HK (+852) 3990 0799

逾億元工商舖錄49宗 交投按年跌43%











通關後零售復甦不似預期,工商舖業主面對現實減價,其中興勝創建 (00896)  持有的佐敦官涌街 THE AUSTINE PLACE 基座地舖以2.2億元放售,相較3月份大幅劈價1億元或逾3成。

涉地下及1樓12270 同時放租

據一名本港代理表示,官涌街38號 THE AUSTINE PLACE 地下及1樓放租售,單位建築面積12,270平方呎,其中地下面積約4,880平方呎。業主意向售價2.2億元,呎價約1.8萬元,意向租金為75萬元,呎租約61元。


陳聖澤家族 1.8億放工廈舖位






Typhoon hurts home deals

Secondary market transactions remained subdued over the weekend as Typhoon Saola battered Hong Kong.

A property agency reported just three transactions in 10 major housing estates over the weekend, mirroring the previous weekend's figures and extending its streak of 18 consecutive weeks with single-digit transactions.

The real estate agency stated that due to Typhoon Saola, most of the scheduled property viewings for the weekend were canceled. Even though the typhoon gradually moved away on Saturday afternoon, citizens were occupied with post-typhoon activities.

Furthermore, given the current lack of positive news in the real estate market, potential buyers remained hesitant to enter the market. Consequently, only properties with lower price points saw any notable activity.

Another property agency also recorded only three deals in the 10 major housing estates over the weekend, one less compared to the previous weekend. It also marked the 18th consecutive weekend with single-digit deals for the real estate company.

In Tin Shui Wai, the owners of a 546-square-foot three-bedroom flat at Kingswood Villas sold the flat at HK$4.2 million, a price usually reserved for a two-bedroom home in the area.

The owners were adamant about selling the apartment prior to the typhoon's arrival, consequently reducing the asking price three times within the week from HK$4.7 million. This resulted in a loss of HK$980,000 compared to the original purchase price of HK$5.18 million in 2018.

(The Standard)

英皇珠寶50萬租海防道舖 高疫市8成

高峰期租金曾見230萬 尖沙咀吉舖漸減

近期珠寶店加快於尖沙咀核心一綫段擴充,信置 (00083) 旗下海防道地下舖位,面積2,000平方呎,以近50萬元租出,較3年前疫情租金升8成。新租客為英皇鐘錶珠寶 (00887),料作珠寶銷售。

市場消息指出,尖沙咀海防道51及52號地下A、B、C1、C2及D號舖,面積約2,060平方呎,以每月約50萬元租出,呎租約242元。該舖位處海防道及樂道交界,舖位門面闊,加上附近人流旺,為當地段優質舖位。該舖由信置持有,樓上為集團旗下服務式住宅 The Camphora。



通關後 尖沙咀租務加快
















Hong Kong’s empty retail space falls to 3-year low, though sector recovery is hobbled as more tourists leave than enter

Retailers have been opening new shops and expanding, bringing the city’s empty commercial space down to 9 per cent in the second quarter

‘Travel outflow of locals is greater than the inflow of tourists, which could diminish local consumption power,’ property agent said

Retailers have been opening new shops and expanding in Hong Kong, bringing the city’s empty commercial space to a three-year low of 9 per cent in the second quarter, according to the latest report by an international property agency.

However, the recovery of the sector after three disastrous years of sales diminished by the Covid-19 pandemic faces a challenge: while the number of visitors – particularly mainland Chinese – to Hong Kong has been increasing, more Hongkongers have been travelling outside the city, shifting their purchasing power elsewhere, the property agency said.

“We have seen that following the border reopening, the travel outflow of locals is greater than the inflow of tourists to Hong Kong, which could diminish some local consumption power,” an agent said.

“As a result, the retail market during the long holidays such as Labour Day and the Buddha’s Birthday holiday periods was not as active as the market has hoped-for.”

A V-shaped recovery or a sharp upswing in the retail property market is unlikely, the report said.

The retail segment was one of the hardest hit in Hong Kong after the unprecedented social unrest of 2019 was immediately followed by the coronavirus pandemic.

The anti-government protests four years ago, which at times turned violent, had put mainland Chinese visitors off coming to Hong Kong. When the pandemic came along, forcing the closure of borders, tourists all but vanished from the city.

During boom times, mainland visitors were a major driver of tourism in Hong Kong.

Many of them came for the shopping, often returning home laden with luxury goods.

In 2018, before the unrest took hold, Chinese tourists in the city grew 14.8 per cent to 51 million, driving total visitor arrivals to a record 65.1 million, according to government data. Retail sales that year rose 8.8 per cent to HK$485.2 billion (US$61.85 billion).

In the first half of this year, retail sales rose 20.7 per cent, but they remain 15 per cent lower than the equivalent period of 2019, before the protests began, according to another property agency in a separate report. The improvement was largely thanks to the 12.9 million visitors that came to the city in that period, a massive increase from 76,000 a year earlier. Almost 80 per cent of the visitors were mainland Chinese.

Still, the number of tourists was a long way shy of the 34.8 million who came in the first half of 2019.

Almost 29 million Hong Kong residents, meanwhile, headed abroad for holidays in the period.

“As leisure travel shows no sign of waning, the widening inbound-outbound gap may impede the retail market recovery in the remainder of the year,” another agency said in a separate report, published on August 29.

Despite the somewhat clouded outlook for the retail sector, some notable transactions were recorded in the first seven months of 2023.

French luxury fashion house Chanel leased 18,000 square feet of space at Jardine’s Bazaar in Causeway Bay. In Central, The Macallan, a Scottish whisky brand, opened its first global flagship store on the second and third floors of the Hing Wai Building, occupying 8,519 square feet and paying a reported monthly rent of about HK$600,000.

The agency said a pharmacy had recently taken an 818 square-foot ground floor unit at 45 Haiphong Road in Tsim Sha Tsui. It leased the space for HK$300,000 per month, an increase of nearly 70 per cent in rent compared to the previous contract.

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease at Hing Wai Building please visit: Office for Lease at Hing Wai Building

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central

祥祺陳紅天山頂傲璇 銀主4.2億沽

成交價低估值近4 呎價約8.1


較早前,銀主委託測量師行,標售山頂司徒拔道53號傲璇 (OPUS HONG KONG) 5樓單位連同兩個車位。物業將按現狀並以非交吉形式出售,並於上月初截標。市場人士透露,項目最終以約4.2億元成交。


翻查資料,傲璇由太古地產發展,設有12個單位,面積為4,819至5,444平方呎,並於2012年正式推售,其中一伙呎價高見9.6萬元。2015年項目最後一伙以5.096億元售出,呎價93,608元,整項目共套現逾50億元。祥祺集團陳紅天2015年以3.87億元,向太古地產 (01972) 購入該單位,以單位實用面積5,154平方呎計算,成交實用呎價75,087元。若按購入價計,物業8年升值8.5%。


歌賦山道15號超豪宅 正放售


另一項貴重物業,為紅磡祥祺中心全幢商廈,物業總樓面面積合共約28萬平方呎,現為永明金融香港總部,陳紅天於2016年向會德豐地產,以約45億元購入 One Harbour Gate 東座作總部,並易名為祥祺中心





Tycoon Chen Hongtian’s seized US$86.7 million Frank Gehry-designed Hong Kong flat sells at 38% discount

Chen bought the 5,154 sq ft flat in the Frank Gehry-designed Opus Hong Kong development for HK$387 million (US$49 million) in 2015

The property was one of three assets seized by creditors earlier this year amid what Chen’s company termed a ‘short-term cash flow disruption’

Receivers for a HK$680 million (US$86.7 million) Mid-Levels flat have sold the property – seized from Chinese tycoon Chen Hongtian for unpaid loans – at a steep discount to the market price.

The 5,154 sq ft flat in Opus Hong Kong, sold at around HK$420 million, 38 per cent below its market valuation, according to sources familiar with the transaction. Details on the buyer have not been disclosed.

Chen and his wife, Chen Yao Li Ni, bought the fifth-floor flat at 53 Stubbs Road for HK$387 million in September 2015, according to official records. In February, the flat was seized by Bank of Communi­cations, which extended a mortgage in August 2019.

The property was one of at least three assets seized by lenders in Hong Kong as of late March from Chen, whose Cheung Kei Group owns offices, hotels and finance firms.

The receivers put the flat up for sale by tender in May, and the tender closed on August 8, according to Savills, which had been appointed the sole agent for the deal.

Chen did not respond to a request for comment.

The three seized properties – the Opus flat, a 9,212 sq ft house at 15 Gough Hill Road on The Peak and One HarbourGate East Tower – were mortgaged with banks for about HK$6 billion, but are valued at about HK$10 billion, according to Chen.

In an interview with the Post in June 2016, Chen said he bought 15 Gough Hill Road for a then record price of HK$2.1 billion because the Opus flat was “too tiny”.

Chen’s company blamed the seizures on “ short-term cash-flow disruption” and said in May that it would offload equity in some overseas assets to overcome the cash crunch.

The One HarbourGate tower and the 15 Gough Hill Road home, have also been put on the market for tender sale by receivers, according to an international property agency.

Developed by Swire Properties on a site long possessed by the company as a home for its executives, the Opus project is acclaimed architect Frank Gehry’s only residential project in Asia. The building twists to give each of its 12 flats a unique floor plan, and is only a nine-minute drive away from the Central business district.

The flat Chen owned, which occupies the entire fifth floor, has five bedrooms, including four with their own bathrooms, a study, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. It has an open-plan design and a ceiling height of more than four metres, according to the agency.

(South China Morning Post)

企業續省成本 中環空置率料升





至於東九龍方面,大手租務較多,包括觀塘全新甲廈 The Millennity 1座27至29樓,合共3層樓面約4.5萬平方呎,獲日資機構FUJIFILM租用。該集團目前租用太古灣道12號 (前稱太古城中心四座) 商廈,是次新租 The Millennity 3層料作搬遷,既可節省租金開支,亦提升辦公室級數。


該行料九龍租金 年尾見底回升










7月50宗商廈買賣 近5個月最少



該行代理表示,面對股市低迷加上息口仍未見頂,商廈投資買賣相對淡靜,近月屢創低位,料後市持續整固。綜合土地註冊處數據,2023年7月份全港共錄50宗商廈買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前商廈市場實際市況),較6月份的71宗大跌21宗或3成,已連跌4個月,為近5個月最少,且屬年內第3低水平。至於8月份至今登記仍然緩慢,料全月仍低位窄幅徘徊。




佐敦銀主商廈1.38億售 捷成許麗蓮等承接


知情人士指,該物業新買家 Alvanada Riviera Ltd,向銀行購入物業,該公司董事包括許麗蓮,為捷成飲料有限公司啤酒部董事,惟未知她私人購入,或代集團購入。


該物業為銀主盤,造價更較12年前購入價低出約35%,該廈地下至3樓為商舖,總面積約5462方呎,4至18樓則為寫字樓,面積合共約12465方呎,另天台面積約1570方呎,平均呎價7698元 (不計天台),新買家擁物業命名權,預計全幢市值月租約50萬,料回報逾4.3厘。






中環德輔道中巨舖3.7億易手 翠華李遠康沽貨23年升值5.4倍















業界人士指,松圃位置極優越,且佔地面積規模大,逾8000方呎,屬豪宅地段罕有供應,旺市極難收購,由於近期市況回落,財團善用銀彈政策,誘使業主賣樓,平均呎價約5萬元,容易於豪宅地段選擇心儀的單位,代理於去年才展開收購,財團以 MIGHTY GRAND ENTERPRISES LTD 名義購入物業,惟未知背後買家身份。




Special home loans offered to attract overseas talent

Sino Land (0083) will offer special mortgages for workers who have come to Hong Kong via the city's various talent schemes and are looking to buy a home.

Sales of unsold flats at One Soho in Mong Kok - jointly developed by Sino Land, Chuang's Consortium (0367) and the Urban Renewal Authority - will be relaunched as early as this month, with the developer offering special plans for prospective buyers who have come under the various talent and professional schemes.

A new price list could be unveiled around the middle of the month.

Sino Land says 191 flats have so far been sold at One Soho for a total HK$1.36 billion and at an average price of HK$23,800 per square foot.

The developer's offer came as the overnight Hong Kong Interbank offered rate surged by 1.38 percentage points to the highest in nearly a month at 3.9 percent. However, the one-month Hibor, which is linked to the mortgage rate, fell by about 3 basis points to 3.6858 percent.

In the secondary market, a flat with a car-parking space at Bel-Air in Po Fu Lam sold for HK$70.5 million, 10 percent lower than what it cost five years ago.

The 1,985-sq-ft flat originally had an asking price of HK$82 million but was eventually sold for HK$70.5 million, 10 percent lower than the transaction price of HK$78.5 million paid by the seller in 2018.

With the property market remaining weak, the number of real estate agents continues to decline.

Data from the Estate Agents Authority shows that as of the end of August, the licensed agent count stood at 40,430, marking a monthly decrease of 183 agents.

This decline has persisted for five consecutive months, resulting in a cumulative loss of 644 agents, marking the lowest point in over two-and-a-half years since November 2020.

(The Standard)

商廈租戶調查 僅26%將擴充

外資代理行:預期高空置困境 短期難改善



53%租戶 將維持現時樓面






啟德3大商場 兩年內相繼落成

啟德今、明兩年將有多個大型商業項目陸續落成,提供近430萬平方呎商業樓面,當中南豐發展的 AIRSIDE 大型商場將率先在今個月試業,連寫字樓部分,合共涉及逾190萬平方呎樓面。


目前啟德區內仍以住宅發展為主,並以附屬於私人屋苑的商場、商舖居多,現時仍缺乏大型商場,不過按照規劃區內未來至少有3個大型商場,包括 AIRSIDE 的商場部分、啟德雙子塔的啟德SOGO旗艦店,以及啟德體育園的室內及零售場館。

AIRSIDE 70萬呎購物商場 9.28試業

率先登場將會是南豐旗下 AIRSIDE,前身為發展商於2017年以約246億元投得第1F區2號商業地,總投資額高達約320億元,按照規劃項目樓高47層,總樓面達約190萬平方呎,提供32層高的甲級寫字樓,逾10層的購物商場,前者涉約120萬平方呎,而商場部分涉約70萬平方呎。

AIRSIDE 面積達70萬平方呎的購物商場,將會在9月28日試業,據發展商早前披露,將包括約3.3萬平方呎的大型戲院、逾萬平方呎的藝文空間、日式生活品牌、40多間食肆等。同時,項目停車場共有850個車位,並全部配備電動車充電功能。

1E區2號地 9成樓面作零售


至於明年下旬則將會有啟德零售館登場,項目由新世界 (00017) 旗下K11集團營運,主建築共3座,每座最多有5層,設有超過70萬呎零售及餐飲設施,提供逾200家店舖。

同時,新地 (00016) 旗下啟德第1F區1號住宅地王,已命名為「天璽‧天」,除了提供約1,500個住宅單位外,基座還設有一個面積約24萬平方呎零售商場。


更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



AIRSIDE 甲廈 出租達5成

南豐啟德 AIRSIDE 即將試業,項目除了大型商場,還提供120萬平方呎的甲級寫字樓,今年底前出租率料達5成,呎租約35至49元。


AIRSIDE 設有32層的甲級寫字樓,每層面積3.2萬至5.3萬平方呎,據南豐早前披露,已出租面積佔近40萬平方呎,成交呎租為35至49元,除了南豐將會把總部陸續遷入外,主要租戶還包括日資金融集團、法國賽博集團香港分公司及柯尼卡美能達商業系統租用。據南豐在今年中曾指出,預計在年底前可落實2至3宗租賃個案,出租率有望增至一半。

至於同區的承啟道商業項目,中電 (00002) 早在2021年12月時斥約33億元向遠東發展 (00035) 購入寫字樓部分,涉及樓面約17.43萬平方呎,平均呎價約1.94萬元,日後將會成為啟德的新總部。



更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



Luxury and commercial property remain weak

Secondary sales of homes in prime residential districts of Hong Kong languished last month with only two deals reported at The Peak and the Southern Districts.

And a Causeway Bay shop was put up for sale at a potential loss despite the government's plans to boost the night economy.

A local property agency reported only two transactions - in The Peak and Southern Districts - in August, representing a significant month-on-month decline of about 67 percent.

The two deals were together worth around HK$99.5 million, also marking a substantial drop of 94 percent over the previous month's total.

But despite a downward trend, the agency said the potential for more transactions exists if sellers reduce prices.

The agency anticipates a modest uptick in transactions this month, as buyers may enter the market ahead of new measures expected in the upcoming policy address.

Meanwhile, the total value of sale and purchase agreements for residential homes in August declined by 11.8 percent year-on-year to HK$28.6 billion, according to the Land Registry.

However, on a monthly basis, the transaction value was 7.7 percent higher compared to the HK$26.6 billion recorded in July.

Also in the residential market, the reserve price for a foreclosed three-bedroom unit at Le Prime in Lohas Park was set at HK$6 million in an auction, nearly 30 percent lower than the market's valuation.

And in Tin Shui Wai, a 551-square-foot three-bedroom flat at Kingswood Villas changed hands for HK$4.78 million, or HK$8,675 per sq ft, another local agency said.

The price was about 16 percent lower than the asking price of HK$5.7 billion in July.

In the commercial property market, the Tang Shing-bor family recently listed a ground-floor shop on Lee Garden Road in Causeway Bay for sale, at a reduced price of HK$168 million.

If sold at the target price, the sellers would face an estimated loss of around HK$40 million, marking a nearly 20 percent drop from the HK$208 million purchase price six years ago.

In other news, most Hong Kong Interbank offered rates rose yesterday, with the one-week and one-month rates hitting the highest in nearly two weeks at 3.72 and 4.03 percent, respectively.

This came after the Hong Kong Monetary Authority injected HK$2 billion into the market through the discount window on Monday.

(The Standard)

油塘項目建商廈規劃署不反對 金寶李秀恒:總投資逾20億 打造新地標








據城規會文件顯示,榮山工業大廈位於油塘海旁地段第73及74號,現時屬「綜合發展區」地帶,申請改劃為「商業 (1)」地帶及修訂「商業」地帶的《註釋》;地盤面積約49514方呎,以地積比11倍發展,擬建1幢樓高29層、包括1層防火層,另有5層地庫的商廈,涉及可建總樓面約544658方呎。




救世軍購葵涌同珍工廈 一籃子物業作價1.22億


金朝陽沽貨 6年升值67%

金朝陽於今年5月放售葵涌同珍工業大廈一籃子物業,意向價約1.6億,平均呎價約4315元,上月由慈善機構救世軍以1.22億承接,較意向價減3800萬,平均呎價3290元。該物業位於昌榮路9至11號同珍工業大廈地下至3樓一籃子物業,建築面積合共約37081方呎,連約出售,新買家 THE GENERAL OF THE SALVATION ARMY,即是慈善機構救世軍。目前,救世軍使用同珍工業大廈上述的部分樓面,作為辦事處,今番由租客晉身業主。



近期工廈頻錄用家承接,其中,北角英皇道657至659號東祥工廠大廈,由大型出版商聯合出版集團購入9樓A及B室,作價3800萬,建築面積約7980方呎,平均呎價約4762元。聯合出版集團持有該廈4樓及7樓部分單位自用,是次增購9樓單位,料作為自用。原業主分別於1973年及1983年購入A室 (39萬) 及B室 (15.73萬),合共54.73萬,帳面獲利3745.27萬,升值68.4倍。



Over a fifth of Hong Kong’s office tenants likely to reduce office space, with many relocating to mainland China and Singapore, study finds

More than a fifth of the respondents polled in Hong Kong said they would downsize their office space in the next two years and relocate elsewhere

Poll respondents cite cost cutting, shrinking business demand and work-from-home policy implementation as the reasons behind their choice

More than a fifth of office tenants in Hong Kong are likely to downsize their space in the next two years with some even looking to relocate to mainland China, Singapore and other parts of the world as they cut costs in a weak economic environment, according to a study released by an international property consultancy on Wednesday.

In a poll of 321 companies, the first since Hong Kong and mainland China scrapped all coronavirus pandemic curbs, 21 per cent or 69 of the respondents said they were likely to trim their operations, citing costs, shrinking business demand and further implementation of work-from-home policy as the top three reasons for their outlook.

“Some occupiers mentioned that their company’s capacity to relocate contributed to their decision,” the study by the property consultancy said. “Among all occupiers planning to downsize, 14 per cent cited relocating capacity to mainland China, 13 per cent to Singapore and 9 per cent to other parts of the world.”

“Businesses are motivated by optimising costs and adapting to changing market demands,” it added.

The poll was conducted from late June to early August and more than half the respondents were Hong Kong-based firms, 18 per cent from Europe and 11 per cent from other Asian cities.

Although 26 per cent of those polled said they would expand their office space and 53 per cent said they were likely to keep their current real estate requirements, the short-term outlook of those planning to leave could pile more pressure on a beleaguered property segment.

“While the majority of the occupiers intend to remain the same in terms of office size, the fact similar proportions of the respondents plan to expand or downsize reflects that the impact of the global economy on business operations and relocation needs vary across industries,” a property consultant said.

The vacancy rate in Hong Kong’s prime office space hit a record high of 15.1 per cent towards the end of August, according to the consultancy, beating the earlier peak of 13.1 per cent struck in September 2003.

Monthly office rental rates have declined 30.3 per cent to HK$54.70 (US$6.98) per square foot from the high struck in January 2019, when office vacancies were at a record low of 3.5 per cent, according to the consultancy.

More supply is scheduled to come on stream with about 3 million sq ft of new office space expected in the second half of the year, the consultancy said in a previous report.

Among the sectors, those in manufacturing, sourcing and trading, and shipping and logistics were the most pessimistic with about a third saying they were likely to reduce their office footprint.

Notably, the split in the real estate and construction sector between companies that said they would expand or reduce their office space was equal at 28 per cent, the study showed.

On the other hand, companies in the IT, banking, finance and insurance sectors were the most optimistic. About 56 per cent of those polled in the IT sector and 35 per cent in the banking, finance and insurance sectors said they were likely to add more office space.

“Respondents identified Hong Kong’s economic outlook (43 per cent) and a potential global recession (34 per cent) as the most important factors likely to impact their business over the next three years,” the study said. “Despite Hong Kong’s slower-than-expected recovery in the first half of 2023, business confidence is improving, with most respondents, especially those in banking and finance and professional services, optimistic about their business outlook over the three years, while 37 per cent of them believe their business will not change.”

The study recommended more flexibility from landlords such as shorter lease periods to adapt to the changing needs of their tenants.

“Supplementary incentives could include rent-free periods and contributions towards fit-out costs,” the consultancy said.

(South China Morning Post)


CWB store is rented for a song

A Causeway Bay store has been leased at rock-bottom rates last seen during the Covid pandemic.

The monthly rent of HK$180,000 is also 80 percent lower than peak rents seen at the same prime location.

The 1,325-square-foot rented store includes shops 1 and 2 on the ground floor of The Goldmark on Hennessy Road, near the Sogo department store.

The new tenant is a fashion shop, a real estate agent said. Though it is a short-term lease, the price is the same as the rent paid by a mask brand during the pandemic.

Lukfook Jewellery once paid as much as HK$3.5 million or HK$636 per sq ft to rent shops 1 to 7 at the building but the retailer vacated the premises during the pandemic. Thus, in terms of the price per sq ft, the new lease is about 80 percent lower than those peak levels.

In June, Chanel rented a shop at the adjacent at Capitol Centre for HK$3 million a month, or HK$158 per sq ft, which marked the largest commercial shop deal in Hong Kong in the past three years.

(The Standard)


Home completions dive 62pc

Private home completions slumped by 61.7 percent month-on-month in July to just 128 units, according to data from the Rating and Valuation Department.

It brings the total number of completions in the first seven months to 7,684 homes, which is about 38.5 percent of the government's full-year projection.

The downtrend was primarily due to the substantial inventory of unsold flats in new projects, prompting developers to slow the pace of completions in an effort to reduce unsold stock, a property agent said.

The agent noted that since March this year, monthly completions for new residential units have consistently remained in the low three-digit range, with May seeing a two-and-a-half-year low of just 86 units.

Furthermore, the scarcity of construction starts in 2020, totaling just 6,704 flats, has also contributed to the reduced number this year.

With only 7,684 homes built in the first seven months, the agent expects that it is unlikely that the annual target of 19,950 units will be reached.

The majority of the supply consists of small to medium-sized flats, with 4,352 units of 431 square feet or less completed this year, making up about 56.6 percent of the total supply.

In the primary market, Henderson Land (0012) posted the fourth price list for its Baker Circle Greenwich in Hung Hom, offering 28 flats at an average discounted price of around HK$19,038 per sq ft, the same as the third price list. Sales of these units start this Sunday.

In other news, a survey by an international property consultancy showed 56 percent of firms in the information technology sector expressed a strong interest in expanding their offices. Conversely, sectors such as manufacturing showed less interest in expansion, with 31 percent planning to downsize their offices.

(The Standard)

法巴續租國際金融中心二期兩層 每呎料130元 低5年前28%

本港寫字樓租金大幅下調,核心商業區中環的租金跌至吸引水平,令部分企業放慢撤出中環的步伐。中環指標甲級商廈國際金融中心二期 (IFC 2),首批大型租戶之一的法國巴黎銀行 (BNP Paribas,下稱法巴),現租用該廈4層,原打算明年租約到期時放棄其中3層,把有關部門搬遷至鰂魚涌太古坊運作。據悉,法巴最終決定只減租一半樓面,並已續租其中兩層共逾4.6萬方呎樓面。

原擬四層棄其三 遷太古坊

法巴目前正租用國際金融中心二期60至63樓共4層作為香港總部,每層租用面積 (Lettable Area) 約23295方呎,合共約93180方呎,有關租約明年2月到期。今年初市場已有消息傳出,法巴會在租約到期後,放棄續租大部分國際金融中心二期的樓面,把辦公室搬遷到鰂魚涌太古坊非核心商業區,以節省租金開支。












珠寶金行頻進駐核心街道 租金高位跌70% 吸引「新品牌」首度插旗








上址舊租客運動鞋店 SKECHERS 於2016年,以約74.2萬進駐,近年不敵疫情肆虐,於2020年6月撤走,舖位短租予口罩店逾3年。

毗鄰上址的海防道45號地舖,亦由法國首飾店 SATELLITE PARIS 港區代理進駐,月租40萬,該代理曾在海港城設專櫃,有見核心舖租大跌,首次進駐街舖,對後市投以信心一票,舊租客麥蛋糕,去年續約時月租17萬,業主補償讓舊租各離場,反映通關前後,舖位租值發生巨變。






Secondary home deals rebound amid price cuts

Despite record rainfall last Friday, transactions in the secondary property market rebounded over the weekend thanks to more price reductions and fewer launches in the primary market.

A local property agency reported 13 deals at 10 major housing estates, up from three during the previous typhoon-hit weekend, to a 19-week high.

The agency said adverse weather over the previous weekend had affected real estate transactions but this weekend saw a release in buying power, as more owners lowered prices, enticing home buyers.

There are signs that prices have begun to stabilize and secondary transactions are expected to recover gradually, it said.

Meanwhile, another local agency saw weekend deals at 10 major housing estates rise to 14 from three the previous week to a 19-week high.

A three-bedroom flat at Taikoo Shing in Quarry Bay with an area of 689 square feet sold for under HK$10 million, after its price was reduced from HK$11.5 million in June to HK$9.9 million.

And in Tin Shui Wai, a three-bedroom flat at Kingswood Villas sold for HK$5.1 million or HK$8,100 per sq ft, marking a loss of HK$300,000 compared to its 2018 purchase price.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was reportedly set to raise the H-plan mortgage rate cap by 0.5 percentage points to 4.125 percent on September 18. Other lenders are anticipated to follow suit, aiming to alleviate high borrowing costs.

A property agent expressed concerns that this might discourage potential buyers, worsening the overall market sentiment.

In the primary market, Henderson Land (0012) released 28 flats at Baker Circle Greenwich in Hung Hom yesterday, with the cheapest priced at HK$3.65 million, while Longfor (0960) will launch sales of four special flats at Upper RiverBank in Kai Tak today, three days later than originally planned, due to the heaviest rain on record last week.

CK Asset (1113) has added 10 more car-parking spaces to The Beaumont II in Tseung Kwan O with prices starting from HK$1.28 million, and five lots to Harbour Glory in North Point with the cheapest priced at HK$2.36 million.

This move followed a price reduction of up to 35 percent, which contributed to the developer's successful sales of 32 parking lots at both projects, generating a revenue of HK$52 million.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong luxury home market awaits return of affluent mainland Chinese buyers, as city’s talent scheme powers rentals

The city recorded 42 luxury home sales in the three months to June, down 37.3 per cent quarter on quarter, as high borrowing costs put off investors

The decline in Hong Kong luxury flat sales reflects the overall malaise in the city’s property market under the current high interest rate regime

Hong Kong’s luxury property market is still waiting for affluent mainland Chinese buyers to return, according to industry analysts, but the wait could take longer as high borrowing costs and economic uncertainty continue to weigh on investors’ appetite for the city’s high-end flats.

“We’ve had many inquiries from mainland Chinese investors, but they are still taking a wait-and-see attitude during the second quarter,” a property agent from an international agency said “Therefore, inquiry numbers were larger than transactions.”

The number of so-called super prime residential sales – covering transactions worth US$10 million and above – fell 17.6 per cent in the second quarter, down from their peak level in the fourth quarter of 2021, according to data from the agency. Total consideration for these deals in the same period dropped 28.6 per cent from the high reached in 2021’s December quarter.

The city recorded 42 luxury flat sales in the three months to June, which amounted to a total of HK$6.54 billion (US$834 million). That reflected a 37.3 per cent quarter-on-quarter tumble in the number of deals and a 15.6 per cent decline in total consideration.

In the first half of the year, 1,318 luxury flats were sold, at an average price of more than HK$20 million, according to data from another international property consultancy. That number was down from the previous high of 1,717 such transactions during the same period in 2019.

Luxury residential sales in the first six months of the year were concentrated at The Peak and Kowloon Tong, upmarket areas traditionally favoured by affluent property buyers, according to data from both agencies.

The decline in Hong Kong luxury flat sales reflects the overall malaise in the city’s property market, which has struggled amid high interest rates and a recent surge in unsold inventory from newly developed projects.

Hong Kong’s “prime” homes – defined by the first agency as the top 5 per cent of the residential market in terms of value – lost 1.5 per cent of their value for the year.

“We don’t see a lot of reasons that support a luxury residential sales market recovery in the short term,” the agent said. “The recovery will need to wait until the US starts cutting interest rates. So we expect sales in the market will slowly pick up in the second quarter of 2024.”

The city’s luxury residential market, which gained momentum in the first quarter after its borders reopened, has since been hampered by high borrowing costs owing to the US Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hike strategy. The one-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate, a measure of the interest banks charge each other to borrow money, surged to 5.29 per cent in July from 0.2 per cent in May, largely freezing buying activity.

The priciest luxury home transaction recorded in July was a 4,470 sq ft town house at Twenty Peak Road by V, which sold for HK$860 million, or HK$181,435 per square foot. A flat measuring 7,111 sq ft at 59 Mount Kellett Road on The Peak was bought in the same month for HK$900 million, or about HK$126,564 per square foot.

In Kowloon Tong’s 36 LaSalle Road, a 7,083 sq ft house sold for HK$255 million.

“We haven’t heard of an influx of mainland or foreign buyers in the housing market,” another agent said.

“Capital is allocated and parked in risk-free assets, such as time deposits, under the [current] high interest rate environment,” the agent said. “The wealthy mainland buyers or end users are cautious about the high borrowing costs.”

Still, there is some optimism that Hong Kong’s luxury home rental market has turned a corner and is set to rise on the back of the government’s Top Talent Pass Scheme.

“The Top Talent Pass Scheme attracted many mainland talents to work in Hong Kong,” and this group of professionals has also gradually bought or rented houses, driving a large amount of rental transactions on Hong Kong Island, a recent report from a local property agency said.

The Hong Kong government said in July that it received more than 100,000 applications to various talent schemes and approved over 60 per cent of them, nearly double the number targeted.

The city’s luxury home rental market edged up 3.2 per cent year-to-date in July, according to data from the international property agency.

“Demand from the rental market is rather robust and dynamic,” the agent said. The agent indicated that luxury flat tenants are from the mainland and returning expats.

“Although the numbers are not as many as those pre-Covid, we are now seeing tenants coming from Singapore and Dubai,” the agent said.

A three-bedroom, one-suite flat with an area of 1,032 sq ft in 80 Robinson Road at Mid-Levels West was rented to a mainland professional for HK$61,000 per month or HK$59 per square foot, according to another local agency’s report.

Also at Mid-Levels West, a 1,310 sq ft flat in Azure was leased in April for HK$85,000 a month in April, or about HK$65.3 per square foot, according to the agency.

Although Hong Kong’s talent scheme is expected to appeal to a number of mainland Chinese and foreign professionals to lease luxury flats in the city, the agent said they remains “cautiously optimistic” about the prospects of the luxury residential rental market.

(South China Morning Post)

中環盈置大廈巨舖每月55萬 丟空3年終租出租金較疫市前跌38%




















工商舖錄351宗註冊 代理行:按月升18.2%



















商廈市況疲弱,幾乎可以說是席捲全球,澳洲房地產委員會 (PCA) 8月發表最新研究數據,顯示澳洲今年上半年的寫字樓空置率升至90年代以來最高。由於新冠疫情以來在家工作情況普遍,加上經濟放緩,對寫字樓物業經營造成壓力。






7月租金指數 回到2015年中





3,000 homes to hit market

Nearly 3,000 new homes are ready to hit the market after the Lands Department granted presale consents to four projects including Lohas Park phase 12A and 12B.

In August, a total of four presale consent agreements were approved, covering 2,998 units. This represents a decrease of 1,604 units or 34.9 percent from that of July when 4,602 units were approved.

Lohas Park Phase 12A and 12B, above the Lohas Park MTR station in Tseung Kwan O, are the result of a joint development between Wheelock Properties and MTR Corporation (0066). They will contribute a combined total of 1,335 residential units, with 650 units in Phase 12A and 685 units in Phase 12B.

In respect of the Subsidized Sales Flats Project at 21 On Yu Road, Kwun Tong, under the Hong Kong Housing Society, and the third tower of the eResidence, a Starter Homes Pilot Project for Hong Kong residents in To Kwa Wan under the Urban Renewal Authority, they both have obtained presale consents. These projects will offer 1,403 units and 260 units respectively.

The department also received last month applications regarding three projects including two by Early Light International, involving a total of 1,361 units.

Meanwhile, 18 units of The Harmonie, a project co-developed by Henderson Lands (0012) and the URA in Cheung Sha Wan will be put on the market next Tuesday for an average price of HK$17,470 a square foot after discounts. The sole three-bedroom apartment in this batch, of 769 sq ft in space, has seen its price drop from HK$15 million one and a half years ago to HK$11.3 million today.

In a separate development, a Taiwanese beverage maker has rented a 560-sq-ft shop at 33 Argyle Street in Mong Kok for HK$52,000 per month, or HK$93 per sq ft.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong wealthy families, funds among likely bidders in distress sale of defaulter Golden Wheel’s retail building in Tin Hau

Golden Wheel’s Tin Hau property is likely to sell for a price much lower than the original HK$1.25 billion demanded by its owner a year ago

The property is just one of the handful of assets seized by creditors as the owners have been unable to meet debt obligations

Hong Kong’s property market remains stressed with the potential distress sale of a retail building providing further evidence of the weak demand in the sector. The property which is located in Tin Hau is in creditor possession and is now likely to sell for a price much lower than the original HK$1.25 billion (US$160 million) that its owner, Golden Wheel Tiandi Holdings, was asking about a year ago, according to market sources.

The sale of the 25-story Golden Wheel Plaza on 68 Electric Road in a district known for its local cuisine and food stalls has drawn interest from “investors including funds and high-net-worth local families looking for a trophy asset”.

“All I can say is that this is a receivers’ sale of asset, so as long as the receivers accept an offer made, it will push through,” said the analyst. “The owner tried to sell the property a year ago but did not find any buyer for the asking price. But this time it is different.”

The property is just one of a handful of assets seized by creditors as the owners have been unable to meet their debt obligations.

China Evergrande Group’s Hong Kong headquarters building, a 27-story tower in Wan Chai, is yet to find a buyer. Creditors put the building on the market a year ago to recover their dues as the world’s most indebted developer struggled to restructure its US$300 billion liabilities.

In January, the former headquarters of embattled Goldin Financial Holdings was bought by PAG and Singapore-backed Mapletree Investment for a significant discount of HK$5.6 billion, according to PAG.

The site of the Golden Wheel Plaza building was bought for about HK$800 million and the construction cost of the building, which was completed in 2020, was about HK$200 million, according to a source.

Currently, the building, which has a gross floor area of 51,971 sq feet, is 60 per cent occupied with personal-care retailer Mannings and some food-and-beverage shops on the ground floor, the source said.

Rents paid by tenants on the ground floor are estimated to be as high as HK$120 per square foot, while those on the higher floors are estimated to be about HK$50 per square foot.

“The occupancy is a bit low but it is likely to improve once the building is managed better,” the source said.

A property agent said “the building has a lot of value. “It has good restaurants as tenants, including one that has a Michelin star, and it has a good sea view and is surrounded by more restaurants and hotels. It’s a destination area.”

An international property agency has been appointed by receivers to conduct the public sale by tender that is set to close on October 31 at noon.

The property is located close to the Tin Hau MTR Station and Victoria Park and not far from the bustling shopping district of Causeway Bay. The property includes a car park and is near a taxi rank.

“Investors may seize this opportunity to purchase the property while the global market is still in the recovery phase,” the agent said. “When the global economy fully rebounds, stable rental income and property appreciation can be expected.”

Debt-stricken Golden Wheel, the Nanjing-based developer of the property, reported a higher loss in the six months ended June. Its net loss widened by 44 per cent to 518.9 million yuan from 360 million yuan a year ago, and the company continues to battle with negative working capital as its current liabilities are far in excess of current assets.

The developer defaulted on a US$40 million loan in October last year, which triggered cross-defaults on its HK$304.135 million and 3.377 billion yuan loans.

Golden Wheel said it was taking steps to restructure its debts and raise funding.

(South China Morning Post)





九龍東甲廈錄大手租務,日資銀行 MUFG Bank 承租啟德 AIRSIDE 二層,涉及面積約9萬方呎,呎租35元,為醫管局主要部門租用啟匯 (Harbourside HQ) 達10萬方呎的樓面,市場預料成交呎租為15元。該行代理認為,目前啟德新甲廈的租金水平對比傳統核心區如中環、金鐘的平均租金較便宜,估計能吸引沒有特定地域要求的政府辦公室或國際企業後勤部門進駐,帶動該區的商廈租務。


更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租





啟德「巨無霸」住宅地6財團角逐 大發展商主導業界:出價趨保守




會德豐地產高級經理 (物業發展) 何偉錦表示,集團以獨資方式入標,由於地皮位處市區,而且鄰近港鐵站,故有興趣,並透露出價會考慮目前市況等因素,強調會計自己數。





上述啟德2A區2號及3號合併招標住宅地,鄰近港鐵宋皇臺站,指定作非工業 (不包括倉庫、酒店及加油站) 用途。地盤面積約14.53萬方呎,涉及可建總樓面約99.23萬方呎。綜合市場估值約44.65億至59.54億,每方呎樓面估值約4500至6000元。




銅鑼灣 OLIV 銀座商廈配套完善

近年,市面上出現不少銀座式商廈,位於銅鑼灣的 OLIV 鄰近大商場,加上交通便利,配套完善,吸引不少商戶進駐。

OLIV 為銀座式商廈,位處銅鑼灣霎東街15至21號,為目前銅鑼灣區鮮有較新簇的銀座式商廈,樓高24層,採用一梯一伙設計,每層樓面面積約1,809至2,090平方呎不等,實用率約75%以上,商廈提供3部客用升降機,有助疏通人流,另每層設有兩個洗手間,包括一個傷殘人士洗手間。另附有大型戶外廣告位,樓底近5米高,內置樓梯連專用電梯貫通地下至3樓。



有代理表示,OLIV 多為業主自用或出租,出租率亦見理想,用戶由高級餐飲、美容醫美、健身、瑜伽纖體等行業組成,當中9樓 LashLab 為台灣美睫品牌進軍香港的首間分店,引入睫毛嫁接技術,更同時設有美甲專區。


買家為悅興地產發展有限公司董事羅守耀及其牙醫太太鄧嘉玲。據了解,項目於高峰期時市值曾達約8億元。而物業地舖至3樓曾獲瑞士名錶品牌 Franck Muller 以約238萬元承租。





地下連1樓舖 意向月租70萬

隨着本港積極推行激活夜市經濟,各界紛參與,期望爆發本港消費潛力,位於銅鑼灣霎東街15號 OLIV 基座,更率先推出項目地下連1樓及戶外廣告位招租,意向月租為每月70萬元。

有代理表示,目前招租中的 OLIV 地下至1樓及戶外廣告位,涉及總建築面積約4,651平方呎,地下面積約2,235平方呎,1樓面積約2,416平方呎,叫租為每月約70萬元。期望可吸引高檔時尚品牌,高級餐飲食府,以至金融及保險等中外及內地企業進駐。









灣仔金源集團大廈 全層叫租7.6萬


面積2014 意向呎租38







Major players enter fray for $6b Kai Tak site

A residential site in Kai Tak worth up to nearly HK$6 billion has drawn six bids from major local property developers when the tender closed yesterday, the Lands Department said.

CK Asset (1113), Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), Henderson Land Development (0012), Wheelock Properties and Nan Fung Group were said to be among the bidders for the 13,499-square-meter site.

And a consortium formed by Sino Land (0083), Great Eagle (0041), Chinese Estates (0127), and state-owned China Overseas Land & Investment (0688) also reportedly submitted its bid.

The plot, Kai Tak Area 2A Site 2 and Site 3, will provide a supply of 1,325 flats totaling 92,185 sq m when completed.

Its market valuation ranges from HK$4.47 billion to HK$5.96 billion, or from HK$4,500 to HK$6,000 per sq ft.

That was even lower than the price of an adjacent site CK acquired last year. The developer purchased it for HK$6,138 per sq - the lowest in Kai Tak since May 2014 and 23 percent below the lower end of market expectation - in December, which was seen as a bargain at the time.

The purchaser of the new site is required to construct around 175 meters of the underground shopping street, which is around 11 percent of the total Kai Tak underground street by length, as well as six social welfare facilities of around 42,000 sq ft which is excluded from the total floor area of the site. The facilities include a neighborhood elderly center, day activity center, and hostel for the mentally handicapped.

The plot is near the Sung Wong Toi MTR Station, but the provisions of the underground street and government accommodations are expected to increase the construction cost and time to a certain extent, and thus be reflected in bids, a surveyor said.

Coupled with the sluggish property market, the surveyor expects the developers' bids to be conservative.

This came as data from the Inland Revenue Department showed Hong Kong's overall stamp duty revenues from property purchases nearly halved last month from July to the lowest since October at HK$295 million. The number of transactions involved, though, rose 3 percent to 201 in August.

Revenue from buyer's stamp duty, which applies to non-permanent resident and company purchases, slumped by 61 percent to HK$230.4 million, despite cases only down by just 5 percent to 54 in the month.

In the primary market, Road King Infrastructure (1098) said it may unveil the first price list of at least 139 units for its new project Mori in Tuen Mun this week, and the sales may take place within the month.

(The Standard)

恒地 The Henderson 預租率已近半

瑞士製錶品牌愛彼 租全層1.2萬呎

本港寫字樓市場空置率仍高企,恒基地產 (00012) 旗下中環美利道商業項目 The Henderson 亦將於2023年底落成。恒地租務部副總經理梁碧茜表示,全港包括中環的寫字樓市場自2020年開始需求減弱,空置率高,但恒地對項目仍有信心,目前 The Henderson 可出租樓層的出租率已升至近50%。

梁碧茜表示,繼佳士德及私募基金凱雷後,The Henderson 亦獲瑞士製錶品牌愛彼 (Audemars Piguet) 及國際畫廊將會承租,其中愛彼將租用全層約1.2萬平方呎樓面,作為其AP House及香港辦公室之用。

明年中入伙 出租率料續升

她承認,中環空置率高企,但今年開關後,租客活動轉活,他們對新項目有興趣及需求,相信 The Henderson 於2024年中入伙時出租率會進一步提升,目前 The Henderson 簽訂的租金與中環其他甲級寫字樓相若,屬合理租金,但會因應租戶需要樓面及需求,制定不同租約。

The Henderson 樓高36層,寫字樓共有25層,樓面面積介乎1.2萬至1.5萬平方呎,設有空中花園及宴會廳。

梁碧茜指,The Henderson 全幢只會有20至30個租客,故最重要是揀選認同集團理念的合適租客,而租金一般會視乎市場供求及經濟環境而定,但相信項目地理位置及設計優越,再配合可持續發展策略,會受租戶歡迎。

「地標中的地標」 重ESG合作

恒地銳意將 The Henderson 打造為「地標中的地標」(An icon amongst icon),由扎哈.哈迪德建築事務所設計,參考香港紫荊花的花蕾,使用逾4,000塊玻璃,由超過1,000種不同弧度的玻璃拼砌出來,並針對地帶的特點,圍繞3個綠化帶,包括遮打花園的綠化建築、香港公園等。


隨社會對可持續發展關注度提高,The Henderson 推出由業主、租戶及其員工三方共同參與的ESG合作夥伴計劃,除每年會向租戶提供ESG表現報告,包括能源、水、廢物、碳排放四大領域,員工如達到ESG目標也可賺取HEND Coins換取免費咖啡等獎賞。



更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租



工商舖買賣錄319宗 中原:按月升27%







該代理續說,8月以商舖最受捧,宗數由7月約58宗,跳升約37%至約80宗,銅鑼灣霎東街15號 OLIV 基座,包括商舖及1至3樓,成交價約3億,新買家為羅守耀及其牙醫太太鄧嘉玲。






石門京瑞廣場地舖1.17億售 投資者承接料回報3.1厘









京瑞廣場地舖去年錄短炒,煌府婚宴專門店集團主席陳首銘於去年8月,購入沙田石門安群街3號京瑞廣場第1期基座地下12號舖 (面積約1032方呎),作價4000萬,持貨1個月,以4380萬沽出,帳面賺380萬或幅度9.5%,該舖位由藥房租用,月租約15萬,新買家回報逾4厘。陳首銘早於多年前看好區內發展,2015年旗下煌府婚宴集團斥近2.5億,買入京瑞廣場二期3樓樓花全層,現時自用,共約5萬方呎,物業2021年標售叫價高達5.48億。












灣仔舊樓批強拍 底價1.361億









雅麗閣全幢放售 估值5.5億





舊樓有價 鴨脷洲成發展商收購對象


鴨脷洲大街一帶有不少舊樓林立,對於發展商而言為收購的機會。早年本地龍頭發展商之一的恒地 (00012) 已看中區內潛力,收購該帶的舊樓,並已發展為倚南及逸南。

新明大樓 年初申強拍

而位於鴨脷洲山明街16至24號及新市街41至43號新明大樓,今年年初亦已經向土地審裁處申請強拍。根據申請文件,項目早於1966年落成,現為1幢8層高的商住樓宇,地盤面積約4,060平方呎,是次強拍的申請人為威德勝有限公司 (Victory Super Limited),其公司董事包括鄭慧儀 (CHENG, WAI YEE CONNIE) 等人,屬新世界 (00017) 附屬公司董事,故不排除背後申請財團為新世界。申請人現持有上述項目80%業權,項目的現況市值逾2.6億元。

事實上,當港鐵南港島綫落成後,鴨脷洲的發展潛力進一步增加,吸引不少發展商積極在該區收購舊樓,當中以宏安 (01222) 最為積極。發展商於去年年初接連為區內舊樓申請強拍,包括位於鴨脷洲大街17至19號海德樓、鴨脷洲大街21至23號與平瀾街5B號花洲大樓,及鴨脷洲新市街37至39號南德大樓。而發展商於今年年初亦已成功以約1.06億元統一南德大樓的業權。

宏安3項目一併重建 增6.3萬呎樓面


至於近年積極物色舊樓收購的樂風集團亦看準區內優勢,夥新加坡房地產私募股權投資公司SC Capital Partners收購該帶舊樓。發展商於今年3月成功以約1.57億元統一鴨脷洲好景街26、28號及平瀾街2號項目。該項目將連同比鄰全數擁有的平瀾街4至4A號項目合併發展,組成約4,000多平方呎的地盤,並計劃以地積比率約9倍重建1座約20多層的項目,提供約60至70伙,主打1及2房戶型,總投資額涉約8億元,發展商當時預計項目會在3年內落成。

另外,由莊士中國 (00298) 發展的弦岸,前身為平瀾街6至8號、及鴨脷洲大街26至32號舊樓,發展商於2019年斥資約4.55億元收購項目,其地盤面積4,320平方呎,可重建總樓面約4萬平方呎。項目將興建1幢27層高的商住大廈,提供105伙,但值得留意的是,弦岸原計劃於6月中展開首輪銷售,惟最終銷售突然遭煞停。



Audemars Piguet to move into The Henderson

Henderson Land (0012) said its grade A office building The Henderson under construction in Central has recorded a 50 percent occupancy rate, with Audemars Piguet the latest tenant to sign up.

The Swiss watchmaker will take up a 12,000-square-foot floor at the tower which will include its office and an AP House store.

AP House stores are designed to feel like a home away from home for the manufacture's most valued clients.

Other major tenants to sign up include Christie's and Caryle.

Christie's will hold its auctions there instead of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, renting four floors with altogether about 50,000 sq ft. And private equity firm Carlyle will occupy 1.5 floors - about 20,000 sq ft.

The building is targeted to be completed by the end of this year, and the hope is to achieve 80 percent occupancy in 2024, according to Henderson Land Development deputy general manager for leasing Charlotte Leung Pik-sai.

Leung acknowledged the increasing supply of grade A offices but believes rental prices will be stabilized when economic activities resume to normal gradually.

The Henderson will sign a green memorandum of understanding with tenants. Some patented technologies have been applied to the green building including the solar responsive ventilator.

The Henderson is a 36-story building with 25 floors of office space, a sky garden and a glass roofed banquet hall.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at The Henderson please visit: Office for Lease at The Henderson

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central


Ho Man Tin flat prices cut by 14pc as developers vie for sales

Local developers are rolling out offers to attract home buyers, including discounts of up to 14 percent for flats at Chinachem's In One in Ho Man Tin.

For the new project atop Ho Man Tin MTR Station, Chinachem said it will revise the price lists to offer home buyers discounts of as much as 14 percent with a new payment scheme.

Jointly developed by Chinachem and MTR Corporation (0066), In One still has 81 units for sale, with the cheapest unit of HK$7.99 million in this batch.

The project has sold 429 flats, or 80 percent of total units, cashing in HK$7.3 billion. The average price per square foot for the sold apartments is HK$28,300.

For the coming Mid-Autumn festival and national holiday, Chinachem plans to offer coupons at MTR malls to those who buy units at In One from September 16 to October 8. The highest award is HK$38,000 worth of coupons for the three-bedroom unit buyers.

Meanwhile, Chinachem said it will upload the prospectus of the redecorated project Victoria Coast in Pok Fu Lam as early as this week, to offer 118 units by tender.

CK Asset (1113) plans to hand out Mid-Autumn festival shopping coupons to new buyers at The Coast Line in Yau Tong.

Following successful contract signing, buyers will be awarded HK$88,000 worth of Fortress gift coupons, which will be applicable to home appliances, health and beauty products.

Furthermore, CKA will distribute a box of mooncakes to the viewers who visit the show flats in Tsim Sha Tsui for festival blessings.

On the other side, the primary market will see more new homes. Mori in Tuen Mun aims to release the first price list soon and will put at least 139 flats for sale in the first batch.

Co-developed by Road King Infrastructure (1098) and Shenzhen Investment (0604), Mori will provide 693 units in total, with sizes ranging from 291 to 3,419 square feet, according to the prospectus.

In other news, the Elegant Court on 333 Tai Hang Road is put for an en-bloc sale, with a market valuation of HK$550 million, according to the appointed agency.

A luxury house Casa Bella in Kowloon Tong has been put up for sale by tender, with a market valuation of HK$150 million, or HK$24,000 per sq ft, the appointed agency said.

Elsewhere in Wan Chai, the old building in Sau Wa Fong was approved by the Lands Tribunal to enter a compulsory auction, with a reserve price of HK$136 million.

(The Standard)









值得留意的是,是次呎價對比長實去年12月底以87.03億投得的啟德2A區4號、5 (B) 號及10號合併地皮,每呎地價約6138元,低出約12%;若與2014年2月嘉華以29.388億投得的啟德1I區2號地皮 (現已發展為嘉匯) 比較,當時每呎地價約5330元,意味是次地價重返9年半前水平。











黃浩明拍賣會後透露,上述項目會連同毗鄰項目合併發展,換言之整個項目涉及大角咀道 173號至199號,總地盤面積擴展至約1.57萬,若以地積比率約9倍重建發展計,涉及可建總樓面約14萬方呎,預料將興建中小型單位,主打上車盤,屆時將發展成利奧坊系列樓盤之一,據了解,該項目為利奧坊第7期。



另外,油塘灣「巨無霸」項目早前第三度批出補地價金額,黃浩明透露,集團就該項目補地價上訴當中,補地價金額對比首次批出時為低,認為「個市跌得快過佢 (補地價金額)」,希望今年內可以成事。另外,粉嶺北3個項目則採用傳統補地價方式進行。

昨日舉行強拍的項目,位於大角咀道177至191號,由4幢6層高舊樓組成,每幢樓宇設有兩道公用樓梯,早於1957年落成入伙,至今約66年樓齡。項目地契條款限制該地段只可用作非工業用途。該項目地盤面積約8995方呎,現規劃為「住宅 (甲類)」,涉及可建總樓面約8萬方呎。交通方面,步行至港鐵太子站約10分鐘,而沿着大角咀道設有多種公共交通工具如小巴及巴士等。




德輔道中作價3.7億 利國偉家族等承接








利福國際旗下啟德旗艦項目「The Twins雙子匯」,當中Tower I及Tower II分別於明年中旬及下旬開幕,利福國際執行董事劉今蟾表示,雙子匯突破百貨公司業務營運模式,兩幢大樓外觀相若,卻具備截然不同特色,項目定位「Different Together一樣不一樣」,強調當中不同元素均和諧共存。


Tower I定位購物空間

其中,Tower I定位為購物空間,展現日式百貨公司氣質,而Tower II作為生活品味平台,象徵當代潮流,成就體驗及自我發現機會,啟發無限可能。

Tower II作生活品味平台




金鐘力寶中心 高層呎租約35







Hong Kong developer Sino Land wins Kai Tak land tender with a US$676 million bid, a nine year-low, beating a crowded field of rivals

Bids were also submitted by Sun Hung Kai Properties, CK Asset Holdings, Wheelock, Nan Fung Group and Henderson Land

Analysts say the winning price was on the ‘low side’ and within ‘adjusted’ market expectations

A consortium led by Sino Land won a Hong Kong land tender for a site at Kai Tak with a bid of HK$5.3 billion (US$676 million), the lowest in nine years, which some analysts said was a conservative price as the city’s economy could stagnate in the near term.

Bids were also submitted by Sun Hung Kai Properties, CK Asset Holdings, Wheelock Properties, Nan Fung Group and Henderson Land this Monday, the last day of the tender period. The parcels of land, with an aggregate area of 145,303 sq ft, are located in Kai Tak, the site of Hong Kong’s former international airport. They went on sale by public tender on July 28.

A surveyor said the HK$5,392 per square foot land price was close to market expectations, but was a nine-year low compared to other land prices in the same district.

Analysts said given the level of the winning bid, the developer could still sell the housing units when construction is completed at current prices, should the economic environment show no improvement and were the property market to remain sluggish.

“There’s enough cushion for the developers to sell their project at a good price,” a surveyor said. “As for government coffers, yes the government may have a deficit but it should not be confused with a negative cash flow.”

“The government also does not have to keep selling parcels of land at a cheap price - there is no urgency for them to do that should interest rates keep rising,” the surveyor added. “They may also choose to develop subsidised homes on these sites instead of selling them. That is a good long-term investment and a wise way for the government to use its capital.”

HSBC analysts said last month Sino Land’s share price could react positively, if the company can replenish more of its land bank to strengthen its medium-term earnings growth visibility, as there was a growing risk of moderating sales based on existing run rate due to lower residential land bank within the portfolio.

“We are delighted that our consortium won this urban site with underground connection to the MTR station,” Daryl Ng, Deputy Chairman of Sino Land told the Post. “This is an excellent addition to our land bank. We have full confidence in Hong Kong and China, and will fully support quality and sustainable developments.”

The successful grant of the site was not affected by the withdrawal in August of the first starter home site at Yau Kom Tau, Tsuen Wan, which showed that developers were still actively competing for land, experts said.

Another surveyor said bidding was expected to be muted given the current market environment and site location.

“The site has many constraints and that developers would have to undertake the construction of a number of government facilities and a basement retail area,” the surveyor said. “Due to the high interest rates and increased construction costs, the property market is much different from December last year when CK Asset made its bid in Kai Tak.”

The Kai Tak Area 2A Site 2 and 3, close to Sung Wong Toi MTR station, is located close to the residential site acquired by CK Asset and a temporary public housing project. It has a total permissible gross floor area (GFA) of about 992,000 sq ft.

Under the conditions of sale, the purchaser must build an underground shopping street and various pedestrian links to proposed public housing developments in the neighbourhood.

The successful bidder must also construct various government accommodation, including a neighbourhood elderly centre, a hostel for mentally handicapped persons, a day activity centre, a district support centre for persons with disabilities and a boys’ home.

“The land value has decreased significantly over the eight months due to high interest rates, high construction costs and growing unsold housing units from existing supply,” the surveyor added.

The first surveyor expects the site to be developed into small and medium-sized residential units, and the project to be sold at around $15,000 per square foot after taking into account construction costs and a reasonable profit margin.

“The award price is within ‘adjusted’ market expectations,” another surveyor said. “It is still on a low side.”

The surveyor expects land prices in Hong Kong to remain soft and said the decline in property prices could continue in the coming months.

Recent land tenders have received tepid responses from developers, as Hong Kong’s property market creaks under the weight of high unsold inventory and rising interest rates.

Last month, a land tender in Yau Kom Tau, Tsuen Wan, received just a single bid from Grand Ming Group Holdings. The government eventually rejected the bid as the “tendered premium did not meet the government’s reserve price for the site”, according to the Lands Department.

(South China Morning Post)


First prices for Tuen Mun flats coming today

Road King Infrastructure (1098) will unveil a first price list for Mori in Tuen Mun today, with at least 139 homes being offered.

The low-density project might commence a first round of sales as early as this month, says the developer, and show flats will be opened soon.

Road King said Mori has received many inquiries from potential buyers, including local families and mainland talent arriving.

Mori comprises four blocks and 16 houses, to provide 693 units in total.

Elsewhere, CK Asset (1113) will put the last house at El Futuro in Sha Tin up for sale on Monday after the transaction was given up by an intending buyer despite an expected loss of HK$2.55 million in deposits.

Meanwhile, The Arles in Fo Tan sold three out of 11 units yesterday morning, collecting over HK$46 million, according to builder Centralcon Properties.

And with more new projects coming, a property agency expects the primary market can record 600 deals this month.

That estimated figure would be the equivalent of just half of the 1,204 transactions last month.

But more local banks are set to raise their capped rate of mortgage plans, which might deter people from buying homes.

Standard Chartered Hong Kong and Citibank Hong Kong are said to be increasing the cap by 0.5 percentage points on Monday following such an adjustment by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Bank of China Hong Kong (2388) and Hang Seng Bank (0011).

The moves come with interbank borrowing costs remaining at high levels recently. The Hong Kong interbank offered rate rose across all maturities yesterday, with the mortgage-related, one-month rate up to 4.97 percent.

(The Standard)

Twin retail towers to rise up in Kai Tak

Sogo operator Lifestyle International will launch a flagship project called The Twins in Kai Tak as early as the middle of next year.

The two distinctive buildings will be located in Kowloon East with Tower I is set to open in mid-2024, followed by Tower II in the second half of 2024.

The project will offer 1.1 million square feet of retail space and host over 700 shops, including a Sogo department store.

Lifestyle executive director Lau Kam-shim said The Twins, as Kai Tak's largest lifestyle retail complex, signifies a major achievement for the group. "It enables us to expand beyond the department store model to creating a multi-functional platform that agilely caters to the evolving needs of the next generation customer."

(The Standard)

尖東華懋廣場錄大手租賃 建華租全層商廈涉4萬呎每呎約16元


尖東麼地道77號華懋廣場錄大手租賃,市場消息透露,該廈8樓全層面積約4萬方呎,由建華集團及相關人士承租,平均呎租約16元,月租約64萬,舊租客為 Leader Light Ltd,呎租約22元,新租金跌27%。





建華集團自2022年7月起,涉足迷你倉業務,開設24 STORAGE,整個迷你倉業務總投資高達5億元,並不斷擴展,近期斥資4720.1萬,購入大埔太平工業中心3座9樓全層,建築面積約13486方呎,平均呎價約3500元,料經營迷你倉。

該集團早前於葵涌亞洲貨櫃物流中心承租一個單位,B座9樓9016E至9021E,年期約10年,面積達3.8萬方呎,打造「智能冷鏈物流」系統,投資額高達1億元,旗下全新冷鏈物流公司TAHUHU (塔胡胡),研發一套自動化智能冷鏈物流系統,亦將為工廈業主,包括投資者、基金及財團改造工廈,裝設智能物流系統,令物業變身凍倉。















息口高企 8月港島指標甲廈零成交



慈善組織790 星光行1




統一中心極高層全層 呎租38













319宗工商舖買賣 按月升近3成



盛匯商舖2.13 購北角舖

該行指出,8月份買賣成交重回平均水平,亦意味着不少投資者已結束假期、重投工作,帶動個別大額買賣成交得以順利落實,其中以商舖類別最受追捧,買賣宗數由7月約58宗,跳升約38%至約80宗。其中銅鑼灣霎東街15號 OLIV 基座部分,包括商舖及1至3樓,成交價約3億元,新買家為悅興地產發展有限公司董事羅守耀及其牙醫太太鄧嘉玲。而月內亦見資深舖位投資者再度大手入貨炒熱舖市,當中盛匯商舖基金以約2.13億元購入北角英皇道165至175號公主大廈地下一籃子地舖及1樓全層,面積合共約12,975平方呎,成交呎價約17,000元,原業主為投資者楊奮彬,其於2009年以約1.14億元購入上述物業,持貨約14年帳面獲利近1億元。







Mori's prices start at $3.1m

Road King Infrastructure (1098) yesterday unveiled the first price list of 140 flats at Mori in Tuen Mun, with prices starting from HK$9,168 per square foot, a fresh eight-year low for the district.

The 140 flats cost between HK$3.125 million and HK$8.24 million after discounts, or HK$9,168 to HK$12,336 per sq ft.

The discounted average price of HK$11,088 per sq ft is about 11 percent lower than prices for Grand Jete's Phase 2 in the same area, which was launched in March at HK$12,509 per sq ft.

Mori's initial discounted prices are up to 20 percent cheaper than new and old homes in the area, and could spark a buying spree in the New Territories, according to a property agency.

Grand Jeté's Phase 1 and 2, a collaborative effort between CK Asset (1113) and Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), have sold 702 apartments to date.

In Pok Fu Lam, Chinachem's Victoria Coast has released its sales brochure, and show flats will be open to the public soon. All 118 apartments in the development will be offered for sale through a tender process.

In Fo Tan, Centralcon Properties's The Arles sold a two-bedroom unit and a three-bedroom unit for a total of HK$26.2 million.

In Mid-levels West, High Peak, a prime residential project from Asia Standard International (0129), ITC Properties (0199) and CSI Properties (0497), sold a four-bedroom flat through a tender for HK$270 million.

In Kowloon City, K&K Property's Sutton is poised to release its initial price list next week. The project plans to introduce an 85 percent loan-to-value ratio mortgage option for prospective three-bedroom buyers.

In the secondary market, a three-bedroom flat in Lohas Park sold for HK$6.48 million or HK$9,529 per sq ft, the lowest price in the district so far this year.

Meanwhile, the site in Kai Tak won by a consortium led by Sino Land (0083) is expected to cost HK$10.5 billion to develop, according to partner Great Eagle (0041).

In the rental market, SHKP put 180 more flats at Townplace West Kowloon for rent.

In the luxury market, Hong Kong recorded 42 deals valued at over US$10 million (HK$78.29 million) last quarter, down by 16 percent yearly, according to another agency.

In other news, the Bank of East Asia (0023) will raise the ceiling on Hong Kong interbank offered rate-linked mortgages by 0.5 percentage points to 4.125 percent from Monday.

(The Standard)

中環貴重物業受捧 老牌家族頻出手












Tesla趁租平 轉戰荃灣甲廈環貿廣場

包括寫字樓及舖位 月租共45萬元



8地舖料作陳列室 呎租近50




愛彼錶租 The Henderson 全層



事實上,近期中環超甲廈租務稍加快,如恒地 (00012) 旗下 The Henderson 明年初落成,近日亦獲瑞士製錶品牌愛彼錶 (Audemars Piguet) 租用全層約1.2萬平方呎樓面,作為其AP House及香港辦公室之用,市場估計呎租約120元。






更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租





New Tuen Mun flats are heavily oversubscribed

Flats on sale at Mori in Tuen Mun received a warm response and were heavily oversubscribed at the weekend despite major lenders' mortgage rate hikes.

The project, which is being jointly developed by Road King Infrastructure (1098) and Shenzhen Investment (0604), was 16 times oversubscribed after attracting more than 2,500 checks for the 140 units in the first batch of sales.

Homes cost from HK$3.13 million to HK$8.24 million after discounts, or HK$9,168 to HK$12,336 per square foot.

The average discounted price of HK$11,088 per sq ft is about 11.4 percent cheaper than the first price list of Grand Jeté's Phase 2 in the same area in March but slightly higher than that of THE CARMEL launched in January 2019.

The second batch and the sales arrangement will be announced soon, the developers said, adding that they had partnered with a mortgage broker to offer a variety of mortgage packages with mortgage rates as low as 3.625 percent and up to 2.8 percent for a cash rebate.

With market attention on the primary market, second-hand home sales remained sluggish with only six deals recorded in the 10 biggest estates over the weekend, an agency said.

That was seven deals or 53.8 percent fewer than the previous weekend.

An agent from the agency said rising mortgage rates and the upcoming Federal Reserve meeting also weighed on sentiment.

China Construction Bank (Asia), a relatively small player in the mortgage market, is to lift the mortgage rate by 1.5 percentage points to 5.125 percent today, meaning a nearly 20-percent rise in the monthly repayment for new loan applicants.

That will be much higher than the 0.5 percentage point hike by major banks like The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Bank of China Hong Kong (2388).

The new rate of 4.125 percent will be applied to new loans for existing homes from today and uncompleted homes from September 30.

(The Standard)


PGIM invests in Hong Kong, mainland China, Australia rental property markets, betting on their strong fundamentals, discounted assets

There is a growing need for rental housing especially in cities where the cost of residential buying has become really high, according to PGIM

The property markets in mainland China, Australia and Hong Kong are in different stages of the real estate cycle, but have high rental growth potential

PGIM Real Estate has invested US$400 million in the housing rental markets in Hong Kong, mainland China and Australia, as the US asset manager sees huge growth in these segments and opportunities to snap up assets at deep discounts amid a challenging business environment.

“The living sector has increasingly become a big thing for us,” said Benett Theseira, managing director and head of Asia-Pacific, at PGIM Real Estate. “Increasingly we see this growing need for rental housing, and especially in cities where the cost of residential buying has become really high. And because of that we see this growing need for residential rental housing in cities like Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and in Sydney and Melbourne in Australia.”

“Hence the opportunity to invest in that provides a good investment return and also the opportunity to provide a product to this demographic of young professionals … so we can contribute to creating a good quality product and affordable product for them, which is why we went well into the sector,” he added.

In mainland China, PGIM Real Estate has partnered with a domestic rental flat operator to acquire a 19-storey purpose-built flat building in Shanghai. The property comprises over 500 flats and provides common areas and facilities including a gymnasium and a resident’s lounge.

In Australia, PGIM has formed a joint venture with a property developer to develop a portfolio of residential properties for rent in major cities to ease a hugely undersupplied housing market. The partnership aims to have a portfolio of as many as 1,250 flats, according to PGIM.

Two seed assets have been acquired, one in Brisbane and the other in Sydney, and the two neighbourhoods were chosen for their status as employment and entertainment hubs. The assets have about 300 small flats each.

Those acquisitions followed deals in Hong Kong, where PGIM acquired two hotels last year with the aim of converting them into co-living flats this year.

The Rosedale Hotel has been converted to Weave Studios Kowloon West with 435 fully furnished studio flats over 29 floors, while the Travelodge Central has been converted to Dash Living on Hollywood. Located near the Olympic MTR station, the Weave Studios property launched operations in May and is now 80 per cent occupied. Dash Living on Hollywood, which opened in July, is now about 30 per cent occupied, PGIM’s Theseira said.

The three property markets are in different stages in the real estate cycle, but share one crucial element that made them attractive – high rental growth.

In mainland China, for example, the median house prices in major cities were about 30 times the average annual household income. The current uncertainty in the property market in the world’s second-largest economy is also spurring the growth rate in the rental market to high single digits, Theseira said. The turmoil is also spurring asset owners to offer properties at a 20 per cent to 30 per cent discount in some cases.

“Discounts are not uncommon,” Theseira said. “And certainly focusing on the strong demand for rental housing is where we see the opportunity. We are picking the right assets that will benefit from the recovery in value when market conditions improve.”

Meanwhile, Hong Kong remains one of the world’s most unaffordable housing markets and the current high interest rate environment, currently at levels last seen in February 2008, is also making potential homebuyers cautious and they are instead opting to rent.

Australia, with its strong immigration growth, high interest rates and median home prices about 10 times household income is also forecast to see rental market growth of high single digits, Theseira said.

“We found that the structural drivers were very favourable, particularly in China and Australia,” he said.

In the short-term, Theseira said Singapore is another rental market that the group finds attractive and with monetary authorities likely to start easing by the latter part of 2024, the group is also looking to be more active in its investment in the region.

In mainland China, the co-living segment is a “highly viable property segment”, a property agent said.

“Rental housing properties have continued to gain traction at a resilient pace in mainland China over the past few years, underpinned by China’s favourable demographics, stretched housing affordability, as well as people’s growing awareness and acceptance of renting,” the agent said. “In addition to those robust demand fundamentals, China’s rental housing sector has also benefited from the country’s encouraging policy support including dedicated land supply, tax incentives and financial support.”

(South China Morning Post)


Hong Kong home price seen falling by 5 per cent after 7 major lenders including HSBC, Standard Chartered set to increase mortgage rates

The effective mortgage rate for new loans from HSBC, Hang Seng, BOCHK, Standard Chartered and BEA will rise by 50 basis points on Monday

The higher mortgage rates will pressurise home prices to fall by 3 to 5 per cent in the next few months, property agents say

Hong Kong home prices are set to fall by about 5 per cent by the end of this year, analysts say, after seven major lenders, including the three note-issuing banks – HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, and Bank of China (Hong Kong) – said they will raise their mortgage rates as early as Monday.

The trio, together with Hang Seng Bank and Bank of East Asia from will increase mortgage rates for new loan applications by 50 basis points on Monday, while Citibank will make a similar increase on Wednesday (September 20), the lenders’ spokesmen said in a reply to the Post’s inquiries.

The effective mortgage rate for new loans by these six lenders, which control 80 per cent of the mortgage market, will be increased from 3.625 per cent to 4.125 per cent. Existing home loans will not be affected.

The payment on a typical HK$5 million (US$643,000) mortgage over 30 years will increase by 6 per cent after the mortgage rate increases, or by HK$1,430 per month to HK$24,232, according to calculations made by a mortgage broker.

China Construction Bank (Asia) went even further in increasing its mortgage rates for new loans. It plans a 1.5 percentage point rise starting Monday, from 3.625 per cent to 5.125 per cent, according to the mortgage broker which was citing market sources. The Post’s calls to the lender, which has a 0.3 per cent share in Hong Kong’s mortgage market, went unanswered.

“The mortgage rate rise is going to further hit the already weak property market in Hong Kong. High borrowing costs will discourage people from buying new homes at the moment,” a property agent said.

“The increase in mortgage rates will lead home prices further down by 3 to 5 per cent in the next few months.”

Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices declined for a third straight month in July to a six-month low, as the city’s property market continued to struggle in an elevated interest-rate environment. Prices fell 1.1 per cent month on month in July, the biggest drop this year, according to an index compiled by the Rating and Valuation Department.

The total number of property transactions – including new and second-hand homes, commercial buildings and car parks – dropped for a fourth consecutive month in July, declining 7.6 per cent from June to 4,777, according to a report released by a property agency last month. That is the lowest figure in seven months.

“It is highly likely the home prices will decrease over 3 per cent in the following months, offsetting all gains this year,” an agent said. “The home price this year will be flat this year when compared with a year earlier.”

A prolonged high-interest rate environment, slow income growth in Hong Kong and falling property prices in mainland China are likely to keep affordability pressures beyond this year, Goldman Sachs (Asia) analysts Gurpreet Singh Sahi, Wing Huang and Simon Cheung wrote in a report on Friday.

“The latest raise would pressure affordability further,” the Goldman Sachs analysts said. “Hence, we reverse our call for a price improvement in the residential market this year to a flat outcome versus an increase of 5 per cent outlook before.”

Goldman Sachs also expects home prices to remain flat in the following two years and to increase only in 2026 by 4 per cent.

The plans by major lenders to increase mortgage rates comes ahead of the US Federal Reserve meeting later in the week, where analysts widely expected a pause in its rate rising campaign, given the rosier inflation picture.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority in July raised the city’s base rate, lifting it for the 11th time in the past 17 months by a total of 5.25 percentage points, in lockstep with the Federal Reserve. Hong Kong’s monetary policy follows that of the United States, as the city’s currency has been pegged to the US dollar since 1983.

Commercial banks raised their prime rate five times since September last year by a total of 0.875 percentage points. BOCHK, HSBC Holdings, and its subsidiary Hang Seng Bank now have their prime rates at 5.875 per cent, while those at Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, Citibank, and CCB Asia are at 6.125 per cent. These levels were last seen in December 2007.

“Hong Kong lenders may still increase the prime rate this week as the interbank rate is high,” the mortgage broker said. “The US may also further increase the interest rate in November,” he added, reflecting the market expectations that authorities will keep at least one rate hike on the table.

The one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate (Hibor), the benchmark for mortgages, rose to 5 per cent on Friday, compared with 4.7 per cent last month and 4.2 per cent at the beginning of this year, according to Hong Kong Association of Banks.

The three-month Hibor, which is linked to corporate loans, stood at 5 per cent on Friday, while the six-month Hibor reached 5.18 per cent, and the 12-month Hibor advanced to 5.4 per cent on Friday. All three benchmarks are 50 basis points higher than three months ago.

“We have decided to revise our mortgage rate following a recent review, which takes into account a range of factors, including Hibor, our competitiveness and market pricing,” a spokesman of HSBC said.

(South China Morning Post)

九記牛腩斥550 中環中心車位


陳秉志減價放售 連錄3成交


資料顯示,九記牛腩 (簡稱九記) 是香港一間以牛腩著名的食肆,多年來均獲米芝蓮星級推介,座上客包括陳奕迅、梁朝偉、何超蓮等等,前任香港特區行政長官曾蔭權3代皆有光顧,九記現由潘國興經營。

方潤華家族 購兩相連車位



另外,太古地產 (01972) 劈價3成促銷鰂魚涌太古城車位,其中有投資者斥資近2,559萬元掃14個車位,而恒地 (00012) 執行董事葉盈枝據悉亦有入市。






Hong Kong office landlords grapple with ‘irreversible’ hybrid work trend amid high vacancy rates, supply glut

Flex space provider IWG says it is adding locations rapidly in the Greater Bay Area as property owners seek to capitalise on the trend

IWG works with Hysan Development, and major landlords Hongkong Land and Swire Properties also have their fingers in the co-working pie

Hybrid work arrangements are likely to persist and become irreversible in the foreseeable future, a trend that is spurring landlords and asset owners to convert traditional office spaces into flexible offices, according to the CEO of IWG, one of the world’s largest flex desk service providers.

Globally, companies and organisations are allowing as much as half of their staff to adopt flexible work arrangements, including some combination of working from home, working at a desk in a remote co-working space and coming into a traditional office, said IWG CEO Mark Dixon.

The trend is driving IWG to add new flex space in Hong Kong, across the Greater Bay Area and beyond, Dixon said.

“IWG is growing its network both in Hong Kong and globally at a rapid rate as the demand for hybrid working accelerates,” he said. “Property owners are seeking to capitalise as businesses of all sizes embrace the model, and we can see this trend in our network growth numbers. In the first half of this year, we added more than 400 locations globally.”

In Hong Kong IWG operates 21 locations under the brands Regus, Spaces, Signature, HQ and OpenOffice, with four new locations added so far this year.

The Switzerland-headquartered company reported revenue of £1.7 billion (US$2.1 billion) in the first half of the year, a record-high in its 30-year history and a 14 per cent improvement from £1.4 billion in the same period in 2022. Profit, meanwhile, grew 2.5 times to £94 million, according to its interim results.

In the next two years, 21 per cent of office tenants in Hong Kong are likely to downsize their footprint, according to a property agency’s poll, and the increasing adoption of hybrid work schemes comes at a challenging time for the city’s office property market.

The vacancy rate in Hong Kong’s prime office space hit a record high of 15.1 per cent towards the end of August, according to the agency. Monthly office rental rates have declined 30.3 per cent to HK$54.70 (US$6.98) per square foot from the high struck in January 2019, when office vacancies were at a record low of 3.5 per cent, according to the property agency.

Meanwhile, another 3 million sq ft of office space is expected to become available in the second half of 2023, the agency said.

In co-working spaces, tenants typically share facilities such as pantries, washrooms and meeting rooms with other tenants. Organisations and individuals can subscribe for memberships or lease space, typically with more flexibility than traditional leases, such as shorter duration of tenancy.

Demand is strong across the Greater Bay Area, Dixon said. IWG partnered with Hysan Development in 2022 to set up more co-working spaces in cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Foshan, in addition to Hong Kong.

Hongkong Land and Swire Properties, two of the largest commercial landlords in Hong Kong, also run their own co-working businesses.

“There are many reasons why [the hybrid trend] is sort of irreversible,” Dixon said. “It’s what people want, and it’s what companies want at the same time.”

Co-working spaces let companies provide collegial spaces for workers at locations that are closer to home or more accessible than the typical central business district. “It’s much more convenient, and people genuinely want to go and work in an office,” he said. “They want to work with other people. But what they don’t want to do is to spend two hours a day commuting.”

In Hong Kong for example, situating the entire staff in Central would be expensive, so providing another location option, or splitting the workforce among multiple locations, could cut real estate expenses by as much as half, he said.

“For companies, they can hire people over a wider area and they can get more loyalty from many members of a team if they can work in a more flexible way,” Dixon said.

However, Hong Kong’s office property market may see less of an impact from the hybrid trend than other cities, according to another property agent.

“Hybrid caters to the needs of workers who may also have typically longer commutes and more expansive living conditions than those in Hong Kong,” the agent said.

“We expect demand for flexible office space to continue in Hong Kong, albeit at a slowing pace in the medium term. A form of hybrid exists for many companies in Hong Kong, but the extent of the direct impact on office space is considerably smaller than that of other global markets.”

Moreover, while lower costs and higher flexibility are attractive, hybrid arrangements have pitfalls, the agent said. These include concerns about productivity and the nurturing of company culture, as well as the junior staff lacking direct support and guidance from their supervisors.

(South China Morning Post)

中環國際金融中心連錄承租 金融機構進駐
















中環全新超甲廈 機構加快洽租



整體租務市場平穩,而中環將有全新超甲廈落成,近期租務查詢及成交稍加快。恒地 (00012) 旗下中環美利道商業項目 The Henderson,繼佳士德及私募基金凱雷 (CARLYLE) 後,The Henderson 亦獲瑞士製錶品牌愛彼 (Audemars Piguet) 及國際畫廊將會承租,其中愛彼將租用全層約1.2萬平方呎樓面,作為其AP House及香港辦公室之用。市場人士估計,成交呎租約120元。

The Henderson  出租率近5

恒地發言人早前表示,中環空置率上升,今年開關後租客活動轉活,企業對新項目有興趣及需求,相信 The Henderson 於2024年中入伙時出租率會進一步提升,而目前出租率,已升至近5成。集團指,The Henderson 全幢只會有20至30個租客,現揀選認同集團理念的合適租客,而租金一般會視乎市場供求及經濟環境而定,但相信項目地理位置及設計優越,再配合可持續發展策略,將會受租戶歡迎。

The Henderson 樓高36層,每層約1.2萬至1.5萬平方呎,包括地面和5層地庫,總樓面面積約46.5萬平方呎,去年起進行招租,拍賣行佳士得租用4層,涉約5萬平方呎,作集團在港首個常設拍賣中心和藝廊。另外,國際投資公司凱雷集團則租用約2萬平方呎樓面。


長江集團中心二期 提供55萬呎樓面




更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租





金鐘東昌大廈2層舖位 交吉放售



該舖其中一個賣點是比鄰即落成的全新甲廈 The Henderson,整體商業氣氛進一步提升,故商舖需求高。陳健鋒指,物業除了可作投資收租外,亦可吸引銀行、證券商等購入作自用,可達宣傳效果。據悉,物業市值約6.8億元,呎價約3萬元。





更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租





尖沙咀星光行多戶 1280萬起放售




另一個可作相連單位則為1210至11室,面積約2,138平方呎 (未核實),叫價約3,300萬元,而資料顯示,星光行正海景位單位最高呎價曾錄得逾2.1萬元,今次之優惠價已較之前大幅回落3至4成,故今次售價實屬吸引。





葵涌新都會廣場 享地利配套齊




兩座設計 擁甲廈水平

新都會廣場由新地 (00016) 發展,物業於1993年落成,設有兩座商廈項目,1座由大業主持有收租,另2座業權已分散。物業擁甲廈水平,周邊發展成熟。寫字樓入口設於2樓,有車路直達入口,相當方便。每層設有4部升降機,主要分兩個大堂,供高層及低層用戶使用。

已賣散的2座商廈,樓高46層,寫字樓層由7樓起,全層面積約1.6萬平方呎,每層設有約12個單位 (視乎樓層而定)。室內柱位大部分靠邊,間隔靈活。室內開則呈八角形,部分單位設兩邊窗,景觀相對開揚另部分單位長方形間隔,實用率高。


用戶上,大廈不乏知名機構,包括佔用16樓的德永佳 (00321),集團從事針織布及棉紗之產銷及整染、便服銷售及汽車及發電機之維修,另8樓為大眾銀行。此外,大廈不少用戶為電子及鐘錶業,另亦有多層作醫務所。






恒地濱海街舊樓 今強拍底價63億

恒地 (00012) 及太古地產 (01972) 收購的鰂魚涌濱海街16至94號連同英皇道983至987A號舊樓,將會在今日上午進行強拍,底價約63.1億元,料屬歷來最大宗的強拍。

根據鰂魚涌分區計劃大綱核准圖,該土地現劃為「住宅 (甲類)」用途,佔地約43,881平方呎。項目原擬發展2幢32層高 (包括7層地庫) 的商廈,但遭城規會拒絕,其後發展商變陣發展住宅,並於去年3月獲屋宇署批准興建2幢28層高 (另設3層基座及2層地庫) 的的商住大廈,並設有住戶康樂設施,涉及的住用總樓面約36.83萬平方呎,而非住用樓面則涉約7.24萬平方呎。














恒基等63.1億奪鰂魚涌舊樓 底價史上最貴打造地標商住物業











宏安鴨脷洲舊樓批強拍 底價逾1.37億








都會大學10億洽購紅磡酒店 投資者羅守弘持有房間數目433個













鄧成波家族放售 西貢工廈5幢叫價14億





另一方面,物業地帶被劃為「住宅 (戊類) 1」,可向城規會申請重建住宅項目。業主已獲城規會批准發展社福設施 (安老院),提供1127個舍牀位,涉及樓面約25.1萬方呎,因此,買家亦可考慮補地價重建安老院項目。

該代理續說,過去數年工業物業供應緊張,空置率長期處低水平,租金穩定,跑贏其他資產類別,不少優質全幢工廈均被外資基金或資深投資者承接,盤源稀缺。此項目5座全幢高規格工業大廈是次全數放售,買家可一次性購入完整工業群,另一方面,由於項目已獲批社會福利設施 (安老院) 發展,長遠亦可重建,進一步釋放土地潛力,進可攻退可守。



石門2官地發展商業 增樓面120萬呎




安心街以北 地積比9.5


該2幅用地均位於安心街,亦即是碧濤花園的後方,其中1幅安心街以北用地,佔地約8.6萬平方呎,現時屬於「政府、機構或社區」用途,規劃署提出改劃成商業用途,以地積比率9.5倍發展,可建樓面達81.8萬平方呎,屬於區內較罕有的大型商業地,建築高限為130米 (主水平準以上,下同)。

2地均需設政府機構 社區設施


事實上,近年區內有不少新商廈落成,包括比鄰港鐵石門站的安群街1號及3號2幅商貿地皮,由發展商億京奪得後,繼而發展成綜合寫字樓及商場的商用物業,即為京瑞廣場 1及2期,總樓面接近80萬平方呎。

至於新地 (00016) 於2016年以約6.7億元投得的安耀街商貿地,每平方呎樓面地價約3,886元,現時已經發展成1幢27層高的商廈,涉及樓面約17.4萬平方呎,並且已經於2020年落成。







京瑞廣場造價 2年下調7%

石門在過去幾年有不少新商廈落成,其中京瑞廣場 1、2期屬於區內指標商廈,目前呎價大約9,000至1萬元左右,過較過去幾年跌7%至10%左右。

京瑞廣場 1、2期屬於2015年、2016年落成的新商廈,均已經由億京分拆出售。據EPRC經濟地產庫資料顯示,該廈過去一年平均呎價約9,781元,但較2021年至2022年時期平均呎價約1.05萬元相比,低出大約7%。例如,京瑞廣場低層K及J室,面積合共約1,651平方呎,在今年中以約1,625萬元沽出,呎價約9,843元,原業主在2015年以約1,200萬元購入該2個單位,持貨8年,升值逾3成。


W LUXE連平台 呎價高見1.5

石門區內最近商廈則為2020年落成的 W LUXE,在過去一年平均呎價約1.25萬元,大部分屬於細單位成交,面積介乎約423至1,105平方呎不等,售價介乎460萬至1,680萬元,當中高層S5室商廈單位,樓面面積約1,105平方呎,連平台約245平方呎,呎價約15,204元,為該項目自2021年4月以來成交呎價新高。





Prices of flats at Sutton in Kowloon look competitive

A first price list covering 31 flats at Sutton in Kowloon City, with the cheapest ones at HK$5.99 million after discounts, has been released by K&K Property.

The average discounted price is HK$18,488 per square foot - about 25 percent lower than the first batch at nearby Allegro that were launched in May last year.

The 31 homes with areas from 379 to 904 sq ft are priced from HK$5.99 million to HK$19.3 million after discounts, or from HK$15,730 to HK$21,360 per sq ft.

The developer claimed the selling price is HK$2,112 or 10 percent below the average costs of HK$20,600 per square foot, so it may raise prices by 5 to 10 percent in future batches.

Sales will take place within the month, and K&K Property will keep up to half of the flats for rental.

The developer purchased the 92-flat project for HK$1.14 billion, or more than HK$13,500 per sq ft, last year before spending HK$120 million renovating the six-year-old development.

A property agent expects half of the buyers will be investors and that rents might reach HK$70 per sq ft, meaning a 4-5 percent rental return.

In Ho Man Tin, Grand Homm sold 11 flats for nearly HK$280 million via tender. The project previously owned by Goldin Financial (0530) former chairman, Pan Sutong, is now controlled by receivers.

In Hung Hom, Henderson Land Development (0012) said it has sold 89 flats at Baker Circle Greenwich for HK$480 million since sales were launched, taking the number of homes sold there to 428. The developer collected more than HK$2.6 billion from the sales.

Meanwhile, the mortgage-related one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate rose for the 10th consecutive trading day to the highest in more than one month at 5.257 percent yesterday.

All other rates increased as well as the quarter-end approaches, and the retail green bond received a warm response in subscriptions.

Data from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority showed the composite interest rate, which is a measure of the average cost of funds of banks, increased by 9 basis points to 2.55 percent at the end of August as the weighted funding cost for deposits during the month climbed.

(The Standard)













The Development Studio創辦人兼主席簡基富收購的太子道西452至464號,獲批建1幢23層高、另有4層平台的商住物業,可建總樓面約7.48萬方呎。








行李箱品牌RIMOWA 11.2萬租長沙灣工廈



設特長免租期 先租後買引用家










旅客重臨 甘比1.2億放售東角道舖

旅客重返核心區,投資者趁機放售舖位,現華置行政總裁兼執行董事陳凱韻 (甘比),放售銅鑼灣東角道舖,叫價1.2億元。



灣仔全幢叫價2 減2







勵業街熟食市場地 改劃料建23層商廈

商業物業投資氣氛低迷,未有阻礙政府物色土地作商業發展的決心,規劃署就觀塘勵業街熟食小販市場一帶用地,建議改為商業地帶,料可興建1幢23層 (另設兩層地庫) 的商業樓宇,高限為主水平基準以上100米,城規會將於周五 (22日) 討論相關的大綱圖修訂。

規劃署最新建議修訂《觀塘南部分區計劃大綱圖》,把偉業街、勵業街和海濱道交界約2.07萬方呎土地,由「政府、機構或社區(1)」、「休憩用地」和「道路」地帶,一併改為「商業 (1)」地帶,地積比率上限為12倍,總樓面面積上限約24.76萬方呎,料可興建一幢商業樓宇,並要求當中最少約3.88萬方呎樓面面積,須用作食肆、零售和藝術文創相關用途。



另外,城規會周五也會討論多個規劃申請,其中灣仔秀華坊31至36號和聖佛蘭士街8至12號用地,有財團去年申請把有關土地由「住宅 (甲類)」、「住宅 (丙類) 及「道路」地帶,改劃為「住宅 (甲類) 9」地帶,擬興建1幢28層商住建築物,總樓面面積約10.45萬方呎,提供216伙,同時設有藝術相關設施。規劃署認為,建築物與周圍環境不會出現不協調的情況,不反對該申請。



Henderson Land high among approvals

The Buildings Department approved 19 building plans in July, with Henderson Land Development (0012) getting the green light to build a commercial-cum-residential building in Wan Chai.

Henderson Land's redevelopment projects for older buildings also received approval.

One notable project is the redevelopment of an old building at 13-21 Wood Road and 22-30 Wing Cheung Street in Wan Chai, acquired earlier this year for HK$300 million. This project has been greenlit for the construction of a 27-story residential/commercial mixed-use building with a total floor area of about 86,000 square feet.

Another project by the developer, the redevelopment of 88 Robinson Road in Mid-Levels West, which was acquired for over HK$1 billion last year, has been granted approval for the construction of a 16-story residential building with a total area of about 50,000 sq ft.

In the primary market, Grand Jeté Phase I in Tuen Mun, co-developed by CK Asset (1113) and Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), will launch the sales of 70 remaining units on Sunday. Discounted prices range from HK$11,862 to HK$15,063 per sq ft.

The project will feature a talent incentive program with discounts of up to 3 percent on prices.

Buyers who are tenants currently will be eligible for four- and five-percent cash rebates when purchasing two-bedroom and three-bedroom homes.

And Pano Harbour in Kai Tak, a collaboration between China Resources Land (Overseas) and Poly Property Group (0119), set new records in the runway area with a four-bedroom home selling for HK$1.22 billion, or HK$58,401 per sq ft.

(The Standard)

甲廈空置率 7月升至12.8%


該行最新發表的香港地產市場報告中指出,香港整體甲級寫字樓租賃市場於7月錄得224,600平方呎負淨吸納量。該行稱,休閒及旅遊業在通關後業務改善。旅遊體驗綫上平台KKday承租九龍灣「一號九龍」約7,600平方呎樓面 (建築面積),以擴充其目前位於同區 Eastmark 的辦公空間。









息口高企 投資者沽貨減磅


近期大手成交,主要來自資深投資者沽貨,而甲廈市場重現中資機構入市,招商局能源運輸股份有限公司宣布,以7.78億元購入信德中心招商局大廈28樓全層作自用,建築面積25,395平方呎,平均呎價30,636元,成為信德中心分層最大金額成交。該廈對上最貴分層成交紀錄,為2017年香港興業 (00480) 以約7.5億元沽出上環信德中心招商局大廈22樓全層。

招商輪船購信德中心 整合業務




東貿廣場全層沽 蝕1091









永亨馮堯敬家族成員 876萬購中環中心車位




車位價回落 不乏投資者入市

另外,中環中心停車場B2層雙號車位,以488萬元易手,買家為天然乳品  (00462,前稱中國金匯礦業,福茂控股) 前主席陳蕙姬。







凱施尖東舖4100萬沽 12年貶值3成




九龍灣創豪坊 低層售500










啟超道地舖租50萬 較高峰期跌8成

核心區舖租務加快 通關後連鎖藥店連開4店

訪港旅客數字理想,核心區舖位租務加快,銅鑼灣啟超道地下舖位,獲藥粧店 Sakara 以50萬元租用,較舊租金略升,仍較高峰期跌近8成。該連鎖藥店在通關後,一口氣開4分店。

有外資代理行代理表示,銅鑼灣啟超道4號地舖,建築面積約1,500平方呎,獲本地化粧藥品店租用,每月租金約50餘萬元。該美粧保健品連鎖店 Sakara,以售賣國際著名化粧品及保健品牌為主。



據了解,Sakara 品牌在近月連租4舖,包括以40萬元,租用尖沙咀海防道53至55號海防大廈地下B及C舖連閣樓,面積約1,200平方呎,並以50萬元,租用同區加連威老道21A至21B號地下A、C及D號舖,面積約1,640平方呎,成交月租近50萬元,呎租約305元。是次租用啟超道舖,正對希慎廣場,屬銅鑼灣一綫靚舖。



另消息指,尖沙咀彌敦道美麗都大廈地下3及4號舖及一樓1至4號舖,面積約3,920平方呎,以約35萬元租出,呎租約90元。據了解,新租客料為鐘錶Swatch Group。該舖前租客為六福珠寶,最新租金較4年前,跌幅達40%。





Home prices still plague residents

Hong Kong's property market bubble may have gone but it still takes Hongkongers 20 to 25 years to buy a home compared to nine to 12 years for Singaporeans, a UBS report has found.

The city has dropped to sixth place on the latest UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index, with house prices returning to 2017 levels following a 7 percent decline between mid-2022 and mid-2023.

The report found that a skilled service worker here would need 20 to 25 years to afford a 650-square-foot flat near the city center. Singapore's nine to 12 years is even shorter in most major US cities.

From 2003 to 2018 real estate prices in Hong Kong almost quadrupled, while incomes remained stagnant, and inflation-adjusted rents increased by only 50 percent, making housing barely affordable.

Meanwhile William Kwok Tze-wai, CK Asset's (1113) chief sales manager, expects local residential property prices to fluctuate by up to 10 percent in the fourth quarter due to uncertainty concerning interest rates and cautious sentiment in the property market.

Despite the US pausing its rate hikes, Hong Kong real estate agencies believe local banks have not alleviated the impact of rising interest rates, leading to ongoing downward pressure on home transactions.

A property agent has anticipated slow activity in the secondary property market, pushing property prices down.

Henderson Land's One Innovale in Fan Ling sold 90 percent of its 1,474 units, bringing in around HK$7.25 billion in revenue.

(The Standard)







With interest rates likely to have peaked, Hong Kong home prices will soon begin to look up, analyst says

Falling global interest rates should boost property prices, but any gains in Hong Kong could be delayed until there is a broader economic recovery locally and in China

Lived-in home prices in Hong Kong fell 1.1 per cent in July, the most this year, as rising interest rates kept buyers on the sidelines

Hong Kong will be among the first markets where interest rates are likely to fall next year along with the US, which could potentially boost the city’s property sector, according to analysts.

With inflation in the US, the world’s largest economy, showing signs of cooling down, normalising of interest rates may come earlier than in the UK and the euro zone, a property agent said.

Hong Kong’s peg to the US dollar means an automatic adjustment to the city’s interest rates alongside the US.

“As rates begin to fall globally, that will be the trigger for improved affordability and will provide the conditions for house price growth, so the US and Hong Kong, in theory, will see prices grow earlier,” the agent said.

“That said, the conditions for stronger prices also require consumer confidence and positive household wealth conditions. In the US one can see how these conditions will be present in the near-term. It may be delayed in Hong Kong until there is a broader recovery in the local and wider China economies.”

The US Federal Reserve embarked on a path of aggressive interest rate hikes in March 2022, raising it 11 times to a target rate of between 5.25 per cent and 5.5 per cent so far. Inflation has generally been brought under control, with the latest reading at 3.7 per cent in August, still a long way from the Fed’s 2 per cent target, but much lower than the 40-year high of 9.1 per cent in June last year. These figures have raised hopes that the US monetary authorities are likely to be swayed to ease rates sooner

that many other markets.

The Fed’s pause last week is another indication that the rate hike may be coming to an end soon.

On the other hand, in the UK and the euro zone, where monetary authorities have been trying to tame consumer price rises to 2 per cent, inflation is proving to be stickier.In the UK, the Bank of England has raised interest rates 14 times since December 2021 to 5.25 per cent, where inflation cooled to 6.7 per cent in August. In the EU, the European Central Bank lifted the interest rate to a record high of 4 per cent on September 14, as inflation hovered at 5.2 per cent last month. Inflation in the euro zone is predicted to be 5.6 per cent on average in 2023.

With Hong Kong following the Fed, the rate cut moves will be quicker, unlike the UK and Europe, where it is more likely at the end of 2024, Bailey said, adding that the falling rates are likely to boost home prices in the US, but may take some time in Hong Kong.

Lived-in home prices in Hong Kong fell 1.1 per cent in July, the most this year, according to the latest official data.

Meanwhile, developers have been extending price cuts at their new project launches in a bid to dispose of their current stock, with the likes of CK Asset’s Coast Line project and Villa Garda by Sino Land, K Wah International and China Merchants Land offering discounts of as much as 16 per cent.

Overall, the agent said the “worst” of the uncertainty is likely over for global property markets.

“In 2022, you had a period when it was clear inflation was rising rapidly,” the agent said. “No one quite knew the end game, how far it would go on, but now we’re probably at a point where we’re getting close to the end of the tightening cycle.”

Global property prices will probably be at their lowest level in the first quarter next year, the agent added.

Besides interest rates, other factors are likely to influence the direction of home prices next year, another agent said.

“In the US, a supply shortage will keep prices nearly flat over the next six months and drive increases in home prices by around 5 per cent in 2024,” the agent said. “In Hong Kong, the slower economy and low transaction numbers will keep the market sleepy until the middle of 2024.”

For the UK, the agent said property prices should find their bottom in the first quarter of 2024 and begin to recover later in the year.

(South China Morning Post)

絲寶國際大廈全層2.3億沽 呎價1.38











尖沙咀漢口大廈申建商住項目 新世界持有涉110伙及9.9萬呎商業樓面


據城規會文件顯示,漢口大廈項目位於尖沙咀漢口道43至49A號,目前屬「商業 (6)」地帶,申請擬議分層住宅及准許的辦公室、商店及服務行業/食肆用途發展。











主要位於聖佛蘭士街的地下,擬議藝術設施則位於1樓及2樓,總樓面約4888方呎,另在秀華坊 (即發展的1樓) 將設有1間商店/咖啡館。










由基金安祖高頓等持有的觀塘絲寶國際大廈21樓全層連3個車位,早前以2.325億易手,買家身份亦曝光,為破產欠薪保障基金委員會 (The protection of wages on insolvency fund board),料購入物業作為自用。


偉業街108號絲寶國際大廈21樓全層,建築面積約16824方呎,連3個車位,以近2.325億成交,呎價約13820元,物業以交吉交易。原業主為安祖高頓及印度船王 CHELLARAM 家族合組財團,於2018年初購入絲寶國際大廈18至21、23、25至28樓共9層連57個車位,總建築面積共153856方呎,成交價逾20.4億,呎價約13265元,以最新成交呎價計算,較購入價略高4.2%,料平手離場。





油麻地旭逸酒店5.6億易手 鄧成波家族沽貨每個房間作價373萬





鄧成波家族於2018年10月向英皇集團購入該酒店,作價11億,當時名為香港盛世酒店 (Inn Hotel Hong Kong),持貨5年帳面蝕讓5.4億,物業貶值49%。



另一方面,物業地帶被劃為「住宅 (戊類) 1」,可向城規會申請重建住宅項目。業主已獲城規會批准發展社福設施 (安老院),提供1127個院舍牀位,涉及樓面約25.1萬方呎,因此,買家亦可考慮補地價重建安老院項目。



觀塘偉業街93號 銀座商廈合零售















高層全層 意向月租5.5萬


面積1500 呎租36






英皇珠寶擴充迎旅客 廣東道再租舖

恒利大廈千呎舖40萬租 租金降5成

十一黃金周將至,預計訪港旅客有所回升,近日核心區一綫地段租務加快。消息指,尖沙咀廣東道一個千呎舖,以40萬元租出,較舊租金跌一半。據悉,新租客為英皇鐘錶珠寶 (00887),在短短一個月內連環擴充,反映零售商仍看好後市。

市場消息指,尖沙咀廣東道68至80號恒利大廈地下4號舖,面積約1,000平方呎,以約40萬元租出。該舖位處於尖沙咀廣東道後段,鄰近 apple store,通關後人流亦轉旺。


月初租海防道 較舊租金倍升


翻查資料,是次租用廣東道舖位,於零售高峰期時由個人護理品牌 Body Shop 租用多年,高峰期月租高達133萬元,2016年品牌續租,回落至90萬元,其後約滿遷出。如今舖位以約40餘萬元租出,租金跌逾半,而較高峰期跌約7成。

廣東道海防道 逾10租務









國際品牌仍審慎 「本地薑」趁機搶點



近月旺舖租務增 來自藥粧店




業主接受現實 租金難大升




Hong Kong among world’s top sources of property capital, but global investors give city’s real estate a miss: property agency’s report

Hong Kong was the world’s fourth-largest source of global property capital in the first half, but it was not in the top 10 markets for investment

Investors are put off by the city’s high interest rates and sluggish economy, the report suggested

Hong Kong was the world’s fourth-largest source of global property capital in the first half of the year, according to a study by a property agency.

But its high interest rates and stuttering economy meant that, unlike rivals Singapore and Japan, it was not a favoured destination for international property investment.

Investors from Hong Kong spent US$6.5 billion in real estate markets across the globe in the year to June 30, accounting for 7.4 per cent of global real estate investment, the agency found. That was a big jump from the 4.2 per cent contribution they made between 2018 and 2022.

The city did not appear in the top 10 destinations for global property investment. The report did not provide figures for Hong Kong’s inbound property capital.

Singapore was the top source of capital in the first six months of the year, deploying US$21.8 billion and making up a quarter of the global total. It was also the 10th-largest destination, receiving US$2.5 billion in investment.

Japan was the fifth-largest real estate investor in the world, spending US$5.1 billion in the period. In return its property market received US$7.1 billion in investment, taking third spot.

“As compared to other markets, Hong Kong’s property market is impacted most by the high interest rate and the fact investors are constantly looking into other high-yield assets as investment opportunities,” said Thomas Chak, co-head of capital markets and investment at Colliers.

“Therefore, we can see that it’s one of the top five sources of global capital, with the cash-rich local investors finding good bargains.”

High interest rates and a sluggish economy have been hobbling Hong Kong’s property markets. The office and residential segments in particular have suffered declines in both prices and transactions.

In the second quarter of 2023, Hong Kong’s economy lost steam, recording growth of just 1.5 per cent, down from 2.9 per cent in the first three months, according to official data.

Meanwhile, the city’s base rate was raised to a 16-year high in July in lockstep with the US Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes because of the local currency’s peg to the US dollar.

The US was the second-largest property investor, deploying US$15.8 billion in the first half, and the largest recipient of global capital, taking in US$21.9 billion.

The UK was the second-biggest investment destination, receiving US$11.2 billion, and the eighth-largest investor at about US$3 .6 billion, Colliers said.

“In the first half of 2023, we have seen significant capital being deployed outside the Asia-Pacific region,” said Chris Pilgrim, managing director, global capital markets, Asia-Pacific at Colliers.

“Globally, the US remains ultimately the most liquid market, [attracting] meaningful capital from the Asia-Pacific region. The UK has also benefited from Asia-Pacific capital, partly driven by the fast revaluations of that market in comparison to parts of Europe and Asia-Pacific.”

“Although markets are now beyond the halfway mark in 2023, the outlook for the second half of the year remains opaque,” the study said.

“During the second quarter, there were clear signs of market activity improving relative to the five year high-low range, with North America leading the recovery. Figures for July, however, point to a downturn in activity. August figures are also expected to be low. The big question is whether this reflects the result of a summer recess in North America and Europe, prior to markets picking up in late third quarter and fourth quarter, or if it represents more fragility across markets, with further challenges to overcome,” it added.

(South China Morning Post)

觀塘海濱匯 香港寬頻租兩層

10萬呎樓面 呎租約22

近期大手租務成交主要集中在東九龍,其中觀塘海濱匯兩層合共10萬平方呎,獲香港寬頻 (01310) 租用,呎租約22元,為今年東九龍最大手租務成交。該租戶原使用九龍灣國際展貿中心,因大廈重建需作搬遷。
















至於分區方面,灣仔 (包括銅鑼灣) 和尖沙咀空置率,則分別下跌0.6和0.7個百分點。港島東空置率輕微上升,由12.7百分點升至12.8百分點。九龍東空置率下跌,由20.2百分點跌至19.5百分點。





該代理表示,8月整體市場租金按月下跌0.7%。主要分區市場中,中環和灣仔 (包括銅鑼灣) 租金分別下跌0.8%和0.3%,尖沙咀租金則上升0.6%。





中旅9億購灣仔君悅居 研合併重建



香港中旅 (00308) 宣布斥資8.98億元,收購灣仔駱克道42至50號君悅居,位處分域街8至12號,屬於15層高連地庫的服務式住宅。物業樓高15層,地庫至2樓為商舖,現租客包括多間餐廳、便利店及健身中心,3樓至15樓為房間,間隔由開放式至兩房,總樓面約5.7萬平方呎,涉及約114間房間,以收購價計算,每呎約1.58萬元,每間房間作價788萬元。






九龍塘玫瑰苑批拆樓 重建展開

新世界 (00017) 去年以21億元強拍統一九龍塘玫瑰苑業權,屋宇署顯示,項目早前已經獲批拆樓紙,將隨即展開重建;同期還有樂風位於鴨脷洲及佐敦兩個項目亦獲准重建。


玫瑰苑在1967年落成,樓齡約56年,原本屬於由22幢3層高的分層住宅組成,現有總樓面約5.9萬平方呎。由於項目佔地約38,960平方呎,屬「住宅 (丙類)」用途,最高重建地積比3倍,可建樓面11.69萬平方呎,相較現有舊樓增加1倍。

樂風兩項目 重建住宅商廈





東涌增660萬呎商業樓面 11 SKIES最大


東涌一帶未來主要有4個商業樓面供應,料合共為區內增逾660萬平方呎商業樓面,當中最大型的項目為新世界 (00017) 的航天城11 SKIES項目。

3甲廈57萬呎 商場料年底落成

11 SKIES為一個綜合發展項目,將會提供大型零售、娛樂設施,及3幢合共約57萬平方呎的甲級寫字樓K11 ATELIER 11 SKIES,3幢大廈大致分為3個不同主題,包括金融服務、健康醫養及初創企業,辦公室的單位面積介乎約1,696至33,868平方呎。而11 SKIES商場部分則料在今年底至明年初分階段落成。


106B區私樓地皮 10月27截標

另外,港鐵 (00066) 與政府達成協議的東涌東站綜合項目,位於東涌第113區,佔地約82萬平方呎,總樓面約678萬平方呎,7成屬於住宅樓面,亦設有商業零售及辦公室樓面,分別涉約64.6萬平方呎及118.4萬平方呎。而據港鐵上月表示,預計未來1年會首先推出東涌東站第1期項目。


至於政府今季 (7至9月) 亦已推出東涌第106B區地皮,佔地約11.5萬平方呎,指定作私人住宅用途,最高可建樓面面積約40.1萬平方呎,估值料約10億至16億元,每呎樓面地價約2,500至4,000元。地皮將於下月27日 (周五) 截標。



羅素街單邊「舖王」月租38萬 零售商進駐租金較疫前跌55%

近期核心區舖租賃升溫,銅鑼灣羅素街60號 (波斯富街76號) 單邊「舖王」,以每月38萬租出,平均呎租633元,租客為零售商,租金較疫市前下跌55%。




該舖過去一年多時間,租予口罩店,對上長租客為瑞士手錶品牌TAG Heuer,於2018年11月進駐,並於2022年3月撤出,月租85萬,最新租金較疫市前下跌55%。





上述舖位處於尖沙咀廣東道後段,鄰近 apple store,英皇鐘錶珠寶於2011年,亦以100萬租用恒利大廈3號地舖,面積約1500方呎,2016年約滿遷出。




Property market could take year to recover

China's property market could take as long as a year to recover, according to a former central bank adviser, who is urging Beijing to halt the spread of defaults by encouraging lending to developers.

Sales in China's largest cities could return to growth in the next four to six months but in smaller cities "it will take anything to between six months and one year for a good recovery," Professor Li Daokui, a former member of the People's Bank of China monetary policy committee, said in an interview.

Li proposed that Beijing create a mechanism to increase bank lending to property developers in order to reduce financial contagion risks.

About 100 billion yuan (HK$107 billion) will be needed to cushion developers through the current downturn, he said.

Li said it was possible the PBOC will cut interest rates once more before the end of 2023 but he does not expect "numerous or major cuts," partly because banks' profit margins are relatively low.

But he expects more detailed plans for the resolution of local government debt to be released soon, which is "much more important than cutting the interest rate."

However, Grow Investment chief economist Hong Hao believes it might take several years to even a decade to fix China's property sector as too many houses have been built.

In other news, China Evergrande (3333) shares dropped 7 percent yesterday after a unit of the embattled property developer missed the repayment of a 4 billion yuan onshore bond.

(The Standard)


Starter homes in Hung Hom go on sale

A "starter homes" project in Hung Hom comprising 260 flats will commence accepting applications from today, with prices starting at HK$4.08 million after a 22 percent discount.

The flats at eResidence Tower 3 range from approximately 303 square feet to 600 sq ft, with a discount rate of 22 percent.

The prices range from around HK$4.08 million to HK$9.64 million, at a rate of approximately HK$12,885 to HK$16,499 per sq ft.

The project's clubhouse is located on the 36th floor - the top floor of the tower.

The clubhouse features amenities such as a multipurpose activity room, yoga room, fitness center and games room.

The Urban Renewal Authority said the clubhouse was placed on the top floor to ensure that all residents can enjoy sea views from the tower.

The homes are open for application until October 18, and both paper and online applications will be accepted.

The URA has set up a sales office with demonstration show flats in Cheung Sha Wan, featuring three units, including both one-bedroom and two-bedroom flats, for public viewing.

(The Standard)

旺角家樂坊巨舖租出 龍豐藥房進駐

核心區舖位持續受捧,旺角家樂坊 FOOT LOCKER 舊址,近日由龍豐藥房承租,月租約100萬,該巨舖面積達1.8萬呎,有機會成為全港最大間藥房。

連鎖鞋店 Foot Locker 今年中關閉在港全線6間分店,撤出香港,其中家樂坊地下旗艦店,該巨舖以約100萬租出,租客為龍豐藥房,平均呎租約55元。該舖前身長租客為 FOOT LOCKER,在2020年月租高達200萬,最新租金下跌50%。


換言之,龍豐以約半價承租靚舖,FOOT LOCKER 撤走後,該巨舖由 AEON 百貨短租。而在2014年舖市高峰期,H&M時裝於2014年承租旺角家樂坊地庫至1樓,合共5.4萬方呎樓面,月租高達900萬。








遠航創辦人桂四海 4.18億購山頂傲璇


祥祺陳紅天持有 淪銀主盤

是次涉及的傲璇 (OPUS HONG KONG) 5樓單位連同兩個車位,最初由祥祺集團陳紅天2015年以3.87億元,向太古地產 (01972) 購入作為自住,不過陳紅天年初起陸續有物業被銀行接管,其中傲璇單位由交通銀行接管。

據資料顯示,該單位連同車位早前以4.18億元售出,新買家為 Kwai Sze Hoi 購入,跟遠航集團創辦人桂四海同名。

兩年間 8億入市港物業

桂四海據指在90年代創辦遠航集團,擁有及管理30多艘遠洋船隊。而桂四海家族成員則曾經在兩年前以逾3.8億元購入半山區西部波老道21號新盤21 BORRETT ROAD 兩伙,連同今次購入傲璇,短短2年間以8億元入市,而桂四海本身亦持有半山寶雲道15號的獨立屋。







Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices decline in August for the fourth straight month, as elevated interest rates and high inventory levels weigh

High interest rates, lack of purchasing power and growing inventory of unsold flats continue to exert downward pressure on property prices

It is widely expected that the city’s home prices are set to drop by about 5 per cent by the end of this year, after the latest round of mortgage rate increases made last week

Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices declined for the fourth straight month in August, government data showed and analysts expect the easing trend to continue for the rest of the year given the elevated interest-rate environment and high inventory levels.

Prices fell 1.4 per cent month-on-month in August, according to an index compiled by the Rating and Valuation Department. The widely watched gauge slipped to 339.2 from 344.0 in July.

“High interest rates, lack of purchasing power and stockpiling of new flats have continued to push property prices downwards,” a property agent said. The agent said that in such an environment the residential property sector will face strong headwinds for the rest of the year while forecasting a 5 per cent decline in average prices over the second half of 2023.

The agent said that although the US did not increase interest rates in September, the interest rate hike cycle is not yet over. The agent said the impact of interest rate hikes will start fading only in the second quarter next year amid expectations that mortgage rates in Hong Kong could still rise this year.

The agency expects that in the short term, the average volume of first and second-hand transactions per month will hover around 3,000-3,500 cases, and that the property market will need a significant turnaround to erase the losses suffered this year.

It is widely expected that the city’s home prices are set to drop by about 5 per cent by the end of this year, after seven major lenders, including the three note-issuing banks – HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, and Bank of China (Hong Kong) – said they would raise their mortgage rates last week.

The payment on a typical HK$5 million (US$643,000) mortgage over 30 years will increase by 6 per cent after the mortgage rate increases, or by HK$1,430 per month to HK$24,232, according to calculations made by a mortgage broker.

As high interest rates have affected homebuyers’ desire to enter the market, the pile of unsold new flats is now in excess of 20,000 units, according to another property agency.

August’s inventory in hand, including both unfinished and ready flats, rose to 20,513 units from 19,842 units in July. The number of unsold flats has now increased for five consecutive months, and has registered a total rise of 12.1 per cent over the year from 18,292 units at the end of last December, the agency said.

Rental prices have now risen for seven consecutive months through August, increasing about 5.6 per cent over the course of the year. Prices increased 1.4 per cent month on month in August, according to the Rating and Valuation Department.

The government’s Top Talent Pass Scheme will continue to support residential rental demand, the agent said. The agent expects rents to rise by around 8 per cent this year.

(South China Morning Post)


Chinese tycoon Chen Hongtian’s seized luxury Hong Kong flat sells for US$53 million, 39% below market price

The 5,154 sq ft flat in Opus Hong Kong sold to Kwai Sze Hoi, said to be the chairman of Hong Kong-listed Ocean Line Port Development, sources say

Chen and his wife, Chen Yao Li Ni, bought the fifth-floor flat at 53 Stubbs Road for HK$387 million (US$49 million) in September 2015

Receivers for a HK$680 million (US$86.7 million) Mid-Levels flat – seized from Chinese tycoon Chen Hongtian for unpaid loans – have sold the property at 39 per cent lower than the market price.

The 5,154 sq ft flat in Opus Hong Kong was sold to Kwai Sze Hoi for HK$418 million, official records showed. Kwai is the chairman of Hong Kong-listed Ocean Line Port Development, according to sources familiar with the transaction. The family has snapped up a number of luxury properties in Hong Kong in recent years, spending about HK$800 million.

Ocean Line is an inland terminal operator in mainland China and is engaged in the provision of port logistics services. Ocean Line was listed on GEM, the second board of HKEX in 2018, according to its filings.

The Kwai family also bought two units in 21 Borrett Road, a luxury residential project in Mid-Levels developed by Li Ka-shing’s property flagship CK Asset Holdings in 2021. The two units, transacted at about HK$380 million, were sold to Kwai’s son Kwai Kun and Kwai Tsz, also believed to be one of Kwai’s family members, according to local media.

Chen and his wife, Chen Yao Li Ni, bought the fifth-floor flat at 53 Stubbs Road for HK$387 million in September 2015, according to official records. In February, the flat was seized by Bank of Communi­cations, which extended a mortgage in August 2019.

The property was one of at least three assets seized by lenders in Hong Kong as of late March from Chen, whose Cheung Kei Group owns offices, hotels and finance firms.

The receivers put the flat up for sale by tender in May, and the tender closed on August 8, according to Savills, which had been appointed the sole agent for the deal.

Developed by Swire Properties on a site long possessed by the company as a home for its executives, the Opus project is acclaimed architect Frank Gehry’s only residential project in Asia. The building twists to give each of its 12 flats a unique floor plan, and is only a nine-minute drive away from the Central business district.

The flat Chen owned, which occupies the entire fifth floor, has five bedrooms, including four with their own bathrooms, a study, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. It has an open-plan design and a ceiling height of more than four metres, according to a property agency.

(South China Morning Post)

鐵路大廈全層1.04億售 呎價跌穿1萬水平













港鐵承租元朗商廈8層樓面 大手租用朗壹廣場13萬呎 月租料240


上址為元朗朗壹廣場第2座3樓至8樓 (略去4樓),以及11、15及16樓,合共8層全層樓面,每層建築面積約16908呎,合共約135264呎,呎價約18元,以此計算,月租約240萬。














太古廣場二座 1.7萬呎租出

以麥卡倫 (The Macallan)、Highland Park 和 The Glenrothes 威士忌等高端烈酒品牌著稱的公司 Edrington,承租金鐘太古廣場二座約1.7萬方呎寫字樓,市場消息指,涉及17樓全層,料市值呎租約100至110元。



Edrington 北亞區董事總經理 Jaime Martin Chocano 表示,將於太古廣場二座打造一個展現未來新趨勢的辦公室空間,集團繼續締造在香港的佳績。



市場資料顯示,威士忌品牌麥卡倫早前趁淡市,承租中環皇后大道中36號興瑋大廈 2及3樓,建築面積共約8500方呎,每月約50萬,平均呎租約60元,在此設立旗艦店。




該廈地下至3樓合共4層舖位,曾由運動服裝 adidas 租用多時,2021年遷出後,業主將之分拆招租,2021年獲恒生銀行租用,月租約120萬,若連同新租出的2層樓面月租約50萬,租金仍較舊租金跌50%。









九展重建商戶遷出 帶動甲廈租務



香港寬頻租海濱匯10萬呎 同區最大手



Tesla 轉租荃灣 作寫字樓及陳列室

另外,亦有大型品牌進行搬遷,荃灣沙咀道1號環貿廣場低層3至7室,面積合共約5,740平方呎,以每呎約18元租出,每月租金約10萬元,新租客為電動車龍頭品牌Tesla,該品牌目前租用九龍灣國際展貿中心地下及樓下辦公室,相信 Tesla 看好荃灣區租金較便宜,而物業屬全新,故決定租用。據了解,是次 Tesla 除了租用辦公室外,亦租用物業地下8個舖位,面積合共約7,045平方呎,月租約35萬元,呎租近50元,料作品牌陳列室之用。












啟德 AIRSIDE 商場開幕 出租率9成

啟德區內首個大型商場 AIRSIDE 昨日開幕,面積達70萬平方呎。南豐表示,出租率約9成,而7成商戶趕及今日營業,集團斥逾千萬進行推廣。對於近期政府或會為樓市減辣的消息,集團指若撤兩項印花稅,足以推動樓市。

AIRSIDE 商場昨日以試業形式開幕,涉及物業地庫至9樓多層,提供70萬平方呎樓面,昨日中午開幕後,即吸引大批市民前來。南豐集團香港地產處執行董事許謙讓表示,目前出租率約9成,而7成商戶趕及昨日營業,集團於試業期間,已斥逾千萬元進行推廣。

AIRSIDE 設有不少餐飲娛樂設施,包括設有3.3萬呎的 MCL AIRSIDE 戲院,設有7個影院及900個座位,同時亦是全港首個設於商場內的大型衝浪場,佔地逾萬平方呎。食肆方面則有約40間特色餐廳,包括日本人氣抹茶名店 nana's green tea 在港首間分店等,同時,超市 City'super 亦開設2.5萬呎分店,及日本品牌 MUJI 無印良品進駐開設逾1.2萬呎分店。

配合夜經濟 個別餐廳開至午夜

近期政府積極推夜經濟,許謙讓指,AIRSIDE 商場的營業時間由早上10時至晚上10時,為配合夜經濟,個別餐廳將營業到午夜12時,若有其他商戶有意延長開業時間,集團將配合。於中秋及十一黃金周前夕,他指商場亦設有中港巴士站、穿梭巴士至郵輪碼頭,以吸納遊客生意。

至於項目寫字樓方面,他指出租率約4成,現有兩客戶正洽租中,若落實出租率增至近5成。他表示寫字樓租務氣氛近月變化不大,仍有不少外地客戶來港睇樓。他指,AIRSIDE 總投資額320億元,而目前市場已度過最艱難時期,集團旗下商場生意,已超越了2019年的水平。

近日有消息指,政府有可能在樓市措施上減辣,他表示若屬實集團相當歡迎,認為若在買家印花稅 (BSD) 及雙倍印花稅 (DSD) 上減辣,已對樓市有正面推動。他指,若政府減辣,集團將重推旗下將軍澳日出康城LP10特色單位。


更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



MTRC seeks interest in Tung Chung site

The MTR Corporation (0066) is inviting developers to submit expressions of interest for a property development at Tung Chung East Station from today until October 6, 2023.

Opposite the future MTR Tung Chung East Station, the Tung Chung East Station Property Development pertains to the lot identified as Tung Chung Town Lot No. 53.

The station is scheduled for completion in 2029.

The package one project for tender this time is situated in the southeastern section of the entire development, with a maximum residential gross floor area of 64,650 square meters and a maximum commercial gross floor space of 8,133 sq m.

Based on market estimates, the land price is projected to range from HK$2,000 to 4,000 per square foot, with an estimated valuation for the first phase ranging from HK$1.57 billion to 3.13 billion.

In other developments, Nan Fung Group's Airside, a shopping mall spanning 70,000 square feet atop Kai Tak Station, officially opened yesterday, achieving an overall rental occupancy rate of 90 percent.

With the upcoming holidays, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) is launching various reward activities across its 12 major shopping malls. It is anticipated that these activities will boost foot traffic and sales at the malls by a projected year-on-year increase of 15 percent and 25 percent, respectively.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong developers set to delay launch of new flats as sector counts on easing of property cooling measures: agents

Developers may hold off on launching sales at new projects until the government eases decade-old curbs, which is now seen as highly likely

Buyers also taking a wait-and-see approach ahead of Hong Kong leader’s annual policy address on October 25, agents say

Hong Kong property developers are expected to put their latest projects on hold as the property sector widely anticipates that long-standing cooling measures that add to the cost of buying a home will be eased soon, according to property agents.

“Some residential projects may stand by and launch as soon as the government eases the cooling measures,” an agent said.

Projects like KT Marina in Kai Tak, a new phase of Sun Hung Kai Properties’ Novo Land in Tuen Mun, and Yoho West in Tin Shui Wai are prime candidates for delays in launch plans, the agent said.

The anticipation comes after the government gave its strongest hint yet that it could soon ease the cooling measures, with Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po saying on Wednesday that the conditions that prompted authorities to impose them more than a decade ago no longer prevailed.

“The market has been quiet recently, partly because buyers also remain on a wait-and-see attitude until the [government’s annual] policy address on October 25,” the agent said, adding that transactions will continue to hover at a low level until then.

Earlier in July, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation relaxed loan rules covering some homes to make them more accessible for first-time buyers and easier for owners to trade.

It was the first easing of curbs since the HKMA launched measures in 2009 to reduce potential risks to financial stability arising from an overheated property market.

Despite that move, Hong Kong’s property market has cooled as multiple headwinds, including the economic outlook, elevated interest rates and a glut of new flats, continue to weigh on buyer sentiment.

Lived-in home prices in August fell 1.4 per cent month on month, the fourth straight month of decline, according to an index compiled by the Rating and Valuation Department.

Analysts widely expect home prices to drop by about 5 per cent by the end of this year, after seven major lenders, including the three note-issuing banks – HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank and Bank of China (Hong Kong) – said they would raise their mortgage rates last week.

KT Marina, a new project in Kai Tak, jointly developed by K. Wah International, Wheelock Properties and China Overseas, is expected to launch sales in October.

“We have not made a decision on when the sale will take place, but will closely monitor the market condition,” Tony Wan, director of sales and marketing for Hong Kong Properties at K. Wah International, said on Thursday when asked whether the project will launch after the policy address.

The developer said KT Marina, with a total of 2,138 units, will launch its first phase with 1,017 units. The project has received presale consent and was originally slated to launch earlier this year.

Wan said he hopes the government can start by easing the buyer’s stamp duty, as the 15 per cent tax on non-permanent residents buying their first property in the city affects mainland and foreign investors.

Easing it would attract more foreign professionals to “settle down in Hong Kong”, he said.

He also suggested lowering the ad valorem (according to value) rate to encourage Hong Kong people to invest more in local properties, as the residential rental market has recently shown good performance, making it attractive to investors.

(South China Morning Post)