信和Landmark South 招租 呎租逾30
信和集團今年兩寫字樓項目落成,集團現先推出黃竹坑 Landmark South 甲廈招租,呎租約30餘元;而下半年將推出元朗One North項目,兩項目合共提供約80萬呎樓面。集團認為今年市場整體商廈供應多,具特色的商廈仍有需求,而集團整體商廈出租率約9成。
信和集團及帝國合作發展的黃竹坑業勤街39號全新甲廈項目 Landmark South,預計今年第2季落成,樓高31層,總樓面達256,957平方呎,包括16層甲廈、3層零售空間及藝術展覽廳,另提供佔地9,000平方呎空中花園。藝術發展局將於此開設一個約5,000平方呎的多用途藝術展覽,另項目最頂兩層29及30樓,享特高樓底,項目可望今年8月入伙。
黃竹坑甲廈 已錄成交
信和集團資產管理董事蔡碧林表示,Landmark South 現進行招租,單位面積約1,497至1.4萬平方呎,呎租約30餘元。她指因疫情關係,招租工作及睇樓活動最近才開始,暫時反應不俗,已獲室內設計、私募基金等機構視察,並已錄得數宗細單位成交。項目賣點上,她表示項目鄰近港鐵站,而黃竹坑本身與中環僅數站之距,租金差幅大,亦鄰近南區,地點甚理想。
集團對上一次新寫字樓項目落成已為2008年,而今年更有兩幢甲廈推出,位於元朗One North,為集團在2015年以16.9億元投得,鄰近港鐵朗屏站,涉及2座樓高14層商廈,寫字樓面積約44.5萬平方呎,另商場零售面積約11.3萬平方呎,合共總樓面面積55.8萬平方呎。
元朗One North 料第三季招租
更多Landmark South寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:Landmark South寫字樓出租
租務市場將轉好 租金企穩
整體商廈租金穩定, 有代理行預計,隨着租務需求上升,租務市場將轉好,租金亦企穩。
IWG租全幢商廈 港島最大手
港島區最大手租務,為IWG集團租用灣仔皇后大道東8號全幢 (8QRE),開設Spaces辦公中心,而8QRE Spaces預計於2022年7月開幕。該集團指,該中心將提供超過900個辦公位置及70間私人辦公室,同時預留5層空間作企業專屬套間。除了服務式辦公室,其中兩層更將改造為「商務俱樂部」。業內人士預計,是次成交呎租料約45元,該廈總樓面約8萬平方呎,原由忠利保險租用。據悉,2019年共享空間品牌WeWork亦曾預租該廈全幢,惟最終取消,如今由IWG接手。
九龍寫字樓租金 末季將回升
鰂魚涌海裕街地皮放售 可建40萬呎
有外資代理行表示,獲接管人委託,招標出售鰂魚涌海裕街內地段第8590號餘段及內地段第8723號餘段,項目截標日期為2022年7月7日 (星期四) 中午12時正。
項目原由太平協和持有,去年3月獲通過有關原址換地申請,擬換地後的地盤面積或可達91,838平方呎,經補地價後,或可提供建築面積約400,000平方呎樓面,興建5幢34米至41米 (主水平基準以上) 的低矮建築物,作為酒店和辦公室用途,平台設4.1萬平方呎的觀景平台。
九龍灣億京中心 享海景樓面大
億京中心位於九龍灣宏光道,而地段屬區內核心商業地段,附近為企業廣場一期及企業廣場二期、企業廣場五期 Megabox、恩浩國際中心等商廈群,商業氣氛理想。交通方面,由港鐵九龍灣站前往該廈,步行需15分鐘以上,稍為不便,而大廈設有接駁巴士前往港鐵站,另若坐車前往啟德則約5至10分鐘車程。此外,Megabox商場附近亦有多條巴士綫,可前往港島,交通整體來說仍算方便。
單位四正 間隔靈活
高層多戶招租 呎租約21元起
有代理表示, A座28樓多個單位現正放租,涉及該層A至D室,面積由1,788至4,492平方呎,意向呎租約21元起。據了解,該層樓面由一本地廠家持有多年作收租之用,現可因應不同客戶需求,靈活安排把個別單位打通使用。由於屬高層樓面,單位享極開揚海景,非常舒適。
尖沙咀新港中心 中層戶意向呎價1.9萬
意向租金5.2萬 每呎36元
4月整體樓宇買賣 代理行估4700宗
有地產代理行統計,4月 (截至27日止) 整體樓宇買賣合約登記 (包括住宅、車位及工商舖物業) 暫錄4,016宗及311.4億元。預計全月錄4,700宗及370億元,將較3月份分別上升22.8%及6.2%。
Property market on the upswing as Covid wanes
Hong Kong's property market has regained its momentum with both primary and secondary markets performing well over the past few days amid the waning fifth Covid wave in the city.
All 388 homes at The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long on offer in the first round of sales sold out last Friday, and the remaining 327 units will be put on the market tomorrow, said the developers.
These homes were over 12 times oversubscribed after attracting more than 4,300 checks, they said.
On offer are 103 one-bedroom flats, 173 with two bedrooms, and 51 with three bedrooms, which are priced from HK$6.45 million to HK$14.91 million after discounts.
The 715-flat project is phase 1A of a 2,200-flat mega development that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).
The prices of phase 1B, which provides 805 flats, will be announced soon after the Wednesday sales, the developers said.
In Tai Kok Tsui, The Quinn Square Mile recorded at least 51 transactions as of Sunday, said the developer Henderson Land Development (0012), which cashed in nearly HK$330 million from the sales.
In Kai Tak, Henderson's project The Henley II kicks off sales of 98 homes today, including 92 on price lists and six by tenders.
The builder said it has collected over 350 checks for the 92 units on the lists, meaning the flats were more than 2.7 times oversubscribed.
Meanwhile, 10 defaulted flats at Sea to Sky, or phase eight of Lohas Park in Tseung Kwan O will be put up for sale again this Friday, said the developers CK Asset (1113) and MTR Corporation (0066).
The completed units, ranging from 468 square feet to 1,054 sq ft, are available for viewing, they said.
In the secondary market, a total of 21 deals were recorded in the 10 major housing estates over the weekend, the same as last week, and above the 20-mark for the seventh week in a row, according to property agency.
Property agent said that the secondary transactions did not decline despite the sales of new projects, reflecting that buyers still have strong interests in the property market.
The agent expects that there will be around 1,500 first-hand deals this month and the overall real estate prices will bounce back as well.
(The Standard)
‘The worst is over’ for Hong Kong’s shops segment, with rents and prices to recover on better consumer sentiment
Hong Kong’s shop market can expect a V-shaped rebound in transaction volume and prices in the second half, says Bridgeway CEO Lee
Prime street shop rents have continued to fall since the social unrest in mid-2019, taking the cumulative decline in value to 75 per cent from 2013
Hong Kong’s shop market is likely to see a V-shaped rebound this year as the easing of social distancing measures following the fifth wave of coronavirus outbreak in the city puts consumer spending back on track.
Shop rents could increase by up to 10 per cent in residential areas and by as much as 20 per cent in core areas, said Edwin Lee, founder and CEO of Bridgeway Prime Shop Fund Management.
“The worst for the shop market is over,” said Lee. “I expect that as the pandemic subsides, and with [subsequent] border reopening at home, there will be a V-shaped rebound in the sales volume and transaction prices [of shops] in the second half of the year.”
The prices of shops will increase by 5 to 10 per cent in residential areas and by 10 to 15 per cent in prime areas, he forecasts.
Prime street shop rents weakened 5 per cent in the first quarter this year, adding to a three-year slump. They tumbled by one-third in 2019 in the wake of the social unrest, followed by another 23.4 per cent in 2020 and 4.3 per cent in 2021 amid the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a property agency.
Overall, they have crashed by around 75 per cent since the first quarter of 2013, when the Individual Visit Scheme drew the most number of mainland travellers to the city.
Lee’s optimism is shared by other market insiders.
“Rents in traditional tourist areas will definitely increase by 10 to 20 per cent, as most of the shops in prime areas have seen rents fall by as much as 70 per cent from their highs,” a surveyor said.
On the other hand, the surveyor said that the rent increases in residential neighbourhoods will be sluggish, as unlike core areas where rents slumped during the pandemic, they moved higher in the same time span.
Meanwhile, the city recorded 288 shop transactions in the first three months this year, the lowest since 248 deals in the second quarter of 2020, according to Land Registry data. The value fell to HK$7.58 billion (US$966 million), the least since the first quarter of 2021.
“Even if there is a sixth wave, [prices] will not drop greatly [as] buyers feel they can bet on it, considering the [low] prices now,” a property agent said, adding that selling prices will be largely flat moving forward.
Russell Street, once the world’s most expensive retail strip, has recently seen a few short-term tenancies of face-mask shops. These retailers sometimes land a bargain, paying as little as HK$80,000 per month, which is about 15 to 25 per cent of peak rents seen in 2013.
With consumers unleashing “revenge spending” in the market, Bridgeway last month found a tenant for its street-level shop in Sheung Wan, who paid significantly higher than the previous client, Lee said.
The company signed a five-year lease for the 2,300-sq ft shop, with a fixed monthly rent of HK$130,000 for the first two years versus HK$100,000 previously, he added. The rate will increase to HK$143,000 per month thereafter.
(South China Morning Post)
為協助公務員建屋合作社 (下稱合作社) 解決重建難的問題,市區重建局 (下稱市建局) 於2020年5月以試點形式啟動土瓜灣區兩個合作社項目重建計劃,其中盛德街/馬頭涌道重建項目 (下稱盛德街項目) 去年8月開始收購,至今年4月底已有逾九成業主接納收購。市建局亦透露,已就西灣河一帶合作社向業主進行意見調查,絕大部分業主期望其樓宇可作重建。
前述兩個合作社項目,其中盛德街項目涉及約155個業權,預計日後可重建約640個私人住宅單位。市建局行政總監韋志成於網誌中指出,該項目推展進度較順利,地盤內9個合作社中,有8個在市建局開展項目前已經解散;餘下1個涉及12伙的合作社,在市建局顧問團隊支援下,只需約一年完成整個解散合作社 (散社) 和取回業權的程序,較以往社員自行處理散社所需的時間,縮短約18個月。
該項目僅有約9個業權因為業主離世後之繼承手續等較複雜的問題,尚未成功收購;其餘逾140個業權,市建局早前已向業主發放現金補償和特惠津貼。韋志成說,部分業主已陸續在九龍城、沙田、元朗等地區購買單位,另有43名業主選擇市建局提供的重置單位認購方案,有9人於上周一 (4月25日) 成功購入市建局位於九龍東啟德煥然壹居的樓換樓單位,部分則擬購買日後原址興建的新盤內的樓換樓單位,43人中有約一半則擬選購香港房屋協會正於啟德興建的專用安置屋邨內所提供的資助出售房屋。
Price-sensitive buyers snap up 51 units at The Quinn Square Mile in Tai Kok Tsui, netting HK$330 million for Henderson
Young buyers snap up 51 units out of 138 on offer at The Quinn Square Mile, Henderson Land says
Sunday’s launch follows an eventful week of new launches as pent up demand resurfaces after Covid restrictions
Henderson Land Development sold 51 units out of 138 on offer at the residential project The Quinn Square Mile in Tai Kok Tsui on Sunday, according to the developer, as price-sensitive buyers snapped up small-sized flats amid a pickup in new project launches from developers over the past week.
Most of the units sold by 6pm were one-bedroom flats and studios, according to property agents, with the majority of buyers being end users younger than 30 years old. Agents expected about 60 per cent of all available units to be sold by the end of the day, the second of the three-day Labour Day weekend.
“Many buyers remain optimistic about the property market outlook, as there is a strong pent up demand from buyers standing on the sidelines in the first quarter and fourth quarter of last year,” property agent said.
The sale of the Henderson Land project followed an eventful week of launches from developers, which saw new orders from buyers every day of the week. This is in sharp contrast to the preceding three-month lull in sales as social distancing measures linked to the city’s fifth wave of Covid-19 caused developers to delay new project launches.
Ahead of the sale, The Quinn Square Mile received 900 registrations from interested buyers, meaning about 7 interested buyers were going after each of the 138 units on offer, according to local media.
The batch released today, which accounts for about a fifth of the total 614 units in the project, also featured two-bedroom flats, with the biggest flat measuring up to 382 sq ft. The first-batch units were earmarked for sale at an average launch price of HK$23,928 per square foot after discounts offered by the developer.
That is about 1 per cent lower than units at Soyo, another tiny flat development in Mong Kok from Chun Wo Development Holdings. The launch price for those units last December was an average of HK$24,179 per square foot.
The Quinn Square Mile sales have so far netted HK$330 million for Henderson Land, according to Mark Hahn, the general manager of sales.
The resurgence in interest has also come ahead of more rate hikes in store for the rest of this year, which could increase buyers’ mortgage repayments down the line.
The US Federal Reserve is widely expected to raise the Fed funds rate by half a percentage point this month, as US inflation rose at the fastest pace in 40 years. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority would likely mirror the hike in its base lending rate due to Hong Kong’s currency peg to the US dollar, adding upwards pressure to mortgage payments linked to interbank rates.
Some potential buyers may be prompted to buy ahead of further rate hikes, which banks typically respond to with higher income requirements for mortgage applicants, agents said. That might have fuelled sales at The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long, which was developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land and Investment. All 388 flats on offer sold out on Friday.
Sales of new homes are likely to hit 1,200 units in April, according to another property agent. That would make it the busiest month since December, when 1,493 units were sold, according to Land Registry data. Sales could rise further to a 10-month high of 2,000 in May, the agent predicted.
(South China Morning Post)國際律師行 租中環約克大廈3層樓面
同區擴充 呎租約90餘元
國際律師行White & Case租用中環約克大廈3層,總樓面約2.5萬平方呎,新辦公室已於4月底啟用。據悉,該律師行原租用同區中匯大廈,是次搬遷屬擴充業務。市場人士預計,是次呎租約90餘元。
White & Case為國際律師事務所,在全球31個國家共設有45個辦事處;據悉,該公司曾租用置地旗下寫字樓。White & Case香港辦事處管理合夥人文宇軒表示,很高興重返置地中環物業組合,為不斷擴展的團隊及業務提供更大發展空間。置地指,截至去年尾,律師事務所租戶在置地中環物業組合整體租戶基礎中,佔比增至31%,租用面積超過126萬平方呎。現時整個「大中環區」內,近3/4大型律師事務所均為置地中環物業組合的租戶。
啟德多焦點商業項目 勢成第二CBD
AIRSIDE 料今年末季開幕
啟德全新地標 AIRSIDE 為一個190萬平方呎混合商業用地,由南豐集團於2017年投得,以逾246億元創下當時土地投標紀錄,項目樓高47層,當中逾30層為甲級寫字樓,面積合共120萬平方呎,坐擁無敵維港海景,更是首個連接啟德港鐵站和地下購物街的大型商場,購物空間達70萬平方呎。
另外,兩大日式百貨公司,SOGO 啟德旗艦店及 AEON 啟德店,都會先後進駐啟德區。當中 SOGO 崇光百貨將以雙子塔形式呈現,建築工程亦已進入直路,明年將正式落成開幕,區內住客的生活和消閒選擇一應俱全,當區樓價有望再升值。而 AEON 則將於啟德體育園內開設 AEON STYLE 新店,合約期9年,同樣預計於明年開業。
更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租
流標重推 華懋奪東涌57區商業地
而是次重推後,地皮共接獲5份標書,較首推時多出2份,並最終由華懋以約27.78億元奪得地皮,即每平方呎樓面地價約2,202元,成交價貼近市場估值下限。華懋表示,計劃在該地皮興建商場、辦公室及數據中心。地皮佔地約13.3萬平方呎,規劃為「商業 (1)」用途地帶,以地積比率約9.5倍發展,預計提供逾126萬平方呎商業樓面。
修訂招標條款 增數據中心用途
東涌站第1期 6成為辦公室樓面
入標價差距大 發展潛力現分歧
地皮3月底共截收5份標書,除中標的華懋外,還有嘉華 (00173) 、建灝,長實 (01113) 及信置 (00083) 入標。據資料顯示,撇除中標價27.78億元,其餘4份標書所出的標價介乎6,300萬至18億元,即每平方呎樓面地價約50至1,427元,可見中標價與次標價18億元已經大幅相差約54%,而最低標價更只錄6,300萬元,呎價僅約50元,屬於極低水平,意味中標價較最低標價足足高出27.15億元或逾43倍。
大角嘴宏創方7400萬易手 兩層工廈連18個車位 投資者劉志華承接
佐敦商住樓6600萬售 料合併毗鄰舊樓重建
New York law firm White & Case opens 3 floors at Hongkong Land’s York House as tenants cherry pick from Central’s office market slump
White & Case opened a 25,000-square foot (2,300 square metres) office across three floors late last month in York House, part of Hongkong Land’s Landmark complex
The lease marked the firm’s return as a Hongkong Land tenant, after spending 15 years down Queens Road Central at Central Development Limited ’s Central Tower
Office tenants are tiptoeing back to Hong Kong’s Central district, picking up choice commercial real estate space in what used to be the world’s costliest urban centre at more affordable prices amid a resurgent Covid-19 pandemic.
White & Case, a New York-headquartered law firm with 45 offices across 31 markets, opened a 25,000-square foot (2,300 square metres) office across three floors late last month in York House, leased for an undisclosed price at Hongkong Land’s Landmark commercial complex in Central.
The lease marked the law firm’s return as a Hongkong Land tenant, after spending 15 years further down Queen’s Road Central at Central Development Limited’s Central Tower. Before moving to Central Tower in 2007, White & Case occupied 17,000 sq ft of space at Gloucester Tower, one of the three office buildings in the Landmark complex.
“We are pleased to return to the Hongkong Land Central portfolio as we make room for our expanding team and future growth, [where] we look forward to continuing our focus on excellence and serving our clients as we deepen our expertise and presence in the market,” said Eugene Man, the executive partner at White & Case’s Hong Kong office. “York House will provide our employees and clients with unparalleled access to corporate and market leaders in one of the world’s leading international financial hubs.”
Office rent has plunged by 27 per cent from its peak in late 2021 in Hong Kong, according to Morgan Stanley’s estimate. Prices are likely to remain soft as 4.6 million sq ft of new grade A office supply are likely to be added to Hong Kong this year, the second-highest annual addition since 6.8 million sq ft were added in 1998.
Central’s office rental charges, still among the highest in the world, dipped by 0.1 per cent in March from February, according to a property agency. Overall office rents across the city fared worse, with a 0.2 per cent drop in the same month.
Still, the return by White & Case as a Landmark tenant was “not a sweetheart deal,” said Hongkong Land’s director Neil Anderson.
“White & Case chose to return to the Hongkong Land Central portfolio to make room for their expanding team and future growth and support their talent retention efforts,” he said. “York House is not a cheaper location. White & Case wanted to improve their workplace environment and saw the move as a flight to quality.”
The vacancy rate in Central dipped to 7.3 per cent in March, compared with 8 per cent in December 2021, according to data provided by the agency. City authorities have begun to gradually relax some of the social-distancing rules that were enforced in January to keep the highly transmissible Omicron variant of Covid-19 in check.
The gradual improvement in the take-up rate of empty offices is sustainable in the coming months as social distancing rules are further relaxed, and more employees return to work from their offices, a property agent said.
“Market momentum and activities are likely to improve in the second half as the government gradually relaxes the social-distancing rules from April 21 onwards,” the agent said. “Transactions will become more active in the second half, given the recovery cycle for the sector has been largely delayed by the Omicron strain of the coronavirus.”
Institutional investors are also likely to be more aggressive as they seek opportunities in Hong Kong, property agent said.
“In fact, 68 per cent of the first-quarter investment transaction [value] in Hong Kong were by institutional investors,” the agent said. “Most of the key investors [who] have their teams and presence in Hong Kong, [they] may have delayed their site inspection or decision-making process, but with the Omicron wave gradually stabilising, the investment market will become active again.”
(South China Morning Post)
For more information of Office for Lease at York House please visit: Office for Lease at York House
For more information of Office for Lease at Central Tower please visit: Office for Lease at Central Tower
For more information of Office for Lease at Gloucester Tower please visit: Office for Lease at Gloucester Tower
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central
Chicago-based Heitman joins global funds to tap Hong Kong’s growing demand for cold-storage facilities
Heitman plans to convert a 100,000 sq ft industrial building in Fanling into a cold-storage facility within the next 12 months
Global investment funds have spent HK$2.3 billion to acquire three cold-storage assets in Hong Kong over the past year
Global real estate funds are tapping growing demand for cold-storage facilities in Hong Kong as the tough social distancing rules and work from home arrangements amid the pandemic accelerates online sales of groceries.
Chicago-headquartered Heitman, with over US$50 billion in assets under management, is the latest entrant into the sector, acquiring a 100,000 sq ft industrial building in Fanling for an undisclosed price.
The fund will commence a fit-out of the property to repurpose the asset into a cold-storage facility.
“We expect demand for specialised en-bloc facilities to continue to grow on the back of close to full occupancy of cold-storage space currently across Hong Kong,” said Brad Fu, head of Asia-Pacific acquisitions at Heitman, which has been investing in Hong Kong’s traditional industrial and office properties since it set up an office here in 2012.
The facility is 100 per cent pre-let to end users even before the completion of the renovation work, which is likely to take around 12 months, Fu said. He added that the tenants include high-end fresh and frozen food operators, but declined to name them.
“Demand growth for cold-storage space has remained resilient as the online sale of groceries in the city has multiplied in recent years, while consumption of fresh and frozen foods has also continued to increase,” said Fu.
While imports of frozen food in terms of weight into Hong Kong grew at 11 per cent from 2016 to 2020 annually, cold-storage space by gross floor area saw a mere 4 per cent growth over the same period, according to the latest figures from a property agency.
Cold storage also enjoys a rental premium of about 20 per cent to 25 per cent above traditional warehouses, which rent for between HK$10 and HK$16 per square foot per month.
In recent years, cold storage has emerged as a sought-after subsector in Hong Kong’s industrial market, with investment funds typically showing huge interest, according to a report by the agency. International funds have bought three cold-storage assets since last year for a total of HK$2.3 billion.
New York-headquartered Angelo Gordon paid HK$1.43 billion for the 291,697 sq ft Kai Bo Group Centre in March last year.
The deal came one month after Australian property group Goodman bought the 103,746 sq ft Seapower Industrial Centre for HK$520 million, and Singapore-headquartered SilkRoad Property Partners paid HK$321 million for Smile Centre, a 97,751 sq ft cold-storage building.
Kwai Chung stands out as one of the most promising sub-markets, accounting for 44 per cent of the licensed cold-storage space that is well connected via the highway network, the agency’s report said.
Total cold-storage investment in Asia-Pacific reached US$2 billion in 2020, growing at an average annual rate of 21 per cent since 2011.
(South China Morning Post)
Sales kick off for The Henley II in Kai Tak
At least 12 of the 98 units on offer at The Henley II in Kai Tak were said to be sold after sales kicked off yesterday.
The developer Henderson Land Development (0012) said it has received 440 cheques for the 92 flats on the price lists, making the batch four times oversubscribed, and had sold four out of the six flats via tender.
The four homes sold by tender had areas of 888 square feet each and buyers forked out between HK$30.2 million and HK$34.5 million - or between HK$34,000 per sq ft and HK$38,851 per sq ft - for the flats.
A property agent said that property prices in Kai Tak will benefit from the opening of the East Rail Line cross-harbor extension, though the effect on The Henley II sales may be limited.
In Yuen Long, The Grand Mayfair I was nearly 22 times oversubscribed with 7,393 checks for the 327 flats on sale today.
On offer are 103 one-bedroom flats, 173 with two bedrooms, and 51 with three bedrooms, which are priced from HK$6.45 million to HK$14.91 million after discounts.
The 715-flat project is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).
Also in the same area, CK Asset (1113) has unveiled a new batch of 23 duplex flats at #Lyos, with prices starting from HK$13.82 million after discounts, or from HK$17,668 per sq ft.
The sales will kick off on Saturday and another eight special units will be sold by tender, said the developer.
All the 290 standard flats on price lists were sold last year and together with the duplex flats sold earlier, CK Asset has cashed in HK$1.85 billion from the project.
As developers speed up the pace of launching new projects, the agent expects the total number of first-hand transactions to be above 2,500 this month, which could be an 18-month high.
The market watcher said that the upcoming interest rate hikes may only have a temporary psychological impact on buyers and that buying properties is still a tool to offset currency depreciation amid inflation pressure.
Meanwhile, real estate consultancy said the high level of expected supply in the primary market will likely prompt developers to take on competitive pricing strategies, which in turn will exert pressure on the secondary market. Combined with the factor of increasing interest rates, housing prices will be under pressure this year, it added.
(The Standard)中環中心每呎80元續租跌15%
另一方面,據本港一間代理行綜合土地註冊處資料顯示,工商鋪4月份註冊量錄374宗 (主要反映3月份市況),按月上升約4.5%,註冊金額則錄47.39億,按月升約4.9%。該行認為,隨着第二階段社交距離措施將於5月放寬,第五波疫情的陰霾逐漸消退,預料後市將平穩發展。
尖區銀座式商廈一籃子貨沽 投資者紀寶5億售出 12年升值1倍
此外,紀寶亦於2018年底以8650萬向海航集團購入銅鑼灣yoo Residence基座地下及1樓鋪位,面積約7351方呎,同年中,以8850萬沽同區新時代中心頂層全層,面積3454方呎,持貨逾14年,帳面獲利7700萬。
置地暗盤放售薄扶林百合苑 市場估值逾12億 財團「吼到實」
此外,項目由7幢3層高的洋房組成,其中A1至A3號洋房面積為4440方呎,而B1至B4號洋房面積則為4506方呎,目前該項目所在地皮,為「住宅 (丙類) 1」用途,若買家購入後作重建,樓高最多為三層(包括開敞式停車間),最高建築物高度不得超過10.67米,以及最大覆蓋面積25%。
興勝創建公布,售出沙田工業中心一籃子物業,作價約2.11億,包括該廈A座4樓1至23號工作間及2樓V49及V55號車位,以總樓面約28050方呎計,呎價約7533元,買家為加拿大基金公司Brookfield Asset Management Inc。
新世界沽非核心物業 屯門聯昌低層連地廠2.84億售
灣仔商廈Novo Jaffe開售 涉58伙
宏基資本 (02288) 旗下灣仔商廈新盤「Novo Jaffe」新盤即將開售,物業位於灣仔謝斐道218號,樓高27層,3至30樓為寫字樓用途,每層面積約2,243平方呎,據悉部分樓層將分間細單位,面積約469至550平方呎起,項目合共58伙。
叫價共逾70億 蔚盈軒全幢減價一成
另外,近日市場有不少投資者入市工商物業,資料顯示,大角嘴必發道128號新式工廈宏創方地下停車場連1樓及2樓全層,上月初以7400萬元售出,買家以恩柏投資有限公司 (YAN PAK INVESTMENTS LIMITED),董事包括劉志華、劉凱恩等,其中劉志華為佳明 (1271) 執行董事及行政總裁,而恩柏投資註冊地址同為佳明位於尖沙嘴漆咸道南39號鐵路大廈總部。上述物業包括11個私家車位、5個輕型貨車位及兩個電單車位,另1樓及2樓建築面積共約10,627方呎,連1468方呎平台,呎價約6963元。
Island South Grade-A project launched
Sino Group and Empire Group have commenced leasing their latest Grade-A commercial project in Wong Chuk Hang Landmark South, fetching an average monthly rent of about HK$30 per square foot.
Boasting a total area of 256,957 square feet, the 30-storey office-cum-retail complex will be officially opened in the third quarter. Bella Chhoa Peck-lim, director of asset management of Sino Group, revealed that some design and architecture firms, as well as galleries have shown keen interest in the project.
Despite the trend of hybrid working mode, Albert Yiu Chi-wai, executive director of Empire Group, expects the rent in the area to be stable unlike Central, which was once hard hit by the pandemic, due to its relatively low rent and the completion of more residential and commercial projects as well as the Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong that will draw more people to the district.
The site was acquired for HK$2.53 billion, or HK$8,872 psf, based on a gross floor area of 284,945 square feet, and the developers are required to accommodate the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in the premises as a part of the government’s Invigorating Island South initiative.
(The Standard)
For more information of Office for Lease at Landmark South please visit: Office for Lease at Island South
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Wong Chuk Hang please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Wong Chuk Hang
The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long is nearly sold out within a week of its launch.
At least 322 of the 327 flats available in the second round of sales launched yesterday were purchased, with developers raking in over HK$3 billion in just one day.
The flats were nearly 22 times oversubscribed before the sales, with prices ranging from HK$6.45 million to HK$14.91 million after discounts.
Together with the sales last Friday, 710 of the 715 homes in the project have been sold over the past six days, with the developers cashing in more than HK$6.6 billion in contracted sales.
The project is phase 1A of a 2,200-flat mega development that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).
Prices of phase 1B, The Grand Mayfair II with 805 flats, will be announced soon.
In Tai Kok Tsui, 18 more homes at The Quinn Square Mile will be put on the market today, and another five on Saturday, said the Henderson Land Development (0012).
Several special units will also be tendered soon, and it has recorded a contracted sales of HK$368 million from the project after selling 57 flats, Henderson said.
In Ngau Tau Kok, sales of 40 units at The Aperture will be relaunched on Sunday, the developer Hang Lung Properties (0101) said.
(The Standard)
The Grand Mayfair I project in Yuen Long enjoys strong sales as discounts attract first-time buyers
The project, developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land and Investment, found buyers for 322 of the 327 flats on offer on Wednesday
Analysts predict a surge in supply, as more cut-price projects are launched in the coming months, will suppress house prices
Almost all available units at The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long were sold on Wednesday as buyers continue to snap up projects launched after a three-month lull caused by the fifth wave of Covid-19.
The project, developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land and Investment, found buyers for 322 of the 327 flats on offer, a company spokeswoman said. It was the second round of sales after the project at Kam Sheung Road Station sold all 388 units on offer last Friday.
“The pandemic has subsided significantly, and social distancing measures have been gradually relaxed, which is good for the property market,” a property agent said. “Developers are taking advantage of the situation to push forward developments at full speed.”
Sales are likely to have been boosted by the relatively cheap prices, as developers seek to make up for lost time by shifting as many units as possible.
Prices started at HK$6.45 million (US$821,784) for a 339 square-foot flat.
The average price this time worked out at HK$18,777 per square foot, after a discount of 16 per cent. That was about 1 per cent higher than the first round, but still 12 per cent lower than the prevailing secondary market price of HK$21,400 per sq ft seen at Ocean Pride in Tsuen Wan West, according to data from a property agency.
the agent said that the relatively low prices helped boost sales as “the unit prices are suitable for first-time buyers.”
The project fetched 7,393 registrations of intent, which meant about 23 people competed for each unit.
The first batch of 388 flats sold out in one day last Friday, pushing up the first-hand sales volume in April to about 1,030, which surpassed the total for the first quarter of the year, the agent said.
Another property agency expects the overall number of property transactions in May to climb to a five-month high of some 7,000.
Hong Kong developers have already launched hundreds of flats at knock-down prices in a bid to make up for lost time as the city began to emerge from months of strict social-distancing measures that made house sales all-but impossible.
Analysts predict a surge in supply, as more cut-price projects are launched in the coming months, will suppress house prices.
Another agency expects that this year’s mass home prices to drop by about 5 per cent, a downgrade of its previous forecast of a rise of up to 5 per cent.
“We expect a high concentration of launches in the second half of 2022, with potentially over 20,000 units to be issued with presale consent, similar to the previous peak in 2018,” another agent said. “Combined with increasing interest rates, housing prices will be under pressure.”
The agency said that developers had postponed launches originally slated for the first few months of the year. Four projects consisting of 1,211 units acquired presale consent but were held back during the first quarter as fifth wave of coronavirus struck.
“The high level of expected supply in the primary market is likely to prompt developers to take on competitive pricing strategies, which in turn will exert pressure on the secondary market,” a property agent said.
(South China Morning Post)
Heitman Buys Hong Kong Industrial Asset From New World Heir for Reported $57M
Heitman has acquired an industrial building in Hong Kong’s Fanling area from a grandson of New World founder Cheng Yu-tung for a reported HK$450 million ($57.33 million), with the US fund manager planning to transform the asset into a refrigerated storage facility.
The Chicago-based fund manager announced on Wednesday that it has purchased the New China Laundry building in Fanling, in the eastern New Territories, and will convert the 101,463 square foot (9,426 square metre) property into a cold chain facility within the next 12 months.
“We are pleased to add to our existing industrial and commercial portfolio in Hong Kong by acquiring this strategically located asset from a rare corporate divestiture and look forward to executing our business plan of transforming the property into a best-in-class cold chain logistics center,” Heitman head of acquisitions for Asia Pacific Brad Fu said in the statement.
While Heitman declined to comment on the price paid for the asset or the beneficial owner of the vendor, Hong Kong’s company registry shows that the seller is controlled by William Junior Guilherme Doo, son of New World non-executive vice chairman William Doo, with local media reports putting the sale consideration at HK$450 million.
Chilled Valuation
Fu said that with the laundry business, which primarily services hotels and airlines, having been hit hard by the pandemic Heitman was able to secure the 1990-vintage asset at a discounted price, with the purchase having already been completed.
The reported price tag for the six-storey building translates to around HK$4,435 per square foot of built area, with the building occupying a 22,163 square foot site.
Without specifying current tenants, Fu said the building at 6 Yip Cheong Street is now fully leased, and after its conversion will be used as a last-mile distribution hub primarily for storing wine as well as frozen and chilled food products.
“We expect demand for specialized en-bloc facilities to continue to grow on the back of close to full occupancy of cold-storage space currently across Hong Kong,” Fu said.
Heitman picked up the industrial property on behalf of its $750 million Heitman Global Real Estate Partners II which reached a final closing in July 2021. The fund manager has said that with this fresh cash it will invest around $1.5 billion in mispriced, maturing and defensive assets around the world.
“The Hong Kong logistics asset provides geographic and sector diversification while aligning with the smart diversification theme of our proprietary global portfolio construction process. Further, the acquisition is aligned with our global selection of well-positioned assets for re-use in order to benefit from changing consumer demands,” said Gordon Black, senior managing director and portfolio manager at Heitman.
New Fund on the Block
Heitman’s acquisition of 6 Yip Cheong Street is the latest in a series of Fanling deals by international investors over the last 16 months, and the third on the same block.
In September, Blackstone purchased Yip’s Chemical Building at 13 Yip Cheong Street for HK$283 million, with JP Morgan Asset Management following up one month later with its HK$231 million purchase of the Chung Tai Printing Group building at 11 Yip Cheong street – just a few doors down from Heitman’s latest prize.
Including SilkRoad Property Partners’ HK$321 million purchase of the Smile Centre in Fanling in January of last year, international funds have now spent nearly HK$1.3 billion acquiring logistics assets in Fanling, according to data from a property agency. Also during 2021, China Resources Logistics acquired the Mineron Centre in Fanling for HK$695 million.
In a briefing, the agency noted that en bloc industrial transactions hit a five-year high of HK$19.4 billion in Hong Kong last year, with Fanling accounting for more than a quarter of the buildings traded in the sector since the beginning of 2021.
Of the HK$30 billion in Hong Kong real estate investments by international funds since the beginning of last year, some 70 percent went to industrial assets, according to the agency’s figures.
Chengs on the Move
Local news accounts indicated that the seller of the Fanling asset, Success Ocean Ltd, had owned the property since 1999.
Now 48, Willam Doo Jr, who serves as a director of several businesses including New World’s NWS Holdings infrastructure division, The Bank of East Asia and property management firm FSE Lifestyle Services, has sold the New Territories property just a half year after his father’s purchase of a commercial project in London in November 2021.
The 77-year-old real estate tycoon bought the former House of Fraser department store at 68 King William Street in the City of London for around $175 million, making the 11-storey commercial block his first directly owned property in the city.
The Cheng family is one of the richest clans in Hong Kong with the fortune of Henry Cheng – New World’s chairman and the son of Cheng Yu-tung – combined with his family’s wealth ranking the Chengs third on Forbes’ 2021 rich list for the city.
英基標售環角道豪宅地 市場估值逾18億 可建3.1萬呎
尖沙嘴漢口道舊樓作價15億 樂風夥外資基金收購 將重建甲廈項目
樂風集團投資管理總監梁鎮峰表示,該地盤面積約9650方呎,規劃為『商業 (甲類)』地盤,可建樓面約11.58萬方呎,總收購價逾15億,每呎樓面地價約12953元。
首季商廈買賣登記 僅165宗7季新低
該行代理表示,商廈買賣登記上月失守半百宗,而首季合共亦只錄得165宗登記,除按季大挫38%外,更創自2020年第3季以來的7季新低。根據土地註冊處數據,2022年3月份全港共錄49宗商廈買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前商廈市場實際市況),較2月份的50宗減少1宗,連跌4個月兼創近19個月低位,惟跌勢已見喘穩。
11分區 3區零成交
銅鑼灣商地申寬樓面 新增樓面料作文化設施
去年由希慎興業 (00014) 及華懋奪得的銅鑼灣加路連山道百億商業地王,近期向城規會提交發展藍圖,及申請放寬約2%總樓面至約109.8萬平方呎,以發展3座商廈,將提供商業、社會福利設施、演藝及文化場地等。
規劃署不反對 城規料批出
地皮前身為機電工程署總部等設施,對面是希慎旗下利園六期,佔地約15.93萬平方呎。申請人早前向會方申請,將分區計劃大綱圖內的總樓面面積限制由約107.6萬平方呎,輕微增加2%至約109.8萬平方呎,新增的2.2萬平方呎樓面將作為演藝及文化設施。地皮計劃以地積比率約6.89倍,發展3座16至24層高 (另設5層地庫) 的商廈,預計2029年第三季落成。
用途靈活 酒店獲財團熱捧
受疫情影響下,本年首季投資市場淡靜,市場罕有錄得大手買賣。即使交投不及去年活躍,酒店卻成功跑出,首季已錄得數宗酒店成交,包括莊士機構國際 (00367) 持有的紅磡逸.酒店 (Hotel sáv),以16.5億元售出,物業佔地面積約1.02萬平方呎,總樓面面積合共約12.21萬平方呎,設有388間客房,買家為外資基金AEW。
踏入第2季,多個酒店項目獲財團洽購,部分更正式易手,較大手交為九龍珀麗酒店以13.75億元成交。物業位於大角咀道86號,於2011年落成及開業,地盤面積約9,090平方呎,總樓面約11萬平方呎。項目樓高27層,提供435間房,天台則為酒吧。以13.75億元成交價計,每間房價值約316萬元。買家為共居品牌weave LIVING,該集團指與環球房地產資產公司落實收購大角咀九龍珀麗酒店,成為集團旗下迄今規模最大的物業。weave LIVING將進行全面翻新,包括為部分房間重新布局,將物業打造成時尚、配套完備、靈活租期的現代住宿空間。
weave LIVING近年積極在港擴充,去年已先後兩度入市,包括以2.95億元收購西半山醫院道6至8號全幢住宅物業,涉48間房。
太極軒放售3服務住宅 市值21億
近期全幢項目受捧,太極軒 (CHI Residences) 放售3項服務式住宅,市值約21億元。
有外資代理行表示,太極軒現正放售灣仔、西環及佐敦服務式住宅。其中,最貴重為太極軒138 (CHI138),物業位於莊士敦道138號,提供107個住宅單位,面積介乎於290至2,400平方呎,單位類型包括開放式單位、1房及2房單位、3房複式單位以及頂層全層特色單位。據悉,項目市值約13億元。
佐敦CHI314 涉59伙
另太極軒120 (CHI120) 坐落於西營盤干諾道西120號,鄰近港鐵西營盤站,屬1梯1伙設計,提供19個住宅單位,每個單位面積約1,050平方呎並設有私人露台,市場估值約4億元。至於至於太極軒314 (CHI314) 位於佐敦彌敦道314至316號,提供59個單位,面積介乎於410至1,400平方呎,估值約4億元,3項物業合共涉值約21億元。
Layout revealed for Tai Po flats
Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has unveiled the layout of Phase 1 of Silicon Hill in Tai Po, which will provide 576 flats.
Around 70 percent of the flats in the project have two or fewer bedrooms, and studio units with areas of around 230 square feet account for only a "very small proportion," the developer said.
The sales brochure is under preparation and the sales could be launched this month, it added.
In Ho Man Tin, Kerry Properties (0683) has unveiled the first price list for 10 LaSalle, involving 30 one-bedroom flats at an average price per square foot of HK$23,300 after discounts.
The batch, which comprises flats from 319 sq ft to 409 sq ft, is priced from HK$7.38 million to HK$9.33 million after discounts, or from HK$20,989 per sq ft to HK$25,559 per sq ft, the developer said.
The completed project provides 73 homes in total and 11 of them have been sold via tender with the developer raking in over HK$450 million.
Sales will take place next week at the earliest and the future batches may cost more, it said, adding that six flats on the 12th floor are open for viewing.
In Kowloon City, Country Garden (2007) has released the sales brochure of Allegro, which offers 190 homes from 213 to 414 sq ft.
In Chung Hom Kok, a 42,496-sq-ft site which could be turned into a luxury residential development is seeking a sale by tender with a valuation of around HK$2 billion, according to a real estate firm.
In the commercial market, Lofter Group said it plans to acquire the majority portion of a HK$1.5 billion property in Tsim Sha Tsui with partners for a Grade-A commercial redevelopment.
Meanwhile, Hysan Development (0014) and Chinachem have applied for a 2 percent increase in buildable area for the HK$19.78 billion commercial site on Caroline Hill Road in Causeway Bay they secured last May.
(The Standard)中環商廈打造共享工作空間 華懋蔡宏興:入場月租3000元
共享工作空間近年大行其道,發展商紛紛加快發展步伐。華懋集團執行董事兼行政總裁蔡宏興表示,集團旗下全新品牌CCG Commons夥拍營運商the Hive,於中環華懋大廈打造全新共享工作空間,命名為the Hive Central X CCG Commons,合共有四層,總樓面約17027方呎,入場租金由每月3000元起,項目於本月底開業,洽租情況理想,目前出租率約15%。
蔡宏興接本報訪問時指出,該集團成立全新品牌「CCG Commons」,涵蓋三大方向,包括同創、連繫及成長,該品牌首個發展項目,為夥拍共享辦公室品牌the Hive於中環干諾道中34至37號華懋大廈,打造全新共享工作空間,名為the Hive Central X CCG Commons,分布於該廈3樓、6樓、13樓及21樓,總樓面約17027方呎,合共提供270流動辦公桌及38間私人辦公室。
至於the Hive為業內跨國營運商,於2012年成立,在亞太區多個國家擁有21個據點,當中本港有10個據點。
上月錄約357宗工商鋪買賣 代理行:表現「量跌價升」
外資基金看好工廈 屢錄大手成交
另外,興勝創建 (00896) 以逾2.11億元,沽出沙田工業中心一籃子物業,涉及物業A座4樓的1至23號工作間及位於該廈2樓的兩個車位。總樓面約28,050平方呎,呎價約7,522元。沙田工業中心旁邊為九巴沙田車廠,並鄰近港鐵第一城站、帝逸酒店、住宅欣廷軒等。據了解,是次新買家為加拿大基金Brookfield Asset Management。據了解,新買家計劃購入上述物業作迷你倉業務。
柴灣工廈3層樓面 1.8億售
大角咀利.晴坊23 商舖1.2億招標
包括5舖平台 連車位
項目包括5個商舖 (地下1至3號舖、地下4號舖連1樓、地下5號舖連1樓),商場平台建築面積約10,701平方呎,另有5個商用車位及5個廣告位置。由於商舖已分契,若果投資者購入可以將舖位「即買即拆售」
甲廈連續6個月 錄淨吸納量
中環空置率回落 租金跌0.1%
香港體檢租10層 獲命名權
大廈前身為金峰大廈,於1960年落成,地盤面積約5,000平方呎,總樓面約60,798平方呎。2018年,資本策略 (00497) 斥資約21億元購入物業,平均呎價3.4萬元。物業對面的嘉賓商業大廈為傳統「醫生樓」,故資本策略購入,斥資數千萬元進行大翻新,現時大廈地下大堂甚新淨,外形亦較以前理想。大廈去年完成翻新工程,業主把物業打造成以醫務為主題商廈。
3層樓面招租 意向呎租約48
有代理表示,由資本策略 (00497) 發展的佐敦彌敦道241至243號香港體檢中心,租務交投不俗,目前僅餘13至15樓共3層樓面推出市場招租,每層面積約4,153平方呎,意向呎租約48元起。
醫務相關行業在疫情下明顯擴充,本年2月,盈健醫療 (01419) 公布,租用尖沙咀星光行地下9、9A及10A舖,以及1樓A至C舖,租約由2022年5月1日起至2028年4月30日止,為期6年,物業將作為大型醫務中心,提供一站式的醫療服務及健康科技相關服務。據了解,該物業面積約3.8萬平方呎,6年租期涉及9,523萬元,按此計算月租約132萬元,呎租約35元。
New launches, rate fears hit secondary market
Secondary home sales at 10 major housing estates declined over the weekend, amid ample primary market supplies and imminent interest rate hikes, according to a property agency.
Only 11 deals were recorded, which was four less than a week ago, the agency said. The number slightly rose to 13 during the three-day holiday if the Monday figure is included.
A property agent said that the ample supply of homes in new projects, anticipated interest rate hikes, and a decline in home viewing appointments on Mother's Day led to the fall in the number of deals.
It may take some time for buyers to digest the news of US interest rate increases, the agent said, adding that they now prefer to wait and see the trend of property prices after the hikes kick in.
Meanwhile, Henderson Land Development (0012) sold at least seven flats over the long weekend and cashed in over HK$67 million, said Mark Hahn Ka-fai, a general manager of the sales department.
The Holborn in Quarry Bay recorded three deals after kicking off sales of 20 flats yesterday.
The developer released the third price list last week, offering 45 units at an average price per sq ft of HK$24,355 after discounts.
Two Artlane in Sai Ying Pun also saw one transaction, and the developer has raked in nearly HK$2 billion from the sales of this project, Hahn said.
In Ho Man Tin, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said the showrooms at Prince Central will open to the public today.
Located at 195 Prince Edward Road West, the completed project provides 101 flats ranging from 251 square feet to 1,351 sq ft.
The developer said the price will be unveiled soon and sales may take place within the week.
One-bedroom and studio units account for over 70 percent of the total number of flats in the project and the SHKP previously released the first price list of 50 units last year but the sales were later scrapped.
On the luxury front, Sino Land (0083) and CLP (0002) sold a 2,140-square-foot home at St. George's Mansion in Ho Man Tin for HK$105 million, or HK$49,065 per sq ft, via tender.
(The Standard)
Home rents along Hong Kong’s East Rail Line expected to rebound quickly after opening of new cross-harbour extension
More families from Hong Kong Island East are looking for bigger flats in northeastern New Territories, property agent said
Rents in Tai Wai, Sha Tin and Ma On Shan could increase by about 5 to 15 per cent in coming months
Rents at housing developments along Hong Kong’s East Rail Line are expected to rebound first, following the opening of the line’s cross-harbour extension on Sunday, May 15, agents said.
The extension will cut travel times between Tai Wai and Sha Tin in New Territories and Admiralty on Hong Kong Island to about 17 to 21 minutes from 28 to 32 minutes previously, making these areas more attractive to renters, they said, adding that some homeowners in Tai Wai and Sha Tin were already refusing to cut rents. Commuters from these two areas will be able to travel directly to Admiralty from Sunday, instead of changing lines in Kowloon Tong and Mong Kok currently.
“Mainland Chinese students were the major source of demand in these two areas previously, as they are close to Chinese University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong. But we have seen more families from Hong Kong Island East look for bigger flats here,” property agent said.
The 16-station East Rail Line will connect northeastern New Territories directly with central Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. Commuters will be able to reach the commercial and financial hubs in the Wan Chai North and Admiralty areas without changing lines. Admiralty station will become a mega interchange for four railway lines – East Rail Line, Tsuen Wan line, Island line and South Island line.
Families are looking for 1,400 to 1,600 sq ft, three to four-bedroom flats in Tai Wai and even in Ma On Shan, where rents are more affordable than Hong Kong Island, Tsang said. He recently helped a family lease a 1,602 sq ft four-bedroom flat at the two-year-old The Entrance development near Wu Kai Sha station for HK$65,000 (US$8,280) per month. “The project is new, and comes with a sea view,” the agent said.
In Wu Kai Sha, more renters are looking for large units in Altissimo and St Berths since late April, the agent added. Buying activity, however, remains stagnant as demand has been dampened by a potential interest rate hike and uncertainties about the mainland border reopening, the agent said.
Rents in Tai Wai, Sha Tin and Ma On Shan would have greater upside potential in coming months, increasing by about 5 to 15 per cent, the agent said. Viewing appointments had increased by 20 to 30 per cent over the last weekend from the previous weekend, the agent added.
Rents of lived-in homes have fallen 11 per cent after reaching a peak in August 2019, according to the latest Rating and Valuation Department data.
“Home rents dropped most in the first quarter, when the city’s Covid-19 pandemic was worsening, as most owners refused to open their flats for viewing,” another agent said.
Rents in Tai Wai, however, may come under pressure once again, when the phase one of New World Development’s 700-unit Pavilia Farm comes due for occupation in September. “By that time, more new flats will come on the market for leasing and offer more choices to renters,” the agent said.
But the leasing market in Sheung Shui, the second last stop before Lo Wu on the East Rail Line, appears to not have attracted many takers following the news of the new cross-harbour extension.
“We have not seen more purchasers or renters visiting Sheung Shui. But the positive news will bring the area back to buyers or renters’ radar again later,” another agent said.
(South China Morning Post)東莞銀行傳80萬租中環3層巨舖
較舊約平三成 每呎58元
資料顯示,中銀集團人壽保險大廈全幢原由中銀保險持有,於2008年以8億元售予賭王四太梁安琪旗下尚嘉控股,該3層舖位一直租予中銀香港 (02388) 作為分行。舖位對上一份租約為2018至2021年,月租為112.5萬元,租約去年4月屆滿。
知情人士表示,上述舖位的新租戶為銀行,以東莞銀行的呼聲最高。東莞銀行為大灣區內的城商行之一,去年3月獲金管局授予銀行牌照,並租用中環國際金融中心二期寫字樓單位設立香港分行,是該行目前唯一境外分行。東莞銀行近期再向金管局申請在港設子行的牌照 (本港註冊持牌銀行),新公司命名「莞銀國際」,將染指本地零售銀行市場,估計新承租的舖位將用作首間零售銀行分行。
美資基金4.5億入市 購粉嶺全幢工廈
呎價約4435 將作凍倉
投資市場稍轉好,而工廈成交明顯反彈,並多由外資基金承接,如日前興勝創建 (00896) 以逾2.11億元沽出沙田工業中心一籃子物業,新買家為加拿大基金Brookfield,將發展迷你倉。
Brookfield Buys Hong Kong Storage Space From Hanison for $27M After Acquiring RedBox
Brookfield has agreed to acquire industrial assets in Hong Kong’s New Territories from Hanison Construction for HK$211.3 million ($26.9 million), following closely behind the Canadian asset management giant’s under-the-radar purchase of local self-storage operator RedBox.
The assets comprise workshops 1 to 23 on the fourth floor of Block A at Shatin Industrial Centre and car parking spaces V49 and V55 on the second floor of the building, Hanison said Tuesday in a filing with the Hong Kong stock exchange.
Market sources tell Mingtiandi that Brookfield plans to convert the Shatin industrial units into a self-storage facility under the RedBox portfolio, tapping a hot sector that has also seen a series of conversion-led acquisitions by rival investor Blackstone. RedBox executives declined to comment.
Toronto-based Brookfield quietly bought RedBox Storage from InfraRed NF in a deal that closed in March, sources said. InfraRed NF is a joint venture of Hong Kong developer Nan Fung Group and British investment firm InfraRed Capital Partners, which is exiting the real estate business to focus strictly on infrastructure. Brookfield representatives also declined to comment on the Shatin acquisition or on the takeover of RedBox.
Struggling for Sheds
Situated at 5-7 Yuen Shun Circuit near the City One residential precinct, the partly leased Shatin property generated an annual rental income of HK$3,180,000 and HK$3,485,000 in the financial years ended 31 March 2021 and 31 March 2022, Hanison said. The developer, controlled by the Cha family of Hong Kong Resorts International, expects to book a gain on the disposal of HK$66.2 million.
Upon completion of the transaction, Brookfield will take possession of the 34,525 square foot (3,207 square metre) industrial space, paying roughly HK$6,120 ($780) per square foot for the conversion opportunity.
The limited supply of industrial stock for sale in the market means that investors buying into strata-titled floors can still enjoy a decent return from the assets, a property agent said.
“The mini-storage business seems to be quite active in the last year, and in particular Blackstone and Storefriendly have been buying en-bloc properties to convert into mini-storage,” the agent told Mingtiandi. “This sector will continue to grow despite the fact that there are quite a number of players and operators in the market which offer the similar service and product, hence the growth should be slower depending on the locations.”
Blackstone’s trio of acquisitions in 2021 included the Elegance Printing Centre, a Shau Kei Wan property picked up from the family of late “Shop King” Tang Shing-bor for HK$500 million. That November deal followed the US private equity giant’s HK$282.6 million September purchase of Yip’s Chemical Building in the Fanling area and the HK$508 million April buy of the New Media Tower in Kwun Tong, the latter property having already opened as a Storefriendly location through a joint venture with the local self-storage operator.
Self-Storage Heats Up
InfraRed NF acquired a 90 percent stake in RedBox in 2018, on the heels of a 2017 investment of $28 million in China Mini Storage, a mainland-based self-storage provider.
RedBox was founded in 2014 by E3 Capital Partners, a property investment firm led by Simon Tyrrell, and now owns and operates five self-storage facilities in Shatin, Chai Wan, Yau Tong, Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan, spanning more than 400,000 square feet of space.
Tyrrell stepped down as RedBox CEO in early 2021 to become a board member and executive chairman, focusing on the company’s strategic initiatives. His successor, Tim Alpe, previously served as chief operating officer of the Ovolo boutique hotel group in Hong Kong and Indonesia.
The New Territories contains the lion’s share of Hong Kong’s 690 self-storage locations with 39 percent, according to data compiled by another property agency, followed by Hong Kong Island with 32 percent and Kowloon with 29 percent. Of the total, 249 buildings are considered old, with 88 percent of them having been built in 1987 or earlier, presenting a potential flight-to-quality opportunity, the property agency said.
灣仔秀華坊18號申強拍 值5751萬
秀華坊18號舊樓比鄰嘉諾撒聖方濟各學校,鄰近有住宅星域軒、興建中的Eight Star Street。該舊樓早於1963年落成,現為1座6層高的住宅,而該財團目前已集合83.33%的業權。
是次申請強拍的用地佔地約3,357.5平方呎,劃為「住宅 (丙類)」及顯示為「道路」的用途,而據灣仔分區計劃大綱圖,「住宅 (丙類)」用地的任何新發展的最高地積比率為5倍,而建築物高度最高可建12層,或不可超過現有建築物的地積比率及高度,兩者中以數目較大者為準。
Sun Hung Kai plans to build 9,940 flats at Yuen Long’s Tam Mei wetlands in one of Hong Kong’s biggest mass housing projects
Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) plans to build 9,940 flats at Tam Mei in Yuen Long, according to applications filed with Hong Kong’s Town Planning Board
The project comprises 36 residential towers of between 10 and 29 floors each, translating to about 400 square feet (37 square metres) for each unit on average
A mass housing project is taking shape near the wetlands in Hong Kong’s New Territories, with the potential to accommodate 25,850 residents when it is completed in 2026, a major step towards easing the acute shortage in one of the world’s most expensive cities.
Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) plans to build 9,940 flats at Tam Mei in Yuen Long, according to applications filed with Hong Kong’s Town Planning Board.
The project comprises 36 residential towers of between 10 and 29 floors each, translating to about 400 square feet (37 square metres) for each unit on average, according to the plan.
The number of flats being planned, equivalent to Hong Kong’s total home sales in the first seven months of 2021, is about the size of Whampoa Garden in Hung Hom, making it one of the city’s largest residential communities.
The push to develop the area – currently on loan to the city government as a community isolation facility for Covid-19 patients – follows the extension of a transport network to promote Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor’s Northern Metropolis project.
The project is near the planned Au Tau subway station of the Northern Link, about 800 meters away from the station. It takes 10 minutes to reach the “Hong Kong Silicon Valley” San Tin Technopole, which aims to create 148,000 IT-related jobs.
“Now that the Northern Link construction has been revealed, the land should yield residential development to solve Hong Kong’s housing problem, which is better,” said SHKP’s project director Spencer Lu.
SHKP plans to include nearly three hectares of wetlands within the Tam Mei project to balance conservation with its property development. The project includes land that has been earmarked for a primary school, and elderly care homes and amenities.
The northern part of the project, currently being used as Hong Kong’s community isolation facility – has been permitted for transformation into a large-scale retail outlet in the early years, according to the plan.
The southern part has received permission for the construction of a hotel, and is currently mainly a brownfield site for large open-air warehouses. The Koon Chun Sauce Factory sits in the middle of the site. SHKP said it reached an agreement with Koon Chun to relocate its factory to the southern region of the site.
With a plot ratio of 2.2 to 2.5 times for the residential part, that will account for 4 million sq ft in gross floor area. The non-residential part, with a plot ratio of less than 0.1 time, will yield 150,158 sq ft.
The development site will measure 2.11 million sq ft, including housing development that spans 1.75 million sq ft, the relocated sauce factory and a school.
SHKP claims to be the most active developer in converting farmland to residential use. SHKP is experienced in balancing conservation and development, including the construction and rapid sales of Wetland Seasons Park and Wetland Seasons Bay next to the Hong Kong Wetland Park.
The applications will be subject to three weeks of consultation, and is expected to be discussed in a Planning Board meeting in mid-July, when it may be approved or rejected, according to the Board’s website.
The developer wants the approval process to be fast and completed this year, and aims to complete the first phase of the project by 2026 and 2027, said Rebecca Wong, planning director of project planning and development department of the developer.
The ownership of agricultural land in the New Territories is extremely fragmented, said the developer. It called on the government to adopt a more flexible approach in the future to facilitate more land planning adjustment projects and make better use of land resources.
(South China Morning Post)
Hongkong Land Leases 3 Central Office Floors to White & Case
Hongkong Land has welcomed a former tenant back to its Central office portfolio after 15 years, announcing that global law firm White & Case had taken up three floors at York House, the developer’s Grade A office tower at 15 Queen’s Road.
The US-based firm is leasing 25,000 square feet (2,322 square metres) across floors 9, 10 and 16 at York House, said Hongkong Land’s director and head of office and commercial property Neil Anderson.
“We are delighted to welcome White & Case back to our Central portfolio as they look to expand their footprint across Hong Kong and the APAC region,” Anderson said in a company press release. “The firm’s long term commitment to Hongkong Land is testimony to the quality of the buildings and our leadership in serving the legal services community.”
Though the firm leased its new office at an undisclosed price, the move followed a 2.5 percent year-on-year decline in average rents at the developer’s Hong Kong office portfolio to HK$117 per square foot per month in 2021, according to Hongkong Land’s latest annual report. However, compared with open market rents at Central Tower, which White & Case had previously occupied, rental rates at York House are 30 to 40 percent higher, market sources told Mingtiandi.
Down the Road
With the firm’s new office space having opened in April, the district’s biggest landlord is bringing White & Case back to its portfolio from the 1997-completed Central Tower, which is also on Queen’s Road and less than 200 metres (218 yards) from York House.
The move by White & Case boosted the firm’s office size by about 13 percent from its 22,000 square foot space, according to sources familiar with the matter.
The 14-storey York House, about two minutes’ walk from Central MTR station, spans 116,250 square feet of office space atop Hongkong Land’s The Landmark, a shopping mall home to luxury brands like Gucci and Dior. The building is also part of the Landmark complex, which aside from the retail podium consists of two other office buildings, as well as the Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
Before settling into Central Tower in 2007, White & Case had occupied 17,000 square feet at Gloucester Tower, one of the office buildings in that same complex.
Central Rents Remain Soft
While White & Case has expanded its office space, many companies in Hong Kong have been downsizing in terms of staff numbers and adopting work-from-home arrangements, a surveyor said. Landlords will have to offer competitive rents among other incentives to attract new tenants to take up office space, the surveyor added.
In Central, rents rose 0.7 percent from the preceding three months in the first quarter, a property agency said in a report published last month, though despite the slight improvement from January to March, rents in the key business district have come down 1.6 percent year-on-year.
“Market uncertainties since the start of 2022, including the outbreak of Omicron, geopolitical tensions and stock market volatilities, have disrupted the decision-making process of occupiers, (which slowed) office leasing momentum in the first quarter,” another agent said, who added that overall Grade A office rents saw a 1.3 percent quarter-on-quarter drop in the period.
A surveyor firm expects that office rents in Central to remain soft in the current quarter, the surveyor said, noting that most prime office buildings in the district are held under single ownership and the big landlords are unlikely to reduce the rents as much as those of strata-titled offices.
“A few tenants may be able to (take advantage) of lower rents and choose to move to Central from decentralised locations, but more tenants will move out or downsize,” the surveyor said, adding that vacancy rates will also remain at a high level throughout the rest of the year.
Home City Slows
In 2021, the value of Hongkong Land’s investment properties in its home city was $26.6 billion, down 5 percent from the year before, due to lower open market rents.
However, the lower leasing rates in Hong Kong may have helped the developer attract more tenants, with vacancy in the Central office portfolio improving to 4.9 percent at the end of last year from 5.9 percent at the end of 2020.
For more information of Office for Lease at York House please visit: Office for Lease at York House
For more information of Office for Lease at Central Tower please visit: Office for Lease at Central Tower
For more information of Office for Lease at Gloucester Tower please visit: Office for Lease at Gloucester Tower
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central
永倫申強拍灣仔金鐘大廈 集86.67%業權 全幢乙級商廈估值8.4億
據土地審裁處文件顯示,上述項目位於灣仔謝斐道52至58號,鄰近中國恆大中心及萬通保險大廈,目前永倫集團及有關人士持有約86.67%業權,餘下3個單位未成功收購,包括2個地鋪、地下入口大堂 (Entrance Hall) 及1樓單位,市場估值約1391萬至7292萬;其中地下入口大堂及1樓單位被視為1份業權,地下入口大堂市場估值約1304萬,1樓估值約5988萬,合共估值約7292萬,市場對全幢估值為8.4251億。
永倫集團積極併購舊樓,去年循強拍途徑以底價14.5億,統一銅鑼灣景隆街20至28號新安大廈舊樓業權,地盤面積約5388方呎,規劃在「商業 (1)」地帶上,地積比15倍,可建總樓面8.1萬方呎。
市建西營盤項目截收34份意向 地皮估值最多16億 發展商取態積極
會展站將啟用 料帶動灣仔北商廈租售
過海方便 尖東紅磡商廈可受惠
有財團睇好通車在即,趁機推出商廈新盤發售。宏基資本 (02288) 旗下灣仔商廈新盤「Novo Jaffe」近日推出,物業位於灣仔謝斐道218號,樓高27層,3至30樓為寫字樓用途,每層面積約2,243平方呎,部分樓層將分間細單位,面積約469至550平方呎起。項目共58伙,呎價約1.8萬元起,預計入場費約800餘萬元。消息稱,項目中低層全層已獲預留。另外,外資基金凱龍瑞旗下灣仔軒尼詩道重建項目Hennessy 333,亦準備於短期內推出。
加快收購 銅鑼灣9項目增265萬呎樓面
銅鑼灣一帶近年收購重建加快,連同去年批出的加路連山道商業地王,區內9個項目合共將提供近逾265萬平方呎,包括新世界 (00017) 或相關人士收購的利園山道大型重建項目,將提供約30萬平方呎樓面。
利園山道重建 料作綜合發展
經過多年時間,去年新世界或相關人士成功以約12.8億元,收購利園山道23、25號 (部分)、波斯富街72號及波斯富街74號 (前段) 的4間地舖及16個住宅單位,相當於該廈所屬地段的逾20%業權,成功增持至8成業權,有望透過強拍申請統一業權。
加路連山地王 改劃3幢商廈
銅鑼灣街舖租值 按季跌4.5%
「變形金剛」餐廳 月租100萬進駐羅素街
奢侈品牌Burberry退租 新租金跌5成
較早前英國名牌Burberry決定放棄續租銅鑼灣羅素街金朝陽中心旗艦店,並於年初正式遷出,舖位獲新租客以約100萬元預租。近日該舖位外牆掛起新租客廣告,獲餐飲集團承租,開設以動畫「變形金剛」為主題的餐廳,為本港首間。據了解,早在去年尾,愛訊集團全資擁有的餐飲業務附屬機構A La Carte,宣布正式和孩之寶簽訂合作,共同發展其變形金剛品牌,並於亞洲地區之主要城市聯手打造全新高科技、充滿動感的變形金剛餐飲概念店。
涉兩層複式舖位 設零售區
翻查資料,銅鑼灣羅素街金朝陽中心地下A、B舖至1樓複式舖位,面積合共5,200平方呎,逾10年前內地客訪港消費高峰期,Burberry以每月約770萬元租用舖位,租金較前租客 (手機品牌) 高2.5倍。品牌於2015年以880萬元續租,其後租金回落,估計Burberry最後每月租金約200萬元水平。如今餐飲集團以約100萬元租用,較舊租平一半,較高峰期更跌近9成。
銅鑼灣羅素街為全球最貴舖租地段,過去極少有餐飲租舖,如今屬十多年來首宗羅素街地舖由餐飲業租用。事實上,近兩年爆發疫情,因封關下零旅客,多個品牌減成本遷出羅素街,導致吉舖處處,租金明顯下挫,餐飲亦趁此時租用地段樓上舖;包括羅素街8號1樓舖,面積約6,700平方呎,原由化粧品店租用,去年獲漢堡店FIVE GUYS以50萬元租用,租金平約58%。
全球最貴地段 少有餐飲租地舖
34 developers show interest in rare Sai Ying Pun site: URA
The Urban Renewal Authority has received 34 expressions of interest from major local and some mainland developers for the Sung Hing Lane/Kwai Heung Street Development Project in Sai Ying Pun, a rarely available development site on the Hong Kong island.
Henderson Land Development (0012), Far East Consortium International (0035), Emperor International (0163), China Overseas Land & Investment (0688) and Poly Property (0119), were said to be among the developers who expressed their interest.
The project, which covers a site area of 1,077.3 square meters, was valued from HK$1.26 billion to HK$1.6 billion, or from HK$13,500 to HK$17,000 per sq ft. Upon completion, it is planned to provide a total gross floor area of about 8,804 sq m.
A tender review panel will shortlist the qualified developers from the submissions, taking into consideration their development experience and financial capability to undertake the development, and they will be invited to submit tenders, the URA said in a statement yesterday.
Through better site planning and design, the redevelopment aims to enhance the connectivity to the adjoining children's playground while improving the existing pedestrian access from Des Voeux Road West and Kwai Heung Street, the statement said.
In the primary market, Wheelock Properties said sales of 119 homes at Monaco Marine in Kai Tak will take place on Friday.
On sale are 117 homes on price lists including 29 one-bedroom units, 66 two-bedroom units, 22 units with three bedrooms, and two penthouses that will be sold via tender.
Managing director Ricky Wong Kwong-yiu said over 100 homes in the low-rise apartment buildings will be put up for sale after the opening of the East Rail Line cross-harbor extension on Sunday.
The extended railway will boost Kai Tak's property prices by 5 to 10 percent and the developer has raked in over HK$5.65 billion after selling 392 homes this year, Wong added.
In Ho Man Tin, Kerry Properties (0683) has unveiled the second price list with 30 homes for 10 LaSalle.
Together with the first batch, 60 flats will be put on the market on Saturday and Kerry has received nearly 500 checks for the flats, making them 7 times oversubscribed.
In Tai Kok Tsui, the third batch with 62 flats at The Quinn Square Mile was revealed by Henderson.
In Kowloon City, Country Garden (2007) said it may unveil the first batch of Allegro today, offering around 50 units, and the sales may take place next week at the earliest.
(The Standard)華大酒店等購汀蘭居 鄧成波家族14.2億沽貨
西環華麗都會酒店9億易手 WeaveLiving夥美資基金向華大購入
全幢酒店於疫市下「異軍突起」,租務品牌Weave Living繼上月購入九龍珀麗酒店後,最新夥拍一家美資基金,購入華大旗下西環華麗都會酒店全幢,作價9億元,每間房間售價約420萬,該租務品牌於兩個月內連環購入兩全幢酒店項目,涉資約22.75億。
租務品牌Weave Living昨日宣布,夥拍美資基金安祖高頓 (Angelo Gordon),以9億購入西環皇后大道西338至346號華麗都會酒店全幢,以項目總樓面約60150方呎計,呎價約14960元。該酒店提供214間房間,每間房間售價約420萬。
Weave Living創辦人兼集團行政總裁Sachin Doshi稱,購入該物業後將會全面翻新,打造成靈活的住宿空間,料於明年第三季開業,成為集團旗下港島區第3個項目。
Weave Living於疫市下大舉擴充,上月以初以合營企業形式,購入德祥地產旗下大角嘴九龍珀麗酒店,作價13.75億,短短兩個月內,該租務品牌連環購入兩幢酒店項目,涉資約22.75億。
事實上,該租務品牌向來鍾情市區酒店,本報於上月底率先披露,華大旗下北角華美達盛景酒店亦獲準買家積極洽購,涉資約11億,料於短期易手,並以Weave Living呼聲最高,當時本報向該集團負責人查詢,惟回覆指集團不打算增購任何物業。
聯興工廠大廈85%業權放售 意向價5.5億
Construction of New World Development's 888 Lai Chi Kok Road project completed
New World Development (0017) announced on Wednesday that the construction of its Grade A commercial building at 888 Lai Chi Kok Road in Cheung Sha Wan has officially finished with about 75 percent of gross floor area sold already.
The developer successfully obtained the Certificate of Compliance issued by the Lands Department today, meaning the building is set to become the first new Grade A commercial complex in the district.
According to New World, the sold 75 percent of gross floor area is split halves among financial and insurance companies and education institutes, bringing in more than HK$5.4 billion for the developer.
They include Nanyang Commercial Bank, listed technology company PC Partner Ltd (1263), and the School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong.
The 28-story building is designed by P&T Architects with about 580,000 square foot of office area as well as 241 private and 70 public parking spaces.
This project is among the three land plots in West Kowloon tendered by New World back in 2017. The other two are the projects on King Lam Street and on Wing Hong Street.
The constructions of the King Lam Street project and the Wing Hong Street project are expected to be finished by next year and 2024 respectively, paving way for West Kowloon's new core business district.
All three commercial buildings -- an investment project worth over HK$20 billion -- can provide up to 2 million square foot of gross floor area, New World added.
(The Standard)
For more information of Office for Lease at 888 Lai Chi Kok Road please visit: Office for Lease at 888 Lai Chi Kok Road
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Cheung Sha Wan please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Cheung Sha Wan
For more information of Office for Sale at 888 Lai Chi Kok Road please visit: Office for Sale at 888 Lai Chi Kok Road
For more information of Grade A Office for Sale in Cheung Sha Wan please visit: Grade A Office for Sale in Cheung Sha Wan
Two hotels change hands as Covid roils Peninsula
Two hotels in Hong Kong changed hands as The Peninsula Hong Kong posted its lowest occupancy rate since the Sars outbreak in 2003 of 9 percent in the first quarter.
Magnificent Hotel Investments (0201) said it plans to acquire The Bay Bridge Lifestyle Retreat Hotel for HK$1.42 billion from Lafayette Hotel, owned by the late "shop king" Tang Shing-bor's family.
The 16-story hotel is located at Castle Peak Road in Tsuen Wan and has 435 guest rooms, a restaurant, swimming pool and gym.
Tang's family, which purchased the hotel for HK$1.68 billion in 2017, would suffer a loss of around HK$260 million, or 15 percent of its value, after holding it for 5 years.
Rental accommodation provider Weave Living meanwhile, entered into an agreement with Magnificent Hotel to buy its Grand City Hotel in Sai Ying Pun for HK$900 million.
This came as The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels (0045) said the occupancy rate at the Peninsula Hong Kong was 9 percent in the first quarter amid the worst Covid outbreak in the city.
Revenue per available room in the city in the first three months also plunged by 52 percent year-on-year, or 71 percent quarter-on-quarter to HK$380.
Average room rate, however, soared by 56 percent from a year ago to HK$4,127.
(The Standard)
CK Asset Sells Mid-Levels Luxury Homes for $50M as High-End Market Hangs On
Two units on a high-level floor at CK Asset’s Mid-Levels luxury project sold last week for a combined HK$393.9 million ($50.1 million), showing the resilience of Hong Kong’s high-end housing market amid the COVID-led economic slowdown.
Hong Kong’s second-largest developer by market capitalisation on Friday sold Unit 6 on the 21st floor of 21 Borrett Road’s 26-storey tower for HK$190.1 million, reflecting a sale price of HK$87,648 per square foot, according to public records posted by the developer. Unit 7, an adjacent apartment on the same floor, sold that day for HK$203.8 million, equivalent to a per-square-foot price of HK$88,034.
The price tag for both homes was in line with previous sales on floors 16, 18 and 22 of the property from mid-2021 through January this year, a surveyor said, who noted that the latest transactions were for high-zone units in the residential tower.
The developer has sold 32 units at the first phase of the project since February of last year, according to research from a property agency. Excluding three transactions on the 23rd floor of the project — for which unit rates ran from HK$126,000 to HK$136,000 per square foot — the price for homes at 21 Borrett Road averaged HK$79,132 per square foot, the agency said.
Borrett Road Slowdown
The four-bedroom units that sold this month to undisclosed buyers are part of 21 Borrett Road’s first phase, comprising 115 units across three residential towers. With Unit 6 spanning 2,169 square feet (202 square metres) and the adjacent Unit 7 covering a saleable area of 2,316 square feet, the two apartments could be combined to create a super-sized luxury home, another surveyor said.
Last week’s deals followed a lull in sales at the Mid-Levels project in the first quarter, when only two transactions totalling HK$334.6 million were recorded during the entire period.
This was a drop from 2021, when CK Asset had recorded three transactions in the first quarter alone, despite sales having begun just in February that year. The first of the three was a 3,378 square foot unit in a different building at the project that sold for HK$459 million, translating to HK$136,000 per square foot and breaking the record for Asia’s priciest apartment at the time.
With social distancing restrictions having begun to relax on 21 April, in-person home viewings have also resumed to normal, according to a property agent.
“It is encouraging to see two units at 21 Borrett Road transacted at the right price only on the second weekend since viewing activity resumed,” the agent said.
Luxury Sales Slide
Sales in the luxury residential sector have been thin since the beginning of the year due to the fifth wave of COVID-19, the agent said.
Hong Kong’s latest outbreak led to dampened economic activity during the first three months of 2022, according to another agent, who said activity in the luxury residential sector “was no different”.
“According to the Land Registry, the number of sale and purchase agreements dropped from 1,213 cases in 2021 to 646 cases in 2022 during (January to April) for luxury residential properties with a consideration higher than HK$20 million,” the agent said.
Before Hong Kong was hit by its fifth COVID wave, luxury deals were still breaking records at the start of the year. In January, a unit on Victoria Peak at the Mount Nicholson project, developed by Wheelock Properties and Nan Fung Development, sold for HK$583.2 million to an unnamed buyer, making it the second most expensive home ever sold in Asia on a price per square foot basis.
With Hong Kong battling the fifth wave of the pandemic and amid growing geopolitical tensions, however, luxury home prices in the city slid as much as 2.7 percent in the first quarter, according to the agency.
Despite the current headwinds, with buyers from outside Hong Kong facing hurdles to luxury property purchases, two types of buyers continue to support demand in the high-end residential market: local high-net-worth individuals and wealthy mainland-born new Hongkongers who live in the city, another agent said.
“With the anticipated border opening between Hong Kong and China, it is possible that more mainland buyers would purchase luxury homes in Hong Kong, resulting in a slight rebound in the luxury housing market this year,” the agent said.
(Mingtiandi)會展站將啟用 財團趁機推灣仔商廈新盤
Novo Jaffe 發售中 呎價約1.8萬起
灣仔商廈料向好,財團亦趁疫情緩和加上東鐵過海段通車,推售灣仔商廈新盤。其中宏基資本 (02288) 旗下灣仔商廈新盤 Novo Jaffe 近日推出,物業位於灣仔謝斐道218號,樓高27層,3至30樓為寫字樓用途,每層面積約2,243平方呎,部分樓層將分間細單位,面積約469至550平方呎起。項目共58伙,呎價約1.8萬元起,預計入場費約800餘萬元。消息稱,項目其中一層全層已獲預留。
凱龍瑞333 Hennessy 一梯兩伙設計
另一項商廈項目為軒尼詩道333號333 Hennessy,項目樓高21層,共設41伙,主要為一梯兩伙設計,面積介乎471至1,727餘平方呎,每層樓面大細不一,如6至9樓,每層兩單位面積分別為872及873平方呎,而11至15樓,每層兩單位分別為753及752平方呎,而16及20樓為特式單位,設有平台。由於項目位於軒尼詩道,屬灣仔主要幹道,物業適合作半零售用途。翻查資料,物業原為舊樓軒轅大廈,物業於1979年落成,屬一梯兩伙商住大樓,原由投資者林子峰持有。2017年,凱龍瑞基金斥3.2億元購入地盤,每呎樓面地價約8,421元。
更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售
尖東港晶中心單位 3264萬放售
7.3萬放租 每呎28元
豐泰1.75億 沽黃竹坑環匯廣場全層
呎價約1.8萬 4年升6%
另一面,宏基資本 (02288) 近日推出灣仔商廈新盤 Novo Jaffe,據悉部分樓層獲承接,包括19樓全層,面積約2,243平方呎,以4,300萬元沽出,呎價約1.9萬元。
更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售
4月工商舖357買賣 金額升3成
寫字樓53宗交投 按月升6成
聯合醫務集團 (00722) 宣布,透過集團之間接全資附屬公司普康醫學影像及化驗中心承租中環德輔道中華懋中心一期1樓、2樓、3樓 (連平台) 及5樓全層,總樓面約1.4萬方呎,並斥資約3200萬元購買醫療儀器及設施在上址營運醫務中心。市場人士指出,華懋中心一期市值呎租約75元,料上述樓面月租共約105萬元。
娛樂行地鋪每呎208元跌77% 星資時裝進駐 中環租金重返沙士時
核心區一綫街道租金跌勢未止。就本報記者於中環皇后大道中現場所見,皇后大道中30號娛樂行地下D鋪,鋪面向雲咸街,近日已上圍版,新獲時裝品牌Love Bonito租用,將於7月開幕。
該鋪位屬「賭王」四太梁安琪的旗艦收租物業,位處中環最核心地段,人流量極高,昔日為各大商戶「兵家必爭之地」,該鋪於2015年初獲名車品牌平治 (Mercedes-Benz) 以約450萬租用上址及毗鄰C號鋪,當時打通兩鋪位,用作陳列室及概念餐廳,當時於市場上相當矚目,以鋪位總樓面約4800方呎計,呎租高達938元,惟於2017年底結業遷出,故最新租金較上一手長租急挫約77%。
本港零售市道及後急走下坡,該鋪於平治撤出後,該鋪曾交吉達3年,至去年初獲糖果店Sweet Dreams by Heinemann短租一年,月租僅約40萬,惟於今年初於租約屆滿已遷出。
Love Bonito是亞太區內大型女裝品牌之一,該品牌於兩年前在中環H Queen's開設限定店大受歡迎,並推出網站推售旗下服飾,料趁勢搶租核心區一綫地段,以擴充本地業務發展。
Wheelock plans 3,000 Tai Po homes in land sharing pilot
The Development Bureau said it has received an application under the land sharing pilot scheme from Wheelock Properties to build a total of 3,000 private and public homes on a site in Tai Po.
The site, located to the south of She Shan Road, covers about 5.2 hectares of private and government land, the bureau said.
The application involves about 2,100 public housing units and 900 private housing flats and supporting facilities, with a total gross floor area of about 159,000 square meters.
Wheelock Properties chairman Stewart Leung Chi-Kin said the developer hopes to make good use of the lands it owns in the New Territories and alleviate the housing supply problem in the short-to-medium term.
This application came as Hong Kong's overall stamp duty revenues from property deals last month sank by 15 percent month-on-month to a record low of HK$422.4 million.
The number of transactions edged up by 1.6 percent to 255, the data from the Inland Revenue Department showed.
Buyer's stamp duty revenue more than halved month-on-month to HK$99 million and the number of transactions also slipped by 34 percent to 52.
In contrast, special stamp duty revenue jumped 1.37 times to HK$32.9 million, and the double stamp duty revenues also rose 5.8 percent to HK$290.5 million.
In the primary market, the sales brochure of The Grand Mayfair II in Yuen Long has been released. The project provides 805 flats ranging from 351 sq ft to 977 sq ft.
In Ho Man Tin, Kerry Properties (0683) has received over 900 checks for the 60 homes at 10 LaSalle that will kick off sales Saturday.
(The Standard)金鐘力寶中心呎租47元 跌逾20% 交吉近3年始租出 屬市價水平
事實上,近期,該甲廈租金呎租,一直維持40多元水平,資料顯示,一座中層6室,建築面積1570方呎,於上月以每呎約42元租出,略低於市價水平,月租約65940元,較上一手租金每呎53元跌約20%。 去年5月,力寶中心1座高層D室,面積約2343方呎,獲中資企業以每月7.73萬承租,平均呎租約33元,為該甲廈11年以來新低水平。
鄧成波家族沽灣仔商廈 平均每呎造價7760元
涉資1428萬 16年升值75%
觀塘開源道50號利寶時中心地下1及2號鋪,面積2076呎,放售價由去年1.2億下調至最新的1.02億,呎價4.91萬。 該家族旗下近期較矚目成交,為華大酒店、順豪物業投資及順豪控股以約14.2億購入該家族持有的荃灣汀蘭居,提供436間房間。原業主持貨5年帳面蝕讓約2.6億,貶值約15%。
City's office deals point upward
The number of office leasing deals surged to a nearly five-month high last month, a property agency said, a sign that the economy is on a path to recovery.
The transaction number in the top 50 Grade-A office buildings also rebounded to nine, the level last seen in January when the epidemic was more stable, the agency said.
Although trading in offices has become more active, rental and sales prices are still low, agent said.
The transaction prices of Grade-A offices edged down 0.1 percent month-on-month in April, and the rents also fell slightly by 0.3 percent, the agent said.
In the core areas of Hong Kong Island, such as Admiralty and Central, landlords of Grade-A office buildings have to reduce their asking prices to attract tenants, the agent noted, adding that rents in some transactions, including Three Pacific Place and The Center, were 10 percent to 30 percent lower than several years ago.
Low prices also dragged down the rent level of the Central District. It fell by 4.3 percent month-on-month in April.
The overall vacancy rate in April was similar to that of March, at 9.5 percent, the agency said. The vacancy rate in East Kowloon remained the highest among all districts, rising to 14.7 percent last month, the highest since November 2021.
The East Rail Line Cross-Harbour Extension, which opened yesterday, is expected to drive up the demand for Grade-A offices at Admiralty and Central, the agent added.
(The Standard)
For more information of Office for Lease in Pacific Place please visit: Office for Lease in Pacific Place
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Admiralty please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Admiralty
For more information of Office for Lease at The Center please visit: Office for Lease at The Center
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central
Market bustles as more Yuen Long flats rolled out
The Grand Mayfair II in Yuen Long has released the second price list, offering 138 units at an average price per square foot of HK$18,483 after discounts.
The batch, which comprises 32 one-bedroom units, 70 two-bedroom units, and 36 units with three bedrooms, is priced from HK$6.25 million to HK$15.23 million, or from HK$17,521 to HK$19,900 per sq ft after discounts. The latest batch is around 3.2 percent costlier than the first batch of HK$17,898 per sq ft mainly due to the differences in the views and floors, according to the developers.
The 805-flat project is phase 1B of a 2,200-flat mega development that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).
Another batch may be launched shortly and the sales could take place within this week, the developers said. They have collected over 2,000 checks for the homes on offer.
In Kowloon City, Country Garden (2007) said it will reveal another batch for its Allegro soon and more than 3,000 prospective buyers have visited the showrooms since last Thursday.
It unveiled the first price list on the same day with the cheapest unit coating a little less than HK$5 million after discounts. The project offers 190 homes from 213 to 414 sq ft.
In Ho Man Tin, Kerry Properties (0683) said it has sold at least 57 flats at 10 LaSalle, or 95 percent of units on the price lists, cashing in over HK$480 million. The completed project provides 73 homes in total.
In Tai Kok Tsui, at least 17 flats - a studio unit, 15 one-bedroom units, and a two-bedroom unit - were sold over the weekend, which brought the developer Henderson Land Development (0012) over HK$106 million in contracted sales.
The builder said it has raked in a total of HK$575 million after selling 87 flats in the project.
The secondary market, however, was in the shadow of the first-hand projects over the weekend.
Only 13 deals were seen in the top ten housing estates, down by 7.1 percent from a week ago to a nine-week low, according to a property agency.
The launches of new projects have drawn property buyers' attention from the second-hand homes, which, coupled with the slow economy, volatile stock market, and interest rate hikes, many prospective buyers now prefer to wait before making a move, property agent said.
(The Standard)灣仔住宅地估值逾16億
上述皇后大道東269號住宅地,地盤面積約1.32萬方呎,涉及可建總樓面約11.62萬方呎。該地毗鄰私樓慧賢軒、灣仔分科診所,並面向賽馬會公園,距離港鐵灣仔站約10分鐘步程,附近社區配套設施充足。該地將於下周五 (20日) 招標,並於6月17日截標。
Investors rush to buy in first-weekend property sales despite biggest base rate rise in 22 years
Kerry Properties sold 57 of its 60 one-bedroom units on offer at the residential project at 10 LaSalle development in Ho Man Tin by Saturday afternoon
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority followed the US Fed with a base rate rise, but mortgage rates remain at about 2 per cent
Investors rushed to get ahead of the rising interest rate cycle by snapping up new flats in a first-weekend property sale after the biggest interest rate rise in 22 years by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) earlier this month.
By 6pm on Saturday, 66 units of the 88 units made available across two separate projects had been bought, according to property agents. The strong demand suggests higher interest rates have not hurt property market sentiment.
Kerry Properties sold 57 of its 60 one-bedroom units on offer at the residential project at 10 LaSalle development in Ho Man Tin. Property agents expect it can sell out most or all by the end of the day.
Offer prices for the units, which are between 319 to 409 sq ft, range from HK$7.38 million (US$940,000) to HK$10.99 million. The average price stood at HK$24,258 per square foot after discounts offered by the developers.
“The increase of the US Fed rate and HKMA base rate is well expected and they are not a surprise to the market. The homebuyers have well prepared to pay more for their mortgage loans in coming years,” a property agent said.
“The strong response to the weekend sales is due to the fact that were almost no new flat sales in the first quarter, while the homebuyers return to the market when developers launch a new project,” the agent added. The agent also noted that investors may believe the political situation has become more stable with the election last Sunday of John Lee as the city’s next chief executive.
Hong Kong’s cost of money soared by the most in 22 years as the city’s de facto central bank followed the US Federal Reserve to increase the base lending rate by 50 basis points to 1.25 per cent. That marked the biggest one-time increase in Fed rates since 2000.
Hong Kong’s base rate is expected to rise to 4 per cent by the end of 2023.
“The property sentiment has not yet changed with the interest rate rise,” another agent said, adding that the commercial mortgage interest rate has not yet risen. Most mortgage rates are now at about 2 per cent.
“Even if the interbank rate or prime lending rate will increase later this year, it is not going to be substantial,” the agent said. “People can still afford to pay their mortgage loans with the expected rate rise. The property outlook for the Hong Kong market remains positive.”
Some homebuyers are rushing to buy now in anticipation of further rate increases, according to a surveyor. “They fear they may not be able to pass the stress test requirement next year and hence will not be able to get a mortgage loan,” the surveyor said.
Hong Kong’s stress test requires all new mortgage borrowers to prove their income is high enough to withstand interest rate increases of up to 3 percentage points from the time of their application.
“Many customers may be able to pass the stress test now amid a low-interest-rate environment, but they may not be able to pass the threshold next year,” the surveyor said. “Developers would also like to launch the projects to sell now before the rate rises. As such, we are going to see a lot more new flat transactions in the coming months.”
The Kerry Properties’ project located at 10 La Salle Road, Kowloon, is a traditional low-density luxury residential area famous for its nearby prestigious schools. The 10 LaSalle is a 17-storey building, providing 73 units in total. The other 12 three-bedroom units and one four-bedroom unit are sold via tender.
Ahead of the sale, 10 LaSalle received 900 registrations from interested buyers, meaning about 15 interested buyers were going after each of the 60 units on offer Saturday.
Separately, Henderson Land sold nine of 28 units on offer by 6pm on Saturday at the residential project The Quinn Square Mile in Tai Kok Tsui. The units are all one-bedroom flats and studios.
The cheapest unit measured 206 sq ft was offered at a price of HK$4.54 million, while the most expensive flat measured 320 sq ft for HK$7.21 million.
The developer had already sold 51 units of The Quinn Square Mile on May 1. The average price after discounts ranged from HK$20,971 to HK$24,353 per square foot.
A property agent said that The Quinn Square Mile units are left over, so the sale would be at a slower pace than other new projects. However, there are still some buyers interested in the project, especially younger ones.
The sale of property has bounced back this month after the fifth wave of Covid-19 subsided in the city. Hong Kong had no new flat sales in February and March, as the outbreak and social distancing measures linked to the city’s caused developers to delay new project launches.
The Quinn Square Mile, with 614 units in total, also featured two-bedroom flats, with the largest measuring 382 sq ft. The first-batch units were earmarked for sale at an average launch price of HK$23,928 per square foot after discounts offered by the developer.
(South China Morning Post)九龍灣高銀金融國際中心將招標 地標甲廈市值百億 接管人委託出售
惟項目於2020年9月,遭接管人宣布放售,意向價120億,及後,項目錄買家FONG Tim擬以143億購入項目,不過,最終未成事。因此,今番再度推出標售。市場人士指,該廈超豪華,擁有中環「FEEL」,大部分以全層形式出租。
文件顯示,新方案由「住宅 (丁類)」地帶改劃為「住宅 (丙類) 1」地帶,以地積比率2倍發展,擬興建10幢分層住宅及4幢洋房,樓高3至23層,共提3090個住宅單位,當中住宅樓面涉及141.42萬方呎;另有3.54萬方呎非住用樓面,以提供6幢樓高1至3層樓宇,作零售及安老院舍等施設之用,提供100個牀位。
羅素街鋪王18萬短租 食品店簽署半年約
力寶中心中高層 意向呎租44元
面積2282呎 月租叫10萬
觀塘寧晉中心 享地利適合半零售
柱位隱藏 四正實用
中高層戶放租 每呎叫24元
提供裝修 月租約6.5萬
酒店成投資焦點 共居品牌作改裝
第二季大額買賣氣氛轉理想,除了工廈外,酒店為另一項投資焦點,更連環錄大手成交。華大酒店 (00201)、順豪物業投資、順豪控股近日公布,以約14.2億元收購荃灣汀蘭居,該物業在2021年12月15日的估值為24.6億元。物業樓高16層,佔地面積約216,314平方呎,共有435間客房,以上述收購價計,即平均每間房價值約326萬元。該物業曾分別作酒店及服務式住宅用途,業主亦曾把部分空間改裝成共居空間。
據了解,新買家為共居品牌WEAVE LIVING,該集團指,將與另一基金安祖高頓 (Angelo Gordon) 合作投資華麗都會酒店項目。事實上,WEAVE LIVING近期表現非常積極,4月才以13.75億元購入九龍珀麗酒店,物業位於大角咀道86號,於2011年落成及開業,地盤面積約9,090平方呎,總樓面約11萬平方呎。項目樓高27層,提供435間房,以13.75億元成交價計,每間房價值約316萬元。WEAVE LIVING表示,將進行全面翻新,包括為部分房間重新布局,將物業打造成時尚、配套完備、靈活租期的現代住宿空間。
今年最大手酒店買賣,則為AEW基金以16.51億元購入紅磡「逸.酒店」(Hotel Sav),物業總樓面合共約12.21萬平方呎,設有388間客房。據了解,買家將改裝,日後或主打學生宿舍之用。
New World’s affordable housing project aimed at getting first-time buyers in Hong Kong on property ladder
A proposal has been submitted to the Town Planning Board to build about 300 flats, with sizes ranging from 300 sq ft to 400 sq ft in Lam Hi Road, Yuen Long
The project, which is still awaiting government approval, will be sold at cost to buyers who fulfil the eligibility criteria
New World Development plans to build Hong Kong’s first subsidised housing project that will be sold at cost to help young first-time buyers get on the property ladder in the world’s most expensive city to own a home.
New World Build for Good, the developer’s social enterprise unit, earlier this month submitted a proposal to the Town Planning Board to build about 300 flats, with sizes ranging from 300 square feet to 400 square feet, on a 30,300 sq ft site in Lam Hi Road, Yuen Long, according to an announcement on Monday.
It expects construction to start next year if everything goes according to plan, with the project likely to be completed as early as 2027.
“My vision is to start a new era in Hong Kong, by improving people’s housing issues and enabling the next generation to achieve the milestone of home ownership,” said Adrian Cheng, CEO of NWD and chairman of New World Build for Good. “We hope to refresh Hong Kong’s housing model and provide truly affordable homes for those in need.”
The site is about 10 minutes by bus from Yuen Long MTR station.
A NWD spokeswoman said the units will be sold at cost. “We will not make any profit from this project,” she said, without disclosing further details.
In December 2021, the developer said it was planning a project aimed at those living in subdivided flats and second-generation public housing renters.
The eligibility criteria for buyers of the flats in the project includes meeting the maximum income and total assets requirements of Hong Kong’s Home Ownership Scheme (HOS), which are set at HK$33,000 (US$4,230) and HK$925,000, respectively, for individuals, and HK$66,000 and HK$1.85 million for a household of two or more members.
A 300 sq ft flat will cost as low as HK$2.7 million, or HK$9,000 per sq ft, which is based on the discounted land premium under the current HOS scheme plus construction cost.
Buyers will only be required to pay a down payment of HK$135,000, 5 per cent of the unit’s price.
The developer also proposed an innovative home loan scheme to alleviate the financial burden of the targeted buyers. Purchasers only require to pay 50 per cent of the flat’s cost when the flat is due for delivery, while the remaining 50 per cent can be paid 10 years after the occupation in one go or in instalments.
The proposed home financing scheme has received positive response from banks and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, according to the statement issued by New World Build for Good.
“Young families are increasingly finding it difficult to get on the property ladder, and the waiting time for public housing is getting longer,” said the statement.
The average waiting time for a public housing flat in Hong Kong has increased to 6.1 years, the longest since 1998, according to official figures released last Thursday.
Chief Executive-elect John Lee Ka-chiu has proposed an advance allocation scheme under which flats at selected public housing estates could be offered to families on the waiting list before infrastructure and transport facilities are completed. Lee said he hoped to make the projects available a year earlier than expected.
An NWD spokeswoman said the subsidised housing project would occupy half of the site, and the remaining area would continue to be used as an open space for the public and warehouse for storing art.
“NWD has no plan to build a private residential project on the other half of the plot,” she said.
(South China Morning Post)
Hong Kong developers’ rural land conversion in New Territories gathers pace, expect to push for lower land premium due to softening market
Sun Hung Kai Properties pays HK$268 million (US$34 million) to convert farmland in Yuen Long into a residential project
Developers with large holdings in the northern New Territories are likely to negotiate for a lower land premium, analysts say
Hong Kong developers are speeding up the conversion of farmland in the northern New Territories for residential use, with industry observers pointing out that companies are likely to push for lower land premiums due to the softening housing market.
Sun Hung Kai Properties, Hong Kong’s largest developer by market value, last week agreed to pay HK$268 million (US$34 million) to convert farmland in Yuen Long so that it can build a 71-villa project.
Seven land-premium transactions, including that of SHKP, totalling HK$3.3 billion have taken place in Yuen Long, Lands Department records show. The seven plots will provide a total gross floor area of 890,000 square feet.
Land premium is the fee that developers pay the government when a modification or change in land use results in a higher land value.
While there is no fixed fee charged for the land conversion premium, the government arrives at the value by taking into account recent transaction prices in both the housing market as well as the land sales market.
“Both housing and land markets actually indicate a declining trend in recent months because of the volatility in the stock market, increase in the unemployment rate and expectations of an interest-rate rise,” a property agent said.
“This puts developers in a relatively strong position to argue for a lower land premium level,” the agent said.
Hong Kong developers have recently turned conservative in bidding for government land following a decline in home prices, which have retreated 4 per cent from their peak last September. Last month, the government withdrew the sale of a 1.3 million sq ft site in Tai Lam in the northern New Territories, which would have yielded an estimated 2,020 homes, after all tender bids came in below the reserve price.
Surveyors had estimated the site, Hong Kong’s first plot earmarked for residential flats with a minimum area of 280 square feet, to fetch between HK$7.1 billion and HK$9 billion, or HK$5,500 to HK$6,900 per square foot in the tender.
“The strategy of many developers, particularly the bigger ones, is to retop their land banks by converting agricultural land into residential use in addition to the government land sales,” the agent said.
The government’s land sale programme for the current financial year ending March 2023 covers 13 residential sites, which will be able to provide 8,000 flats, according to Secretary for Development Michael Wong Wai-lun.
While the government’s projected supply of new flats is up from 6,000 in the last financial year, the supplies are under 10,000 for the fifth consecutive year.
With the northern New Territories the focus of future development in Hong Kong, “developers with large holdings in the area will become more active in negotiating land premiums”, a surveyor said.
Last October, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor proposed to develop the Northern Metropolis, which includes the northern New Territories, into a booming economic and residential hub for 2.5 million people over the next 20 years. The plans involves construction of up to 926,000 flats, including the existing 390 000 homes in Yuen Long and North districts, to accommodate the residents.
Currently, about 100 million sq ft of rural land is owned by various developers, according to a property agency.
“Now they see an opportunity to turn the land into residential development sites through the land premium settlement scheme,” agent said.
(South China Morning Post)中環中心每呎80元租出
該廈樓高28層,另地下3層,包括地面大堂入口層、1樓至2樓餐飲樓層,寫字樓及零售樓面共92萬方呎,4樓至27樓寫字樓,每層建築面積約3.5萬方呎;27樓上方為天台空中花園,物業尚有3個地庫停車場樓層 (B1至B3),提供279個車位,全部配備電動車充電裝置。項目於7月21日截標。
赤柱廣場逾25億獲洽購 5名準買家角逐料短期內揭盅
Cotton On設中環旗艦店 租金跌逾半
皇后大道中萬呎舖每月50萬 屬同區搬遷
舖位租金持續下跌,不少跨國品牌趁機換貨,澳洲時裝品牌Cotton On以50萬元,租用中環皇后大道中近1萬呎舖位,屬同區搬遷。該店原由Esprit租用,遷出近兩年後舖位終獲承接,按呎租計租金跌逾半。
消息透露,新租客為澳洲時裝店Cotton On,該品牌早於十多年前落戶香港,並租用中環德己立街2至12號業豐大廈地下A、B舖連地庫,即蘭桂坊一帶,舖位面積約8,380平方呎。據悉,兩年前品牌與業主大鴻輝續約,月租由110萬元,減逾2成至約85萬元,續約兩年。如今約滿,品牌趁同區有其他大樓面舖位招租,即作出搬遷。
上手租客Esprit 呎租近118元
翻查資料,永恆商業大廈多層舖位,曾由本地時裝Esprit租用,品牌於2014年以約200萬元租用該廈地下、高層地下及地庫,合共約1.7萬平方呎樓面,呎租約117.6元。2020年本港爆發疫情,零旅客下多個時裝品牌棄租皇后大道中舖位,而Esprit亦遷出,舖位一直未有長租客租用,僅有口罩店短租數月。如今Cotton On租用物業兩層,按呎租計,新租金較舊租金跌逾半。
隨着疫情緩和,核心區商舖租務稍為增加,中環近一年租務成交亦較其他核心區為多,如同區娛樂行地下一舖位,面積約2,400平方呎,獲時裝品牌「Love Bonito」租用,月租料約30萬元。該品牌曾於同區H Queen開設期間限定店,如今長租娛樂行舖位。
娛樂行地舖 月租料30萬元
近年區內較大手時裝品牌租舖,為去年陸海通大廈地下及1樓兩層,獲時裝American Eagle以近100萬元承租,租金跌逾6成。
灣仔3政府大樓 可增建250萬呎樓面
金鐘大廈申強拍 市值逾8億
過海段通車 灣仔商廈陸續推售
Novo Jaffe 入場費800餘萬
在東鐵綫過海段的利好因素下,宏基資本 (02288) 旗下灣仔謝斐道218號商廈新盤 Novo Jaffe 近日推出,合共提供58伙,預計入場費約800餘萬元,平均呎價約1.8萬元起。據消息人士指,項目中低層全層已獲預留。同時,有指外資基金凱龍瑞旗下的灣仔軒尼詩道重建項目Hennessy 333,亦準備於短期內推出。
更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售
Goldin Financial’s Kowloon HQ put back on the market for around US$1.27 billion as debt struggle continues
Receivers for Goldin Financial Global Centre, a 28-storey office building in Kowloon Bay
The sale comes as billionaire major shareholder Pan Sutong lost control of Goldin’s assets to creditors.
The old headquarters of Goldin Financial Holdings has been put back on the market at an estimated price of around US$1.27 billion, as the property development and investment company’s debt crisis rolls on.
The receivers for Goldin Financial Global Centre, a 28-storey office building in Kowloon Bay, have assigned a real estate agency company to help sell the property.
“We will have a roadshow to market the building for local and international funds later,” a property agent told the South China Morning Post.
Market watchers estimate the property’s value at around HK$10 billion (US$1.27 billion) based on recent transactions of office space sold in the vicinity, ranging from HK$10,000 per square foot to HK$12,000 per square foot.
The sale comes as billionaire major shareholder Pan Sutong lost control of Goldin’s assets to creditors as the company struggles to service its massive debt pile.
Goldin recorded a loss of around HK$1.4 billion as liabilities reached HK$7.5 billion as of June 30, 2021. The Hong Kong-listed company postponed its annual results for 2021, citing disruptions caused by Covid-19 and related restrictions.
In 2020, receivers sold the building – located at 17 Kai Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay – for a reported HK$14 billion, but the deal failed to complete.
The Grade A tower has an area of 920,000 sq ft, spread across 28 floors above ground and three basement floors, according to the agency’s press release on Tuesday. Each floor has a gross floor area of around 35,000 sq ft. The tender will close at noon on Saturday, the agency said.
Goldin, among the most aggressive asset acquirers in Hong Kong in recent years, has been embroiled in a legal fight with hostile creditors over loan disputes. Goldin bought Kai Tak Area 4B Site 4 for HK$8.91 billion in November 2018, and another commercial site there for HK$11.1 billion in May 2019.
CK Asset Holdings, controlled by the family of Hong Kong’s famous billionaire Li Ka-shing, in July 2020 stepped in to help the indebted developer, arranging a HK$8.7 billion financing package to bail out the company.
Goldin had to bear an estimated loss of HK$2.57 billion (US$331.56 million) in May 2020, re-selling a residential plot at Kai Tak, the city’s former airport, citing the gloomy outlook as Covid-19 ravaged the city’s economy.
(South China Morning Post)
For more information of Office for Lease at Goldin Financial Global Centre please visit: Office for Lease at Goldin Financial Global Centre
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Kowloon Bay please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Kowloon Bay
Clinics, car dealers snap up prime space as luxury brands bow out of Hong Kong’s slumping retail market
Human Health signed a six-year lease for HK$95 million to lease a 38,000-sq ft space at Star House in TST for one its 50 clinics in Hong Kong
Maserati took up a 9,000-sq ft show room at the H&S building in Causeway Bay while Porsche is moving to Hopewell Centre 2 in Wan Chai
Private clinics and car dealers are snapping up retail space around Hong Kong that had been vacated by luxury brands, giving commercial landlords some relief amid an industry slump caused by the dearth of tourists and competition from online shopping.
Human Health Holdings, which runs a network of 50 clinics around Hong Kong, signed a six-year contract for HK$95 million (US$12.1 million) in the first quarter to lease a 38,000-square foot (3,530 square metres) space at Star House in Tsim Sha Tsui, according to a property agency. The space was vacated by SaSa Plus after its lease expired in November 2020.
Maserati, the Italian sports car assembler, took up a 9,000-sq ft show room at the H&S building in Causeway Bay, left vacant by Mercedes-Benz. Its German competitor Porsche is closing its showroom on Gloucester Road in Wan Chai to move to Hopewell Centre 2, becoming one of the first tenants in the new development.
Rental charges at prime street locations and shopping centres have fallen by 5 per cent in the first quarter according to another property agency, giving non-luxury retailers and service providers the pick of choice locations in what is still one of the world’s most expensive real estate markets. Vacancy in Hong Kong’s four core shopping districts of Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui, Central and Mong Kok rose to 11 per cent in the first quarter, from 9.9 per cent at the start of 2022, according to another agency.
“With the ageing population and the Covid-19 pandemic, the locals are more health conscious,” an agent said. “The significant drop for the street level shops has attracted more medical service providers to explore street shop opportunities and increase exposure. For luxury car brands, it is more about relocation and flight to quality.”
Hong Kong’s economy contracted by a larger-than-expected 4 per cent in the first quarter, with retail sales declining by 7.6 per cent during the first three months. As many as 829 shops of the 7,524 shops surveyed by the agency stood empty at the end of March.
The vacancy rate and the cheaper rent – the highest in nearly two decades – helped Porsche, Maserati as well as Mercedes-Benz capitalise on the situation to have their choice of prime areas, the agency said.
Tourists and shoppers from mainland China – who spent HK$7,029 (US$905) each in 2018 – have stayed away from Hong Kong since the second half of 2019, driven away by months of anti-government street protests, and later by the Covid-19 pandemic. Hong Kong’s border with Shenzhen had remained closed for two years, keeping away the regular travellers who used to make up between 30 per cent and 40 per cent of the city’s retail sales.
Hong Kong’s luxury retail market is changing, as consumers change their behaviour and preferences, which compel brands to shift their strategies to adapt, agent said.
“The Hong Kong retail market changes all the time, [so] it is important to keep refreshing strategies and to adapt to the new market environment,” the agent said. “Landlords are more flexible in terms of rents and lease period [for now]. Shopping centre landlords are also providing more marketing support to tenants.”
Retailers are also likely to employ a two-prong strategy that will allow them to employ shops in core districts and residential areas or create two distinct brands for the premier shopping districts and neighbourhood shops.
“There will be a structural change in the Hong Kong retail market,” another agent said. “Online sale is playing a more significant role in the retail market due to changes in consumer behaviour. Future retail space will be focusing more on experience.”
(South China Morning Post)
For more information of Office for Lease at Star House please visit: Office for Lease at Star House
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui
Henderson set to launch Baker Circle, one of Hong Kong’s largest urban residential redevelopment projects
Sales of flats in the first phase of Baker Circle are likely to take place in June, Henderson executive says
The company plans to offer 1,000 flats in the first phase of the project on Gillies Avenue South, Hung Hom
Henderson Land Development is expected to kick off sales of an urban residential redevelopment project next month, one of the biggest by a private developer in Hong Kong.
Henderson, founded by Hong Kong’s second-richest man Lee Shau-kee, could launch the first phase of the 2,800-unit Baker Circle in Hung Hom for sale by June at the earliest, Thomas Lam, general manager of sales department, said on Tuesday.
This is the largest residential redevelopment project in the past 30 years by a private developer in terms of number of homes according to surveyors employed by the company, Henderson said.
“[Lee hopes] this project will let him contribute to society, having worked in property development for so many years,” said Lam. “In his heart, he [wants to] make the project great as he believes this to be the most important milestone of his career.”
The imminent launch comes on the heels of the opening of the East Rail’s cross-harbour section, which has cut the travel time from Hung Hom to Admiralty to 7 minutes.
The first phase of the nine-tower Baker Circle project is located at Gillies Avenue South, 10 minutes’ walking distance from Whampoa Garden. The first phase comprises 1,000 units in three towers and is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2024.
While the first phase will mostly include one and two-bedroom units, Lam declined to provide further details.
The company expects to complete the entire project, which consists of eight construction sites, around 2027.
The city’s lived-in home prices slipped 3.2 per cent from December to March amid the fifth wave of the Covid-19 outbreak, data from the Rating and Valuation Department showed. But the recent easing of social distancing measures following a steady decline in cases has seen investors rush to buy flats at many new residential projects.
Henderson has spent more than 20 years and billions of dollars on property acquisitions for Baker Circle, which will have a total gross floor area of about 1 million square feet. It will include an almost 1km long pedestrian street inspired by London’s King’s Cross. The once derelict industrial site has been transformed and rejuvenated into a vibrant, traffic-free neighbourhood with new streets, squares and parks, homes, shops, offices, galleries, bars, restaurants and schools.
“The small flat sizes can attract young buyers and professionals who work in the urban area, so the project has a ‘definite appeal’,” an agent said.
The pedestrian street is an added attraction since it is rare in Hong Kong, the agent added.
The Hong Kong-listed company has been one of the most active developers seeking redevelopment opportunities in urban areas amid limited land supply from the government.
To facilitate urban renewal, majority owners of a building over 50 years old who satisfy requirements under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance can apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order for compulsory sale.
Under the ordinance, developers can force a compulsory auction to buy the remaining stake in a building, if they already own 80 per cent.
Notably, the project sits on a rare 999-year lease that came into effect from March 21, 1887. Baker Circle was named after Robert Baker, the chief engineer of Kowloon-Canton Railway.
(South China Morning Post)
Henderson to build 994 Kwu Tung flats
Henderson Land Development (0012) plans to build 994 flats in Kwu Tung and will soon launch a new project in Hung Hom.
The developer has proposed a minor relaxation of plot ratio and building height restriction for a development in the Kwu Tung North new development area, according to an application filed to Town Planning Board.
The site covers 5,250 square meters, and two 34-story blocks with a total gross floor area of 34,125 sq m are expected to be built upon it.
Meanwhile, Henderson's new redevelopment project in Hung Hom with 1,000 flats has been named Baker Circle and may be put on the market as early as next month.
The three-block project has mostly one- and two-bedroom units and is located at 38 Gillies Avenue South.
It is phase 1 of a 2,800 mega redevelopment across Gillies Avenue, Whampoa Street, Bulkeley Street, and Baker Street, which will be developed in three phases, providing a gross floor area of more than 1 million sq ft.
Phase 2 is expected to be launched in 2024 and the whole project will be built after 2027, the developer said.
This came as the Buildings Department said it approved 13 building plans in March, including Henderson's and Swire Properties' (0012) plan of constructing two 28-story complexes in Quarry Bay.
The two buildings will provide 34,219.4 sq m of residential space and 6,721.7 sq m for commercial use.
Separately, some completed units of luxury project Bisney Crest in Pok Fu Lam has opened to the public for viewing, said the developer Chinachem Group.
(The Standard)信德中心西座中層每呎48元租出
灣仔 Novo Jaffe 呎價2.2萬售
另一方面,商廈市場亦頻錄買賣,其中,宏基資本旗下灣仔 Novo Jaffe 新錄連環成交,其中,該商廈高層,建築面積約2243方呎,以4934.6萬售出,呎價約2.2萬;此外,同廈低層2室及3室亦錄承接,面積均為469方呎,以每呎約17910元售出,每伙售價約840萬。
更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售
事實上,自疫情於上月放緩後,羅守輝頻頻沽貨,資料顯示,羅氏於本月沽出深水埗白楊街25E至25F號恆成大樓地鋪連入則閣,建築面積約1371方呎,作價2160萬,平均呎價15755元,他於2019年8月以1800萬買入,持貨約3年帳面獲利約360萬,升幅約20%,租客Project B為西式餐廳,月租4.2萬,租期至2023年10月,回報約2.29厘。
全新工廈Artisan Lab 意向呎租16元起
有發展商看準工商舖物業前景走勢,故將旗下位處新蒲崗六合街21號的全新工廈項目推出市場招租,Artisan Lab意向呎租約16元起,適合零售、服務業及創意工業等進駐。
配套齊 與啟德區協同效應
地產代理表示,位於新蒲崗六合街21號的Artisan Lab已屆現樓階段,發展商新世界 (00017) 現正展開全面招租工作,該項目樓高22層,面積由約1,417至全層8,323平方呎不等,實用率高達約7成,意向呎租約16至18元。
集兩鐵之便 盡享地利
代理續稱,該項目由新世界集團匠心打造,信心之選;加上項目盡享地利優勢,附近有多條巴士及小巴路綫外,港鐵鑽石山站及啟德站亦只是咫尺之遙。代理認為,Artisan Lab為新蒲崗區提供工業樓面,物業配套設施齊備,具上佳地理位置,加上呎租相宜,尤其適合各行各業進駐。而新蒲崗配合啟德發展區產生協同效應,隨着新盤陸續落成,帶來龐大的潛在消費力,租賃需求愈趨強勁,相信將會有不少企業租客有意率先搶佔優質地段開業,料洽租情況反應會見熱烈。
火炭嘉里貨倉全幢 24億洽至尾聲
呎價約5581元 買家華潤物流呼聲高
貨倉近1年成投資焦點,發展商趁機放售非核心物業。嘉里 (00683) 放售旗下火炭嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉全幢,據悉獲24億元洽購至尾聲,有望短期內易手,消息稱以華潤物流奪得物業呼聲較高。
市場消息指,嘉里早前放售嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉,物業位於火炭山尾街36至42號,對面為近年入伙的駿洋邨,樓高18層,每層面積約2.8萬平方呎,總樓面面積約43萬平方呎,並提供約64個車位。
事實上,該集團於同區亦持有工廈,涉及火炭禾香街2至10號華潤物流 (沙田冷倉),料是次再於同區增持工廈,作集團物流倉之用,預計奪得物業呼聲較高。另外,由於物業樓底較高,加上火炭適合發展數據中心,故亦有基金曾研究物業作改裝數據中心。
工廈成焦點 屢錄大額成交
隨着近期疫情緩和,大額物業交投轉好,工廈再度成為投資焦點,市場近期錄得數宗全幢工廈成交。包括葵涌貨櫃碼頭路43號集運中心全幢,以近29億元成交,物業總樓面面積約26.62萬平方呎,呎價高見1.09萬元,為區內工廈呎價新高。新買家為美資基金Nuveen旗下Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF)。另外,粉嶺業暢街6號新中國洗衣集團大廈全幢以約4.5億元易手,物業總面積約101,463平方呎,呎價約4,435元。買家為外資基金Heitman,購入轉作凍倉用途。
Tai Po project gears for sales
Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said the presale consent for Silicon Hill in Tai Po has been granted and sales could take place within the month.
The project offers studio to three-bedroom units with spaces ranging from 217 square feet to 851 sq ft, of which, flats with two bedrooms account for more than half, the developer said. Show flats, which are under preparation, will open to the public shortly, SHKP added.
In Kowloon City, the 70 flats at Allegro on sale on Saturday were nearly five times oversubscribed with around 400 checks, according to the builder Country Garden (2007).
In Tseung Kwan O, a new price list with at least 312 homes at Manor Hill will be revealed soon and the new round of sales will take place this month, said the developer Kowloon Development (0034).
It added that it has raked in nearly HK$3.2 billion after selling 519 units and its Sai Ying Pun project with no more than 200 flats will be launched next year.
(The Standard)中環皇后大道中9號高層每呎70元跌32% 丟空近1年始租出 回報低見1.5厘
4工廈重建料獲城規通過 可建樓面逾百萬方呎
項目地盤面積約5萬方呎,地積比率由12倍增加至14.4倍,擬議重建為1幢樓高39層 (包括各1層的平台花園、防火層及空中花園,另有5層地庫) 的商業大廈,其中地庫1樓至10樓屬零售餐飲用途,樓上則屬於辦公室用途,涉及總樓面約72萬方呎;最新獲規劃署不反對,料可獲城規會通過。
另外,由英皇國際持有的屯門新安街兩幢工廈,即新安街13號的寶泰工業大廈,以及新安街15號的山齡工業大廈,早於2020年1月獲批合併重建,去年10月該公司再向城規會遞交新發展方案,將上述兩工廈分拆作單獨重建,該項目地盤面積同為1萬方呎,上述兩幢工廈分別重建為一幢樓高23層 (包括兩層地庫) 的新式工廈,可建總樓面約11.4萬方呎,即兩廈重建後合共可提供約22.8萬方呎工業樓面;是次改劃亦獲規劃署不反對,料可獲通過。
至於由財團持有的葵涌藍田街7至13號榮達工業大廈,去年曾向城規會申請略為放寬地積比率限制,以作准許的非污染工業用途 (不包括涉及使用/貯存危險品的工業經營),地盤面積約9000方呎,重建為1幢不多於19層高的新式工廈,總樓面涉約10.26萬方呎;該申請獲規劃署不反對,料可獲通過。
港島商廈吸引 實力投資者入市
疫情緩和 核心區一綫街舖租務升
新租客為澳洲時裝店Cotton On,原租用同區德己立街2至12號業豐大廈地下A、B舖連地庫,即蘭桂坊一帶,舖位面積約8,380平方呎。據悉,2年前品牌與業主大鴻輝續約,月租由110萬元,減逾2成至約85萬元,續約2年。如今約滿,品牌趁同區有其他大樓面舖位招租,即作出搬遷。
Cotton On租大道中近萬呎
翻查資料,永恆商業大廈多層舖位,曾由本地時裝Esprit租用,品牌於2014年以約200萬元租用該廈地下、高層地下及地庫,合共約1.7萬平方呎樓面,呎租約117.6元。2020年本港爆發疫情,零旅客下多個時裝品牌棄租皇后大道中舖位,而Esprit亦遷出,舖位一直未有長租客租用,僅有口罩店短租數月。如今Cotton On租用物業2層,按呎租計,新租金較舊租金跌逾半。
另外,同區娛樂行地下一舖位,面積約2,400平方呎,獲時裝品牌「Love, Bonito」租用,月租料約30萬元。該品牌曾於同區H Queen's開設期間限定店,如今長租娛樂行舖位。該舖早年曾由名車品牌平治以約450萬元租用,品牌遷出後,去年舖位曾獲糖果店短租。
前Burberry旗艦店 餐飲集團承接
該舖於10年前,獲名牌Burberry以每月約770萬元租用,租金較前租客 (手機品牌) 高2.5倍。品牌於2015年以880萬元續租,其後租金回落,估計Burberry最後每月租金約200萬元水平。如今餐飲集團以約100萬元租用,較舊租平一半,較高峰期更跌近9成。
H&M再縮店 棄租尖沙咀新港中心
兩層共2萬呎舖 高峰期月租逾千萬
業主擬「化整為零」 分拆再招租
快速時裝 (fast fashion) 近年有減分店趨勢,另一代理認為,近年消費者選購快速時裝,多透過網上平台,對品牌來說,網上銷售既切合年輕消費群,同時不用租大樓面舖位作貨品陳列,可節省租金開支。對業主來說,近年不少品牌放棄旗艦店後,因缺乏新品牌頂上租用全數樓面,變陣分拆再招租。
本地消費撑市道 國際名牌未起動
食肆趁租金回調 擴充吸客
Huge Kai Tak projects to offer 6,740 homes
Major housing projects at Kai Tak to be launched in the second half of this year will put as many as 6,740 homes on the market.
They include two projects with a total of 2,000 homes in Kai Tak co-developed by Wheelock Properties and other developers, two projects from K Wah International (0173) and one from Henderson Land Development (0012).
Also set for a second half launch is a project from Chinachem and MTRC (0066) in Ho Man Tin.
Wheelock said at an event yesterday that both the Area 4B Site 1 development - in partnership with Henderson and China Overseas Land & Investment (0688) - and Area 4B Site 3 development - with New World Development (0017) - are pending presale consents, and it plans to launch these projects in the third and fourth quarter of this year.
K Wah International also said it has two projects, which offer a total of more than 4,000 homes, in the area waiting for the presale approval at the same event.
Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of Henderson's sales department, said its new project at 8 Muk Tai Street, which provides 740 homes, is expected to be put on the market in the second half as well.
Upper Riverbank, which has sold 557 units at an average price of HK$28,000 per square foot, still has 110 units left, said the developers KWG (1813) and Longfor (0960).
Most of the remaining units are huge flats with three or four bedrooms, and may be put up for sale via tender in the future, they said.
The two mainland developers also said they have teamed up and built a luxury project in Ap Lei Chau which could be launched in the third quarter at the earliest.
Separately, Chinachem chief Donald Choi Wun-hing said at another event that its Ho Man Tin project is expected to be launched in the second half and the developer remains confident in Hong Kong's property market.
Choi said the US interest rate hikes would not have much of an impact on the sector and the property prices will go up steadily in the future.
In Tai Po, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said it will release the first price list for Silicon Hill next week at the earliest and expected to launch the sales by the end of this month.
In Cheung Sha Wan, The Symphonie has obtained the pre-sale consent and will reveal the sale brochures as early as next week, the developer Henderson said.
(The Standard)
長沙灣「變天」激活商貿需求 新世界林浩文:料租售價穩步上揚
外資基金頻大手購工廈酒店 今年暫錄82億較去年同期升41%
今年以來市場暫錄6宗酒店買賣,基金佔4宗,涉資逾45億,市佔率73%,WEAVE LIVING夥拍安祖高頓一連購入大角嘴九龍珀麗酒店及西環華麗都會酒店,涉資各14.20億及9億;紅磡「逸.酒店」作價16.46億,油麻地CASA酒店5.9億成交,分別由兩家外資基金購入。
今年最矚目工廈成交,為葵涌貨櫃碼頭路集運中心全幢,以約29億易手,每呎1.09萬,創區內工廈新高,更成為二手工廈高價指標,買家為美資基金Nuveen旗下Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF),該基金首度在港插旗,重手出擊令市場側目。
除了上述美資基金外,今年出手購入工廈,包括加拿大基金公司Brookfield Asset Management Inc,向興勝創建購入沙田工業中心單位及車位,涉資2.11億,新加坡基金SilkRoad Property Partners,亦購入荃灣大成大廈3全層,涉資1.8億。
嘉里連沽2貨倉 共46億今年最大額
買家均為華潤物流 近年多番買工廈
工廈成為投資焦點,嘉里 (00683) 表示,以約46.2億元沽出旗下位於沙田及柴灣貨倉物業,買家均為華潤物流,成為今年最大額工廈買賣個案。
嘉里表示,與華潤物流達成協議,出售旗下嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉及嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉兩項物業,作價分別23.3億及22.9億元,合共涉及約46.2億元。以成交價計,為今年最大金額買賣。
疫情影響貨倉營運 沽貨套現
兩項物業均屬貨倉用途,嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉位於火炭山尾街36至42號,對面為近年入伙的駿洋邨。沙田貨倉樓高18層,總樓面面積約404,374平方呎。據了解,該物業現時出租率理想,呎租約12至14元,主要為物流行業租用。物業以23.3億元易手,呎價約5,762元。
柴灣貨倉作價22.9億 呎售4393
另一物業為嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉,物業位於柴灣嘉業街50號,樓高15層,總樓面約521,253平方呎。數年前,嘉里物流 (00636) 曾作出申請,計劃改裝柴灣貨倉為大型骨灰龕場,惟城規會指項目所在為活躍的作業海港,有貨倉及工業用途,與申請人提出的土地用途不協調,亦憂減少工業用地供應等,否決有關申請。
Kerry Properties sells two godowns for $4.6b
Kerry Properties says it has entered into an agreement with China Resources Logistics to sell two warehouses for HK$4.62 billion.
Kerry said in a filing yesterday that one of its wholly owned subsidiaries plans to sell the Chai Wan warehouse for HK$2.29 billion and the Sha Tin warehouse for HK$2.33 billion.
The buyer, CRL, is an indirect wholly owned investment holding subsidiary of the state-owned conglomerate China Resources.
Chai Wan warehouse is at 50 Ka Yip Street, and had a net book value of HK$2.28 billion at the end of last year, it said.
With a total gross floor area of 521,253 square feet, the property brought Kerry HK$45 million in net profit last year.
The Sha Tin warehouse at 36-42 Shan Mei Street New Territories has a total gross floor area of 404,374 sq ft, the filing showed.
It had a net book value of HK$1.46 billion last year and created an after-tax net profit of HK$113 million in 2021.
The deal is expected to be completed on or before June 30 and the related transaction costs would be HK$5 million, Kerry Properties said.
The estimated net proceeds from the disposal in the amount of about HK$4.62 billion will be used as general working capital, and an estimated gain of HK$883 million will be recorded upon completion, it said.
On the prevailing market conditions under the Covid-19 situation, the financial position of the group and the performance of the warehouses, the directors consider that the disposal presents an excellent opportunity for the company to unlock the value of the warehouses and enables it to recycle capital to strengthen its balance sheets and operations, the filing stated.
Given that the group has a diverse and robust property portfolio, Kerry Properties felt the disposal would have no material effect on its business and operations, said the filing.
(The Standard)
The Grand Mayfair II in Yuen Long released another two batches with 288 flats together to be put on sale on Wednesday after selling over 90 percent of the homes in the first round of sales last Friday.
The two price lists, which comprise 59 one-bedroom units, 188 two-bedroom units, 34 three-bedroom units, and 7 flats with four bedrooms, are priced from HK$6.52 million to HK$18.47 million after discounts, or from HK$17,132 to HK$20,463 per square foot.
The 805-flat project is phase 1B of a 2,200-flat mega development that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).
They have earned over HK$3.5 billion following the sales of more than 400 homes last Friday.
In Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon Development (0034) has released the fifth price list for Manor Hill, offering 172 units starting from HK$5.04 million after discounts. The batch provides studio and one-bedroom homes ranging from 208 sq ft to 428 sq ft.
In Kai Tak, Wheelock Properties has sold at least six units at Monaco Marine, raking in HK$81.7 million.
Its Koko Hills in Lam Tin will launch sales of 96 flats today, including 80 on price lists and 16 by tender.
In Cheung Sha Wan, Grand Victoria II co-developed by Sino Land, Wheelock, and three others, will put 130 flats on the market tomorrow, including 76 on price lists and 54 via tender.
The 76 homes ranging from 278 sq ft to 807 sq ft are priced from HK$6.48 million to HK$22.66 million after discounts.
In Kowloon City, Country Garden (2007) has recorded at least 14 transactions for its Allegro, after putting 70 units up for sale.
In Tai Kok Tsui, at least 9 flats - a studio unit and 8 one-bedroom units - were sold over the weekend, which brought the developer Henderson Land Development (0012) over HK$54 million in contracted sales.
New projects across the city drew buyers from the secondary market over the weekend, resulting in a 21.4 percent decline in the top 10 housing estates with half of them recording no transaction, a property agency said.
Only 11 deals were seen over the weekend, but the number has remained in double-digit territory for the 10th week in a row, the real estate agency said.
An agent said that developers are relatively conservative in pricing to attract buyers, which inevitably slows down second-hand transactions.
The agent added that homeowners may need to further cut their asking prices in order to compete.
(The Standard)H&M轉軚 短租尖沙咀舖
伯恩光學觀塘工廈 申改商廈獲批
城規會昨批准部分有關工商項目改劃發展的申請,包括由伯恩光學創辦人楊建文收購的觀塘開源道75至77號業發工業大廈,及巧明街119至121號年運工業大廈,日後將以地積比率約14.4倍,發展1幢39層高的商廈 (另設5層地庫)。
另外,英皇國際 (00163) 屯門新安街13號寶泰工業大廈及新安街15號山齡工業大廈,亦獲批分拆以作單獨重建,以興建1座23層高新式工廈,合共總樓面面積約22.8萬平方呎。
呂祺教育中心招標 設面積下限
上述地盤面積約1.32萬平方呎,指定作「非工業 (不包括倉庫、酒店及加油站)」用途,最高可建樓面約11.62萬平方呎。綜合市場資料,地皮估值約13.9億至22億元,每呎樓面地價介乎1.2萬至1.89萬元。
Most flats sell at Grand Mayfair project near Yuen Long, in sign Hongkongers prefer new homes over secondary market
Out of the 428 flats on offer at Grand Mayfair, 390 had been sold by the evening
Overall market sentiment was positive, says executive at Sino Land, one of the developers behind project
About 91 per cent of flats in a new development were snapped up by Hong Kong homebuyers on Friday, in a sign that the primary market was their preferred choice.
Out of the 428 flats on offer at Grand Mayfair near Yuen Long, which has been developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land and Investment, 390 had been sold by 5.30pm, according to agents. Sales as of 4pm stood at about HK$3.5 billion (US$445.9 million), the developers’ spokeswoman said.
Buyers were “optimistic about the Northern Metropolis development and its huge opportunities, seeking the concept of having innovation in northern Hong Kong and finance on the southern side”, Victor Tin, group associate director of sales at Sino Land, said in a statement.
“The response was overwhelming,” he said, adding that the project might have extra units to offer later. “The Hong Kong stock market performed well today as well, up nearly 600 points, and the overall market sentiment was positive.”
The response to Grand Mayfair came despite rising interest and unemployment rates, and buyers were tempted by its transport links and growth potential.
Moreover, Friday’s sale was for the first round of the project’s phase two. Overall, the developers have earned more than HK$10.1 billion from close to 1,100 flats in three weeks, which made it the most popular project this year, according to the spokeswoman.
The project’s phase one was the fastest-selling new property development over the past four years, after first phase of Kwun Tong’s Grand Central in December 2018, where 871 units were sold within six days for more than HK$10.6 billion. During two rounds of sales for Grand Mayfair’s phase one in early May, 710 flats – or 99 per cent of the offering – worth HK$6.6 billion were sold in six days.
“The primary market has a wide offering with restrained pricing that considers the impact of the pandemic,” a property agent said. Buyers have benefited the most, “diverting buying power to the primary market”, the agent added.
“This month, sentiment in the second-hand market declined … mainly due to the impact of interest rate hikes in the United States, stock market fluctuations and an increase in owners’ asking prices,” the agent said.
A property agency said that one buyer had bought two flats for HK$14.47 million. The agency expected the overall number of new homes sold in May to climb to a five-month high of about 1,400.
On Friday, prices started at HK$6.25 million for a 352 sq ft flat. The average price worked out at HK$18,326 per square foot, after a discount of 16 per cent. That was about 2.4 per cent lower than the HK$18,777 per square foot seen in the previous round, and 8.7 per cent lower than the prevailing secondary market price of HK$20,062 per square foot at Ocean Pride in Tsuen Wan West, according the agency’s data.
Friday’s sale drew 4,050 registrations of intent, which meant about nine buyers were competing for each unit. A middle-aged investor surnamed Chu, who bought a two-bedroom flat for about HK$10 million for investment, dismissed headwinds such as the US interest rate rises.
Meanwhile, HSBC said it would offer a cash reward of up to HK$6,888 for customers taking out green mortgages for the second phase of Grand Mayfair. Green mortgages involve banks or mortgage lenders offering preferential terms to a homebuyers if they can demonstrate that the property for which they are borrowing meets certain environmental standards.
The bank also offered prizes such as a Tesla Model Y and HSBC-themed Octopus cards to drum up more business as part of the promotion, which runs up to the end of the year.
(South China Morning Post)星光行海景單位易手 每呎1.6萬低市價約10%
有一間外資代理行指,上述司徒拔道2號,佔地達13461方呎,現有13伙,實用面積合共15224方呎,劃為「住宅 (丙類) 2」用地,最高建築高度12層,連一層開放式車場,項目亦可補地價重建分層,或按現時限制重建洋房,截標日期為7月14日下午5時。
新世界申強拍銅鑼灣舊樓 市場估值逾45億創新高
工商舖4月367宗買賣 升6.7%
工廈續成焦點 兩月4宗全幢買賣
工廈續成財團追捧對象,近日投資市場上再現大額工廈成交。嘉里 (00683) 表示,與華潤物流達成協議,出售旗下嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉及嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉兩項物業,分別涉資23.3億及22.9億元,合共涉及46.2億元。以成交價計,為今年最大額買賣。
兩項物業均屬貨倉用途,嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉位於火炭山尾街36至42號,對面為近年入伙的駿洋邨。沙田貨倉樓高18層,總樓面面積約404,374平方呎。據了解,該物業現時出租率理想,呎租約12至14元,主要為物流行業租用。物業以23.3億元易手,呎價約5,762元。
另一物業為嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉,物業位於柴灣嘉業街50號,樓高15層,總樓面約521,253平方呎。數年前,嘉里物流 (00636) 曾作出申請,計劃改裝柴灣貨倉為大型骨灰龕場,惟遭城規否決。今次以物業22.9億元成交價計,呎價約4,393元。
華潤物流 已斥逾75億掃工廈
長沙灣工廈85%業權 5.5億放售
高層單位呎租18 近1年低
複式單位放售 意向價約1億
NWD looks to expand Causeway Bay holdings
New World Development (0017) has filed a compulsory sale application to acquire several properties in Causeway Bay which have a combined market value of HK$4.5 billion.
The properties, which include 54-76 Percival Street and Happy Mansion at 5-27 Lee Garden Road, have a site area of 19,831 square feet.
The developer has more than 80 percent ownership of the properties and the maximum gross floor area would be nearly 300,000 sq ft, if they are rebuilt at a plot ratio of 15.
The companies applying for the compulsory sale are Kerryford Holdings and Time Pilot, whose registered addresses are New World Tower, the headquarters of NWD.
In the primary market, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has unveiled the first price list for Silicon Hill in Tai Po, offering 116 homes at an average per-square-foot price of HK$17,498 after discounts, nearly 10 percent lower than some second-hand flats in the same area.
The first batch includes one-bedroom to three-bedroom units, and is priced from HK$5.49 million to HK$12.92 million after discounts, or from HK$16,461 to HK$19,929 per sq ft.
Three show flats are available for viewing from today and the sales registration will start tomorrow, the developer said, adding that the sales may take place this month.
The project offers studio to three-bedroom units with spaces ranging from 217 sq ft to 851 sq ft. Flats with two bedrooms account for more than half, SHKP said.
In Cheung Sha Wan, Seaside Sonata has put the remaining 38 three-bedroom units up for sale with the cheapest ones at HK$12.38 million after discounts.
The developer CK Asset (1113) said the flats, which range from 771 sq ft to 786 sq ft, are worth HK$570 million and it has raked in about HK$8.3 billion after selling 838 homes in the project.
In Quarry Bay, eight studio units from 221 sq to 227 sq ft at The Holborn will be put on sale with prices from HK$5.74 million to HK$6.13 million after discounts, developer Henderson Land Development (0012) said.
Meanwhile, a luxury residential property at No 2 Stubbs Road in Mid-Levels East worth about HK$1 billion is being tendered, a real-estate service firm said.
The 62-year-old property provides 13 residential flats with a total salable area of 15,224 sq ft, and the tender will close on July 14, it added.
(The Standard)
Hong Kong luxury homes set for a rebound as developers pin hopes on border reopening, buying power from mainland investors
Transaction volume of luxury homes could rebound by 30 to 40 per cent in the second half of 2022 on resumption of normal business
City has approved 13 projects for presale this year through late March, with luxury projects accounting for eight of them
The market for luxury homes in Hong Kong is expected to brighten as developers and property investors look past the slump in the opening months this year. Subsiding Covid-19 impact and hopes for the reopening of borders are behind the new-found optimism.
Transaction volume of luxury homes could jump by 30 to 40 per cent in the second half from the first half, a property agent said. First-quarter sales of homes priced above HK$50 million (US$6.37 million) fell by a sequential 36.3 per cent, the worst since late 2020 because of the fifth wave of pandemic, stock market losses and fears over higher borrowing costs.
The Federal Reserve has raised its key interest rate twice this year, followed in lockstep by Hong Kong’s monetary authority under its linked exchange rate system. Still, local banks have refrained by lifting their lending rates amid a shrinking economy.
“The market has digested the interest-rate hike factor,” said Helen Fung, deputy director of sales at Chinachem Group. “The recent boom in the property market reflects confidence in entering the market.”
Developers had 13 new property projects approved citywide for presale by the government but not yet launched as of late March, offering a total of 2,582 units, according to Hong Kong Economic Times. Luxury residential projects accounted for eight of them.
Kowloon Development last week sold the last flat at Cadogan in Kennedy Town for HK$104 million, a duplex measuring 2,167 square feet. At HK$48,000 per sq ft, the unit is the most expensive in the development, reflecting underlying appetite among local buyers.
Luxury residential properties sold by tender will play a pivotal role in the primary market’s recovery in the coming quarters, according to Fonnie Chan, senior sales manager at Kowloon Development, as some developers have seized the opportunity to position for the market rebound.
Chinachem Group launched four duplex units at Bisney Crest in Pok Fu Lam earlier this month for sale by tender. It collected about HK$230 million from the sale of the last two luxury units at Villa Cove in Clear Water Bay last month.
First Group Holdings offered a house measuring 18,274 sq ft at 72 Repulse Bay Road for sale in mid-May, according to a property agent. The property has attracted more than 20 inquiries, a high reception for properties of that size, the agent added.
Emperor International Holdings, C C Land Holdings, Mingfa Group (International) and Couture Homes, who have jointly developed the No. 15 Shouson ultra-luxury development in the Southern district, could launch it shortly by tender, according to a statement.
“As the pandemic [eases] and Hong Kong’s economy gradually returns to normal, the group expects that the high-end residential market shall follow,” said Alex Yeung, vice-chairman of Emperor International.
That optimism has produced a record deal this month in Tai Po, where a castle-style mansion on 1 Ninth Street in Hong Lok Yuen villa estate changed hands for about HK$300 million. The property is the largest in the area.
The Hong Kong government has taken steps this quarter to peel away some of its tough social distancing curbs after managing to put a lid on the fifth wave of Covid-19 infections, including easing dine-in rules and quarantine measures for inbound arrivals.
“Recently, transactions of big-ticket luxury homes have increased,” said Chan at Kowloon Development. “With the pandemic easing, the market anticipates that the Hong Kong government will soon reopen the borders with the mainland, thereby attracting the purchasing power” from Chinese investors, she added.
(South China Morning Post)
Greater Bay Area residents will soon be able to buy wealth management, beauty and medical services from Hong Kong’s 11 Skies complex
Airport Authority awarded the contract for development and management of the project to New World Development in 2018
Anchor tenants include Bank of China (Hong Kong), Citibank, Standard Chartered, FTLife Insurance and Trinity Health Enterprise
Greater Bay Area (GBA) residents will soon be able to receive medical services and buy wealth management products at a commercial complex named 11 Skies near Hong Kong International Airport, without travelling to the city centre once the border with mainland China reopens.
11 Skies is a HK$20 billion (US$2.55 billion) 3.8 million square feet office-retail-entertainment project, comprising three, seven-storey grade A office towers. It will open in July and mainly target GBA residents who live within a one-and-a-half hour drive of the complex, according to developer New World Development.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on construction,” said Larry Leung, vice-president for operations at K11 Concepts, a unit of New World Group that is responsible for project management. “But we still manage to complete the work [for the office site] and keep the budget in check.”
The city’s Airport Authority awarded the contract for development and management of the project to the group’s property arm New World Development in 2018.
Nearly 20 companies from the finance, wealth management, beauty and medical services sectors will open offices at the three office towers, which have a total gross floor area of 570,000 sq ft, said Leung. “About half of the gross floor area [for offices] has been pre-leased,” said Leung, without disclosing the rents payable.
Aside flying to the airport to visit 11 Skies, the complex is also close to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, which could pull in visitors who drive from the Greater Bay Area, which includes the cities of Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Zhongshan, Dongguan, Huizhou, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing.
Five anchor tenants including Bank of China (Hong Kong), Citibank, Standard Chartered, FTLife Insurance and Trinity Health Enterprise have taken up space at the business complex.
Standard Chartered said it plans to set up a new banking centre in 11 Skies to meet the demand for cross-boundary banking and investment services from GBA residents.
“While the GBA market continues to develop rapidly, we believe mainland investors will have a higher demand for cross-boundary investment services, spurring growth of wealth management services in Hong Kong,” said Terruce Wang, head of Greater China segment for consumer, private and business banking at Standard Chartered Hong Kong, in a reply to questions from the Post.
“As 11 Skies is situated at one of the most accessible locations for GBA residents, we plan to cater to their needs as a physical servicing spot for banking and wealth management services, while they visit 11 Skies for entertainment and shopping in one-go,” said Wang.
Each of the three office towers will offer specific services, one for finance and wealth management, one for wellness and medical services, and the third will provide space for companies in the GBA to set up offices in Hong Kong.
The planned opening of the complex comes against the backdrop of a sharp plunge in mainland tourist arrivals to Hong Kong from 51 million in 2018 to 65,721 in 2021 amid a border closure since 2020 to contain the pandemic.
“The border with the mainland will open one day even though the market is clouded by short-term concerns,” a property agent said. The agent added that New World would be taking a long-term view of the project as the airport remains an international hub.
“Hong Kong’s financial and medical services are considered some of the most established in the Asia-Pacific region,” another agent said. “It can attract money flow from the mainland seeking to buy insurance, stocks and wealth investment products in Hong Kong.”
Meanwhile, the retail part of 11 Skies, comprising 800 shops and 120 restaurants, is set to open in 2024. The facilities will include the first KidZania theme park in Greater China, the city’s first flying theatre, Timeless Flight Hong Kong, and SkyTrack, an indoor and outdoor karting track.
The agent said that there has not been such a “retailtainment” – retail marketing as entertainment – complex in Hong Kong with such a “wow” factor for tourists and locals in the past 10 years.
(South China Morning Post)羅素街8號全層1.1億易手 中建富通麥紹棠持有 八年帳蝕3900萬
另一方面,相同街道地鋪亦新錄承租個案,市場消息指出,銅鑼灣羅素街22至24號全幢,新獲奢侈品牌Gucci及運動品牌Adidas短租,鋪位建築面積約8740方呎,該鋪早前由高級內衣品牌La Perla租用,於市場高峰期2015年租金高達750萬,惟該品牌於2020年10月租約屆滿遷出。
交吉半年始租出 怡和街鋪王租金跌25%
基滙資本牽頭財團早前以逾98億向太古地產購入鰂魚涌英皇道1111號 (前稱太古城中心一座) 全幢寫字樓,物業於上月底連錄22宗買賣,作價介乎1億至5.9億。有業內人士分析,上述連環買賣料為內部轉讓,並為項目日後拆售作準備。
英皇道1111號 (前稱太古城中心一座) 商廈於2020年底,以約98.45億售予基滙資本牽頭財團,為近年投資物業市場矚目「大刁」之一。該物業上月底錄得多宗大手成交,共涉22宗買賣,作價介乎約1億至5.9億,成交金額最高買賣為頂層連天台,作價5.99億。據悉,買家為基滙資本相關人士。
資料顯示,基滙資本牽頭財團於2020年10月,以約98.45億向太古地產購入鰂魚涌英皇道1111號 (前稱太古城中心一座) 全幢寫字樓,總樓面近62.9萬方呎,平均呎價約1.56萬,以每年租金收入約2.78億計,租金回報率約2.8厘。該物業樓高27層,租客不乏大機構,包括中銀集團、三井住友保險、泰禾人壽保險及惠普 (hp) 等等,目前平均呎租逾40元。物業亦是太古灣道14號 (前稱太古城中心三座) 寫字樓中,最接近港鐵站出口,較同系第三座及第四座寫字樓配套為佳。
火炭逾廿幢工廈申建住宅 料增4700伙
火炭工業區近期受市場關注,華潤物流以約23.3億元購入區內的嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉,同區近年正在轉型過程,包括長實 (01113) 去年申請重建區內逾20幢工廈成大型住宅區,涉及約4,700伙。
華潤持5廈 成區內大地主
近日嘉里 (00683) 宣布出售旗下嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉及嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉兩項物業,分別涉資約23.3億及約22.9億元,合共涉及逾46.2億元,新買家為華潤物流。當中嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉位於火炭工業區內的山尾街36至42號,總樓面面積約404,374平方呎,呎價約5,762元。
隨着華潤物流購入嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉,連同百適一倉、百適二倉、沙田冷倉 (一倉) 及沙田冷倉 (二倉),由華潤系內持有的火炭工廈增加至5幢,成為區內大地主之一,而華潤早年曾經申請重建沙田冷倉 (一倉) 及百適二倉,重建成酒店項目,在5層商場之上建28層高酒店,提供858間客房,不過方案當年未獲城規會通過。
首期改建 料2026年落成
值得留意的是,去年長實申請將火炭工業區東部20幢工廈,由「工業」用途改劃為「住宅 (戊類)」等用途,重建成為24幢大型住宅屋苑,提供4,706伙,計劃分為3期發展,當中長實持有的沙田屈臣氏中心納入第1期,提供約300伙,平均單位面積約608平方呎,預計2026年落成。
至於第2期範圍較廣泛,涉及鄰近火炭站的多幢工廈,包括由華潤持有的沙田冷倉一倉、二倉和百適一倉、二倉,提供1,793伙,預計2028年落成。華潤物流今次新購入的嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉,則位於長實申請方案的第3期部分,連同其他中建電訊大廈等合共13幢工廈,將會提供約2,613伙,不過該批工廈普遍無單一大業主主導重建,不容易在短期內落實。
持貨4年 獲利7000萬
THE ICON一籃子物業放售
有代理指,有業主出售觀塘道320至322號的THE ICON地下、一樓及二樓。
Commercial property deals decline by 35pc
Hong Kong's commercial real estate investment deal count is expected to reach 50 in the first half of this year, with total consideration at HK$28 billion, which is a 35 percent year-on-year decline but up 28 percent from 2020, a property agency said.
Although Covid has slowed the investment activities down in the period and delayed decision making by investors, it has not diminished investment confidence in the city, said the real estate services firm.
Full year's transactions is expected to reach HK$70 billion, outperforming 2020 and 2019 levels, it added.
Meanwhile, another property agency said that the ground, first and second floor of The Icon at 320-322 Kwun Tong Road has been put on the market. With a gross area of 23,025 square feet, the refurbished property includes a luxurious lobby and multi-purpose space on the ground floor, and modern industrial workshops on the other two.
Separately, Kerry Properties (0683) has appointed Dennis Au Hing-lun as its deputy chief executive and an executive director with immediate effect.
Au is entitled to receive a remuneration of HK$5.8 million for the rest of this year and will be entitled to receive a discretionary bonus, the developer said in a filing.
(The Standard)
灣仔會展廣場辦公大樓呎租44元跌26% 上月約滿速獲承租
會德豐申強拍黃竹坑工廈 持有85%業權估值逾6.9億
該項目地盤面積11054方呎,該項目去年10月曾向城規會申請放寬兩城地積比率由12倍增加至14.4倍,而建築物高度由主水平基準以上100米申請放寬至125.9米,即增加約25.9%,重建為一幢樓高28層 (包括1層空中花園/防火層,另有4層地庫) 的商廈,涉及可建總樓面約15.9萬方呎,今年2月亦獲城規會在有附帶條件下批准發展,料日後落成後,不少單位可享海景。
鄧成波家族3900萬沽佐敦地鋪 投資者陳俊文接貨 連約回報2.9厘
石門京瑞廣場二期中層 每呎叫價12500
擁港鐵之便 區內甲級商廈
畢架山花園商場9千萬沽 升值11倍
鄧成波家族持有 獲利8250萬
佐敦官涌街舊樓 逾2億易手
The Grand Mayfair II in Yuen Long sold at least 249 of the 288 flats on offer in the second round of sales yesterday.
The 288 homes comprise 59 one-bedroom, 188 two-bedroom, 34 three-bedroom, and 7 four-bedroom flats, priced from HK$6.52 million to HK$18.47 million after discounts, or from HK$17,132 to HK$20,463 per square foot.
The 805-flat project is phase 1B of a 2,200-flat mega development that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).
Also in the same area, The YOHO Hub developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has released the fifth price list, offering 103 homes at an average per sq ft price of HK$21,232 after discounts.
In Cheung Sha Wan, Henderson Land Development (0012) said the first price list of The Symphonie may be unveiled as early as next week.
The project provides 262 units ranging from 261 to 573 sq ft and 85 percent of them have one or two bedrooms, said Thomas Lam Tat-man, a general manager of Henderson's sales department.
Lam added that showrooms may also open to the public next week and the developer has sold 254 flats at The Harmonie also in the same area.
Henderson's other project Caine Hill in Sheung Wan will put seven more flats on the market on Sunday. On offer are five one-bedroom and two studio units, with prices from HK$6 million to HK$8.86 million after discounts.
The builder has raked in around HK$750 million with 100 units sold at the project.
In Lam Tin, Wheelock Properties said its Koko Hills phase 3 could be launched as soon as the end of next month. The project will be developed in two phases, and the first one - phase 3A - offers over 390 homes mainly comprising one- and two-bedroom ones.
In other news, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors is proposing to lower the application threshold for compulsory sale to below 80 percent. It said the specific threshold has not yet been finalized but the proposal will need to balance the interests of small property owners and developers.
The HKIS added it plans to submit the suggestions to Development Bureau next month.
The proposal came as two developers applied for the compulsory sale of two industrial buildings in Wong Chuk Hang and Kwun Tong respectively, which combined have a market valuation of around HK$1.2 billion.
(The Standard)
Grand Mayfair project in Hong Kong’s Yuen Long reports robust sales for second time in five days, in encouraging sign for developers
Of the 288 flats on offer, 251 sold on Wednesday at project developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land and Investment
Development saw about 91 per cent of 428 flats on offer being sold on Friday
The Grand Mayfair development in Yuen Long reported robust sales for a second time in about five days, with 251 out of the 288 flats on offer sold on Wednesday, in an encouraging sign for developers.
The project, which is being developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land and Investment, saw about 91 per cent of the 428 flats on offer being sold during its last sales day on Friday. The developers have earned more than HK$12.2 billion (US$1.55 billion) from sales at Grand Mayfair in just over three weeks now.
The response to Grand Mayfair comes despite rising unemployment rates and ahead of an imminent increase in interest rates. It is expected to encourage developers to speed up sales.
For example, Kowloon Development will sell 312 homes at Manor Hill and Sun Hung Kai Properties will sell 16 units at its Prince Central development, both on Saturday.
“The number of new homes sold this month is expected to be about 1,600 units, up by half from the previous month,” a property agent said. “Because of the upcoming launches of several new large-scale projects, it is expected that the number of first-hand transactions could jump further to 2,000 flats in June.”
The sale on Wednesday, for a second round of flats in The Grand Mayfair II, drew more than 1,500 registrations of intent, according to local media. This meant about five buyers were competing for each unit.
More than 70 per cent of the buyers were young, many of whom bought a home for the first time, Daryl Ng, deputy chairman of Sino Group, was quoted as saying by local media. Sino Land is a member of Sino Group.
Many buyers were attracted to the project because of its transport links and green amenities, Ng said, adding that Grand Mayfair had also benefited from the government’s Northern Metropolis plan.
The developers have sold 1,349 flats in over three weeks, or 95 per cent of the total offered, which made the project the most popular development this year, a Sino Group spokeswoman said. In phase two alone, the developers had sold 641 flats for more than HK$5.6 billion, she added.
The flats on offer on Wednesday, at an average price of HK$18,644 per square foot, were 6 per cent more expensive than flats in phase one’s first batch, which went on sale in late April for HK$17,608 per square foot. Prices started at HK$7.76 million for a 351 sq ft flat in phase one’s first batch.
Wednesday’s average price was below only that of The YOHO Hub, which went on sale for HK$19,899 at launch in December, and was above all other recent new projects nearby at launch, according to data from a property agency.
It was also at the high end of secondary market prices nearby. Riva, a development near Grand Mayfair, is currently changing hands for an average of HK$14,590 per square foot, according to another property agency.
(South China Morning Post)東鐵綫過海段 可帶動灣仔金鐘商廈
新盤 Novo Jaffe 開售 3全層沽出
東鐵綫過海段5月15日正式通車,更新增灣仔會展站,而前往紅磡更是一站之距,交通更便利。灣仔亦有商廈新盤推出,其中宏基資本 (02288) 旗下灣仔商廈新盤 Novo Jaffe 開售中,物業位於灣仔謝斐道218號,樓高27層,3至30樓為寫字樓用途,每層面積約2,243平方呎,部分樓層將分間細單位,面積約469至550平方呎。項目共58伙。據了解,暫時項目錄得3宗全層成交,其中28樓全層,面積約2,243平方呎,以4,934萬元成交,呎價約2.2萬元,另9樓全層,面積約2,243平方呎,成交呎價約1.82萬元。
力寶中心放租 最平每呎38元起
更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售
中環商廈續旺 空置率處低水平
Building height curbs to ease on Nathan Road
Building height restrictions for a number of commercial and residential sites around Nathan Road are expected to be relaxed by the Town Planning Board today.
The height limit for commercial buildings is now planned to be relaxed by 10 percent from 100 meters to 110 m while the limit for residential buildings along the west side of Nathan Road will be set to 100 m from the original 80 m or 100 m, according to reports.
The Real Estate Developers Association had pointed out in a consultation paper that the relaxation does not provide sufficient flexibility in design to allow developers to build comprehensive developments.
Instead, it called for further easing the height restrictions to 130 m, but the suggestion was not supported by Planning Department.
The department said the original numbers had taken factors like the character of the area and the air circulation into consideration, and so did not agree with the Reda's advice.
The Town Planning Board will make the final amendment today.
Meanwhile, former movie star Amy Yip Chi-mei is said to have splashed out HK$36.24 million for a flat at 10 LaSalle in Ho Man Tin. She bought the three-bedroom unit with 1,132 sq ft at HK$32,012 per sq ft last month.
(The Standard)北京道單邊鋪呎租350元跌56% 找換店進駐簽署2年長約
消息人士透露,新租客找換店以每月5萬,承租鋪位半年,餘下18個月,月租為10萬,即兩年之間平均月租8.75萬,每呎350元,新租客為找換店龍頭HONG KONG EXCHANGE,早於疫市前逾30家分店,現時則有15家,主要分布銅鑼灣及旺角,其次為尖沙嘴,今番更吼準尖區擴張。
最新租客HONG KONG EXCHANGE,則是首次進駐該鋪位,最新月租較對上長租跌56%,對比高峰期,跌幅更高達79%。
商鋪錄102宗註冊按月升43.7% 代理行:連跌2個月後反彈
More flats to hit market this weekend
Hong Kong's primary and secondary home markets are benefiting from monetary easing in the mainland and the further relaxation of pandemic restrictions in the city, with developers poised to place more homes on the market over the upcoming long weekend.
The third price list for Phase 1 of Silicon Hill in Tai Po has been released, offering 84 units at an average price of HK$17,370 per square foot after discounts, and sales may be launched as early as this Friday, when the city celebrates the Dragon Boat Festival, the developer Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) said.
The third price list includes one- and two-bedroom units, with prices ranging from HK$5.36 million to HK$7.93 million after discounts.
SHKP has so far received over 1,500 checks, making the first three price lists with 258 units 4.8 times oversubscribed.
In Ho Man Tin, SHKP sold eight of the 16 Prince Central homes offered in the first round of sales on Saturday, at an average price per of HK$29,000 per sq ft.
In Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon Development (0034) had sold 10 out of 312 homes for its Manor Hill project as of Saturday.
In the secondary market, a property agency reported 14 deals at 10 blue-chip estates over the weekend, a 27.3 percent rise compared to the previous weekend.
The turnover remained in the double-digit level for the eleventh consecutive weekend, the realtor said.
An agent said that many prospective buyers feel optimistic about the property market and have been more willing to enter the market amid the easing of the pandemic and supportive policies rolled out by mainland regulators.
The focus of this month is on the primary market but recently there are also buyers returning to the secondary market to choose the preferred site, the agent said, adding that the secondary market is expected to remain stable in the future.
This came as Hong Kong's private home price index rose 0.5 percent to 384 in April, reversing a three-month decline, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department.
That compared with a revised 0.6 percent fall in March.
On a yearly basis, home prices in April dropped 1.8 percent from a year ago.
(The Standard)中環3幢舊樓5月30日強拍
中環士丹頓街47至57號3幢舊樓,將於5月30日舉行強制拍賣,底價為5.29億元。該物業的地盤面積共約4333.55方呎,其中士丹頓街47至49號為兩幢於1968年落成的7層高商住樓宇;而士丹頓街51至57號華怡樓為一幢於1971年落成的6層高商住樓宇。上址是由HOLLY PROPERTY COMPANY LIMITED於2020年12月向土地審裁處提出強拍申請並於上月獲批強制售賣令。
Hong Kong home prices reverse 3-month drop to climb 0.5pc in April
Hong Kong private home prices reversed a three-month decline in April, the latest official data showed on Friday, as the financial hub stabilized after Covid-related woes and homebuyer sentiment was boosted by waves of new development launches.
Prices in what a survey company ranked the world's most unaffordable housing market, climbed 0.5 percent in April from the previous month, according to official data, compared with a revised 0.6 percent fall in March.
Hong Kong's economy was hit earlier this year after some of the world's most stringent social restrictions were imposed to tackle the latest Covid outbreak. The measures also prompted real estate agents to lower forecasts for 2022.
After months of muted activity, property developers rushed to launch new sales in April in response to the withdrawal of some Covid restrictions, triggering over-subscribed demand from buyers that drove up both transaction volumes and prices.
After prices posted a fall of 3 percent in the first three months, some realtors expected they had bottomed, though others remained more cautious.
Online property marketplace Spacious expected prices to drop another 5 percent in the rest of the year, citing a weaker local economy, a deteriorating mortgage rate outlook and the negative effect on personal wealth from weaker equity markets.
Spacious chief operating officer James Fisher said the property market would lose steam after the initial bounce in transaction in April and May. That bounce was stoked by the release of pent-up demand following the relaxation of restrictions and developer discounts in the primary market, Fisher said.
"Developers continue to push new supply via discounts and these headwinds remain, we think overall market pricing will deteriorate further over the next few months," Fisher said.
He added his company's data shows asking prices in the secondary market continued to decline and overall buyer demand remained weak.
(The Standard)
Hong Kong home prices in April rise for the first time in three months, as deals gain momentum on easing coronavirus curbs
The lived-in home price index in April rose 0.5 per cent to 384
The 0.5 per cent increase in the index was the best after the 1 per cent rise last July
Hong Kong’s home price index reversed a three-month losing streak in April, posting the biggest rise in nine months, following a rebound in the city’s housing market from the devastating fifth wave of coronavirus outbreak that put most economic activities on hold.
The price index for lived-in homes in April rose 0.5 per cent to 384, nearly the same level as February, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department on Friday. It was the biggest increase since the 1 per cent gain in July 2021. The April figure, however, is still 1.8 per cent lower on a year-on-year basis.
The rise is “higher-than-expected”, a property agent said. “The index will widen its increase in May, but the overall property price [index] in the first half will still see a slight decline.”
The lived-in price index could jump between 1 and 1.5 per cent in May, another agent said, adding that the continuing momentum in June could help the index recoup the first-quarter losses.
Following an easing of the government’s social-distancing measures in late April amid a decline in coronavirus infections, transaction volume started to rebound.
In April, prices of larger homes appeared to have outpaced those of smaller ones, the government data showed. Homes larger than 1,720 sq ft saw the largest increase at 2 per cent.
In the first four months of this year, the property price index fell by 2.51 per cent. The April figure is also 3.54 per cent lower than the record high of 398.1 reached in September last year.
Friday’s data came as developers continue to launch new projects ahead of an imminent increase in interest rates.
Centralcon Properties put on sale 426 flats at The Arles in Fo Tan on Friday. Henderson Land Development, meanwhile, is offering eight flats at The Holborn in Quarry Bay.
(South China Morning Post)
Hong Kong homebuyers adopt wait-and-see approach amid rising mortgage rates and higher unemployment
Only 18 out of 328 homes, or 5.5 per cent of the total, offered at Manor Hill in Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O and Prince Central in Prince Edward were sold on Saturday
The relatively high pricing and less favoured units are causing potential buyers to take a wait-and-see attitude amid rising mortgage rates and a higher unemployment
Hong Kong homebuyers held back from buying at two new developments in the city on Saturday, as rising mortgage rates and higher unemployment continue to dampen consumer sentiment.
Only 18 out of 328 homes, or 5.5 per cent of the total, offered at Manor Hill in Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O and Prince Central in Prince Edward were sold on Saturday as of 3.10pm local time, according to agents.
Ten were sold out of Kowloon Development’s 312 homes at Manor Hill, while eight transactions were completed at Sun Hung Kai Properties’ offering of 16 units at its Prince Central development.
The sluggish sales come as local mortgage rates are rising, after the city’s financial secretary Paul Chan Mo-po warned earlier this month that homebuyers would bear the brunt of possible rate hikes following the US Federal Reserve move.
“Sales were not that good as the price at Prince Central is not a low market price, while the units offered at Manor Hill are leftover ones [from previous sales],” a property agent said.
Discounted prices for the flats at Manor Hill were HK$5.04 million (US$642,000) to HK$9.8 million, or HK$19,572 to HK$24,980 per square foot (sq ft). Average discounted prices were HK$22,885 per sq ft. Buyers are expected to be able to move in as soon as August.
SHKP’s Prince Central flats, ranging in size from 251 to 624 sq ft, are being offered from HK$6.9 million to HK$21.3 million, or HK$27,677 to HK$34,173 per sq ft after factoring in as much as a 15 per cent discount. Three out of the 16 units will be offered for tender.
The cost of buying a house is rising locally, as the benchmark one-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (Hibor) could rise to 1.5 per cent in the third quarter of this year. It will follow the same upwards trajectory as the higher interest rates set by the US Federal Reserve and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA).
The local jobless rate in the three months ending March climbed to 5 per cent, the highest in nine months.
New home sales are expected to rise to 2,000 units in June, the agent projected, as new developments are gradually entering the market.
Developers continue to launch new projects ahead of an imminent increase in interest rates. Centralcon Properties put on sale 426 flats at The Arles in Fo Tan on Friday. Henderson Land Development, meanwhile, is offering eight flats at The Holborn in Quarry Bay.
The sluggish sales at the two projects followed Wednesday’s robust sales at The Grand Mayfair II in Yuen Long, which were jointly developed by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Overseas Land & Investment (COLI).
Buyers snapped up 251 out of the 288 flats at the project, attracted by its convenient transport links and green amenities.
(South China Morning Post)
Centralcon’s Fo Tan housing project The Arles concludes with less than 2 per cent sold in latest offering
The local developer controlled by tycoon Wong Kwong Miu sold only seven units in its latest round of sales consisting of 426 flats
Experts said Centralcon’s disappointing sales does not suggest a sluggish property market, as buying desire has returned to Hong Kong
A little-known Hong Kong property developer sold less than 2 per cent of the flats available in its latest sale in the city, despite strengthening buying desire as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the housing market eases.
Centralcon Properties, a local developer controlled by tycoon Wong Kwong Miu originally from Guangdong province, sold only seven units in its latest round of sales consisting of 426 flats in The Arles in Fo Tan on Friday, according to sources.
The developer, however, said the project pulled in more than HK$74 million (US$9.4 million) in one day and was satisfied with the sales result. Two of the units sold were sold by tender. It expected sales to be even better after the show flats were opened.
The sale comes as Hong Kong homebuyers started regaining confidence in the city’s housing market. Hong Kong’s home price index reversed a three-month losing streak in April, registering the largest jump in nine months, after the devastating fifth wave of the coronavirus outbreak put most economic activity on hold.
The price index for lived-in homes in April rose 0.5 per cent to 384, nearly the same level as February, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department on Friday. It was the biggest monthly increase since the 1 per cent gain last July, although it was still 1.8 per cent lower than a year earlier.
The rise was higher-than-expected, a property agent said. “The index will widen its increase in May, but the overall property price [index] in the first half will still see a slight decline.”
Some experts said Centralcon’s disappointing sales does not suggest a sluggish Hong Kong property market.
One of the reasons could be that most of the flats on offer were leftover stock, and buyers have become more selective because of the increase in new properties available, according to another property agent.
“There is buying power. It depends on whether buyers can find the bargain projects they like,” the agent said, “There will be some large projects. They can sell if prices are reasonable.”
The Arles, located near the Fo Tan subway station in eastern New Territories, offered three rounds of sales last October and November.
Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Hong Kong’s outgoing chief executive, has high hopes for the New Territories’ property market. Last October, she announced a plan to build a Northern Metropolis near the city’s border with the mainland, where 2.5 million people are expected to live in the next 20 years.
The city has seen a vast improvement in its Covid-19 situation since February, when it started recording an exponential surge in cases. On Friday, Hong Kong reported 250 new infections and one death, a sharp decline from the worst days in March, when more than 70,000 new cases were registered daily.
Price is also a major factor leading to the slow sales at The Arles, according to another property agent.
“If [a project] is not cheap, nobody would buy it … That is the only reason,” the agent said, adding that the project might attract more homebuyers if the price could be 5 per cent lower than the current level.
The flats on sale at The Arles on Friday were priced at an average of about HK$22,700 per square foot, 20 per cent higher than the first batch sold last October, which started at HK$18,888 per square foot.
“The post-pandemic market is not yet stable. There have been good and bad [sales results]. If [the project] is cheap, it can sell 1,000 units. If it is not cheap, there will be few buyers. The limited number of buyers will go around” in search of bargains, the agent said.
(South China Morning Post)
會德豐統一上環舊樓業權 底價5.29億擬重建中小型住宅
上環士丹頓街47至57號項目,昨日透過第一太平戴維斯進行強拍。上址地盤面積約4334方呎,可建樓面約3.6萬方呎,樓面呎價12179元。項目現規劃為「住宅 (甲類)」用途,位於中環士丹頓街之東北面,介乎伊利近街與鴨巴甸街之間,其中士丹頓街47至49號為兩幢於1968年落成的7層高商住樓宇,設有一條公共樓梯;士丹頓街51至57號華怡樓建於1971年,為樓高6層的商住樓宇,設有一條公共樓梯。資料顯示,項目於今年4月初獲土地審裁處頒下強拍令,而早於2020年9月被申請強拍時,市場估值約4.0684億,現時成交價較當時估值高出30%。
工廈新盤有價有市,金朝陽葵涌新式工廈樓花項目iCITY錄成交,有代理表示,項目一個中高層單位,面積510方呎,成交價488萬,刷新項目成交價新高,平均呎價9569元。另一代理補充,該買家鍾情iCITY 4.2米樓層高度,內置獨立洗手間,加上擁有1.8萬方呎園林平台,設施齊備。
原租尖東4萬呎辦公室 現減逾3成樓面
本港尚未通關情況下,九龍甲廈租務多為搬遷及收縮個案,消息指,樂聲牌 (Panasonic)租旺角新世紀廣場全層單位,租客原租用尖東商廈4萬平方呎辦公室,現縮減逾3成樓面。
呎租28元 單位面積2.6萬呎
葵涌iCITY 488萬成交新高
商廈買賣方面,灣仔商廈新盤 Novo Jaffe 續錄成交,涉及中層04室,面積約526平方呎,以約976萬元沽出,呎價約1.86萬元。
更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售
租金漸穩 核心區甲廈租務料增
另外,置地旗下中環約克大廈3層樓面,獲國際律師行租用作擴充。國際律師行White & Case租用中環約克大廈約2.5萬平方呎。該律師行原租用同區中匯大廈,是次搬遷屬擴充業務。市場人士預計,是次呎租約90餘元。
White & Case為國際律師事務所,在全球31個國家共設有45個辦事處。據悉,該公司曾租用置地旗下寫字樓。置地指,截至去年尾,律師事務所租戶在置地中環物業組合整體租戶基礎中,佔比增至31%,租用面積超過126萬平方呎。現時整個「大中環區」內,近四分之三大型律師事務所均為置地中環物業組合的租戶。
九龍區方面,有外資代理行指,疫情緩和,4月份商廈睇樓活動明顯增加,逾萬平方呎租務成交陸續出現,包括政府部門租用觀塘 Landmark East 等,涉逾5萬平方呎。另外,一間涉及加密貨幣機構,租用尖沙咀港威大廈約2.34萬平方呎樓面,而該廈亦錄得中資初創企業,租用逾2萬平方呎單位。
黃竹坑商業氣氛提升,而今年區內有甲廈落成,其中 Landmark South 涉及25萬呎平方呎樓面,現進行招租。
總樓面逾25萬呎 8月入伙
信和集團及帝國合作發展的黃竹坑業勤街39號全新甲廈項目 Landmark South,預計今年第二季落成,樓高31層,總樓面達256,957平方呎,包括16層甲廈、3層零售空間及藝術展覽廳,據悉藝術發展局將於此開設一個約5,000平方呎的多用途藝術展覽。其他特色上,物業有佔地9,000平方呎空中花園,最頂兩層29及30樓享特高樓底,項目可望今年8月入伙。
更多Landmark South寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:Landmark South寫字樓出租
北角新式商廈獲用家支持,新世界 (00017) 旗下 K11 ATELIER King's Road 樓面大兼享海景,而質素絕對為北角區地標。
鰂魚涌為港島東主要商業區,港鐵站一面出口為太古坊,較多新型商廈項目,另一個出口有商廈及酒店,惟新式商廈不多,K11 ATELIER King's Road 則為該地段近年最大型及質素高商廈。物業位於北角英皇道與健康東街交界,由港鐵鰂魚涌站步行至該廈僅數分鐘,而英皇道一帶有多條巴士綫,值得一提項目鄰近東隧出入口,故往返九龍亦甚便捷。
物業在落成時,已取得3大最高級別建築認證,包括評估建築對人類健康影響的《WELL建築標準》及《領先能源與環境設計》(LEED) 的鉑金級別認證,以及香港綠建環評 (BEAM) 等。
翻查資料,大廈前身為吉祥大廈,2006年該廈逾8成業權的業主集合業權放售,意向價逾13億元,其後曾經有不同財團接洽收購,更曾經爆發兩個財團間的收購戰,每平方呎收購價提高至6,400元,最終新世界及周大福 (01929) 等所組成財團成功跑出,並於2014年完成收購。
更多K11 Atelier King's Road寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:K11 Atelier King's Road 寫字樓出租
多層樓面招租 大廈出租約7成
北⻆ K11 ATELIER King's Road 質素上佳,現時大廈出租率約7成,市值呎租逾40元。
物業目前最大租客為廣告及公關公司WPP集團,租用大廈多層包括10至12、17及19樓等,合共7層,涉及約15萬平方呎樓面。另外,個人護理品牌l'occitane租用物業19及20樓,而新世界 (00017) 旗下酒店品牌Rosewood使用中高層單位,另外亦有金融機構、初創企業等使用物業。
更多K11 Atelier King's Road寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:K11 Atelier King's Road 寫字樓出租
30 Swire tenants join green drive
Swire Properties (1972) said office tenants covering over 1.5 million square feet have signed up for the developer's "Green Performance Pledge" to promote energy, water, and waste reduction in just 10 months.
Since the launch of the pilot in August 2021, 30 office tenants - representing 20 percent of occupied lettable floor area from the company's Hong Kong office portfolio - have signed up, it said in a statement yesterday.
Participants come from Taikoo Place, Pacific Place, and One Citygate, and span a wide range of industries such as banking and finance, legal, information technology, and consumer brands, it added.
Swire Properties aims to engage half of the office tenants in Hong Kong and China by 2025.
Meanwhile, Hang Seng Indexes Company launched Hang Seng Climate Change 1.5C Target Index with 209 constituents yesterday.
The index aims to achieve specific emission intensity improvement targets and is designed with reference to the minimum standards for the EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks.
This came as the Hong Kong Productivity Council launched its brand new Green Hall with innovative green tech empowering people to have greener choices in everyday life and to act in concert to help the city achieve carbon neutrality.
(The Standard)
For more information of Office for Lease at Taikoo Place please visit: Office for Lease at Taikoo Place
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Quarry Bay please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Quarry Bay
For more information of Office for Lease at Pacific Place please visit: Office for Lease at Pacific Place
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Admiralty please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Admiralty