匯全幢放售 估值2.08億





堅尼地城地皮今招標 估值逾22億

港島政府地買少見少,當中位於堅尼地城西寧街與域多利道交界地皮,將於今日 (19日) 開始招標,並於6月30日 (周五) 截標。地皮估值約21.9億至23.1億元、每平方呎樓面地價約9,000元起。


地皮目前為巴士總站,比鄰招商局第二貨倉及公眾殮房,地盤面積約24,327平方呎,現規劃為「住宅 (甲類)」用途,指定作非工業 (不包括倉庫、酒店及加油站) 用途,而私人住宅用途的最高可建樓面面積約24.3萬平方呎。


事實上,是次招標用地亦鄰近去年11月、以4.39億元 (每呎樓面地價約9,500元) 批出予興曄發展的西寧街地皮,相信去年批出的用地價錢亦有參考作用。



尖區彌敦道鋪每月55萬租出 六福珠寶「回歸」租金較疫市前跌38%


市場消息透露,尖沙嘴彌敦道66至70號金冠大廈A、G鋪,建築面積約2500方呎,剛由六福珠寶以每月55萬承租,簽署3年租約,平均呎租220元,上手租客時裝連鎖店 BAUHAUS,去年6月以每月30萬短租,再對上租客為連鎖化妝品店卓悅,於2019年以88萬進駐,惟翌年遷出。















薄扶林愛蓮別墅作價逾5.3億 百年豪宅三級歷史建築太盟投資高天樂等承接

港島區薄扶林百年豪宅、位處沙宣道的三級歷史建築物愛蓮別墅早前易手,市場消息透露,項目獲準買家爭奪,最終以高逾5.3億易手,接近業主意向價,新主人為投資界翹楚、太盟投資創辦人之一高天樂 (Chris Gradel) 及相關人士。

愛蓮別墅於今年1月份,由遺囑執行人教會機構推出招標市值5.5億,及後低調易手,市場消息透露,新買家為太盟投資創辦人之一高天樂 (Chris Gradel) 及相關人士,以接近業主意向價逾5.3億承接,遠高於市傳的4.5億。新買家鍾情該地段的環境及物業的歷史背景,更有機會作為自住。


高天樂是太盟投資集團的創始人、主管合夥人兼首席投資官,他於2002年創辦太盟投資,現時該集團管理逾100億美元的資產,在創立太盟前,他領導馬蒙集團 (Marmon Group) 投資於中國。早年,他畢業於牛津大學,持有工程學、經濟學及管理學聯合碩士學位,並於1999年至2002年,擔任麥肯錫公司香港地區總經理,有豐富併購經驗,交易涉及中港兩地、台灣、新加坡、印尼、德國和美國。









Home prices seen turning downward

Hong Kong's residential property prices are expected to decline by 7 percent from the second quarter until the end of the year, taking them back to levels seen in the first three months, Citigroup says.

The bank highlighted the fact that despite the 7-percent increase in home prices during the first quarter, the number of transactions has also been declining since March.

The current recovery of the property market is considered short-term, as weekly transactions in the secondary market have stayed at a low level for two consecutive months, pointing to a downward trend.

Away from that sobering prediction, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) sold all 185 flats listed in the price list for University Hill Phase 2B in Tai Po.

The flats listed as available for sale included studio to three-bedroom units, ranging from a discounted price of HK$3.33 million to HK$9.36 million, with a total market value exceeding HK$1.39 billion.

According to a property agency, there is a significant demand for self-use properties priced below HK$10 million.

But the overall market situation during late April to early May was deemed unfavorable due to the impact of the US banking crisis and uncertainty in interest rates.

Meanwhile, the mortgage-related one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate surged to 4.57238 percent, reaching a near high over five months.

Additionally, another property agency has been appointed to sell a package of properties in Mong Kok consisting of a block of commercial and residential properties including shops, with an estimated total market value of around HK$373 million.

(The Standard)

富途證券擴充 70萬租尖沙咀4千呎舖

開設首間地舖門市 較舊租低近3


尖沙咀錄得大樓面舖位租務成交,涉及彌敦道96號地下及1樓,該物業位處加連威老道及彌敦道交界,對面為THE ONE商場,屬尖沙咀優質地段舖位。物業地下面積約1,354平方呎,連同1樓面積約3,083平方呎,合共約4,437平方呎,成交月租料約70萬元。



核心區舖位租務 明顯加快

自從通關後,整體核心區舖位租務明顯加快,如是次成交地舖,對面THE ONE商場地下近3千呎舖位,最近亦以每月約35萬元租出,新租客為名牌二手店Brand Off。


另據一間代理行綜合土地註冊處資料顯示,4月份商舖註冊宗數錄61宗 (主要反映3月份市況),按月下跌約39.6%;註冊金額約9.60億元,按月減少約52.5%。該行預期,隨着商舖買家逐步消化五一黃金周零售表現符合預期等消息後,部分資金或會流入舖市,惟國際金融市場及地緣政治仍存有暗湧,預料短期內舖位註冊量只會在現水平維持平穩上升。



Uncertainty weighs on property market

Residential and retail property sales in Hong Kong are showing signs of slowing down amid economic uncertainty and interest rate movements.

Only three deals were recorded at 10 major housing estates over the weekend, down by 50 percent from a week ago, according to a property agency.

It was also the third consecutive weekend with single-digit transactions since the prime rate was raised earlier this month.

The market sentiment has "obviously improved" compared to last month but with competitive pricing, new homes took all the attention and purchasing power away from the secondary market, a property agent said.

The agent expects second-hand home transaction volume to remain low in the short run as more new projects are coming onto the market.

In the new home market, In One Above, or phase 1A of In One, atop Ho Man Tin MTR station sold at least 48 out of 90 units on offer yesterday, said the developer Chinachem.

Phase 1C also sold two more flats yesterday, including a 576-square-foot unit with two bedrooms for HK$18.75 million, or HK$32,554 per sq ft.

Phase 1B and 1C combined have sold 356 units for over HK$6.1 billion since sales kicked off in March.

Still, the pace of new home sales may have slowed down compared to the previous phases of the project and other new developments sold in the past few months.

Wheelock Properties' Koko Rosso in Lam Tin sold nearly 150 flats on the first day of sales in March.

In Pak Shek Kok, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) will start a new round of sales of 240 flats, including 222 on the price lists, at University Hill Phase 2B in Pak Shek Kok on Wednesday.

The 222 flats, which comprise studio to three-bedroom units, are priced between HK$3.3 million and HK$11 million after discounts, or around HK$13,024 to HK$19,932, the developer said, adding that prices of some homes were raised by up to 9 percent compared to the previous batches.

Some 300 unsold homes at the University Hill project will be put on the market in the fourth quarter when the project is completed, it added.

In the commercial market, the agency said that the value of street shop transactions more than halved to HK$960 million in April from the previous month as prices increased amid an expectation of tourism recovery for the Labor Day holiday.

The agency sees the transaction volume would remain flat in the short term amid external uncertainties.

Meanwhile, US Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell gave a clear signal he is inclined to pause interest-rate increases next month, citing the recent banking stresses.

"Having come this far, we can afford to look at the data and the evolving outlook to make careful assessments," he said.

(The Standard)








Hong Kong land sale could fetch US$294 million for Kennedy Town plot expected to yield 450 flats

The first government tender of the financial year started on Friday for a plot of land in an area popular with expats

Surveyors expect between five and 15 bids from developers, who may bid conservatively amid high interest rates and sluggish home sales

A plot of land on Hong Kong Island that is expected to yield about 450 flats – some with a sea view – could fetch HK$2.3 billion (US$294 million) as the first government tender process of this financial year gets under way.

The tender for the land, at the junction of Sai Ning Street and Victoria Road in Kennedy Town, started on Friday, according to the Lands Department.

The plot should attract around five bidders and “conservative” bids of HK$2.2 billion (US$281.5 million) to HK$2.3 billion, or HK$9,000 to HK$9,500 per square foot, a surveyor said.

A nearby parcel sold in November for around HK$9,500 per square foot, according to a surveyor.

“It will appeal to both end users and investors,” a surveyor said, who expects 12 to 15 bids. “Expats will like this area as it is close to Central and well-served by MTR, tram and road networks.”

The key selling point is the plot’s relatively large scale on Hong Kong Island, and the fact that some flats will enjoy a sea view, the surveyor added.

Kennedy Town and the general western area is a popular area for younger, unmarried expats, the surveyor said. “They are definitely one batch of the potential tenants after completion of the residential development, as small to medium flat sizes are expected” the surveyor said.

However, developers may take a wait-and-see attitude towards the first tender in this financial year,” the surveyor said, adding that a nearby public mortuary will also be a factor that developers consider, as some people would not like to live near such a facility.

“Potential developers will be concerned about the location, and the sales market, as most likely the developer will sell the residential apartments after completion,” the surveyor said.

The Surveyor echoed the view that developers may bid more conservatively than in the past because of higher financing costs amid the current high interest rates, as well as slow sales in the primary Hong Kong property market.

The tender comes after the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) early this month raised its key lending rate to a 15-year high, in what could be the last hike in 2023.

Looking ahead, Citi expects “overall home prices to stay flat in 2023, indicating around a 7 per cent home price drop during the second and fourth quarter”, the bank said in a report this week.

(South China Morning Post)








Hong Kong’s homebuyers return to market, snapping up new flats at In One Above project in Ho Man Tin on Sunday

More than half the available flats at the project by Chinachem Properties and MTR Corporation sold by 5:30pm on Sunday

The flats were priced between HK$7.99 million (US$998,000) and HK$30.08 million, or HK$21,948 to HK$32,800 per square foot

Historically high lending rates did not stop Hong Kong’s homebuyers from returning to the market on Sunday to snap up a fresh batch of flats in Ho Man Tin, highlighting improved sentiment in the city’s battered home market.

In the first two hours of the sale, 48 of the 90 flats were sold at the In One Above project by Chinachem Properties and MTR Corporation, according to Chinachem. Another 20 units were slated to be sold separately via bidding.

The flats on offer on Sunday, consisting of one- to three-bedroom flats ranging from 327 to 960 sq ft, were priced between HK$7.99 million and HK$30.08 million after discounts of up to 15 per cent, which translates to HK$21,948 to HK$32,800 per square foot, according to agents.

In One Above has an advantageous geographical location, with an exclusive elevator that goes directly to the lobby of the Ho Man Tin MTR station,” a property agent said. “The asking prices of the flats were close to market prices, which makes them attractive to homebuyers, but also long-term investors,” the agent said.

Rental prices for the flats could reach HK$80 per square foot, with a rental return of around 3.5 per cent, the agent estimated.

“Coupled with the view of the Victoria Harbour … it is expected that these units will continue to be sought by the market,” the agent said. The agent expected around 70 per cent of the flats to sell by the end of the day.

The project will have a total of 447 units ranging from 311 sq ft to 1,615 sq ft. It is slated for completion in November 2024.

Market sentiment in late May has significantly improved from April, and as long as developers can keep their asking prices at restrained levels, transactions of new flats could reach 1,200 this month, another agent said. Around 770 first-hand flat transactions were recorded in May as of Saturday, the agent added.

“Second-hand properties are under pressure from competitive asking prices from new flats,” the agent said. “Second-hand property prices are expected to fluctuate within a narrow range.”

The city’s property market has been showing signs of an upswing. The Rating and Valuation Department’s home price index, a gauge of lived-in home prices, climbed 1.35 per cent to 351.4 in March, the highest since 360.3 in September. It was the third straight monthly increase, with gains in Hong Kong’s secondary market adding up to about 5 per cent for the year.

Hong Kong’s economy expanded 2.7 per cent year on year in the first three months of 2023, marking the end of a recession after four straight quarters of decline owing to the devastating impact of the coronavirus and the corresponding government restrictions, according to preliminary figures released by the Hong Kong government earlier this month. The economy shrank by 4.1 per cent year on year in the final three months of 2022.

Meanwhile the cost of money has soared as the city’s de facto central bank followed the US Federal Reserve in a long series of interest-rate increases, culminating in the key lending rate hitting a 15-year high this month.

The In One Above sale comes hot on the heels of a sell-out sale last weekend, when homebuyers snapped up 159 of the 160 units available at Sun Hung Kai Properties’ (SHKP) University Hill project in Tai Po on May 13.

Last week, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Christopher Hui Ching-yu stonewalled calls for more relief measures to help residents purchase property as legislators approved a tax-cutting bill for buyers of cheaper homes.

Hui said the bill would benefit about 37,000 homebuyers by reducing stamp duty payments by up to HK$67,500 (US$8,612).

Stamp duty is a tax levied on documents that are required to legally record property transactions. The government began imposing a series of increased stamp duties on property in 2010 in a bid to crack down on rampant speculation.

(South China Morning Post)

外資擴充升級 超甲廈租務加快

美資BGC租中環友邦金融中心 威士忌麥卡倫落戶太古廣場



友邦金融中心2萬呎 呎租110

據了解,新租客為美資金融機構BGC Partners,該集團業務包括各類金融產品提,如股票,商品,衍生產品等,而該企業目前租用中環國際金融中心二期64樓單位,面積約1.3萬平方呎,估計市值呎租逾120元。是次機構搬遷,主要可進行擴充業務。

另外,核心區租金回調後,吸引機構遷入,甚至九龍區商戶趁機升級。市場人士指,金鐘太古廣場二座中層全層,面積約2萬平方呎,以每呎約100元租出。消息稱,新租客為知名威士忌品牌麥卡倫 (The Macallan),其出品威士忌深受愛好者追捧,個別年份出品亦成收藏家至愛。

進駐太古廣場全層 呎租約100
















租金降客重返 中環地位難取代?



現時呎租 較高峰期回調3



租金曾高企 企業「去中環化」





上環信德中心 合中港企業進駐





基座港澳碼頭 天橋接國金












一籃子單位放售 呎價2.3萬起










尖東新文華中心 中層戶叫價830萬



間隔方正 連租約出售







中環歐陸貿易中心全層1.42億售 持貨30年升值近3倍















有代理表示,中環昭隆街9號歐銀中心4樓,建築面積約1660方呎,4樓設有約700呎平台 (不入契),可供用家使用,意向售價約3154萬,每方呎約1.9萬,現租客為一家醫務電子掃描中心,屬穩定租客,單位間隔四正實用,外望城市景,附設醫務所裝修及分體式冷氣等,環境整潔,設施齊全。從物業步行至港鐵中環站僅需約數分鐘。









廣東道巨鋪每月100萬租出 龍豐藥妝進駐 較疫市前跌71%






該文利大廈地下1至3號鋪,曾由瑞士鐘表品牌Juvenia (尊皇),於2021年12月以約150萬承租,新租金下跌33%。再對上為冠亞名錶城,早於2013年起承租該鋪,月租630萬,新租金較高峰期急挫84%,意味着最新鋪租不及高峰時20%;於2019年,冠亞名錶城仍以每月350萬續租該鋪,新租金較疫市前跌71%。






TOYOMALL放售金鐘東昌大廈1及2樓零售基座,總建築面積22760方呎,估值6.8億至9.6億,每呎約2.99萬至4.22萬,曾由健身中心PURE fitness承租,2020年前月租198萬。






鄧成波家族 加快放售多項物業



荃灣海濱廣場商場 意向價12



旅遊業復甦 放盤3酒店套現







屋宇署今年3月共批出19份建築圖則,資料顯示,當中包括最少6個傳統豪宅地段的發展計劃,其中麗新發展 (00488) 西半山旭龢道住宅項目,獲准興建1幢分層住宅,樓面面積約5.42萬方呎。位於渣甸山畢拉山徑的渣甸園,則准重建為5幢洋房,平均每幢面積約5337方呎。


前述麗新發展西半山住宅項目,屬於旭龢道1及1A號,獲屋宇署批准興建1幢19層 (另設2層低層地下) 的分層住宅樓宇。根據麗新發展今年3月公布的業績中透露,該用地將興建豪宅項目,提供約28個中至大型住宅單位。

3月獲批的其他豪宅項目,包括畢拉山徑24至38號渣甸園,將可興建5幢3層 (另設1層停車庫) 洋房,涉及總樓面面積約2.67萬方呎,折合平均每幢約5337方呎,市場盛傳南豐發展或有關人士有份持有該項目。九龍區方面,則包括帝邦投資或有關人士持有的九龍塘歌和老街14號翠亨園,可興建為1幢7層的分層住宅,樓面面積約3.15萬方呎。

非住宅項目方面,3月以21.34億元循強制拍賣統一業權的尖沙咀漢口道43至49A號漢口大廈,原來同月也獲屋宇署批出建築圖則,可興建1幢25層商業樓宇,樓面面積約13.88萬方呎,市場盛傳大業主為新世界發展 (00017) 或有關人士。銅鑼灣波斯富街85至89號舊樓則獲准興建1幢26層 (另設1層地庫) 商業樓宇,涉及約4.84萬方呎樓面面積。

屋宇署亦公布最新的私人住宅動工 (按屋宇署接獲上蓋建築工程動工通知為準) 和落成情況,有代理表示,今年3月共有兩個樓盤動工,共涉1314伙,創去年5月錄得2522伙以來的近10個月新高。

私宅1314單位動工 10個月高


另外,3月共有503伙落成,來自何文田 VAU Residence 和旺角ONE SOHO等3個項目,另一代理說,今年首季共有6796伙落成,相當於差餉物業估價署全年落成量預測19953伙約34.1%;截至5月21日,今年首季落成單位中,約4022伙或約59.2%已經售出。



20 luxury flats to rise in Mid-Levels

Hong Kong's Buildings Department approved 19 construction plans in March, including the redevelopment of Lai Sun Development's (0488) project on Kotewall Road in the Mid-Levels into a 19-story tower with 20 flats.

The tower will include two basement levels and recreational facilities over a total area of 54,000 square feet.

The project will offer around 20 three- and four-bedroom apartments, with plans to make them available for sale as early as 2025.

Lai Sun Development had acquired two old buildings at No 1 and No 1A Kotewall Road for a total of HK$1.3 billion last year, with plans to redevelop them into a luxury residential development.

Meanwhile, five 3-story detached houses will be built in Jardine Court, a luxury project located on Mount Butler Drive in Jardine's Lookout.

Nan Fung Group was reported to have bought a 60 percent stake in Jardine Court for over HK$900 million last year.

In other news, the Hong Kong Interbank offered rate stood above 4.76 percent across all maturities and is expected to remain high this year until the US cuts rates.

The mortgage-related one-month Hibor advanced for the fifth day in a row to 4.77506 percent yesterday, marking a new high since December last year.

HSBC Asia expects the city's underlying interest rates will remain high for a longer time as the lender predicts US Fed will not cut rates until the middle of next year.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices to drop 5 per cent this year as sales sputter amid new-home glut, high interest rates, property consultancy said

Two property consultancies joins Citi in predicting a decline in lived-in home prices

The company’s latest report cites a shrinking labour force as a significant historical indicator of falling home prices

Another property consultancy has joined a growing chorus that believes lived-in home prices are destined to slide in Hong Kong as sales sputter after a recovery in the first quarter proved short-lived.

The consultancy on Monday predicted a 5 per cent drop amid high interest rates, a glut of new homes potentially hitting the market and a shrinking labour force. The forecast followed predictions of a decline from another consultancy and Citi.

“Overall, we believe this year’s home prices will be in the downward direction,” an agent said. “Buyers will find new homes more attractive than lived-in homes.”

The consultancy on Monday released its latest analysis of the factors that move the city’s home prices, based on more than 40,000 data points and multiple indicators over 25 years.

“In a high-interest environment, a tough stress test is required for buying lived-in homes,” the agent said. “For new homes, there are often loans from the developers. This factor will affect the decisions of first-time buyers. Lived-in home prices will be under pressure.”

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority early this month raised its key lending rate to a 15-year high, and the agent said an additional increase of 0.125 to 0.25 per cent is still possible this year.

Home prices may fall as much as 3 per cent in the second quarter and 7 per cent in the second half of the year, the agent said.

The official lived-in home price index rose 5 per cent in the first quarter after a 15 per cent plunge last year, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

Hong Kong lost 0.8 per cent of its labour force year on year in the first quarter, the agnet said, adding that the city lost about 200,000 people in the last two to three years to emigration, in many cases due to Covid-19 restrictions, as well as departures by short-term workers.

The size of the labour force has been “the most significant indicator for home prices and rents, both in the long term and in the recent Covid period”, according to the consultancy’s report.

People who left because of the pandemic and the economy will return when Hong Kong’s economy performs better, the agent said, but another issue – the advancing age of the population – cannot be easily resolved.

“There were quite some deaths amid Covid-19,” the agent said. “More importantly, Hong Kong’s birth rate has been relatively low. This affects Hong Kong’s long-term labour force.”

Meanwhile, the agent said, the number of talented individuals the city hopes to attract through the Top Talent Pass Scheme and other initiatives represents a tiny fraction of Hong Kong’s overall labour force of some 3.8 million.

A glut of new homes will also work against lived-in home prices.

The city had 18,000 unsold new homes in the last quarter, a number even higher than the 15,000 units sold in 2021, which was a “good year”, the agent said.

This presses down new-home prices, which will in turn impact the lived-in market.

“Coupled with the incomplete projects that have already applied for presale consent and have not been approved, the number adds up,” the agent said. “So developers are selling under pressure. Recently we have started to see price cuts by 3 to 5 per cent for new-home projects in the market.”

Also not helpful, in the agent’s view, is the government’s attempt to attract overseas talent by refunding the extra stamp duty to eligible homebuyers who become permanent residents after seven years. As the duty is large, the long wait for the refund fails to entice buyers as much as an immediate exemption would, the agent said.

“Affected by interest rate hikes, buyers have become cautious and hesitant to enter the market,” another agent said. “Turnover in the second-hand property market has been muted. Some homeowners have sharply reduced prices to sell.”

For example, Ma On Shan district saw only 51 lived-in housing deals in the first 22 days this month, down about 25 per cent month on month, according to another property agency. One owner at Mountain Shore lost HK$100,000 (US$12,779) selling a flat measuring 653 sq ft.

Another property agency on Monday said the number of sales at 35 major estates in the last week slid for the third straight week to a 10-month low of 34.

The property consultancy’s view echoes that of Citi, which expects overall home prices to stay flat in 2023, indicating around a 7 per cent drop during the second and fourth quarters, it said in a report last week.

Another property agent early this month predicted that home prices in the city would change direction and eventually could fall more than 5 per cent for the whole of 2023, citing challenging economic fundamentals and global geopolitical tensions.

(South China Morning Post)

上月整體商廈租金跌0.3% 外資代理行:負吸納24萬方呎




該行指出,在新租賃中,金融科技公司Doo Group租用觀塘 The Millennity 全層,涉及建築面積共12600方呎,市場矚目。





更多The Millennity寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Millennity寫字樓出租



Downward property trend tied to labor

The decline in Hong Kong's working population may drag down property prices according to a real estate consultancy.

But luxury home buyers remained undeterred as evidenced by the sale of houses on The Peak for over HK$2.6 billion.

Due to the correlation between the size of the labor force and home prices and rents, the 0.8 percent decline in the working population during the first quarter led the consultancy to forecast a potential fall of 1.2 to 3.6 percent in property prices over the next three months.

An agent said despite a robust economic and tourism rebound following the full reopening of borders the property market remained impacted by various unfavorable macro factors such as high interest rates, weak imports and exports and a poor stock market performance.

Unless there is a notable labor force rebound in the coming months, the agent said, home prices and rents in Hong Kong are expected to underperform this year.

However, Twenty Peak Road by V, a luxury project developed by V Group, saw significant activity as four houses were sold there yesterday for a total of HK$2.67 billion. The houses, ranging in area from 3,722 to 4,740 square feet, went for from HK$150,200 to HK$181,400 per sq ft.

(The Standard)

觀塘瀝洋「THE RAYS」3層樓面招租 每呎18元起


每層逾7000 備寫字樓裝修




該代理續指,項目經活化後裝修較為時尚摩登,亦擁罕有大面積樓層及靈活間隔,屬區內優質物業,故該廈屢受租客歡迎,如貿易公司、政府辦公部門、科技公司及廣告公司等,至今出租率長期維持在8成水平,當中6樓全層為東華三院轄下之「The Oasis青年共享空間」,為不少初創企業和青年創業家的創業基地,現時每層樓面平均呎租介乎18至19元。

另一代理續指,瀝洋為活化商廈項目,前身為瀝洋工業大廈,坐落觀塘主要幹道,交通便捷,有多條巴士、小巴綫往來港、九及新界,與港鐵觀塘站僅約5分鐘步程。上址鄰近區內甲級商廈、酒店,及東九龍旗艦商場apm,比鄰的 KOHO、Eastcore 等均為活化商廈,帶動區內商業氣氛濃厚,支持租金走勢發展向好。此外,活化項目無論外觀上、以及單位基本配備,與商廈無大分別,但呎租卻相對便宜,如上述招租物業,呎租多介乎18元至19元,相比之下,現時區內甲廈呎租約26至27元,可見活化項目性價比較高具競爭力,整體而言對租戶極具吸引力,預計疫情後此類物業租賃交投會持續受追捧,未來升值潛力更高。



更多KOHO寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:KOHO 寫字樓出租



西環西邊街巨鋪2700萬易手 國光書局沽售持貨40年升值12倍











息口續高企 投資市場靠本地幫

外資代理行代理:商舖呎價 年內可升兩成


據該行資料顯示,今年首4個月合共錄得72宗大額成交 (逾5,000萬元以上),涉及金額約136.35億元,對比去年同期84宗及161億元,跌約15%。若把兩段時間比較,去年同期為疫情高峰期,相反今年首4個月,是中港正式通關,經濟復常,但成交金額及宗數均比去年失色。

「不加息 也不等於會減」




啟德屯門多住宅 舖位受惠





財團續物色酒店 投資前景不俗









核心區鋪市暫未重返疫情前 外資代理行代理:零售「生態」大轉型













Flat prices tumble over 12 months

Many home owners in Hong Kong have only been able to sell their properties by slashing expected asking prices aggressively.

That appears to be the message coming through with values in Taikoo Shing and City One Shatin falling by more than 10 percent within 12 months.

A two-bedroom unit of approximately 572 square feet in Taikoo Shing sold recently for HK$10.5 million.

But a similar apartment in the estate sold for HK$12.1 million in June of last year. That represents a decline of around HK$1.63 million, or 13.4 percent, in less than 12 months.

In City One Shatin, a two-bedroom unit of 304 sq ft was sold recently for HK$5.2 million, reflecting a price decrease of HK$600,000, or 10.3 percent, compared to the asking price a year ago.

And a 382-sq-ft flat on Tung Choi Street in Mong Kok was listed at a price of HK$2.3 million, equating to a rate of HK$6,021 per sq ft.

A property agency reported five transactions in the 10 major housing estates it tracks over the weekend.

That was two more transactions than the previous week, although the level of activity remains relatively low.

In the primary market, Wheelock Properties's Koko Mare in Lam Tin is set to commence the sale of 98 flats, including five special units, on Wednesday, with the lowest-priced unit starting at HK$5.88 million.

In Fan Ling, Henderson Land (0012) is launching 39 special flats in One Innovale - Cabanna for sale by tender starting today. Interested buyers can participate in the tender until June 30.

(The Standard)

花旗302 租中環冠君大廈全層





事實上,最近不少外資機構於中環進行擴充,如友邦金融中心2萬平方呎樓面,獲美資金融機構BGC Partners租用,呎租約110元。至於威士忌品牌麥卡倫,亦租用金鐘太古廣場全層樓面。








































《金融時報》引述消息報道,短視頻平台TikTok母公司字節跳動 (ByteDance)、中石油 (00857) 母企中石油集團旗下附屬公司,及聯合能源 (00467) 相繼進駐中環超甲級商廈。

當中,大型中資科技企業字節跳動取代瑞士私人銀行寶盛集團 (Julius Baer Group Ltd) 租用中環國際金融中心一期37樓全層,租用面積約16158方呎,料月租約194萬元,呎租約120元,租期由今年11月起承租3年。


涉3.8萬呎樓面 達去歲86%


消息人士又指中國工商銀行 (01398) 有意尋找新辦公室,曾研究租用長江集團中心二期或恒地 (00012) 旗下中環全新超甲廈 The Henderson





更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租



機構紛擴充升級 中區租務增



新租客為美資金融機構BGC Partners,該集團業務包括各類金融產品,如股票、商品、衍生產品等,而該企業目前租用中環國際金融中心二期64樓單位,面積約1.3萬平方呎,估計市值呎租逾120元。是次機構搬遷,主要進行擴充業務。

中環冠君大廈 呎租約90


除了同區擴充外,核心區租金回調後,吸引機構遷入,甚至九龍區商戶趁機升級。金鐘太古廣場二座中層全層,面積約2萬平方呎,以每呎約100元租出。消息稱,新租客為知名威士忌品牌麥卡倫 (The Macallan),其威士忌深受愛好者追捧,個別年份出品亦成收藏家至愛。該英國企業目前租用九龍灣國際交易中心中層單位,面積約1.2萬平方呎,市值呎租約20餘元。如今遷入金鐘地標甲廈太古廣場,既作出擴充,亦為辦公室升級,相信正因核心區呎租已回調2成以上,故趁機進駐,屬以往較少九龍區商戶升級至中環核心商廈個案。

租金明顯調整 企業入駐甲廈













統一中心近金鐘站 合中小企進駐






樓高36 設高低樓層升降機


















中層全層逾2萬呎 5.1億放售


實用率85% 意向呎價2.5









尖東康宏廣場 相連戶1億放售


面積7354 呎價約1.35







Home prices edge up to seven-month high

Hong Kong private home prices rose by 0.54 percent in April, reaching a new high in seven months, but it is anticipated that home prices will remain unchanged this month due to the recent interest rate hike.

That was the fourth consecutive month of increases, but the pace was around 1 percentage point slower than in March, according to the data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

In April, the private domestic price index for small and medium-sized units below 1,076 square feet increased by 0.51 percent month-on-month to 355.6 points. Also, the price index for larger units - 1,076 sq ft or above - rose by 1.26 percent to 313.8 points.

Class D units of 753 to 1,076 sq ft experienced the highest increase, with a rise of 1.42 percent compared to the previous month, reaching a price index of 314.6 points.

On the other hand, Class C units of 753 to 1,076 sq ft reported a price index of 323.3 points, reflecting a slight monthly increase of approximately 0.09 percent.

A property agency predicts that home prices will stabilize in May, with a projected monthly increase of 0.2 percent or remain unchanged compared to the previous month.

This expectation is based on the prevailing optimism among homeowners regarding future market conditions, so homeowners are expected to avoid significant price reductions in the near term.

Additionally, the government's expansion of the Talent List, aimed at attracting skilled workers, is expected to stimulate the property market by the end of the second quarter.

As a result, there is a projection of a 0.8 percent increase in home prices in June, which would bring the cumulative increase for the first half of the year to 6.88 percent.

On the contrary, another agency has revised its annual prediction for small and medium-sized residential property prices, now forecasting a year-on-year increase ranging from 2 to 6 percent.

This is a revision from their previous prediction at the end of March, where they had anticipated an annual property price increase of up to about 8 percent.

Meanwhile, OCBC Wing Hang Bank announced a hike in its Hong Kong dollar prime loan rate yesterday. The rate will increase from 6.125 percent to 6.25 percent per annum, and the change will take effect from May 30, 2023.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong home price growth slowed down sharply in April as rising interest rates sapped confidence

Prices of lived-in homes in Hong Kong grew by 0.5 per cent in April, the least so far this year, as homebuyers weighed higher interest rates

Residential transactions declined 31.5 per cent month on month in April to 4,583, according to Land Registry

Prices of Hong Kong’s lived-in homes nearly stalled in April, indicating that gains may be coming to an end as homebuyers grapple with higher interest rates.

The overall home price index rose 0.5 per cent month on month to 354.2 in April, the least since prices bottomed out in December, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department. While property prices have risen 5.8 per cent so far this year, on an annual basis they were still down 8 per cent.

Prices of small flats rose 0.5 per cent, while those of large flats measuring 100 square metres or more gained 1.3 per cent.

“Our forecast for home price growth this year is between 2 and 6 per cent, so this means that the upper band of the range has been met,” a property agent said, adding that prices for the rest of the year were likely to remain flat or see a marginal reduction.

The slowdown in the secondary property market was mainly due to three reasons – aggressive pricing schemes of developers who are looking to move rising inventories, higher interest rates and the sluggish performance of the Hong Kong stock market, analysts said.

This year, 119 new private housing projects with 40,291 units could be launched, according to a property agency. Most new units that have been put on the market so far this year had a price tag of less than HK$11 million (US$1.4 million), with the cheapest at a little over HK$3 million.

Higher interest rates have also weighed on the market, according to Lee. The Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate, or Hibor, has stayed at elevated levels in recent weeks, leading to higher borrowing costs for individuals and companies. It crossed the 4 per cent level on May 1 and rose as high as 4.71 per cent on May 22.

The performance of the Hang Seng Index has also not inspired confidence among homebuyers, with the bellwether gauge losing about 10 per cent since mid-April. Property prices in the city typically mirror the movement of the stock market, albeit with a lag of several months.

The latest data shows that minor corrections in property prices are likely to take place, according to a surveyor.

“It reveals that the market has already bottomed out, but there may still be some minor corrections in prices throughout the year, as the interest rate hikes may continue,” the surveyor said.

There were fewer residential transactions in April, which declined 31.5 per cent month on month to 4,583, according to data from the Land Registry. Sales in the primary and secondary markets fell 13.3 per cent and 38.1 per cent month on month, respectively.

Bank holidays in April may have impacted the number of transactions, according to the latest study by another property agency.

“The slowdown in home sales was due to the large amount of outbound travel by Hong Kong residents over the long Easter and Ching Ming holidays,” the agency said.

(South China Morning Post)










內地財團購旺角銀座式商廈 作價8667萬料回報約3厘

兩地通關後,內地客較以往活躍,旺角銀座式商廈LADDER Dundas,連沽3個單位,作價合共8667萬,平均呎價23355元,買家為內地財團,繼去年12月購入該廈全層單位,今番「加碼」承接。

由宏安發展的旺角彌敦道575號銀座式商廈LADDER Dundas,18、19及20樓全層,每層建築面積約1237方呎,分別以2860萬、2889萬及2918萬易手,買家為內地財團,一口氣連購3層,涉資共8667萬,其中,19及20樓連約易手,月租逾7萬,18樓則叫租7.8萬,回報約3厘。該名買家亦於去年12月購入該廈1樓全層,建築面積約1538方呎,成交價約4628萬,呎價約30091元。



LADDER Dundas由宏安發展,並於去年推出拆售,部分單位連食肆租約,回報約3厘,該物業樓高19層,聚集餐飲業,主攻本地市場,總建築樓面約25431方呎,宏安地產早於2019年以全幢形式放售,意向價約8億,呎價3.1萬,及後轉作收租用途,同時用作旗下的售樓中心,去年推出拆售。



另一代理表示,觀塘開源道68號觀塘廣場地下G002號鋪放售,建築面積477方呎,意向價約8800萬, 該舖位由2010年開始便由7-11便利店承租,租約至2026年2月底,連約出售,鋪位門濶約15呎,設有三相電100A及來去水,用途廣泛。



尖沙咀重建加快 助恒地拓商業王國

近年尖沙咀舊區重建加快,釋放不少商業樓面供應,區內至少9個重建項目,合共提供約112萬平方呎樓面,當中樓齡近60年的香檳大廈由恒地 (00012) 收購重建,將進一步擴大區內商業王國版圖。


香檳大廈B座改建 增14萬呎樓面



亞士厘道地盤 料第2季入伙預租中

在漢口道、亞士厘道亦有不少中小型的重建地盤,當中原本由資本策略 (00497)  收購的亞士厘道重建地盤,在2年前以約17.6億元轉售予建灝地產,目前正興建21層高商廈,總樓面約10萬平方呎,每層樓面約5,500平方呎,預計將於今年第2季入伙,現正進行預租。

另外在鄰近海防道的漢口道一帶,新世界 (00017) 或相關人士早在2016年已經開始收購漢口道43至49A號漢口大廈,現為1幢樓高11層商住大廈,地盤面積約11,565平方呎,規劃為商業用途,地積比率為12倍,重建樓面約13.9萬平方呎。




東瀛遊廣場全層 意向價1.06億







