HK (+852) 3990 0799

甲廈租金高峰調整22% 料離底不遠

代理:新供應續來 消化樓面需時



當中空置率上升,主要由於鰂魚涌太古坊二座及荃灣沙咀道1號落成,中環及灣仔 / 銅鑼灣寫字樓空置率分別微升至8.4%及9.7%,尖沙咀空置率則由11.2%回落至11%,整體甲級寫字樓市場在10月份錄得47.9萬平方呎淨吸納量。10月整體市場租金按月進一步下跌0.6%。中環則錄得0.6%的最大租金跌幅。

預計今年租金 跌幅5%




倘檢疫再寬 機構陸續重返

近月其中一熱門話題,是本港因未完全放寬檢疫措施,而新加坡即把握商機「搶客」,更有指不少原在港的跨國機構,總部遷往新加坡。該代理指,未發現很多跨國客戶遷出香港,並指即使有零星個案,僅屬暫時性,認為香港基本優勢肯定不變,「個別機構現遷往新加坡只是短暫,因本港防疫措施因素,而跨國企業始終以做生意為主,香港獲內地支持,優勢是非常獨特,只要香港經濟活動復常,檢疫措施再放寬,幾可肯定機構陸續重返。」該代理更舉出近期一例子,就是大型投資銀行瑞銀預租新地 (00016) 旗下九龍高鐵站上蓋9層商廈,涉及約25萬平方呎樓面,「完全展示大型企業對香港長遠信心,而選擇高鐵站上蓋作總部,亦反映看重內地市場,可見香港優勢仍在。」

疫下機構仍有搬遷活動,而在家工作 (WFH) 興起,令人質疑傳統辦公室存在價值。該代理指,疫下靈活辦公模式盛行,但對辦公樓面需求實則不變,「現在企業可能採混合模式,如一星期一日靈活辦公,但不會全面被在家工作取代,辦公室不論在環境、互動等較容易執行,只是之前疫情嚴峻迫不得已才暫停。企業現時採新方案,辦公室員工個人座位空間減少,而共享空間元素增加,為令員工在工作生活取得平衡,實際上公司使用樓面與以前相若。」





兩大新項目將登場 中環成明年焦點地區



新甲廈設備齊 吸引租客搬遷



焦點方面,明年中環兩大新項目,分別為 The Henderson,以及長江集團中心二期,「中環是商廈龍頭地區,而明年難得有新供應,故肯定為最焦點地區。」

恒地 (00012) 委任一間外資代理行為中環 The Henderson 的首席租務代理,而早前該行為 The Henderson 達成的兩宗主要租賃包括:全球藝術品及奢侈品拍賣行佳士得將租用該大廈約50,000平方呎樓面,而國際投資公司凱雷集團亦租該廈作亞太區總部遷。據了解 The Henderson 最近亦推出網站,以發布更多項目詳情。



更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租



Buyers stay away from new and old homes

Hong Kong's new and second-hand housing market remained weak over the weekend.

Just 11 flats or around 10 percent of the units offered at a new project in Yau Tong were sold while only nine secondary sales were recorded at 10 major housing estates.

Chill Residence in Yau Tong, jointly developed by Poly Property (0119) and L'Avenue International, sold 11 units after launching sales of its first batch of 128 flats on the price list yesterday.

Prices for the flats on offer range from HK$4.14 million to HK$13.39 million or HK$15,860 to HK$19,484 per square foot after discounts.

The first batch was 25 percent oversubscribed, with over 160 checks received on Saturday.

A property agency said Chill Residence has attracted young buyers with its prices, with around 80 percent purchasing the homes for their own use.

As an investment purchase, the agency estimates the rental rate of return could reach 3 percent with a monthly rent of HK$40 per sq ft.

The property agent believes home prices will fall slightly this month mainly due to rising interest rates while the number of transactions in the primary market is expected to reach 500.

Meanwhile, the 10 major estates only reported nine deals over the weekend, though the number was up by two from the previous two-day period, according to another agency.

Taikoo Shing in Quarry Bay and City One Shatin topped the estate sales with three transactions each, while Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai followed with two deals.

However, six estates saw no home purchases at all.

The agency said potential home buyers remain cautious as they are waiting for new policies to be announced.

And though the number of property visits rebounded, buyers were more interested in finding deals with price reductions, the agency added.

A three-bedroom flat in Taikoo Shing traded for HK$21 million or HK$18,851 per sq ft after the owner slashed the asking price by HK$3.6 million and back to levels last seen in 2016.

It was also HK$4 million less compared to a deal for a similar flat in the same district, which fetched HK$25 million in August.

Driven by price cuts, Taikoo Shing recorded 29 deals in November - nearly double that of in October - at an average of HK$16,000 per sq ft, the agency said.

(The Standard)