該巨舖位處單邊,舖前可停車,上一手長租客為酒莊,於2018年1月進駐,亦是簽署3年約,當時月租23萬元,該酒莊於一年前遷出,當時正是疫市肆虐時,舖位交吉至今逾1年,新租金跌幅為21%。上述2名租客不論酒莊還是建材,都是高消費行業,而該地舖早年租客為 KINGSWAY CARS LTD.,早於2010年7月進駐,月租20萬元,KINGSWAY 提供多種名車代理及售後服務,包括林寶堅尼等等。
今年9月,告士打道亦錄1宗舖位承租,56號東亞銀行港灣中心地下2號舖,由Wearnes moters (HK) LTD承租,月租24萬元,Wearnes 為名車代理及經銷商,旗下包括瑞典 Polestar,Volvo,以及英國 Lotus 跑車,該巨舖建築面積約4471方呎,平均呎租54元,最新租金較疫情前月租36.34萬,下跌34%。
該舖位對上長租客為 Sime Darby Motors (HK) LTD,於2016年1月進駐,直至2021年12月遷出,6年來,月租亦一直維持36.344萬。Sime Darby 亦是知名汽車代理及分銷商,代理寶馬、JAC 江淮汽車、MINI 及三菱等等。
尖沙咀 THE ONE 地舖 周生生45萬租
呎租約300元 較舊租跌逾3成
通關後金店擴充較為積極,尖沙咀彌敦道 THE ONE 商場地下舖位,獲周生生以約45萬承租,較舊租金跌逾3成。
尖沙咀彌敦道再有金行擴充,THE ONE 商場地下舖位,面積約1,500平方呎,獲周生生預租,呎租約300元,預計快將開業。該舖位於彌敦道中心段,正對栢麗購物大道,而物業為商場入口,人流甚旺,加上樓底特高,故質素理想。
栢麗大道地舖 8萬租出
翻查資料,舖位早年由名錶 Rolex 租用,月租逾100萬元,2016年遷出,及後舖位獲時裝品牌 Lacoste 租用,月租約70萬元,疫情期間約滿遷出。如今周生生租用舖位,租金跌約36%,若與高峰期相比,則跌逾半。
羅氏集團1.6億 沽香港紗廠大廈樓面
面積3.4萬呎 呎價4705元
此外,有外資代理行表示,有業主出售黃竹坑道50號 W50 高層全層連一個車位,物業意向售價為7,000萬元,建築面積約5,235平方呎,扣除車位後,呎價約1.3萬元。該行表示,該層樓面已分間成9個獨立單位,每戶均設有獨立洗手間,並採用智能卡電子鎖,故每個單位亦可因應買家需要獨立出售。
更多W50寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:W50 寫字樓出售
九龍灣6重建項目 供800萬呎樓面
行動區 成最大商業供應地
由廢物回收中心、驗車中心等多個政府設施組成的「九龍灣行動區」,將會搬遷以騰出土地興建大型的商業、零售及文化中心,涉及超過430萬平方呎,屬於區內規模最大的商業樓面供應,規模相當於2.7個企業廣場五期連MegaBox (共約160萬平方呎樓面)。
前驗車中心 擬建辦公及酒店
同區中信持有的啟祥道20號大昌行集團大廈,則獲城規會批准重建為2幢32層高 (包括2層零售平台) 的商廈,另設3層地下停車場,總樓面約147.75萬平方呎,亦屬於區內另一個大型重建項目。
啟匯 2層半樓面 呎租17元
另外,港鐵 (00066) 今年中以呎租25元,租用九龍灣恒生中心2層逾5萬平方呎樓面,有關樓面原本由恒生自用,每層面積2.6萬平方呎,合共約5.2萬平方呎,新租客為港鐵,物業位處港鐵站上蓋,租金水平較穩定。恒生中心樓高15層,1995年恒生銀行以約10.9億元購入該廈10層,多年來一直作自用。直至去年初疫情期間,多間銀行採在家工作措施,先後減省辦公室樓面。
170 more flats rolled out at Yoho West
Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) yesterday unveiled a third price list to put 170 more flats at Yoho West in Tuen Mun into the market, as some developers opted to launch their new projects next year.
The homes in the latest price list feature an average price of HK$12,437 per square foot after discounts, 14 percent more expensive than the first price list.
Prices for the 170 flats cost range from HK$3.72 million to HK$10.97 million after discounts.
On Saturday, SHKP will start the first round of sales of 350 flats, with the prices after discounts ranging from HK$3 million to HK$11 million.
Also going on sale is The Uptown in Ma Tau Kok, which unveiled the first price list of 30 flats with prices starting from HK$8.5 million after discounts.
Meanwhile, hundreds of new homes are ready to hit the market early next year.
Henderson Land Development (0012) is to put two new projects on the market next quarter, offering 120 flats in Tai Po and 730 flats in Cheung Sha Wan.
Henderson also said it sold 11 flats at Baker Circle Greenwich in Hung Hom for HK$56.8 million this month.
Chinachem plans to launch sales of six new projects next year to provide a total of about 800 flats, with a project in Cheung Sha Wan to be launched in the first quarter of next year.
(The Standard)
Hong Kong’s second-hand home prices fall to lowest since March 2017, with skid set to continue through 2024’s first half
Lived-in home prices fell by 2.16 per cent in October, the second steepest monthly decline of 2023
The loss for the full year may hit 6 per cent, followed by another 3 per cent to 5 per cent drop in the first half of 2024, property analyst says
Hong Kong’s lived-in home prices fell by 2.16 per cent in October, dragging the official index to its lowest point in more than six and a half years as transactions hit the lowest level of the year.
The Rating and Valuation Department’s gauge of lived-in home prices slumped to 321.4 – only a whisker higher than 321.2 recorded in March 2017 – from 328.5 in September, according to the latest data, released on Tuesday.
So far this year, second-hand home prices have retreated by about 4 per cent. They have lost 19 per cent from the index’s record high of 398.1 in September 2021. The month-on-month October decline is shallower than the 2.4 per cent drop in September, which is the year’s steepest, according to the latest data.
“In terms of sales volume, 2023 is just slightly better than 2022, and we expect to have 48,000 transactions this year,” a property agent said. “We expect overall home prices to drop 5 per cent to 6 per cent over 2023 and another 3 per cent to 5 per cent in the first half of 2024.”
For the second half of 2024, home prices are likely to remain flat, the agent said.
As of Monday, 33,767 second-hand homes changed hands so far this year, compared with 36,974 in 2022, according to data compiled by another property agency.
October saw 1,917 lived-in homes sold, the lowest monthly total this year. November’s second-hand home sales are unlikely to fare much better, with 1,855 units transacted so far.
Meanwhile, developers have sold 9,562 new units so far this year, compared with 10,243 in 2022, the agency’s data showed.
Last month, Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu announced easing of property curbs in his second policy address. These included halving the buyers’ stamp duty to 7.5 per cent for non-permanent residents and residents buying a second or additional home.
The special stamp duty of 10 per cent was also waived for homeowners who resell their property after two years, from the previous three-year requirement.
Eligible overseas talent are also not required to pay stamp duty on property purchases unless they fail to become permanent residents.
The relaxation of the curbs, originally put in place to cool an overheated market, was unlikely to have a significant impact on the residential market because elevated interest rates continue to make mortgage rates more expensive, analysts said.
(South China Morning Post)