有外資代理行代理表示,中環美國銀行中心23樓全層連3個車位,以「現狀」交吉形式出售,總面積約13,880方呎,連3個車位,單位望維景,大廈共提供12部升降機,美國銀行中心位於金鐘及中環交界,屬傳統甲廈,毗鄰之長江集團中心二期、The Henderson 亦快將完工,相信屆時必定能帶動周邊經濟發展。
更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租
中國奧園放售葵涌商廈 市值4億至5億
近期市場不乏商廈蝕讓放售,中國奧園旗下葵涌商廈標售,物業現市值約4億。世邦魏理仕表示,葵涌國瑞路57至59號 (5樓3號及8號會議室除外) 現推出市場招標,物業市值4億至5億,4月30日截標,項目佔地約1.36萬方呎,總樓面建築面積約12萬方呎,物業低層 (第1至3層) 設有58個專用泊車位,並設有專屬接送區,物業毗鄰一個佔地2萬方呎花園,景觀及視線暢通無阻,用戶可欣賞荃灣及葵興城市景。
市場資料顯示,上述物業為活化寫字樓項目AOffice46 (奧創中心),由中國奧園於2018年6月以約9.5億向羅氏針織羅氏家族購入,2019年一度拆售,現時放售並非全部業權,2020年傳以約12.5億放售。有外資代理行代理表示,工廈一直受投資者追捧,佔地超過1.3萬方呎兼提供多用途項目罕有,料吸引投資者和用家。
亞太地區生活領域專家 Weave Living 近日獲得私募股權投資機構華平投資及Weave 創辦人兼集團行政總裁 Sachin Doshi 注資,品牌將利用該筆新資金推動亞太地區業務發展,預計2025年底,WEAVE 資產管理規模將超過35億美元。到2025年前,Weave Living 將在亞太區核心城市營運超過5000個單位,包括東京、大阪、首爾、新加坡和香港。
整體甲廈1月空置率 升至12.9%
整體甲級寫字樓市場在2024年1月錄得160,800平方呎淨吸納量,主要因為中環The Henderson早前預租的樓面於1月項目竣工後得以落實。
黃竹坑一帶近年有不少工廈轉型,區內商業氣息轉趨濃厚,加上全新大型商場THE SOUTHSIDE 啟用,配套更加完善。該區 One Island South 地理位置方便,景觀開揚,吸引不少商戶進駐。
One Island South 位於黃竹坑香葉道2號,屬區內甲級指標大廈之一,於2011年落成,樓齡約13年。樓高約30層,地下為入口大堂、停車場及商業用途,地下至3樓為商舖,物業的租客及用家不乏知名企業,包括會德豐地產、英式百貨公司連卡佛、泰昇集團及海通證券 (06837) 等。
每層近3萬呎 設8部載客電梯
飲食配套方面,大廈內設有餐廳,附近亦有不少食肆藏身於工廈中。隨着地鐵上蓋大型商場 THE SOUTHSIDE 開幕,區內配套更加完善,佔地達51萬平方呎,樓高5層,有大量餐廳可供選擇。
更多 One Island South 寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:One Island South 寫字樓出租
11樓全層招租 叫租74.6萬
南港島綫通車令黃竹坑成為中環、金鐘核心商業區的延伸,其寫字樓租金遠較中區核心商業區為低,近年亦獲不少企業租戶及用家垂青。有見區內商貿氣氛及人流即將提升,有業主趁勢將區內知名甲廈 One Island South 全層單位推出市場招租,單位意向月租約74.6萬元,平均呎租約25元。
罕有全層放租 意向呎租25元
該代理指最新落成的 THE SOUTHSIDE 商場將可吸引更多區外客到場,而黃竹坑港鐵站上蓋住宅項目亦相繼落成及入伙,結合周邊的商業元素及交通配套,黃竹坑面貌將煥然一新,帶動區內商業氣氛及人流更旺盛,相信是次招租亦可吸引實力企業積極洽詢。
更多 One Island South 寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:One Island South 寫字樓出租
M&A drought forces law firms to cut office space
Hong Kong's biggest law firms are rushing to reduce office space in prime locations, as they struggle with a dearth of mergers and acquisitions and initial public offerings amid an economic downturn.
Deacons, the city's oldest law firm, is cutting one floor in Alexandra House, a premium office building in Hong Kong's business district of Central, according to people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be named because they were not authorized to speak publicly. The floor will be released to the market near the end of the year, one of the people said.
DLA Piper, one of the world's largest legal firms, has reduced its office space in Exchange Square by about 5,000 square feet, one of the people said. Other major legal advisers, including Clyde and Co and MinterEllison are also planning to shrink their rental space, the people added.
Hongkong Land, the real estate arm of conglomerate Jardine Matheson, that operates Alexandra House and Exchange Square, said its buildings in Central are among the most highly occupied properties in Hong Kong, and most of its tenants whose leases expired in 2023 have renewed contracts with the same floor spaces. The company declined to comment on the law firms' plans.
A DLA Piper spokesperson said while financials and market conditions played a part in the firm's decision to reduce its office space, the company also considered other factors, including a global flexible working policy and a plan to bring its Hong Kong staff closer to facilitate collaboration.
The space reductions highlight the malaise of Hong Kong's economic slowdown, which saw its benchmark Hang Seng Index of equities fall 14 percent last year, among the world's biggest decliners. Funds raised by IPOs are the smallest since the dot-com bubble burst.
(The Standard)
For more information of Office for Lease at Alexandra House please visit: Office for Lease at Alexandra House
For more information of Office for Lease at Exchange Square please visit: Office for Lease at Exchange Square
For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central
Kowloon Bay's Uptown East moves into sales action
Uptown East, a redevelopment project in Kowloon Bay by Wong Sun Hing, is expected to release the first price list this week.
The project, located at 55 Kwun Tong Road, will offer 807 flats ranging from studios to three-bedroom flats with areas between 235 and 3,415 square feet.
Show flats will be opened today, and the developer expects to launch the sale within two weeks.
Meanwhile, Henderson Land Development (0012) put another batch of 208 flats on the market at Belgravia Place in Cheung Sha Wan, with the cheapest priced at HK$3.23 million.
Henderson will roll out the second round of sales on Thursday.
This came after Henderson's first batch of 138 units at Belgravia Place sold out within four hours of launch on Sunday after long-time curbs on home buying were lifted.
In Hung Hom, Henderson's Baker Circle Greenwich revealed the seventh price list offering 28 flats, with an average price of HK$19,073 per square feet after discounts.
It will start sales on Friday.
And a bank has launched auctions for 20 foreclosed flats, providing more supply in the market amid an uptick in market sentiment.
Among them, a 306-square-foot flat at Golden Lion Garden in Tai Wai saw a price cut of 28.7 percent to HK$2.56 million compared to its earlier valuation.
In other news, the Land Registry received 3,189 sale and purchase agreements for all building units for registration last month amid a quiet market during the Lunar New Year holiday, marking a drop of 27.5 percent from the previous month and 46.7 percent less from a year ago.
The total consideration for these agreements also fell 32.9 percent to HK$22.6 billion from January, with a 48.5 percent year-on-year decline, the registry's latest data showed.
Among the registered contracts in February, 2,375 were for residential units, which slipped by 31.7 percent from a month earlier and 44.5 percent compared to 12 months ago. Their value amounted to HK$19.1 billion, which was down by 31.3 percent month-on-month and 47.9 percent from a year earlier.
(The Standard)