HK (+852) 3990 0799

Negative equity cases soar tenfold

The number of negative equity cases in Hong Kong rose nearly tenfold to 533 in the third quarter to a six-year high for a single quarter, as home prices continued to fall.

The number of residential mortgage loans in negative equity soared to 533 from July to September from 55 in the previous quarter, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority found after surveying 99 percent of the banks in the city.

This came as private home prices fell 8.07 percent for the first nine months of this year to a new low since February 2019, official data showed.

Further, the total value of residential mortgage loans in negative equity surged tenfold quarter-on-quarter to HK$3.01 billion during the third quarter, while the unsecured portion jumped 14.75 times to HK$59 million over the same period.

The HKMA also said that lenders have not recorded any residential mortgage loans in negative equity which have been in default for more than three months.

However, a mortgage broker estimated the residential mortgage loans in negative equity will exceed 1,000 in the fourth quarter, as international rating agencies Moody's and S&P Global both expect Hong Kong's home prices might fall up to 10 percent in the coming six months or next year.

A property agency said that transactions of Taikoo Shing in Quarry Bay saw prices of HK$16,433 per square foot on average in October, down by 9.6 percent in a month.

Meanwhile, China Resources Land (Overseas) and Poly Property (0119) launched a new project Pano Harbour in Kai Tak, offering 582 units.

In other news, the SAR government said its 10-year housing supply target will remain at 430,000 units.

(The Standard)


財團審慎入標投中國恆大中心 市況低迷下傳收5至6標













油塘大益貨倉工廈標售 集99.32%業權 市值7億






該代理又表示,由該廈步行至港鐵油塘站,需時約5分鐘,購物商場「大本型」及旅遊點鯉魚門海港漁村。近年市區臨海住宅發展地皮罕見,受惠起動九龍東計畫,區內商業氣氛濃厚。各項交通基建將帶動油塘區發展,如中九龍高速幹道 (六號幹綫) 及於最新《施政報告》中所提及興建將軍澳第三條公路隧道「將軍澳─油塘隧道」,加強對外連接。此外,多項大型住宅項目相繼落成,帶動油塘前景。














北部都會區發展帶來新機遇,信和亦趁勢推出旗下的元朗地標甲廈及商場朗壹廣場 (ONE NORTH) 預租,寫字樓意向呎租約20元;該地標項目基座商場獲攀石公司垂青,承租地下面積約1萬呎樓面,設立攀石場。





該廈獲本地攀爬運動公司Hong Kong Climbing Park承租地面樓層逾1萬方呎,打造室內攀石場,HongKong Climbing Park負責人朱嘉偉表示,攀爬運動最近更成為《施政報告》所推廣的運動,集團選址朗壹廣場興建攀石場,是因為商場地點匯聚寫字樓、住宅及郊遊景點,集團在商場中庭設立近10米高攀石設施,顧客在專業及安全指導下,進行攀石運動。

她補充說,旗下錦上路站上蓋住宅項目栢瓏,ONE NORTH朗壹廣場,將令集團在新界西北投資組合多元化。






長沙灣工商物業 外資基金垂青



永新工業大廈 8.5億易手

資料顯示,永新工業大廈由「毛紡大王」之稱的曹光彪家族持有,樓齡約45年,地盤面積約1.51萬平方呎,今年初曾向城規申請,希望將地積比率由12倍增至14.4倍,以重建1幢26層高 (包括4層地庫) 的商廈,作為寫字樓、食肆、商店及服務行業用途,總樓面涉約21.5萬平方呎。該工廈鄰近長沙灣四小龍 (泓景臺、昇悅居、宇晴軒及碧海藍天) 住宅區,故日後發展成迷你倉,有一定商機。

據了解,新買家為私募基金黑石 (Blackstone) 夥迷你倉集團合資入市。該基金近年積極入市,主要吸納工廈,發展迷你倉業務,先後購入觀塘、柴灣、粉嶺等工廈,對上一宗為去年尾,以5億元購入筲箕灣精雅印刷集團大廈全幢,總樓面69,680平方呎,呎價約7,176元。



新世界項目51%業權 逾30億沽

至於商廈方面,早前新世界 (00017) 出售長沙灣永康街商廈項目51%業權,涉資30.788億元,物業可售面積約274,547平方呎的商業綜合體,平均呎價約11,214元。據了解,新買家為新加坡基金Ares SSG,基金為亞太地區最大的另類資產管理公司之一,在管資產達約98億美元 (約769億港元)。翻查資料,商貿地位於永康街、汝州西街與永明街交界,新世界於2017年,以29.7億元投得,樓面呎價7,996元創區內新高。




尖沙咀太興廣場 享地利合中小企




飲食配套上,大廈多層可作飲食用途,現時有米綫店、西餐等。而金馬倫道、加連威老道等食肆林立,亦有大型商場THE ONE、iSQUARE等,生活及飲食配套完善。

多層作食肆 11至19樓為寫字樓






地段前景方面,凱龍瑞與亞洲聯合基建近年一直正在收購金馬倫道35號至37號,以及毗連的嘉蘭圍16號永興大廈,將重建成商廈,早前更引入醫思健康 (02138) 參與該舊樓收購項目。



極高層單位 呎價1.38萬放售


面積1582 叫價2183









觀塘萬兆豐中心 意向價2643萬


面積1915 呎價1.38







Contracted sales plunge 45pc to $27b

Contracted sales of private homes in Hong Kong fell 45 percent year-on-year last month, government data showed yesterday, as developers put more new projects on the market.

The Land Registry received 3,148 sale and purchase agreements for residential units in October, which was 32.2 percent less than a year ago and down by 18.8 percent from September, according to a statement.

That brought the total consideration for these contracts down by 45.3 percent to HK$27.2 billion, or 6.6 percent lower than September's figure.

Home prices in the city have declined by 8.1 percent in the first nine months of this year and are expected to slump by 10 percent for the full year, hammered by rising interest rates and a gloomy economic outlook.

Meanwhile, more new homes are hitting the market.

In Ap Lei Chau, The Corniche, co-developed by Logan Group (3380) and KWG Group (1813), will release the sales brochure shortly, the mainland developers said.

The completed project provides 295 flats with sizes ranging from 1,393 to 3,635 square feet.

The two builders purchased the land for HK$16.9 billion, or HK$22,118 per sq ft in 2017.

In Yuen Long, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) released the fourth batch of Park Yoho Bologna, offering 20 homes at an average price of HK$13,910 per sq ft after discounts, up by 1 percent from the last batch.

The batch, which comprises homes from 279 to 674 sq ft, is priced at between HK$4 million and HK$9.3 million after discounts, or between HK$13,227 and HK$15,152 per sq ft. The developer said it has sold 102 units in the project in six days since the sales were launched.

In Hung Hom, Henderson Land Development (0012) has opened the showrooms for Baker Circle Euston to the public and may unveil the first price list this week, offering at least 56 units.

(The Standard)


廣東道「鋪王」呎租302元跌80% 位處尖沙嘴「名店街」 重返沙士價



月租約70萬 UPSO呼聲高

知情人士則表示,新租客以國際品牌UPSO呼聲最高,該店售賣以環保物料製作的各類型單車袋、行山袋及配襯輕便服飾的手袋,受年輕人追捧;此品牌月前亦承租銅鑼灣東角道 (東角Laforat) 一個複式巨鋪,建築面積約7200方呎,月租約70萬。

上述的廣東道單邊鋪,曾由周大福承租9年,當年為追逐自由行生意,於2013年10月以「天價」665萬進駐,較前租戶名店Armani Exchange月租205萬,大升2.2倍;及後在2019年,仍提價至每月798萬續租,加幅133萬或20%,到2019年10月,原本租約到期,由於社會運動引起動亂愈演愈烈,獲減租約52%,以每月約380萬續租多3年,最後,周大福已於上月撤出。

周大福承租9 上月撤走














據該公司年報顯示,海壇街227B至227C號,將聯同已完成併購的海壇街227至227A號項目合併重建為作商業 / 住宅發展用途,地盤面積擴展至4644方呎,若以9倍地積比率作商住發展,涉及可建總樓面約41796方呎。



港島兩住宅項目估值齊跌15% 賣地表堅尼地城地明截標 市建西營盤矚目




相隔約37年再有賣地表用地招標的堅尼地城西寧街及域多道「蚊型」住宅地,將於明日 (周五) 截標,項目地盤積僅5780方呎,住宅可建總樓面僅4.6萬方呎。上述項目可發展純住宅或商住,有側海景,地皮北面向西寧街的是招商局碼頭及貨倉,早前有申請改建酒店、商業及海濱長廊。南面向域多利道,面對油站及山坡。








另外,發展商亦需向市建局自行提出「一口價」建議,將成為勝負的關鍵。該項目設有限呎條款,住宅單位面積不得少於300方呎,同時規定至少一半的單位面積不可超過480方呎。上述項目位於皇后大道西129至151號 (單數),鄰近港鐵西營盤站,步行前往約其中一個出口約3分鐘步行程。市建局於2018年3月展開上述項目,並於2019年8月以實用面積每方呎24051元向小業主提出收購價建議。項目地盤面積約1.69萬方呎,可建總樓面約12.15萬方呎。



嘉里粉嶺貨倉 11億洽至尾聲

呎價料逾3900元 凱龍瑞基金奪得呼聲高

投資市場仍以工廈最受捧,嘉里 (00683) 旗下粉嶺貨倉,獲財團出價11億元洽購至尾聲,物業總樓面28萬平方呎,據悉以凱龍瑞基金奪得呼聲最高,料改裝成凍倉。

市場消息指,嘉里旗下嘉里貨倉 (粉嶺) 工廈,正獲財團洽購。物業位於安樂門街,屬粉嶺傳統工業地段。項目樓高5層,每層面5萬餘平方呎,總樓面約28萬平方呎,現作貨倉用途,消息稱,項目獲財團以約11億元洽購至尾聲,可望短期內易手,呎價約3,928元。

總樓面28萬呎 料改裝成凍倉


嘉里今年曾沽兩倉 套逾46

嘉里今年已曾大手沽售貨倉物業,本年5月,集團出售旗下嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉及嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉兩項物業,面積分別約40萬及52萬平方呎,分別涉資23.3億及22.9億元,合共涉及46.2億元。兩項物業均有中資華潤物流承接。若最終以約11億元沽出粉嶺項目,3貨倉合共套現約57.2億元。




Warburg Pincus’ Storhub Buys Two More Floors in Kowloon Self-Storage Building

Top fund managers continue to snatch up properties to expand self-storage businesses in Asia’s biggest markets, with Warburg Pincus-backed Storhub having expanded its holdings in a Hong Kong industrial building for the second time in two months and the third time this year.

Already the largest self-storage operator in Singapore, in this latest deal, Storhub has agreed to acquire two floors and a pair of parking spaces in the Precious Industrial Centre in Cheung Sha Wan for a combined HK$98 million ($12.4 million), according to Land Registry records seen by Mingtiandi.

Storhub’s latest purchase in the 1977-vintage building will give it ownership of 10 of the 13 floors in the property at 18 Cheung Yue Street in northwestern Kowloon, potentially setting it up to take full ownership of the tower, which is located within a two minute walk of an industrial building acquired by a Blackstone self-storage joint venture earlier this month.

Taking Over in Cheung Sha Wan

In its latest acquisition, Storhub is buying the seventh and eighth floors in the Precious Industrial Centre from a local private company named Cathay United Garment Factory Ltd, adding 19,210 square feet (1,784 square metres) in gross floor area to its Hong Kong portfolio, according to local media accounts.

At the agreed compensation and given the reported area of the properties, the mini-storage firm is paying the equivalent of HK$5,102 per square foot – slightly less on a unit basis than it paid in a HK$66.27 million purchase of the second floor of the building last month.

During the first quarter, Storhub paid HK$350 million to acquire seven floors, including the lowest levels of the building and six parking spaces.

Strata title sales of similarly aged industrial buildings in the area have been transacted at prices running from HK$4,500 to HK$5,000 per square foot, a surveyor said in an earlier comment to Mingtiandi.

Storhub’s latest acquisition is its fifth major buy in the city this year, and would add to the 75,297 square feet which it already owns in the building about a 3-minute walk from the Lai Chi Kok MTR station.

Situated in an area where the Urban Renewal Authority plans to build 1,830 residential units, Storhub sees its Cheung Sha Wan location benefiting from potential demand from new residents in the neighbourhood, according to its website.

The Precious Industrial Centre is also a 5-minute drive from four private residential estates containing 8,827 flats, known locally as “Four Little Dragons”, which analysts say would provide steady demand for self-storage due to high flat prices in Hong Kong.

Mini-Storage Strategy

With 713 self-storage facilities in Hong Kong as of September 2022, according to government statistics, the biggest demand drivers for the sector continue to be high population density and expensive home prices, the surveyor said, with operators rushing to acquire aged industrial assets in the city to meet growing demand.

About 400 metres (437 yards) from the Precious Industrial Centre, a Blackstone joint venture this month acquired an industrial building in Cheung Sha Wan for HK$850 million from the family of the late “Wool Magnate” Chao Kuang Piu, marking the partners’ fourth en-bloc purchase in the city since April of 2021.

One month before that deal, Canadian investment giant Brookfield acquired a pair of units in the Chai Wan Industrial Centre, and a ground floor parking area in the property, in a move to beef up its self-storage portfolio, for HK$55 million.

Separately, Dutch pension fund manager APG and Singapore’s CapitaLand Investment announced this week that they would commit up to S$1.14 billion ($810 million) to take over and expand the region’s largest self-storage operator, Extra Space Asia.



Hang Lung Approved to Build $637M Luxury Project on Former US Site in Hong Kong

Hang Lung Properties has been given the green light to build luxury homes on a former US government site on Hong Kong’s Shouson Hill, according to a recent report by the city’s Buildings Department, with analysts predicting that the villa project will be worth as much as HK$5 billion ($637 million) upon completion.

The 47,296 square foot (4,394 square metre) luxury development will be built on a site which was once home to a set of residences owned by the US consulate in the city, and will comprise five detached homes covering about 9,459 square feet each, according to the approved plan.

Hang Lung sees the project on the south side of Hong Kong island as an opportunity to profit from strong demand in the luxury market, where the company’s chairman, Ronnie Chan sees buyers from north of the SAR’s borders driving high-end home sales. “The last time I saw so many wealthy mainlanders arrive in Hong Kong was probably in the early 1950s due to political changes up north,” Chan said in announcing the developer’s interim results in September.

Despite Chan’s enthusiasm, property analysts see challenges even for elite home sales with a recent report by a property agency forecasting that luxury residential values are “likely to correct by 10 percent over 2022, and to decline by a further 5 to 10 percent over 2023,” as greater economic uncertainty and rising interest rates make buyers more cautious.

Shouson Hill Mansions

“(37 Shouson Hill Road) will be redeveloped into luxurious detached houses and is now in the planning stage,” said Hang Lung in its 2022 interim report. “Each home in the project could sell for as much as HK$100,000 per square foot,” a property agent said.

Located in a neighbourhood close to the residences of Hong Kong billionaires including CK Asset’s Li Ka-Shing and Alibaba’s Joe Tsai, each of the five homes in Hang Lung’s residential project would span three storeys atop a basement level.

New homes covering around 10,000 square feet of area are considered prestigious and rare, a surveyor said. Houses on 37 Shouson Hill Road will enjoy views of the city’s Deep Water Bay, which is the main selling point of the project, the surveyor said.

Comparable homes in Shouson Hill and Repulse Bay sell for around HK$80,000 to $110,000 per square foot of saleable area, according to another agent.

The developer’s land parcel on Shouson Hill, which was one of the US government’s most valuable assets in the city, is about a 5 minute drive from the Ocean Park MTR station, and about 2 minutes by car from Emperor International’s luxury villa project at 15 Shouson Hill.

While Hang Lung looks set to move forward with the luxury development, the early days of the project showed slower progress as the developer’s purchase of the site hit some early resistance from the mainland government.

Hang Lung initially purchased the nearly 95,000 square foot parcel from the US government in September of 2020 for HK$2.6 billion, but that transaction was blocked by China’s central government just three months after the sale was agreed to, on the grounds that that the US Consulate General in Hong Kong needed to seek approval from Beijing before signing the deal.

According to its interim report released last month , Hang Lung succeeded in completing its acquisition of the site in February last year.

High-End Resilience

Despite an economic downturn and a slump in mass housing market Hong Kong continued to witness landmark luxury housing deals during the third quarter, according to an agency’s report last month. Among the high-end transactions was the HK$430 million sale of House 3B at Wheelock’s Gough Hill Residences in August.

In July, one of the 15 luxury villas at Deep Water Bay’s No. 15 Shouson – jointly developed by CC Land, Emperor International, CSI Properties Ltd and Mingfa Group – was sold for HK$435 million to an unnamed buyer. During June, another unnamed buyer purchased a detached home at the same project for HK$870.2 million, which marked the city’s priciest residential transaction this year.

Mingfa agreed in September to sell its 20 percent stake in No.15 Shouson to CC Land and Emperor International for HK$650 million.



上環富衛金融中心呎租48元 郵政署續約3年



20年前進駐 屬長情租客












中環威靈頓街鋪7800萬易手 每呎3.62萬 15年升值1.8倍







位處該鋪位對面的威靈頓街97號威利大廈高層地下H鋪,建築面積約4400方呎,現址Pizza Express,於2021年3月以1.35億易手。原業主為百年涼茶店「春回堂」及有關人士,於2011年8月以9800萬買入,持貨11年,帳面獲利3700萬,物業升值逾37%,該鋪位門闊約22呎, 內闊約44呎,深約80呎。Pizza Express月租32萬,料回報約2.8厘。


西營盤第三街101號怡豐閣地下1號鋪,鋪面向第二街,地鋪及自建閣建築面積各約800方呎,平台約1000呎,以 1500萬易手,平均呎價1.875萬 (不計閣樓與平台),該鋪位門闊約13呎,鋪深約40呎,樓齡31年,月租3.3萬至2024年3月,料回報2.6厘。





中鐵綫效應 助中葵涌工業區轉型



7宗重建或改裝 涉256萬呎




醬油廠重建規模最大 供1336住宅


另一方面,近年數據中心需求殷切,吸引不少財團收購區內工廈以重建成為數據中心,當中萬國數據 (09698) 便在區內3個工廈重建項目,均是計劃重建成為數據中心,涉及約75.9萬平方呎樓面。





全幢工廈招標 可建樓面19萬呎







Price war looms as more new flats are rolled out

More developers rolled out new projects at competitive prices after the local banks raised the prime rates.

Baker Circle Euston in Hung Hom, developed by Henderson Land Development (0012), has released its first price list, offering 56 units with the cheapest priced at HK$4.59 million after discounts.

The flats in the first batch include 10 studios, 34 one-bedroom, 10 two-bedroom and 2 three-bedroom units, with areas ranging from 222 to 514 square feet.

The average discounted price is HK$21,238 per square foot, and the discounted prices of the flats range from HK$4.59 million to HK$11.26 million.

Meanwhile, phase 2A of Silicon Hill in Tai Po has been named University Hill, offering 607 flats, and is expected to launch sales this month, according to Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016).

SHKP said the sale will be its last project for the year and it expects to launch a new phase of Novo Land in Tuen Mun in the first half of next year.

In other news, a property agnecy expects a price war among developers.

The discounted average price of Baker Circle Euston's first batch is 11 percent lower than that of the former phase in June, according to the agency.

An agent said that the price is very attractive and believed that the first batch will be sold out soon.

The agent expects a price war in the primary market and believes prices this month will be very attractive for buyers.

It is estimated that the number of transactions in the primary market will reach 1,500 this month.

(The Standard)


新甲廈供應增 第4季租金仍受壓




財滙局擴充 太古坊二座


另一幢樓齡較新的甲廈,北角K11 ATELIER King's Road,新出租樓面面積於今年5至7月逆市突破5萬平方呎,並獲知名建築設計顧問公司Leigh & Orange及會計諮詢服務公司Baker Tilly Hong Kong,分別承租全層作辦公室,兩層合共約4萬平方呎。集團對明年租務市場感樂觀,期望出租率達90%。

啟德 AIRSIDE 錄首宗租務

九龍區方面,南豐旗下啟德地標甲廈 AIRSIDE 招租2年後首錄預租,涉及物業22樓全層,面積約3.75萬平方呎。據悉,新租客為一家跨國採購公司,主要業務為生產及採購家庭電器、廚具等。據了解,該租客原租用大角咀嘉運大廈約2萬多平方呎辦公室,由於業主將重建物業,故需尋找新寫字樓,現搬至全新甲廈,兼作出樓面擴充。消息稱,是次成交呎租約30元,翻查資料,南豐於2020年尾時開始為 AIRSIDE 進行招租,當時環球出現疫情近1年,因應市況業主方面表示項目商廈部分意向呎租約40元,已較原先的呎租50元向下調。




更多K11 Atelier King's Road寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:K11 Atelier King's Road 寫字樓出租






更多AIRSIDE寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:AIRSIDE 寫字樓出租



工商鋪錄1357宗註冊 代理行:按年下跌39%

有代理行綜合土地註冊處資料顯示,截至10月份為止,今年下半年 (7至10月份),工商鋪共錄1357註冊宗數,按年跌約39%,全年宗數較早前預測的5555宗還要低,預計短期內工商鋪難回復至昔日高峰期,但本月整體宗數及金額分別微升約0.6%及8.4%。









新世界統一九龍塘舊樓業權 底價20.75億 無對手下投得




而是次強拍金額為今年以單一項目最大,以可建總樓面約11.68萬方呎計,每呎方樓面地價約17753元。玫瑰苑位於又一村玫瑰街23A至34B號,現址現為1幢3層高的住宅樓宇,由12組相連街號組成,建於車庫層之上,每一組街號設有一條公用樓梯,該舊樓早於1967年落成入伙,迄今樓齡達55年;按獲批的建築圖則顯示,該物業共有66個住宅單位及66個車位。該地皮現劃為「住宅 (丙類) 7」用途,物業佔地約38960方呎,以最高地積比為3倍,涉及可建總樓面約116880方呎,料可發展成低密度豪宅。













據土地審裁處文件顯示,是次獲批強拍令的定富街71至79號 (單號) 商住舊樓,現址為一幢樓高6層的商住舊樓,地下設有4個商鋪,樓上則提供約30個住宅單位,該廈早於1971年落成入伙,至今樓齡約51年。該項目今年4月申請強拍時,已持有上址約81.58%業權,最新持有89.47%業權。




萬科香港去年曾向土地審裁處申請強拍定富街45至47號華發樓、49至51號安賢樓、53至63號定勝樓3幢舊樓,整個項目地盤面積約7595方呎,可建總樓面約68355方呎,若上述富定街45至79號 (單號) 一列舊樓合併重建發展,地盤面積擴展至約10382方呎,涉及可建總樓面約93438方呎。



Secondary sales fall to a trickle amid price wars

Only four secondary transactions were recorded at 10 major housing estates tracked by a property agency over the weekend as buyers were lured by new projects that offer deep discounts amid a sluggish market.

The number of deals at the 10 estates plunged by 43 percent week-on-week, and eight of the estates had no transactions at all, according to the agency.

Meanwhile, two new projects were rolling out steep discounts to lure buyers looking for smaller flats.

Baker Circle Euston, a project developed by Henderson Land (0012) in Hung Hom, began to collect checks last Saturday and was subscribed twice over in a day for 56 flats on its first price list.

The apartments in the first batch include 10 studios, 34 one-bedroom units, 10 two-bedroom units and 2 three-bedroom units, with areas ranging from 222 to 514 square feet.

With discounts of up to 10 percent, the flats are priced between HK$4.59 million and HK$11.26 million.

Meanwhile, Bondlane I in Cheung Sha Wan, a project of Vanke Hong Kong, has collected enough checks and will launch sales in the near future.

The first batch includes 19 studios, 23 one-bedroom and 8 two-bedroom flats with areas ranging from 232 to 401 sq ft.

With discounts of up to 16 percent, they are priced between HK$4.16 million and HK$7.82 million.

Also, Sun Hung Kai Properties' (0016) Park Yoho Bologna has sold 108 flats in 11 days, or 66 percent of total units.

The project launched its third batch yesterday with 12 units, including 4 studios and 8 three-bedroom apartments and sold six on the same day.

The secondary market saw sellers at the losing end.

A three-bedroom unit in 63 Pokfulam with an area of 494 sq ft sold for HK$13.28 million, 29 percent lower than the price originally paid by the seller back in March 2018.

And a four-bedroom flat in Lohas Park with an area of 985 sq ft sold for HK$9.8 billion or HK$9,949 per sq ft, the lowest price at the project in five years.

In other news, the Lands Department approved presales of 3,828 new flats in October, 1.3 times more than last month and the most in four months, as a survey by the Hong Kong Research Association revealed that about 60 percent of the respondents expect home prices to drop further in the next six months.

(The Standard)


Evergrande takes US$770m hit as plot sold

China Evergande (3333) said a piece of undeveloped land in Yuen Long has been sold by its creditors for US$636.94 million (HK$4.97 billion).

The debt-burdened mainland developer expects to record a loss of about US$770 million from the deal.

Earlier in January, Evergrande was notified that receivers had been appointed to the piece of land in Yuen Long for security for a financing transaction in the principal amount of around US$520 million.

Evergrande bought the plot of land from Henderson Land Development (0012) for HK$4.7 billion in 2018, and planned to offer more than 260 luxury houses, including one unit of about 250,000 sq ft in floor area.

Saddled with more than US$300 billion in total liabilities, the defaulted Chinese property developer has already seen many of its assets, both in mainland China and Hong Kong, seized by creditors.

Last week, a mansion belonging to Evergrande's chairman in Hong Kong's prestigious The Peak residential enclave was seized by lender China Construction Bank (Asia), as per records from the Land Registry.

The mansion, which HK01 said was valued at HK$700 million, had been reportedly pledged to raise about HK$300 million to repay an overdue Evergrande bond.

A filing with Hong Kong's Land Registry confirmed in October 2021 that the property had been pledged for a loan from CCB (Asia), although it gave no monetary figure.

The disposal might help a project in Hunan province, which has received investments worth 30 billion yuan (HK$32.7 billion) and involves building a 1.8 million-square-meter tourism development, according to people familiar with the matter.

Construction of the project was suspended last September amid Evergrande's debt crisis, but resumed in May this year.

Chairman Hui Kayan might have sold private assets worth at least 16.6 billion yuan in total to inject funds into the real estate company, including his houses in Hong Kong and Guangdong, private aeroplanes and other collections as well as part of his equity in Evergrande, according to the sources.

(The Standard)


工商鋪錄253宗買賣 代理行:按月微升2.8%




該代理指,工商鋪三個範疇當中,寫字樓買賣先見起色,呈量升價跌,月內錄約35宗成交,對比9月回升近35%,涉成交額7.8億,對比9月份72.12億 (包括高銀金融國際中心約67億) 大跌近90%。土地註冊處資料顯示,中環威靈頓街99號威基商業中心15樓02室,面積816方呎,以850萬易手,平均呎價10417元。









本港其中兩間外資代理行的報告不約而同地強調,甲級寫字樓的空置率,由2019年第一季到2022年第三季持續攀升,分別上升5.7及7.6個百分點,明顯反映在港企業業務收縮甚至結束經營。而又有另外兩間代理行的分區數字中看到,五大寫字樓核心區域中,甲級寫字樓空置率由2019年第一季到2022年第一季,尖沙嘴的增幅最為厲害,達8至9.4個百分點;港島中環、灣仔 / 銅鑼灣及港島東,空置率增幅則由5.1至8個百分點不等,反觀九龍東,其空置率只稍為上升0.8個百分點。










屯門城‧點基座商場 4.5億售



月租140 回報約3.7




Hong Kong developers may apply to build estates mixing private and public housing after three applications were approved

Authorities have given the greenlight to three housing projects under a pilot scheme launched by former chief executive Carrie Lam in 2019

The government is still considering two other applications under the Land Sharing Pilot Scheme

More Hong Kong developers may apply to participate in a government pilot scheme aimed at using private land for public housing after authorities endorsed three applications, which aim to build a total of 21,600 flats, with 15,100 for public housing.

The three applications made under the Land Sharing Pilot Scheme involved sites in Yuen Long and Tai Po districts, and were endorsed by the Executive Council, a key decision-making body. A panel of advisers established by the government under the pilot scheme earlier backed the proposals.

One of the applications, jointly made by Topwood, Success King and Richduty Development, which are all under Sun Hung Kai Properties, seeks to build about 1,870 public housing or starter flats and 1,260 private homes on a site on Ho Chau Road in Yuen Long, covering a total gross floor area of about 133,400 square metres (1.4 million square feet). The panel said the proposal struck a balance between housing demand and conservation.

Another application, for a 19.3-hectare site (47.7 acres) on She Shan Road and Lam Kam Road in Tai Po, was made by Ocean Target Enterprises of Henderson Land Development and Gettenwood Company and Fullmark Development, all under Wheelock Properties.

They plan to build 9,190 public housing or starter homes and 3,640 private flats with a total gross floor area of about 606,000 square metres. Both sites are made up of private lots and adjoin government land.

The panel said the scale of the project would allow the provision of more government, institutions or community facilities to serve the residents.

The third application, made by Busy Firm Investment under its parent company New World Development, concerns a site on Long Ping Road in Yuen Long for using the current green belt for residential purposes with supporting facilities. The development, which covers a total gross floor area of about 265,900 square metres, seeks to build 4,020 public housing and 1,600 private flats.

The panel said the project would help the transformation of brownfield sites in the area and match with the housing estates in the vicinity.

The projects would have a total of 21,600 flats, 75 per cent of which would be public housing.

The government has so far received five applications, with the other two – from Nan Fung Development and Wheelock Properties – still being vetted.

A Development Bureau spokesman said the scheme aimed to unlock the development potential of private land in areas not covered by the government’s planning studies or conservation areas, adding applicants were still subject to town planning procedures.

“If the progress is smooth, it is expected that work may start from 2025 at the earliest,” the spokesman said.

Under the scheme, owners of farmland can apply to the government to increase the development density of their sites, but must set aside at least 70 per cent of the increased floor area for affordable public sector housing. Applicants will be charged a premium.

In return, the government will carry out infrastructural improvements to enhance the development intensity of the private lots and speed up various planning and project approvals. The scheme was expected to identify 150 hectares for housing in three years.

The pilot scheme was set up by former chief executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor in 2019 as a way to help solve the city’s housing crunch, which she said was fuelling the social unrest that broke out that year. She appealed to developers to share their “social responsibility”.

At that time, state media criticised private developers for hoarding land and not developing their plots to meet Hong Kong’s housing shortage.

Panel adviser Billy Mak Sui-choi, associate professor at Baptist University’s department of finance and decision sciences, said the scheme might attract more applications if it proved feasible.

“Now that three applications have been approved, the city’s developers will keep monitoring their progress. If they prove to be feasible and profitable, developers may be attracted to submit more applications,” he said.

Francis Lam Ka-fai, vice-president of the Institute of Surveyors, said the announcement was a step forward and might draw a few more applications.

But he said that the scheme would only be more attractive when the first batch of housing started construction.

“Developers will observe how things go as it is just the beginning. Town planning and lease changing process were still under the way. They also need to know how much land premium they will be paying. There will be more applications in the future provided that there are enough financial incentives.”

Anthony Chiu Kwok-wai, executive director of the Federation of Public Housing Estates hoped that the government could speed up the process in the future to encourage more developers to participate.

“The scheme has already been around for some time. We hope more projects can start soon to ease the public housing demand,” Chiu said.

Chan Kim-ching, founder of the Liber Research Community, a local NGO focusing on land and development, said developers would dominate the planning of the area, including the infrastructure nearby, which might not answer the society’s needs.

“Under the scheme, the development density of private flats is increased, but developers are subsidised to build infrastructure in the area by enjoying land premium discount,” Chan said. “Developers are enjoying more benefits than the public.”

(South China Morning Post)


高銀金融國際中心買家 入稟要求成交








新世界5.25億 統一翠樺樓業權

西營盤高街120至122號翠樺樓,於昨日早上舉行強拍,最終由新世界 (00017) 或有關人士以底價5.25億元投得項目,成功統一業權,預計將會合併比鄰地盤重建。



Property foreclosures soar to 13-year high

The number of home foreclosures in Hong Kong has jumped to a 13-year high with the economy heading south, new data showed yesterday.

The news came as the Hong Kong Association of Banks said that customers can now use the interbank payment system for mortgage refinancing transactions.

Data from a property agency showed that the number of properties offered for sale at auction reached 226 as of November 4, marking a 13-year high following 249 in April 2009.

The figure is also 82 percent higher than the 124 recorded a year ago.

Moreover, the number of existing foreclosed homes reached 70 percent of those during the financial crisis, when the number of homes to be auctioned jumped to 316 in December 2008.

The rise came as several property owners failed to continue mortgage loan repayments amid a fall in home prices, leading to their homes being auctioned.

Among the total number of foreclosed homes, residential units reported a 6 percent monthly increase to 187 while small and medium-sized properties with a mortgage as high as 90 percent and priced at HK$10 million or below accounted for 133 or 71 percent of them.

Meanwhile, the HKAB announced it will include direct real-time electronic fund transfer as an additional payment option for residential mortgage refinancing, which might be more efficient and help avoid delays compared to existing methods.

Currently, the mortgage loan proceeds need to go through a law firm for custody and subsequent issuance of solicitor's cheque for repayment.

The new arrangement, which is endorsed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, covers refinancing cases for residential properties, including residential car-parking spaces.

Data from a mortgage consultancy and the HKMA showed amount of mortgage refinancing for the first nine months climbed 24.5 percent yearly to HK$94.31 billion and the number rose 16.7 percent to 21,054 from a year ago.

Moreover, the number of refinancing cases accounted for 35.3 percent of new loans approved in September, a new high in three years.

Separately, Pano Harbour in Kai Tak, developed by China Resources Land (Overseas) and Poly Property (0119), expects to release the sale arrangement of the first batch this week and start sales within this month, while Henderson Land Development (0012) said the 56 units in the first price list of Baker Circle Euston in Hung Hom were 2.8 times oversubscribed as of 7pm yesterday.

(The Standard)


中環美國銀行中心呎租33元 見13年低



業主叫租 減價一半















國際交易中心 九龍灣甲廈配套佳


國際交易中心位於九龍灣宏照道和宏泰道交界,屬核心商業圈,比鄰主要商廈包括企業廣場項目、一號九龍Manhattan Place,近年亦有新落成的富通中心金利豐國際中心等,全屬新式商廈,令商業氣氛濃,觀感甚佳。由九龍灣港鐵站步行至該廈,需時約10分鐘,而前往近年落成啟德站,車程約5分鐘。另外,大廈附近設有巴士及小巴站,而物業亦設有180個私家車車位,以及46個貨車車位。



每層2.8萬呎 合大企業





翻查資料,發展商信置 (00083) 管理及持有收租數年,2012年拆售,當時先將16至22樓合共7層樓面,以及30個車位售給恒生 (00011),涉約15.67億元,共涉約19.6萬平方呎,平均呎價近8,000元。其後發展商再沽出多層,包括23及25樓,以呎價約1.02萬元售予基金,現時信置僅持有數層樓面,包括極高層優質單位。





更多Manhattan Place寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:Manhattan Place 寫字樓出租









大廈可租可售 平均呎租18元起


年中放售單位 呎價約1.35













工商舖第三季1032宗登記 創9季低


根據代理行資料所得,2022年9月全港共錄303宗工商舖物業買賣登記 (數字主要反映2至4星期前市場實際狀況),較8月的367宗下跌17%,創28個月以來新低,險守300宗關口;至於月內買賣合約總值只有37.21億元,按月急挫94%,主因前月有3宗合共527.39億元的疑屬內部轉讓巨額登記抽高基數所致,倘撇除相關登記後,月內實際登記總值跌幅約23%。


疫情受控 料第四季回暖







灣仔英皇集團中心 中層戶1.038萬放售


面積692 呎價1.5









松本清40萬租尖沙咀舖 跌約7成

港設第5分店涉6千呎 成九龍區旗艦



上手租客莎莎 曾134萬租用












民生區大樓面舖 投資者淡市承接






荃灣惠康超市舖 1.1億售


投資者見民生區商舖受捧,趁機拆售。消息指,宏安地產 (01243) 等部署拆售屯門天生樓地下及1樓商舖,涉及約15個舖位,面積由253至5,498平方呎,現租客包括餐廳、健身中心等民生商戶,入場費約1,520萬元起,回報率約2.4至3厘。翻查資料,項目曾由新世界 (00017) 持有,去年宏安地產夥拍資深投資者趙朗,以約3億元購入天生樓地下及1樓共11個商舖。物業面積約14,000平方呎,計劃將項目打造成區內全新民生消費圈。














羅素街8號地舖等租戶出價 周大福約滿撤離 逾十年首度丟空

政府放寬入境檢疫至「0+3」,惟對旅遊觀光客吸引力不大,加上仍未與內地全面通關,主打旅客生意的店舖持續收縮。連鎖珠寶金行周大福 (01929) 在銅鑼灣一線地段羅素街月租達130萬元的分店,亦於近期租約期滿結業,該品牌更在羅素街、啟超道一帶銅鑼灣人流暢旺地段地舖分店數目「清零」,而該騰空的舖位未有放租意向價,由租戶出價洽租。

資料顯示,周大福在2019年底、即新冠肺炎爆發前,以每月130萬元租用銅鑼灣羅素街8號英皇鐘錶珠寶中心地下3及5號舖作分店,建築面積3068方呎,呎租約424元。周大福進駐時租金已較前租戶卓悅 (00653) 舊租160萬元低30萬元或18.8%。

疫情打擊 名店紛棄一線地段



英皇鐘錶珠寶中心另一組地舖,即地下1及2號舖,建築面積3367方呎,在去年5月由時裝品牌Brandy Melville以每月60萬元租用,呎租約178元。以此呎租推算,估計地下3及5號舖市值月租只約55萬元,將較周大福舊租大跌75萬元或57.7%。






Sale of Kerry Properties’ Mont Rouge villa in Kowloon Tong to Beijing’s national security office fetches record US$64.7 million

The five-bedroom villa in Kerry Properties’ Mont Rouge development measures 7,171 sq ft

The transaction is likely to be exempt from stamp duty as the sale involves a government entity, according to the Stamp Duty Ordinance

The office of Beijing’s national security arm in Hong Kong has spent a record HK$508 million (US$64.7 million) for a luxury villa in Kowloon Tong.

The national security office bought the three-storey Villa No 1 in Mont Rouge measuring 7,171 sq ft with five bedrooms, a rooftop, a garden and three parking spaces from Kerry Properties last month, according to official documents.

The HK$508 million price tag, which works out to HK$70,841 per square foot, is the highest for a new villa in Kowloon, according to market observers. The sale is likely to be exempted from stamp duty as the transaction involves a government entity, as per government rules.

“The purpose of the purchase may be for work-related use or receiving guests as there are three parking spaces,” a property agent said, referring to dignitaries like politicians, businessmen and tycoons.

The agent indicated that the villa is set apart from other houses, which allows for a greater sense of privacy.

The advantage of Kowloon is the proximity to the High Speed Railway, the agent said, adding that the price and size of the villa compares with those on The Peak and the Southern district, such as Mount Nicholson.

According to the Stamp Duty Ordinance, transactions that involve the local or central governments are not liable for stamp duty. Hence, the office is not expected to pay any levies.

Villa 1 was the last of the five villas in the development that Kerry Properties had yet to sell. Apart from villas, Mont Rouge has 14 smaller houses and flats in two towers.

Kerry Properties did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Five per cent of the price has been paid on the signing of the preliminary agreement on October 3. The remaining 95 per cent has to be paid within 60 days of the initial signing.

The deal comes amid a decline in Hong Kong’s overall property market.

DBS expects home prices in the city to fall 5 per cent next year. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, HSBC and two property agencies have also predicted a slump in prices.

Goldman’s predictions have been the direst. It expects home prices to plummet by 30 per cent by the end of 2023, as sharply increasing interest rates continue to pressure affordability and repel investors from the market.

The national security office, which was created in 2020, is responsible for supervising and guiding the Hong Kong government’s enforcement of the national security law, which outlaws acts of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces.

(South China Morning Post)















國安公署斥5億買豪宅 呎價逾7萬















荔崗街住宅地估值下調15% 相隔7年再有新供應 業界:財團出價審慎

近期樓市受一連串不利因素影響,連帶地價估值亦回軟;其中,本周五 (11日) 截標的葵涌荔崗街用地招標,業界因應早前市區用地以低價批出,下調估值約15%,最新估值約12億至20億,每方呎估值約4800至8000元,並料財團出價審慎及保守。






上述葵涌荔崗街 (葵涌市地段第515號) 用地,位於葵涌半山的荔崗街,鄰近夾屋浩景臺,地盤面積約41764方呎,作私人住宅用途可建總樓面約25.06萬方呎;亦可作非工業 (不包括私人住宅、倉庫、酒店及加油站) 用途。該地將於周五 (11日) 截標。


該區近年少有住宅地供應,更是自該區2015年1月後相隔約7年再有賣地表地皮新供應,資料顯示,該區對上一次批出同類住宅地為由豐資源於2015年1月以3.721億投得的葵涌興芳路地皮 (現已發展為豐寓),當時每方呎樓面地價約6700元;換言之,是該區相隔約7年再有賣地表地皮新供應。



尖沙咀港威大廈 連錄保險機構租務

中銀人壽永明金融 呎租45元作擴充




星資加密貨幣 租全層




灣仔會展辦公大樓 呎租40










舊樓有價 尖沙咀增112萬呎商業樓面



9項目重建 香檳大廈規模最矚目

香檳大廈位於金巴利道,早在1960年代落成,曾經是九龍區最高物業。而恒地  (00012) 早在10年前已經展開收購項目。香檳大廈分A及B座發展,目前為1幢樓高10層的商住物業 (包括地庫樓層),地盤面積約2.33萬平方呎,以地積比率約12倍計,未來可重建樓面約28萬平方呎。當中以B座的收購比較順利,發展商已集合逾8成業權,並在約2年前申請進行強拍統一業權。如發展商先獨立展開重建,單計B座地盤面積約1.23萬平方呎計,商業總樓面約14.74萬平方呎。值得一提的是,香檳大廈的對面為恒地旗下的美麗華廣場及酒店,意味發展商進一步鞏固區內勢力。

樂風完成收購 漢口道建甲廈

另外,中小型發展商亦積極在區內「插旗」,其中近年積極併購舊樓的樂風集團於今年5月公布,集團已夥拍BentallGreenOak及施羅德資本,並斥資逾15億元完成收購尖沙咀漢口道31至37號物業的大部分業權,計劃重建為甲級商廈。整個項目的地盤面積約9,650平方呎,規劃為「商業 (甲類)」地盤,總樓面面積約11.58萬平方呎。而樂風集團等其後於今年7月,就當中的漢口道35至37號恕園大樓,向土地審裁處申請強拍,其現況市值逾6.3億元。

而本地老牌家族永倫集團,早前購入的金馬倫道6號及6A號全幢物業,亦已經於今年2月獲屋宇署批出建築圖則,獲准興建1幢18層高 (另設有2層地庫) 的商業樓宇,涉及可建總樓面約29,434平方呎。至於同由集團持有的金馬倫道2至4A號的利達行,亦於去年10月獲批重建為1幢設有兩層地庫的25層高商廈,總樓面約70,563平方呎。




Kennedy Town site sells below estimates for $439m

A site in Kennedy Town was tendered out for HK$439.3 million, or around HK$9,500 per buildable square foot yesterday, much lower than market estimates.

Located at Sai Ning Street and Victoria Road, the plot was valued at between HK$490 million and HK$740 million, or between HK$10,600 and HK$16,000 per square foot.

The lot was awarded to Grand Harvest (HK) Development, according to a statement from the Lands Department yesterday.

It has a site area of about 537 sq m and the maximum gross floor area for private residential purposes that may be attained is 4,296 sq m.

It can also be used for non-industrial purposes - excluding godown, hotel and petrol filling station - and the floor area allowed will be computed according to the relevant special condition in the conditions of sale, the department said.

The site drew nine bids from developers, including CK Asset (1113), Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), Grand Ming (1271), Chevalier International (0025), Great Eagle (0041), the statement showed.

It is a rare sea-view site in the urban area of Hong Kong Island, a surveyor said.

Developers are required to provide facilities such as parking spaces on this small site and these costs may be reflected in the price, the surveyor said. And the quiet property market also makes builders more cautious in their bids, he added.

(The Standard)


Surprise as 118 Kai Tak flats put up for tender

Pano Harbour in Kai Tak, developed by China Resources Land (Overseas) and Poly Property (0119), will put all 118 units in the first batch, including two-bedroom flats, up for tender next Monday.

It is rare for developers to sell homes for the mass market by tender. They usually offer several price lists in batches - each comprise at least 10 percent of the total number of flats in the project for buyers to subscribe to by submitting checks. Should there be an oversubscription, developers draw lots to pick the buyers.

But amid a lackluster property market, flats on price lists might not be able to attract enough subscriptions.

The tendering decision is against the guidelines issued by the Real Estate Developers Association but the two mainland developers said they are not members of the association.

The REDA issued guidelines to its members in 2019 that only houses, townhouses, special units, units with three or more bedrooms with a saleable area of over 70 square meters, and flats larger than 100 sq m are allowed to be sold via tender to offer transparency to the mass market buyers. The 582 flats on sale at Pano Harbour, which has two to four bedrooms, range from 564 to 2,088 square feet.

Under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance, price lists are not required if the properties are for sale by tender, but developers still need to provide sales brochures, arrangements, and register of transactions. They must set out the transaction prices and terms of payment in the register of transactions in relation to the properties sold by tender, just as homes sold on the price lists.

Meanwhile, data from the Inland Revenue Department showed that Hong Kong's overall stamp duty revenue plunged by 66 percent month-on-month to a new low of HK$159 million last month.

(The Standard)


東亞銀行港灣中心 連租約叫價5980萬


租金回報2 備裝修

有代理指,物業位於灣仔告士打道56號東亞銀行港灣中心 11樓C室,面積約2,600平方呎,意向價約5,980萬元,每平方呎叫價約23,000元。單位以連租約形式出售,涉及每月租金收入約101,440元,租期至2023年9月,以意向價計算,新買家可享回報達2厘。


位處金融圈 協同效應大








堅尼地城「蚊型地」呎價跌穿1萬 創逾8年新低












金鐘海富中心全層1.9億易手 單位屬銀主盤 平均呎價17879元















TOYOMALL連沽兩物業 一賺一蝕共套現1.7億




TOYOMALL旗下北角和富道巨鋪亦以5000萬沽出,涉及96至106號僑裕大廈地下1號鋪連入則閣樓,地鋪建築面積約2676方呎,平均呎價18684元 (未計入則閣),另入則閣約2396方呎,總面積達5072方呎,新買家料回報約4厘。TOYOMALL於2017年以5180萬購入鋪位,帳面損手180萬或3.4%。








該報告指出,今年下半年 (即7至10月份),50大甲廈成交僅錄14宗,按年跌65%。上月全月50大甲廈買賣只有3宗,數字徘徊於今年甲廈成交低位。同時,整體甲廈空置率連續四個月上升,最新達10.2%,亦為近一年以來新高。






油塘工廈逾99%業權 7億標售


佔地2.5萬呎 可享海景

有外資代理行代理表示,大益貨倉工業大廈99.32%業權現正標售,物業位於油塘四山街14號,比鄰多項新住宅項目,例如曦臺、海傲灣、蔚藍東岸等。地盤面積約25,295平方呎,最大可建批則面積約151,770平方呎,可重建為住宅 (需向有關部門申請)。截標日期為2022年12月6日正午12時正。據了解,物業市值約7億元。

該代理指,該物業屬三面單邊地盤,重建後可享海景。此外,物業地理位置優越,只需步行5分鐘即可到達港鐵油塘站、購物商場「大本型」及旅遊名勝鯉魚門海港漁村。他亦指,各項的交通基建亦將帶動油塘區的發展,如中九龍高速幹道 (6號幹綫) 及於2022年施政報告中所提及興建的將軍澳第3條公路隧道「將軍澳——油塘隧道」,加強對外連接。


Secondary home sales rise amid price cuts

Transactions at major housing estates in the secondary market rebounded amid deeper price cuts, with deals at Taikoo Shing and Nan Fung Sun Cheun falling to under HK$9 million and HK$6 million respectively.

Data from a property agency showed that 10 major housing estates saw a 175 percent jump in transactions to 11 last weekend, amid the possible slower pace of interest rate hikes by the United States and eased Covid-19 restrictions in mainland China.

Among six housing estates which reported at least one deal, City One Shatin topped the list with five deals at an average price of HK$13,200 per square foot, while transactions in Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai doubled to two, despite a 4.5 percent decrease in the average price to HK$9,723 per sq ft.

Taikoo Shing's sole deal came after the owner slashed the asking price by HK$3.5 million or 29 percent to HK$8.5 million, resulting in an average price of HK$14,605 per sq ft for the two-bedroom unit.

The agency added that Taikoo Shing has reported four transactions so far in November, at HK$15,158 per sq ft on average.

Apart from the 10 estates, Nan Fung Sun Cheun in Quarry Bay saw a flat traded for HK$5.78 million or HK$11,202 per sq ft, which might be the first deal below HK$6 million for a three-bedroom unit since 2016.

Elsewhere, a flat with three bedrooms in Festival City Phase 2 in Tai Wai brought a loss of HK$1.38 million to the holder after offering a price cut of 18.4 percent to HK$10.2 million, which led to an average price of HK$13,765 per sq ft, a new estate low in the past 18 months.

Hong Kong Property also attributed the increased deals in the secondary market to the expected slowdown in interest rate hikes as homeowners continue to offer price cuts.

Meanwhile, demand in the primary market remained hot, with small units remaining lucrative to homebuyers.

Vanke Hong Kong said seven flats at Bondlane I in Cheung Sha Wan were sold on Saturday, after the 30 units offered in the first round saw a demand of over seven times the supply, with 250 pledges.

The two-bedroom flats among the released units have sold out.

The developer responded it might consider offering more units with two bedrooms for sale in the short term.

The prices after discount for the 30 units in the first round ranged between HK$4.16 million and HK$7.82 million.

(The Standard)


大額投資市場 工廈獨撑


今年第三季,投資氣氛明顯放緩,主要受美國加息步伐轉急所致,與供樓相關的港元1個月同業拆息 (HIBOR),續高於3厘水平,最新1個月同業拆息報3.21厘。


基金吸納工廈 拓迷你倉業務

單計近兩三星期,市場上大額工商舖物業買賣,涉及3億至5億元以上實在不多,而10億以上大手成交更是極少。從成交中,資金集中追捧同一個範疇,就是工廈。如長沙灣永新工業大廈,原由「毛紡大王」之稱的曹光彪家族持有,總樓面涉約21.5萬平方呎,以8.5億元成交,新買家為私募基金黑石 (Blackstone) 夥迷你倉集團合資買入。


工廈回報率3.5% 勝甲廈商舖






工廈錄145宗註冊按月跌16% 代理行:淡市下企業偏向租用





十月份有三區平均呎價按月上升,升幅皆維持1%以內。跌幅最大的分區為荃灣區,最新報4183元,按月跌1.4%。分區呎租方面,升幅最大的分區為九龍灣和沙田 (火炭及石門),10月呎租分別報17.7元及15.1元,按月升3.1%。黃竹坑 (香港仔及/鴨脷洲) 最新呎租為15.8元,按月跌1.5%,為跌幅最大一區。









該行指出,截至10月份為止,今年下半年 (7至10月份),工商鋪宗數共錄1357宗,按年跌約39%,料未來2個月註冊量低位徘徊,全年註冊宗數或較該行早前預測的5555宗還要低。雖然預計工商鋪難以在短期內回復至昔日高峰期水平,但本月宗數及金額稍回暖,微升約0.6%及8.4%,各板塊表現個別發展。



Sellers slash prices as new mortgages plunge

Prices continued to fall at Hong Kong's major housing estates as new mortgage loans in October fell by about a fifth over the previous month.

Kornhill in Quarry Bay reported a deal of a three-bedroom unit for HK$6.8 million, or HK$11,409 per sq ft, after the seller cut the asking price by HK$700,000.

The latest transaction is about 14 percent lower than earlier this month, when a homeowner sold a similar flat for HK$7.88 million, or HK$13,221 per sq ft.

Meanwhile, local real estate agency said it aims to cut over 30 percent of the existing 430 shops amid the sluggish market, after closing about 20 branches since August.

Further, new mortgage loans with mortgage insurance fell 22.4 percent to HK$6.67 billion in October from the previous month, falling three months in a row, according to the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation.

And the number of new mortgage loans with insurance slid for the fifth five consecutive month, down by 6.3 percent monthly to 2,800 in October.

A mortgage broker expected the number of such mortgage loans will drop 25 percent for the whole year from a year earlier.

In the primary market, Henderson Land Development (0012) put the first batch of 23 units in Baker Circle Euston in Hung Hom for sale this Friday, with a discounted price starting from HK$4.59 million and about 10 times oversubscribed for 245 cheques as of last Sunday.

And University Heights in Mid-levels, developed by Chinachem, saw a three-bedroom flat with a car-parking space traded for HK$73 million, or HK$46,086 per sq ft.

Separately, the retender for the Artist Square Towers Project in the West Kowloon Cultural District received at least one submission before it closed yesterday with Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) confirming it had submitted a bid.

(The Standard)


West Kowloon’s commercial site draws a bid from Sun Hung Kai Properties, no news on others as deadline passes

SHKP has submitted a tender for the plot, located in an area that has been touted as the city’s premier arts hub

The latest tender included an extension of the build-operate-transfer (BOT) term to 47 years or until 2070

A commercial site being sold by West Kowloon Cultural District, which had been expected to fetch as much as HK$10.5 billion (US$1.3 billion), has received one known bid from one of Hong Kong’s biggest developers amid a tough property environment.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) has submitted a tender for the plot, located in an area that has been touted as the city’s premier arts hub. The site comprises three buildings with office, retail, dining and entertainment features in the 40-hectare district.

“Yes we have submitted a tender,” a spokeswoman for SHKP confirmed to the Post via email.

This is the second time that the 65,000 square metre (699, 654 square foot) site, dubbed the Artist Square Towers (AST) Project, has been put up for tender by the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority. It was originally put up for sale in February.

The latest tender included an extension of the build-operate-transfer (BOT) term to 47 years or until 2070. While the terms of sale were enhanced, they still were not in line with the standard 50-year grant given to winning bidders in other land tenders in Hong Kong.

The sale is taking place at a difficult time for Hong Kong’s property market, which is battling a triple whammy of rising interest rates, knock-on effects from the pandemic, and a slump in the city’s stock market.

The authority declined to give any information about the latest tender, with its spokeswoman saying it would “make an announcement in due course”.

SHKP had been tipped by analysts as a potential bidder for the site given that it won the commercial parcel above the West Kowloon terminus. Other developers such as Henderson Land, Link Reit, K Wah International Holdings and Chinachem Group confirmed they had not submitted a tender for the project when the deadline passed at 5pm today. No other bidders had been named as of late Monday.

“There were initially several developers and investors keen to review the project. However, recent interest rate hikes have stopped them from bidding for the project,” a surveyor said.

“Despite the authority increasing the land lease term from 34 to 47 years, the developer needs to return the building and land at the end of the tenure, which means there will be no capital investment appreciation. It is a pure yield play project and unfortunately the current high-interest environment does not make the project attractive,” the surveyor added.

Earlier this month, Hong Kong’s five biggest lenders, including the three note-issuing banks HSBC, Standard Chartered and Bank of China (Hong Kong), raised their key rates to the highest levels in 14 years, following US rate hikes to curb inflation in the world’s largest economy.

The higher interest rates means increased borrowing costs, hurting the ability of investors and developers to fund acquisitions.

Nevertheless, in the long term Jeong said the project has “a lot of potential with good amenities”. The project is described as a “landmark commercial development” by the authority.

The property lies close to facilities including the M+ contemporary art museum, the recently opened Hong Kong Palace Museum, the Lyric Theatre Complex currently under construction and an 11-hectare Art Park fronting Victoria Harbour.

The site is also adjacent to the commercial and residential area above Kowloon Station, which is a stop for the Tung Chung and Airport Express lines, and close to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, which is the terminus and only station on the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link.

The plot was previously valued at as much as HK$10.5 billion by another surveyor.

There had been speculation that Sino Land may bid for the site, but there was no confirmation from them on Monday. Sino is part of a consortium that built the Grand Victoria residential project in Southwest Kowloon and the owner of the China Hong Kong City commercial complex in neighbouring Tsim Sha Tsui.

(South China Morning Post)


Luxury home sales in Hong Kong expected to hit a 9-year low in 2022 amid rising interest rates and pandemic effects, a property agency said

Only 1,800 new and used homes worth more than HK$20 million are expected to be sold this year, according to forecast

Analysts say the luxury property market in the city has been hit by a double whammy of US interest rate hikes and negative pandemic effects

Luxury home sales in Hong Kong have not been spared the effects of a slumping property market, with the number of transactions expected to hit a nine-year low in 2022 amid rising interest rates and a negative impact from the pandemic.

Only 1,800 new and used homes worth more than HK$20 million (US$2.55 million) are expected to be sold this year, the lowest number since 1,430 in 2013, according to a forecast by a property agency. The agency also estimated that luxury home sales will total HK$100 billion this year, the lowest since HK$96.81 billion in 2014.

“This reflects the impact of the pandemic and continued US interest rate hikes, which have hindered fund inflows,” an agent said. “Coupled with a correction of the Hong Kong property market, buyers have been cautious entering the market, resulting in significantly weaker sentiment in the luxury property market.”

The number of luxury property transactions fell 59.7 per cent in the first 10 months year on year to 1,570. New luxury homes saw a 71.6 per cent drop in the same period to 534 transactions due to limited supply.

The most notable new luxury home sale recently was news that the office of Beijing’s national security arm in Hong Kong had spent a record HK$508 million on a villa in Kowloon Tong.

The national security office bought the three-storey Villa No 1 in Mont Rouge – which measures 7,171 sq ft with five bedrooms, a rooftop, a garden and three parking spaces – from Kerry Properties last month, according to official documents.

The price tag, which works out at HK$70,841 per square foot, is the highest for a new villa in Kowloon, according to market experts.

Meanwhile, a market index compiled by the agency, fell 2 per cent to 164.91 for the week ending October 30, the lowest level since December 2017 and the biggest drop since March 2016. It fell another 0.1 per cent for the week ending November 6.

The index has lost nearly 14 per cent since its peak in early August 2021, and the agency expects it to fall a further 2.9 per cent by the end of November.

For the luxury Peak and Southern district, the agency expects home prices to slide 3 to 5 per cent in the fourth quarter alone as homeowners settle for bigger discounts.

Goldman Sachs has forecast a 30 per cent decline in overall home prices in the city over two years, while DBS expects a 5 per cent drop in 2023. Morgan Stanley, HSBC and two property agencies also predict lower prices.

With sluggish housing market turnover, and a continuous slide in home prices, the number of mortgage insurance deals has fallen across the board, a mortgage broker said.

With the Mortgage Insurance Programme providing mortgage insurance to banks, banks can provide mortgage loans to customers with higher loan-to-value ratios, without incurring additional credit risk.

But the number of new mortgage insurance loans approved in October and the total value, have both slumped for five consecutive months and reached an eight-month low in October, according to data from a mortgage brokage service provider and The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation.

“Amid the upcycle in interest rates, future mortgage interest expenses and stress tests will increase,” the broker said. “The housing mortgage market is expected to continue the slide this quarter. Annual mortgage insurance deals will drop by more than 20 per cent year-on-year.”

(South China Morning Post)


甲廈上月空置率10.2% 近1年新高


該報告指出,今年下半年 (即7至10月份),50大甲廈買賣成交僅錄14宗,按年跌65%。











投資者減價吸客 工商舖大手買賣增




旺角凱途發展大廈 兩層蝕310





AVA 622地舖 4000萬售減800

至於中細價舖位,亦錄多宗減價沽貨,如佐敦迷你單幢住宅項目AVA 622地下1號舖,建築面積約1,439平方呎,原以4,800萬元放售,終以4,000萬元成交,呎價約2.78萬元。該舖由點心店以每月11.5萬元租用,租金回報率約3.5厘。



Hong Kong home prices to plummet 25 per cent this year in some areas, slump is ‘sharper than it appears’, agents say

Prices at two housing estates have nosedived more than 20 per cent this year and may end 2022 down 25 per cent, according to property agency

Prolonged Covid-19 restrictions, rising interest rates and high emigration are driving the worst decline since 2008, property agents say

Prices of lived-in homes at Hong Kong housing estates may drop by 25 per cent this year, setting off alarm bells as prolonged Covid-19 restrictions, rising interest rates and high emigration drive the worst decline since the financial crisis of 2008, property agents said.

Average prices at two estates, Royal Ascot in Sha Tin and Luk Yeung Sun Chuen in Tseun Wan, have plummeted more than 20 per cent since December 2021 and may end 2022 down 25 per cent, according to a property agency.

Prices of lived-in homes declined in the first 10 months of 2022 at 20 estates that the agency tracks, and 16 of those saw prices fall by more than 10 per cent.

An index of lived-in home prices citywide is at a five-year low, and home transactions are down while new-home inventory, cases of negative equity and foreclosed properties are all at multi-year highs.

“The decline in property prices is underestimated,” agent said. “With the US continuing to raise interest rates and the uncertain economic outlook, housing prices are facing huge downward pressure, and the actual decline is actually sharper than it appears on the surface.”

In the first 10 months of 2022, the average price plummeted 22.3 per cent to HK$11,678 (US$1,487) per square foot at Royal Ascot and fell 20.2 per cent to HK$12,550 per square foot at Luk Yeung Sun Chuen. Taikoo Shing was the third hardest-hit estate, enduring an 18.8 per cent decline to HK$16,463 per square foot.

At Royal Ascot, a 1,041 sq ft flat changed hands at HK$11.5 million in early November, 22.3 per cent lower than the HK$14.8 million another flat of the same size fetched in January, according to data from another property agency.

This year’s overall price decline has been the biggest since the financial tsunami in 2008, said Po, who expects home prices at the housing estates to fall a further 3 to 4 per cent in November and December.

The outlook for 2023 calls for further declines. Goldman Sachs forecasts a 30 per cent decline over two years, while DBS expects a 5 per cent drop in 2023. Morgan Stanley, HSBC and two property agencies also predict slumping prices.

The average price of a lived-in home in Hong Kong from July to October sank 7.6 per cent compared with the first half of this year to HK$7.69 million, the lowest mark in five years, according to a property agency.

For example, a 494 sq ft flat in the 63 Pokfulam development in western Hong Kong Island sold for HK$13.28 million in early November – a 29 per cent loss for the owner, who paid HK$18.69 million in 2018.

The average price of a new home in Hong Kong nosedived 34 per cent to HK$7.93 million in the same period, the lowest since 2013.

A market index compiled by another property agency, fell 2 per cent to 164.91 for the week ending October 30, the lowest level since December 2017 and the biggest drop since March 2016. It fell another 0.1 per cent for the week ending November 6.

The index has lost nearly 14 per cent since its peak in early August 2021, and the agency expects it to fall a further 2.9 per cent to 160 by the end of November, a month faster than the company’s earlier prediction.

“The alarm for the housing market has sounded,” agent said, who expects this year’s decline in home prices to come in at 15 per cent.

The agent cited a slide in GDP over three quarters, record low transaction volumes and growing inventory of completed new homes, which has skyrocketed to a “dangerous level” of 15,000 – an over 15-year high.

The agent also noted a rising number of cases of negative equity, when a home loan exceeds the market value of the property. Such cases grew almost tenfold to a six-quarter high of 533 in September, according to data from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA).

Meanwhile, the number of foreclosed properties in Hong Kong has been rising for six months, hitting a 13-year high of 226 as of November 4. The agent said the number may surpass 1,000 after the Lunar New Year period in late January next year.

At the same time, the number of housing transactions liable to extra stamp duty sank to 130 in October, the lowest level since records started in 2014, according to Inland Revenue Department data. The amount of total extra stamp duties, HK$159.5 million, was also the lowest level since records started in 2014.

The HKMA raised its base rate to 4.25 per cent from 3.5 per cent in early November, the sixth increase in eight months to a fresh 14-year high, in lockstep with the US Federal Reserve.

Higher mortgage rates erode the purchasing power of homebuyers. “We estimate that for broadly the same income levels, the maximum home price a family could afford falls by 10 to 20 per cent assuming a 3 to 4 per cent mortgage rate, compared to 1.5 per cent before rate hikes,” an analyst said.

(South China Morning Post)


灣仔商廈 Novo Jaffe 特色戶 賭王三太5047萬購

宏基資本 (02288) 早前趁沙中綫通車效應拆售灣仔謝斐道全新商廈 Novo Jaffe,吸引不少名人進駐。市場消息透露,澳門賭王何鴻燊三太陳婉珍,以約5,047萬元購入一個特色單位。

面積2243 呎價2.25

據了解,Novo Jaffe 25樓全層,面積約2,243平方呎,並連50平方呎平台,剛以5,047萬元售出,呎價約2.25萬元。買家以TRINITY HONG KONG LIMITED名義入市,公司董事包括陳婉珍,估計為澳門賭王何鴻燊三太。

資料顯示,早前金源米業 (00677) 以1.59億元,購入 Novo Jaffe 3層單位。

位於灣仔謝斐道218號的 Novo Jaffe,物業樓高27層,3至30樓為寫字樓用途,每層面積約2,243平方呎,部分樓層將分間細單位,面積約469至550平方呎起。


更多 Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售樓盤資訊請參閱:Novo Jaffe 寫字樓出售





上述兩個項目發展規模最大為長沙灣道924至926號,目前屬「其他指定用途」註明「商貿 (2)」地帶,申請略為放寬地積比率限制,以作准許的辦公室用途。據城規會文件顯示,項目地盤面積約1.2萬方呎,申請增加20%地積比,由12倍地加至14.4倍,以興建1幢29層高 (包括地下和1層地庫停車場) 的高廈,涉及可建總樓面約17.28萬方呎。


另外,上述項目毗鄰的長沙灣道916至922號,該公司亦申請放寬地積比率限制,以作准許的辦公室用途。文件顯示,項目地盤面積約9600方呎,申請增加地積比率兩成,由12倍地加至14.4倍發展,以興建1幢29層高 (包括地下和1層地庫停車場) 的商廈,涉及可建總樓面約13.82萬方呎。


申請人指,上述申請完全符合政府活化工廈的政策,擬議發展完全符合「其他指定用途」 註明「商貿」地帶的規劃意向,將來提供的新辦公室樓面,可支援及加快長沙灣工 / 商貿區的轉型;沿長沙灣道劃設2米寬的「非建築用地」地帶,以擴闊現有行人路,從而提高該處的視覺及空氣流通,並改善行人環境的暢達度及舒適度。另外,在面向長沙灣道的大廈外牆 (一樓、部分二樓和三樓) 加裝垂直綠化,連同在地面「非建築用地」地帶上種植的兩棵樹,可改善周邊環境、街道景觀及公共空間的景觀質素。


另外,西貢大網仔一幅綠化地,新近向城規會申請改劃發展,以興建7幢低密度住宅,涉及可建總樓面約1.07萬方呎。據文件顯示,上述項目位於大網仔丈量約份第256約地段第36號A分段、第36號B分段及第36號餘段,鄰近仁義路。目前屬「綠化地帶」,申請改劃為「住宅 (丙類) 1」地帶發展。



Kwai Chung site sells for $1.1b, 35pc down from 2015

A residential site in Kwai Chung was awarded to CITIC Pacific for HK$1.1 billion or HK$4,390 per square foot yesterday, nearly 35 percent lower than a site in the same area tendered out almost eight years ago.

Market valuations for the site at Lai Kong Street ranged from HK$900 million to HK$1.88 billion, or from HK$3,600 to HK$7,500 per sq ft.

With a site area of about 3,880 square meters, the lot has a maximum gross floor area of 23,280 sq m for private residential purposes, according to a statement from the Lands Department yesterday.

It can also be used for non-industrial purposes and the floor area allowed will be computed according to the relevant special condition in the conditions of sale, the department said.

The developer is required to construct a public transport terminus, a day activity center, and a hostel for severely mentally handicapped persons, the department said, and that is expected to be reflected in the price.

There has been little supply of residential land in Kwai Chung in recent years. The last time that the government sold a plot in the area was in January 2015 when a site on Hing Fong Road was tendered out for HK$372 million, or around HK$6,700 per sq ft.

But the 2015 site is closer to the MTR station than the one at Lai Kong Street.

It has also been nearly eight years since CITIC Pacific acquired government land - it bought a plot in Ma On Shan for HK$1.47 billion, or HK$6,500 per sq ft, in 2015.

The unit of state-owned conglomerate CITIC (0267) expects total investment for the site to reach HK$4 billion, or about HK$15,000 per sq ft.

The project to be built upon the lot will comprise mainly mid-sized flats and the price may start from HK$18,000 per sq ft.

The Hong Kong-based firm is also engaged in buying sites in the mainland. Last month, it teamed up with China State Shipbuilding Corp to buy a Guangzhou site for 18.8 billion yuan (HK$20.9 billion).

The Kwai Chung news came as the Buildings Department approved 23 plans in September, including for phase 5 of The Southside in Wong Chuk Hang, to be developed by New World Development (0017) and others and to provide a floor area of 59,099 sq m.

A survey commissioned by Link Asset Management found that brick-and-mortar shopping is still the mainstream purchasing method as over 70 percent of Hongkongers kept shopping at physical stores even under the pandemic.

(The Standard)




該行指出,工商鋪三個範疇當中,寫字樓買賣呈量升價跌,月內錄約35宗成交,對比9月份回升近35%,涉及金額錄約7.8億,對比9月份75.12億 (包括高銀金融國際中心成交金額約67億) 大跌近90%。












位於大業街25號的高良工業大廈,佔地僅4165平方呎,規劃為「其他指定 (商貿)」用途,原本屬於分散業權,當中理想集團持有66%業權,在去年7月招標並以1.9億元出售,新買家瑞翹有限公司同時以6107.7萬元收購餘下三分一業權,成功統一業權。





中信泰富11億奪葵涌地 料投資40億

擬發展中型單位 估計日後可賣逾1.8萬元呎



樓面呎價4390 符市場預期





地皮上周接獲9份標書,入標的包括信置 (00083)、新地 (00016)、會德豐、漢國置業 (00160) 等。


其士何文田項目 補價逾2.9

另外,政府公布上月補地價情況,當中其士國際 (00025) 早年斥資3.33億元收購何文田太子道西292A至D號項目,補地價金額逾2.94億元,以最高可建樓面3.92萬平方呎計,每平方呎樓面補價約7,520元。

同時,由財團持有的元朗八鄉錦田公路項目完成換地,涉資約2,647萬元,以可建樓面則為1.7萬平方呎樓面,每呎樓面地價約1,500多元水平。該用地由Sea Development Limited所持有,董事為吳源光。



安達臣道不足11萬呎商業地 周五截標

前觀塘安達臣道石礦場再有商業地推出,繼8月份領展 (00823) 以近7.7億元奪得一幅安達臣道商業地後,政府本周五 (18日) 將有另一幅安達臣道商業地截標,可建樓面不足11萬平方呎,屬於近年規模較細的商業地。


領展高標價7 先奪首幅地皮



規模細 估值料3.3億至6





Kwun Tong URA race down to 19

The Urban Renewal Authority said yesterday it has invited 19 developers or consortia to tender for the Kwun Tong town center development areas four and five project after receiving 24 expressions of interest in September.

The project is the URA's largest single redevelopment project ever with five phases and the final phase, covering a site area of 25,595 square meters.

A maximum total gross floor area of 201,220 square meters is expected upon completion.

Market valuations for the site range from HK$15.16 billion to HK$25.99 billion, or HK$7,000 to HK$12,000 per square foot.

With uncertainties caused by the pandemic and the market, the URA introduced a pilot arrangement of "floating planning parameters" in this tender that was approved by the Town Planning Board in September, the URA said yesterday.

That will see the total GFA unchanged, but flexibility will be given to the chosen developer or consortium to set the actual areas within specified ranges for office, hotel and other commercial uses.

It should provide a minimum of 65,000 square meters of commercial GFA at lower levels of the development.

The project will be a signature development in Kowloon East with a complex providing government facilities and commercial developments and large-scale open spaces, the URA said, adding that it will enhance pedestrian connectivity with surrounding areas.

Tender submissions will close at noon on January 11.

That came as Baker Circle Euston in Hung Hom reportedly received over 270 checks for the 23 units it put on its first batch, making for a 10.7 times oversubscription.

Henderson Land Development (0012) will put the first batch for sale this Friday, with the cheapest one priced at HK$4.59 million.

Elsewhere, some old buildings in Sham Shui Po, including a Grade II historic building at Apliu Street, have changed hands for more than HK$475 million and are expected to be combined for redevelopment.

(The Standard)


市建觀塘商業項目突招標 估值最高194.93億 較9月調低15%













寫字樓部分由列明須興建約70萬方呎樓面,修訂為70.89萬方呎至137.37萬方呎。最後商業用途樓面 (商店及服務行業、食肆、娛樂場所及教育機構),零售部分由原來指定須興建約100萬方呎樓面,修訂為69.97萬方呎至102萬方呎。




西貢康定路5幢工廈獲洽 財團出價15億 鄧成波家族持有






康定路早年獲改劃為住宅發展地帶,用途為「住宅 (戊類) 1」,該5幢工廈曾申請作混合式發展物業 (安老院捨及住宅發展),遭到反對後,申請人提交修訂方案,將項目發展為純安老院舍用途。










強拍降門檻 合併地盤須各達6成業權

成立辦事處助調解 明年下半年提草案



逾50年舊樓 門檻降至7












九龍灣其士商業中心 交吉叫價1057萬


備寫字樓裝修 周邊配套成熟



可售後租回 或買賣公司交易


而據EPRC經濟地產庫資料顯示,今年以來九龍灣錄有逾20宗商廈成交,平均呎價介乎5,788至15,197元,呎價與去年同期相比持平,市場最新成交為 企業廣場一期 3座中層07室,面積約2,615平方呎,成交價約1,647萬元,平均呎價約6,298元,至於,其士商業中心今年以來暫未錄有買賣成交,反而去年錄有2宗,分別為中層18室,面積約1,698平方呎,成交價約1,428萬元,平均呎價約8,410元,及高層4室,面積約1,448平方呎,以每平方呎約8,204元沽出,造價約1,188萬元。






HOS releases take toll on secondary market sales

Transactions in 10 major housing estates in the secondary market fell as potential buyers were lured by new projects.

A property agency recorded nine deals in the 10 estates last weekend, a drop of 11.8 percent week on week, but the number of estates that saw no transactions at all fell from four to three.

The agency said that sales of new projects under the Home Ownership Scheme had attracted many home buyers recently.

The three major housing estates in the New Territories were affected the most, with only one transaction recorded.

Meanwhile, another agency saw the number of transactions in 10 major housing estates decrease by 16.7 percent week on week to 10.

Despite the recovery of the stock market and economic activities in Hong Kong as a result of the relaxation of quarantine measures, the property market is still constrained by interest rate increases and the decline in property prices in Hong Kong, as well as the deeper price cuts in the secondary market, the agency said.

Home buyers were becoming more cautious about entering the market.

This came despite deeper cuts of 15-20 percent in asking prices.

Sausalito in Ma On Shan reported two units went for below HK$7 million each, 15 percent lower than the bank's valuations.

One of the apartments, a middle-level two-bedroom unit at Sausalito Tower 3, was sold for HK$6.6 million, about HK$1.8 million less than the asking price of HK$8.4 million in June, and also 15 percent lower than the bank's valuation of HK$7.8 million.

The seller purchased the flat in 2012 for HK$4.3 million, which translates to a paper profit of HK$2.3 million after 10 years.

Lohas Park phase 2B in Tseung Kwan O saw a homeowner suffer a loss of HK$1 million after reducing the price to HK$7.8 million.

The high-level three-bedroom unit has an area of 680 square feet with a harbor view, and has been on the market for about a month.

The seller purchased the flat for HK$8.8 million in March 2019, which amounts to a loss of about 12 percent in three years.

In the primary market, Wetland Seasons Bay phase three, developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), in Tin Shui Wai recorded two transactions yesterday with a total value of HK$13.1 million, including a two-bedroom unit that has an area of 444 sq ft. It sold for HK$6.6 million, or HK$14,875 per square foot.

Phase three of the project provides 384 flats. Since September, 165 have been sold, bringing in HK$1.12 billion for the firm.

(The Standard)


Hopes for normalcy drive shop sales

Turnover for shop deals jumped 61.4 percent monthly to HK$1.58 billion last month as life gradually resume to normal and visitors returns, data from a property agency and the Land Registry showed.

The number of transactions also rallied 25 percent month on month to 100 after a three-month decline.

The agencyt attributed the rise to relaxed Covid restrictions in Hong Kong, which benefits the retail industries and restaurants.

If Hong Kong's pandemic situation does not worsen, market sentiment can further improve amid expectations that the government could relax again measures against the coronavirus, it said.

The agent also expected more investors to continue looking for good-value shop deals as the end of the year, traditionally a season of high consumer spending, is coming and the local Covid-pandemic remains relatively stable.

However, the agency also stressed that the rally in commercial shop deals might be limited, as the SAR administration sticks to its three-day medical surveillance requirement for new arrivals and border controls between Hong Kong and the mainland remains in place.

Therefore, investors may stay cautious but be more optimistic about the commercial market, it said.

(The Standard)














上月錄1563宗工商鋪租賃 代理行:按月微升1.69%






10月工廈市場共錄約763宗租賃,對比9月份反彈約16.13%,按年遞增約5.38%,金額向好趨勢,10月份總金額錄約2375萬元,按月急升約30%,較去年10月同期上揚近20%。新蒲崗全新活化工廈Astisan Hub月內連錄多宗全層租賃,分別為地下、2樓至3樓、6樓及8樓,平均呎租由18至25元不等。潘氏認為,美國聯儲局連續四次加息,投資物業成本上升,企業及商戶傾向先租後買。





觀塘世達中心三層3.3億易手 「鞋王」鄺海鑾沽貨 7年升值14%






該批單位總面積共約51990方呎 (未計士多房、平台、天台、車位及廣告位),平均呎價6347元。其中,20樓建築面積約18480方呎,另平台3230方呎,21樓約17260方呎,附一個士多房,22樓約16250方呎,另天台面積約2450方呎,該宗交易尚包括2個廣告位及12個車位。

業內人士表示,上述世達中心3層為優質單位,若扣除車位、廣告位價值逾4000萬,該3層平均呎價約5573元 (不計士多房、天台及平台),成交價低市價5%至10%。







家全七福40萬租 H Zentre 逾半層 大班樓搬新舖 進駐上環銀座式商廈

疫情下商用物業空置率高,租金滑落,連新式銀座式商廈的租金亦有所下跌,吸引知名食肆進駐。剛於今年初首奪《米芝蓮指南香港澳門》一星的粵菜餐廳家全七福酒家,剛以每月約40萬元租用尖沙咀銀座式商廈 H Zentre 中層逾半層特色樓層,每呎約48元,較高位下跌逾28%。

市場消息指出,家全七福落實租用尖沙咀中間道15號 H Zentre 7樓逾半層樓面,建築面積共8293方呎,連同一個1814方呎的平台,月租約40萬元,每呎約48元。

年初奪米芝蓮一星 擴版圖


家全七福新落戶的 H Zentre 前身為中間道停車場,恒地 (00012) 於2014年9月以46.88億元投得該幅賣地表官地,每方呎樓面地價達1.38萬元,一度創本港商業地呎價新高。恒地將其建成一幢17層高、總樓面約34萬方呎的銀座式商廈,集合零售、餐飲及醫療中心於一身。

最新呎租48 高位挫28%

H Zentre 的區域劃分,7、15至18樓共5層為餐飲樓層,大廈設專用電梯前往上述樓層。當中7樓設平台,屬於特色樓層。資料顯示,7樓全層總建築面積14113方呎,另有2個平台,分別為1814及662方呎,已在市場上放租多時,至近月決定拆細出租,其中家全七福承租面積較大的部分,佔全層近59%樓面,餘下單位亦獲一家火鍋店承租。

資料顯示,H Zentre 之前成交的呎租由60至67元,當中仁安醫院兩年前向恒地承租3層樓面,總樓面面積共44973方呎,月租約299.7萬元,呎租約67元。以此計算,家全七福目前最新呎租,較兩年前高位下跌28.4%。

近期除家全七福外,在「全球50大最佳餐廳」(The World's 50 Best Restaurants) 排名24位的著名粵菜館大班樓,亦趁租金下調搬新舖,租用上環威靈頓街198號銀座式商廈 The Wellington 3樓全層,建築面積約4176方呎,月租約20萬元,呎租約48元。


據了解,The Wellington 於2018年高峰期呎租曾達60至68元,以大班樓最新租用的呎租計算,較高位大幅回落最多29.4%。



更多H Zentre寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:H Zentre 寫字樓出租




更多The Wellington寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Wellington 寫字樓出租




URA 'dispenses with profit sharing' in Kwun Tong push

The Urban Renewal Authority is rumored to have removed a profit-sharing requirement for the tender of the Kwun Tong town center development areas four and five project but will simply choose the highest bidder.

The URA has required bidders to have no less than HK$25.1 billion net asset value or market value.

It invited 19 developers or consortia on Wednesday to submit bids after receiving 24 expressions of interest in September for its largest single redevelopment project ever.

A maximum total gross floor area of 201,220 square meters is expected upon completion.

The latest market valuation for the site ranges from HK$9.31 billion to HK$21.66 billion, or HK$4,300 to HK$10,000 per square foot, down from HK$7,000 to HK$12,000.

With uncertainties caused by the pandemic and the market, the URA introduced a pilot arrangement of "floating planning parameters" in the tender. That will see the total GFA unchanged, but flexibility will be given to the chosen developer or consortium to set the actual areas within specified ranges for office, hotel and other commercial uses.

In the primary market, One Innovale - Cabanna in Fan Ling, developed by Henderson Land Development (0012), has launched a second round of sales, offering 113 units with the cheapest one priced at HK$3.36 million.

Chinachem's University Heights in Mid-levels West saw a four-bedroom unit go for HK$68.8 million, or HK$43,434 per sq ft.

And actress Annie Liu Sum-yau bought a village house in Sai Kung for HK$22.5 million, nearly 10 percent lower than the asking price and 5 percent lower than the market price.

(The Standard)


Developers battle weak buyer sentiment in Hong Kong with new home sales forecast to fall to levels not seen since 2013

A property agency expects the total number of new homes sold this year to potentially fall below 10,000 units

Rising interest rates, a slumping stock market and economic headwinds in China have soured homebuyer sentiment in Hong Kong

Developers are continuing to battle a severe downturn in Hong Kong’s housing market, with one real estate firm forecasting that the total number of new homes sold this year may be the lowest since 2013 as rising interest rates, a slumping stock market and economic headwinds in China sour sentiment.

A property agency expects the total number of new homes sold this year to potentially fall below 10,000 units, which would be the lowest level since 9,986 in 2013.

“Market sentiment is not good. Launches may have slowed down,” an agent said. “It seems the confidence of homebuyers is not high currently, the outlook for interest rate is uncertain, and these factors have contributed to a ‘wait and see’ attitude.”

Unless a particular development can really capture buyer interest, the response will not be good, the agent added.

Meanwhile, another property agency has forecast that the total number of new homes sold in November will come in at 400, the lowest level in seven months as sales of new developments slow.

Henderson Land Development said it had sold 10 out of 113 flats for sale at One Innovale - Cabanna in Fanling on Thursday.

At the Pano Harbour development in Kai Tak, mainland-based developers CR Land (Overseas) and Poly Property sold only seven flats out of the 118 flats offered in the first two days of tender this week, according to the Register of Transactions. The offer included 11 two-bedroom flats, a rare event, and pulled in HK$211.18 million, including a record price for a home in the Kai Tak runway area at HK$44.68 million.

The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (REDA) in May 2019 issued new guidelines to members stating that only houses, town houses, special units, units with three or more bedrooms measuring over 70 square metres, as well as flats of at least 100 square metres should be sold by tender.

However, Poly Property last week told local media at the development’s briefing that the developers were not members of the association and therefore not bound by its terms.

Meanwhile, Vanke Hong Kong sold just eight out of a total of 32 flats offered so far at Bondlane I in Cheung Sha Wan since sales were launched on November 12 and November 16.

Elsewhere, Grand Homm – held by Goldin Financial’s former chairman Pan Sutong – terminated the tender of 31 flats on Tuesday in an unusual move. The development has reportedly been taken over by PwC. Spokespeople for both Grand Homm and PwC declined to comment on the matter.

The weak sales sentiment comes as an agent urged developers to sell at a loss to attract market attention and drum up sales in columns for local newspaper am730 earlier this month.

Developers are seeing a growing inventory of completed new homes, now at a “dangerous level” of 15,000 – more than a 15-year high – as of the third quarter, according to the agency.

The market index, a gauge of lived-in homes compiled by the agency, has lost nearly 14 per cent since its peak in early August 2021.

Goldman Sachs has forecast a 30 per cent decline in overall home prices in the city over two years, while DBS expects a 5 per cent drop in 2023. Morgan Stanley, HSBC and other two property agencies also predict lower prices.

(South China Morning Post)


中環中心每呎32元租出 屬過去13年來新低




對上一宗低價租賃,於2009年11月錄得,該客21樓全層,建築面積約24787方呎,以每呎28元租出,租客Compass Office商務中心。而21屬於低層,景觀未及39樓開揚。上述39樓單位,原業主於2021年6月,以8924萬購入上述單位,若以購入價計算,料回報僅1.17厘,不足1.2厘水平。








銀主盤延至工商舖 甲廈連錄放盤

美國銀行中心全層叫價5億低3成 海富全層1.98億放售






至於海富中心二座中層全層,面積約10,627平方呎,曾由上市公司持有,而物業早前已淪為銀主盤,並由銀主進行放售,物業市值約1.98億元。據了解,原業主於2017年1月,以3.18億元購入,呎價高見2.9萬元。事實上,本年8月同廈曾錄全層銀主盤成交,涉及13樓全層,以1.93億元易手,呎價約18,161元,創該廈近5年來的呎價新低紀錄,由湯臣集團 (00258) 承接。按成交呎價計,已較2017年時低約4成。















商廈空置高租金低 難吸投資者



持續加息 影響回報率



寫字樓租金 續低位徘徊











總作價2.3 低意向21%




西松建設賣出兩項物業,合共套現2.3億元,賬面總獲利近2.15億元。據了解,新買家為龍昇集團 (06829) 創始人之一葉育杰或有關人士。






Ho Man Tin project is key to court fight

The developer of Grand Homm in Ho Man Tin has applied for a court injunction to prevent PwC from seizing the project, claiming there is no default.

The residential project is owned by Pan Sutong, the former chairman of bankrupt Goldin Financial (0530).

The lawsuit was filed by two directors of the developer Gold Topmont. Firms including Grand Xi Investment and auditor PwC were listed as defendants, local media said.

The alleged breach of contract by the defendants did not occur and therefore its purported takeover of Gold Topmont on November 10 was deemed to be invalid, reports said.

Tenders of 32 homes at the project were terminated on November 15 with no reasons given, the sales arrangements said.

Before the termination, 200 groups of customers had registered for visiting the showrooms in the completed project but it was halted after the PwC seizure.

Since 2019, only 19 units -- fewer than 5 percent of the total 401 homes -- have been sold, and nine buyers canceled their deals.

The powers of the directors and officers of Goldin Financial have been transferred to the joint provisional liquidators, the supreme court of Bermuda ruled on October 28.

The directors retain only limited powers relating to the winding up proceedings filed against the company and a substantive hearing will adjourn this Friday.

Goldin's principal place of business in Hong Kong had been changed to Lee Garden Two in Causeway Bay, said a filing last week.

Trading in its shares has been suspended since April and will remain so until further notice, it said.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease in Lee Garden please visit: Office for Lease in Lee Garden

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Causeway Bay


商廈銀主盤增 低價吸引承接



資本中心全層 低市價2










商廈小業主大幅降價 租金續新低


有代理行發表商廈市場報告指出,10月份寫字樓市場活躍度持續下滑。指標甲廈售價按月挫1%,乙廈價格按月則跌0.7%。不過,甲廈租金及乙廈租金分別按月反彈0.7%及0.3%。報告指出,今年下半年 (即7至10月份),50大甲廈買賣成交僅錄14宗,按年跌65%。上月全月50大甲廈買賣只有3宗,數字徘徊於今年甲廈成交量的低位。同時,整體甲廈空置率連續四個月上升,最新達10.2%,亦為近一年以來新高。

美國銀行中心中高層呎租33元 13年低













中環華商會所大廈 處核心地段




每層3千呎 合中小型公司













全層單位放售 意向價6000萬


面積2986 呎價逾2









工商舖10月租務 價量齊升


據該行統計,10月份市場共錄得約1,563宗工商舖租賃成交,與上月宗數相若,微升約1.69%;對比2021年同期亦稍為上升約3.37%。10月總租賃成交金額錄得約1.04億元,比上月回升近一成半,按年同期則輕微下滑約0.95%,反映不少租戶看準工商舖物業租賃市場處於調整期,趁勢於疫市下找尋合適物業或順勢續租節省成本。例如,位於葵涌葵昌路51號九龍貿易中心B座18至21樓全層、以及22樓01至09室,涉及樓面面積約11.7萬平方呎 (未核實),市傳獲跨國大型投資銀行以每月約320.12萬元續租,租期3年。

工廈錄763租賃 按月升16%

三個範疇當中,按月租賃成交宗數及金額以工廈升幅最為顯著。資料顯示,10月份工廈市場共錄得約763宗租賃成交,對比9月份反彈約16.13%,按年亦遞增約5.38%。成交金額呈向好趨勢,10月份總成交金額錄得約2,375萬元,按月急升約3成,較去年10月同期亦上揚近兩成。其中,工廈活化後的物業因質素上乘且用途多元化,成為娛樂、文化創意產業租客的追捧對象。新蒲崗全新活化工廈Astisan Hub月內連錄多宗全層租賃成交,分別為地下、2樓至3樓、6樓及8樓,平均呎租由18至25元不等。






恒基灣仔舊樓強拍底價3億 每呎地價1.24萬 與毗鄰項目合併重建














聯合道全幢物業招標 估值二億

市區重建局今年5月宣布啟動九龍城衙前圍道 / 賈炳達道重建計劃,區內變天在即,有區內業主趁勢放售全幢舊樓。由單一業主擁有的九龍城聯合道56至58號全幢,以招標形式出售,截標日期為12月21日,市場估計市值約2億元。


有代理表示,聯合道56至58號為一幢樓高6層的商住大廈,鄰近碧桂園 (02007) 旗下單幢新盤瓏碧,地盤面積約2570方呎,屬「住宅 (甲類) 2」地盤,最高可重建的總建築面積約23130方呎。

市場人士分析,上述地盤市值約2億元,以可建樓面計算,每方呎樓面地價 (樓面呎價) 約8647元。資料顯示,物業原業主為莫姓人士,於1977年12月以150萬元購入。

資料顯示,今年8月太古地產 (01972) 前主席簡基富 (Keith Kerr) 旗下的The Development Studio,斥5.75億元買入同區太子道西452至464號一列舊樓,以估計可建總樓面約7.5萬方呎計,樓面呎價約7667元。


Sole bidder SHKP wins West Kowloon commercial site

The first commercial site in the West Kowloon Cultural District - the Artist Square Towers Project - was awarded to Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), the only bidder.

The project comprises three commercial buildings with a total gross floor area of approximately 65,000 square meters, including 62,435 sq m for office use and 2,500 sq m for retail/dining/entertainment uses.

SHKP has the right to develop and operate the project for about 47 years under a build-operate-transfer arrangement and will be responsible for the project's design, construction, financing, marketing, leasing, management, operation, and maintenance, the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority said in a statement yesterday.

The price was not disclosed but the authority believes it is "commensurate with the market level" having considered the average valuation provided by three independent valuers.

Betty Fung Ching Suk-yee, chief executive of WKCDA, said the project is a key component of the development model of the district and the authority looks forward to working with SHKP to make the development a success.

SHKP chairman Raymond Kwok Ping-luen said he was very pleased to have won the site and expects it to create synergy with the developer's two nearby projects - the International Commerce Centre and the High-Speed Rail West Kowloon Terminus Development, further boosting the area's status as a unique commercial, cultural, arts, retail, entertainment, and transportation hub in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

The developer bought the site atop the high-speed rail for HK$42.2 billion in 2019 and later sold more than half of the interest in the office part - a 25 percent stake to the Kwok's family for HK$9.4 billion and a 30 percent stake to an arm of Ping An Insurance (Group) (2318) for HK$11.3 billion.

The first tender of the AST project was canceled earlier this year and the retender kicked off in September after the authority extended the construction and operation period for the project by 14 years to 2070 and lengthened the period for parking spaces by 38 years to the same year.

Meanwhile, SHKP plans to invest about HK$10 million - 25 percent more than last year - in promotion for its apm mall in Kwun Tong through Christmas, including setting up three giant TVs for customers to watch the World Cup and promotions for celebrating the Christian festival.

It expects sales in the mall for the rest of the year to rise by 20 percent from last year.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Lease at International Commerce Centre please visit: Office for Lease at International Commerce Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Tsim Sha Tsui


Wan Chai project offers a discount

Swire Properties (1972) is offering a 3 percent discount on four homes at its completed project Eight Star Street.

Swire Properties director Adrian To said the areas of the one and two-bedroom units range between 431 to 555 square feet.

The Wan Chai project, launched in March last year, has sold eight units worth a total of HK$628 million. The average price per sq ft was HK$38,888, while the most expensive one sold at HK$53,122 a sq ft.

To said there would be a tender for the project's unit A on the 21st floor, which has an area of 913 sq ft and three rooms, at a reference price of HK$48.8 million, or HK$53,450 per square foot.

It is normal that the local property market fluctuates due to negative factors such as interest rate increases, To said, but there is a massive demand for property in Hong Kong which is believed to be healthy in the long run.

(The Standard)


Citibank expects Hong Kong property prices to fall another 10 per cent, bottom out in second quarter of 2023

Property prices to fall another 10 per cent from October to the second quarter of 2023, bank says

Rising interest rates are the ‘biggest negative factor’ affecting market, executive says

Hong Kong property prices are expected to bottom out in the second quarter of next year at the earliest, following an estimated drop of 20 per cent from a record high posted in 2021, Citibank said on Tuesday.

The bank, the first to make a clear-cut forecast, said property prices will fall another 10 per cent from October to the second quarter of 2023.

The interest rates upcycle is the biggest negative factor affecting the property market,” said Josephine Lee Kwai-chong, managing director and head of Citibank Hong Kong’s retail banking. “It increases people’s burden of loan repayments and the difficulty in passing stress tests.”

Citibank is not alone in forecasting a decline in property prices. Last month, Goldman Sachs forecast a 30 per cent decline in overall home prices in the city over two years, while DBS said it expected a 5 per cent drop in 2023. Morgan Stanley, HSBC and two property agencies have all predicted lower prices recently.

Despite the continued downside potential of local home prices, Lee said she hoped that the relaxation of current cooling measures might stimulate new demand and an excessive correction of Hong Kong’s property market might be avoided.

There is a chance that the Hong Kong government will relax a 15 per cent ad valorem stamp duty on the purchase price of a second residential property in the budget to be announced next year, Citibank said. This would stimulate demand for home ownership and avoid the emergence of negative equity, it said.

Hong Kong’s economy is expected to recover next year, with a slowdown in inflation and a drop in the unemployment rate, which “will help people return to the property market”, Lee said.

Sentiment for Hong Kong property remains weak, with a further softening of a market index and contraction of transaction volumes, Singapore-based bank UOB Kay Hian said in a report on Tuesday. “Developers are also cautious over launching sales of new projects. The rising Hibor [Hong Kong interbank offered rate] is a key risk,” the report said.

The index has lost 15.2 per cent since a peak in early August last year. It fell 1.5 per cent to 162.31, the lowest since November 2017, for the week ended November 13. It is just 1.4 per cent above the level of 160, which an agency expected the index would touch by the end of November.

Citibank also released its Residential Property Ownership Survey on Tuesday. The survey was conducted in September this year and polled more than 1,000 Hong Kong residents from the ages of 21 to 60.

More than half of the respondents expected property prices to fall in the coming 12 months. The third quarter of this year saw a sharp decline in the proportion of respondents who expressed optimism about home prices. Only 12 per cent of the respondents expected property prices to rise in the coming year, compared with 51 per cent who expected otherwise.

“The survey results reflect a wait-and-see attitude among the public towards the property market in 2022,” said Citibank’s Lee. “We can expect to see continued impact on future property prices from the economic situation and rising mortgage interest rates, among other factors.”

Citibank Hong Kong has been conducting surveys of the Hong Kong housing market since 2010 to assess the current state of home ownership in the city, gauge public intentions towards home ownership, and track public expectations of future housing price trends.

(South China Morning Post)


中環中心全層每呎70元租出 屬市價水平 金融機構擴規模


市場消息透露,中環中心 68樓全層,原本分隔多個細單位,力吸中小型客戶,近則獲單一大租客垂青,以呎租70元承租全層,若以建築面積約25000方呎計算,月租約175萬。
















































新地西九再下一城 奪藝術廣場大樓

環球貿易廣場高鐵站商地 組668萬呎商業王國

西九藝術廣場大樓項目僅得一份標書,西九文化區管理局公布,批予區內大地主新地 (00016) ,連同環球貿易廣場 (ICC)、西九高鐵站商業地,組成總樓面達668萬平方呎的商業王國。

該藝術廣場大樓商業項目於區內推出的首幅商業地,總樓面約70萬平方呎,在今年初招標時獲4份標書,惟西九管理局均不接納,最終在早前重新招標,但上周一 (14日) 截標時,只得新地一間發展商入標。






新地主席兼董事總經理郭炳聯表示,集團繼2019年底投得高鐵西九龍總站上蓋大型商業項目後,另一個在該區地標性項目,集團再次在西九投資發展大型項目,足證集團對香港和國家前景充滿信心。他又指,項目與比鄰的環球貿易廣場 (ICC),以及正在興建的高鐵西九龍總站商業項目發揮聯動效益。



測量師:存協同效應 助調節租金


藝術廣場大樓項目由三幢商業大樓組成,總樓面面積合共約70萬平方呎,包括67.2萬平方呎作辦公室用途和2.7萬平方呎作零售 / 餐飲 / 消閒用途。





宏安積極申強拍鴨脷州舊樓 待重建


3項目 重建樓面6.3萬呎

在南港島綫落成後,鴨脷洲的發展潛力增加,吸引不少發展商積極在該區收購舊樓,當中以宏安 (01222) 最為積極,於年初接連為鴨脷洲大街的舊樓申請強拍,包括位於鴨脷洲大街17至19號海德樓、鴨脷洲大街21至23號與平瀾街5B號花洲大樓;及鴨脷洲新市街37至39號南德大樓。




值得留意的是,集團於年初已經公布,已與總部位於新加坡的房地產私募股權投資公司SC Capital Partners,以約4.18億元完成收購上述項目 (連同平瀾街4A號) 的大部分不可分割業權作住宅項目重建。

而龍頭發展商恒地 (00012) 多年前亦已看中區內潛力,收購鴨脷洲大街的舊樓,現已發展為倚南及逸南。

另外,港燈 (02638) 現時在海怡半島仍擁有綜合大樓及停車場項目。項目位於怡雅路2號,亦即位處整個海怡半島的中央,比鄰海怡寶血小學及海怡西商場。事實上,項目於2018年2月以約6.6億元完成補地價,將與長實 (01113) 合作發展酒店項目,涉及可建樓面約38.1萬平方呎,料提供約510個酒店客房,而綜合大樓部分則會保留,總項目樓面共約53.2萬平方呎。


Fashion tycoon who dreamed of building China’s LVMH set to lose prime Hong Kong property worth US$64 million: sources

A receiver has appointed an agency to sell the entire 23rd floor of Bank of America Tower in Central and three parking spaces

The property was bought in 2018 by a company controlled by Qiu Yafu and other directors of Shandong Ruyi Technology Group, sources say

A fashion tycoon who once hoped to build an empire billed as China’s version of LVMH has lost a prime office property and three car-parking spaces in Central, as a receiver is now seeking to sell the portfolio for HK$500 million (US$64 million), according to sources familiar with the matter.

The receiver has appointed an international property agency to sell the 13,880 sq ft 23rd floor of Bank of America Tower in Central, along with three parking spaces, the property agency said on Wednesday.

The statement did not disclose the original buyer, but sources confirmed the property was bought in 2018 by a company controlled by debt-ridden fashion tycoon Qiu Yafu and other directors.

The asking price, which works out to HK$36,000 per square foot, is HK$200 million less than the HK$701.8 million (HK$50,000 per square foot) a company called Forever Winner International Development paid for it, according to data from the Land Registry.

Qiu, via his Shandong Ruyi Technology Group, made US$4 billion worth of overseas acquisitions in three years starting from 2015 in an attempt to build a luxury empire on the level of LVMH, the French powerhouse that owns its namesakes Louis Vuitton and Moët Hennessey, as well as many other brands.

Ruyi’s acquisitions included UK outerwear maker Aquascutum and French fashion retailer SMCP, whose labels include Sandro, Maje and Claudie Pierlot. The group also bought Hong Kong-listed Trinity, which controls British bespoke tailor Gieves & Hawkes, in 2017 from Victor Fung Kwok-king, the chairman of the Li & Fung Group.

Ruyi, which means “according to one’s wishes” in Chinese, however, has not been able to achieve Qiu’s dream.

Starting in 2019, the private luxury clothing giant had difficulty paying the debts from its global shopping spree. After the Covid-19 pandemic made things worse, the company delayed a domestic bond repayment on a 1 billion yuan note twice between March and June 2020, according to Bloomberg reports at the time.

Moody’s Investors Service downgraded Shandong Ruyi’s debt into the junk zone to Caa3 in March 2020, after lowering it to Caa1 in December 2019. The ratings agency withdrew its ratings for the company in May due to insufficient information.

The Post has contacted Ruyi by email but received no response, while Qiu could not be reached for comment.

The Hong Kong stock exchange delisted Trinity on October 31 after an 18-month suspension of trading in its shares. Trinity has been undergoing liquidation since August last year, according to a winding-up order by the Bermuda Court, according to its exchange filings.

Trinity’s subsidiary brands, including Gieves & Hawkes, Cerruti 1881 and Kent & Curwen, “continue to carry on their business as usual”, joint liquidators Fok hei-yu, Daniel Chow Wai-shing and Edward Whittaker said in a stock exchange filing in January.

“The joint liquidators have been assessing the financial position of the group and considering the opportunity of a possible restructuring of the group,” the filing said.

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Sale at Bank of America Tower please visit: Office for Sale at Bank of America Tower

For more information of Grade A Office for Sale in Admiralty please visit: Grade A Office for Sale in Admiralty

For more information of Grade A Office for Sale in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Sale in Central


SHKP wins Kwun Tong's second commercial site

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has won the second commercial site on Anderson Road in Kwun Tong for HK$296 million, following yesterday's successful tender for the development of the first commercial site in the West Kowloon Cultural District.

The Lands Department announced yesterday that the tender for a site, lot 1077 in survey district No.3, off Anderson Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, has been awarded to the highest tenderer, Topco, a subsidiary of SHKP, on a 50-year land grant at a premium of HK$296 million.

The site area is about 57,373 square feet with a maximum gross floor area of 110,290 sq ft and the earlier market valuations for the land ranged from HK$3,355 to HK$5,500 per square foot, with the total value ranging from about HK$370 million to HK$600 million.

Based on the project's maximum gross floor area of 110,290 sq ft, the land price per square foot is about HK$2,684, which is 20 percent lower than the market valuation and 51 percent much lower than the first commercial site on Anderson Road, which was awarded to Link REIT (0823) in late August this year at a price of HK$5,501 per square foot.

Victor Lui Ting, deputy managing director and executive director of SHKP, said that they are very pleased to get the site and the company will invest in a total of about HK$1 billion in the future and build a shopping mall there.

The tender for the site closed last Friday and a total of four tenders were received. Other bidders included the subsidiaries of Sino Land (0083), Link Holdings (8237) and CK Asset Holdings (1113).

(The Standard)












新地2.96億奪安達臣道商業地 每呎約2684元21年來市區最低







上述用地位於觀塘安達臣道對出 (測量約份第3約地段第1077號),指定作非工業 (不包括住宅、辦公室、酒店、倉庫及加油站) 用途,該項目由兩個「大細不一」的地盤組成,其中較大的一幅位於安健道,而較細的一幅則位於安禧街。地盤面積合共5.7萬方呎,涉及可建總樓面約11.03萬方呎,發展規模較早前批出的同區另一幅商業地皮細約20%。





中資3.2億 購黃大仙鳴鳳街地盤



可建樓面3.96萬呎 呎價8080





活化工廈EASTCORE 每呎叫租17元起



9單位招租 面積1786呎起


兩地舖獲承租 每呎租金150




Sai Ying Pun redevelopment gets seven bids

The Urban Renewal Authority's redevelopment project on Queen's Road West / In Ku Lane in Sai Ying Pun received seven tenders from developers including CK Asset (1113) and Sino Land (0083).

With market valuations ranging from HK$1.25 billion to HK$1.4 billion, the project also attracted Great Eagle (0041), Regal Hotels International (0078), Wheelock Properties and K Wah International (0173).

Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) was also reported to have submitted a bid.

K Wah and Wheelock Properties submitted tenders separately this time, due to the location and market demand for the project.

The URA invited 32 developers to submit tenders from 33 firms that expressed interest.

Lan Kwai Fong Properties, founded by the so-called "father of Lan Kwai Fong," Allan Zeman, had expressed its interest for the Sai Ying Pun project.

With a site area of 16,863 square feet, the project will provide a total gross floor area of 121,524 sq ft upon completion, with residential flats taking up more than 104,000 square feet. It is expected to have 189 flats.

Starting in 2018, the URA offered HK$24,051 per sq ft of salable area to minority property owners of the project in 2019.

Elsewhere, an old six-storey building on Ting Fu Street in Ngau Tau Kok will face a compulsory sale next Wednesday, with a starting price of HK$141.5 million.

Vanke Hong Kong holds the majority ownership of the building.

With a site area of 2,787 sq ft, the plot can provide a total floor area of about 25,000 sq ft if it is rebuilt with a plot ratio of nine times.

Meanwhile, the transaction records of The Pavilia Farm III, developed by New World Development (0017), showed that 36 deals were terminated this month as home prices continue to fall.

Since the announcement that the project will be demolished for redevelopment, a total of 346 purchases have been withdrawn, accounting for more than 40 percent of the 846 transactions.

In other news, the mortgage-related one-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate climbed for the ninth days in a row to 4.05024 percent, a new 14-year high.

A property agency said that the one-month benchmark rate is unlikely to fall until the end of the year, and local banks are expected to raise their prime rates by another 0.25 percentage points next month.

(The Standard)


商廈銀主盤增 造價受壓




內企美國銀行中心全層 5億放盤



海富中心全層 5年新低價沽

至於海富中心二座中層全層,面積約10,627平方呎,曾由上市公司持有,而物業早前已淪為銀主盤,並由銀主進行放售,物業市值約1.98億元。據了解,原業主於2017年1月以3.18億元購入,呎價高見2.99萬元。事實上,今年8月同廈曾錄全層銀主盤成交,涉及13樓全層,以1.93億元易手,呎價約18,161元,創該廈近5年來的呎價新低紀錄,由湯臣集團 (00258) 承接。按成交呎價計,已較2017年時低近4成。













西營盤項目獲7標書 大發展商為主

會德豐:位置方便 出價已考慮市況因素


入標發展商包括:新地 (00016) 、信置 (00083) 、嘉華 (00173) 、長實 (01113) 及會德豐,均以獨資形式競投,另外,鷹君 (00041) 及富豪酒店 (00078) 亦有代表到場入標。






Sino Group, Hongkong Land push to make city a hub for property-tech development in Asia, nurturing innovative start-ups

Hong Kong’s spot within the Greater Bay Area can attract start-ups and give the city a leg up on competitors like Singapore, Sino Group executive says

City has a role to play nurturing everything from useful apps for tenants to cleaning robots that can climb treacherous façades

With its connections to the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong is well positioned to be the Asia-Pacific hub for the development of property technology, playing a key role in cultivating an ecosystem of innovative start-ups, according to one of Hong Kong’s biggest developers.

Proptech spans a wide range of technologies that aim to optimise how people research, rent, buy, sell and manage properties. It includes property-listing websites but also extends to apps for building occupants – to adjust office temperatures or check the length of taxi queues before leaving home – and even cleaning robots that climb building façades.

“Hong Kong can lead the Asian region in usage of proptech and also nurturing proptech start-ups, which is why we are looking globally in this field to make Hong Kong a hub in Asia,” Andrew Young, associate director of innovation at Sino Group, told the Post.

As a regional leader in property management, Hong Kong has sophisticated developers that can help the development of proptech innovations by sharing their experiences with such technologies, Young added.

“It is all about enhancing the experience of the customers when they buy or rent Sino’s home or use Sino’s mall,” he said. “Recently many of our customers are concerned about cleanliness, safety and healthiness.”

Sino Group owns the Olympian City shopping mall in Kowloon and its residential properties include Villa Garda in Lohas Park, Grand Central in Kwun Tong and Grand Mayfair near Yuen Long.

Beyond efficiency, proptech can help developers create a satisfying experience for tenants and owners, Young said.

“It is not about how much is spent, but the feeling about whether this developer is a good service provider,” he said. “At the end of day, our product reflects us. Innovation drives our product and solution, the value to the customer.”

Kent Jan, director and head of digital transformation and innovation with Hongkong Land, cited daily life examples about the benefits of proptech for occupants. Hongkong Land is the biggest landlord in Central, with a portfolio that includes Exchange Square and Landmark.

For instance, Hongkong Land has apps that allow users to monitor the queue at nearby taxi stands, and adjust office temperatures. The latter fucntion helps the landlord discover problems and has reduced service calls by 60 per cent.

Hong Kong is well positioned to lead in proptech development due to its location. “Singapore is always a competitor,” Young said. “But I think Hong Kong has more attraction since the Greater Bay Area market, [which is] much larger, is attractive to these tech companies.”

Sino Group and Hongkong Land have joined forces for PropXTech 2022, the second edition of an acceleration programme. The programme invites technology start-ups and established companies from around the world to apply to collaborate with various business units within Sino Group and Hongkong Land to further the development of their products.

More than 3,000 applications came in this year from companies in 70 countries and territories, including Hong Kong, China, Southeast Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Applications increased significantly compared to the inaugural programme last year despite difficult economic conditions.

One example is a cleaning robot that can climb façades and walls in Spider-Man-like fashion. The robot can clean areas that are otherwise difficult or dangerous to reach.

The two developers selected 30 finalists following multiple rounds of reviews. Sino Group and Hongkong Land will now provide the finalists with a platform to demonstrate their solutions to potential industry partners and investors, including the members of Hong Kong PropTech Alliance.

The effort mirrors a strategy set out in Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu’s Hong Kong Policy Address, which calls for taking innovation and technology to the next level and enlarging the pool of talent.

Technology can help developers achieve goals with environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) objectives, such as the reduction of carbon emissions, which is also what the investor community wants to see, said Young.

“Our PropTech Alliance finds environmental [protection] and ESG a common topic,” he said.

(South China Morning Post)

For more information of Office for Lease at Exchange Square please visit: Office for Lease at Exchange Square

For more information of Grade A Office for Lease in Central please visit: Grade A Office for Lease in Central


恒基中環地王申建3幢商廈 首期2026年落成 重建25米高天星鐘樓


據城規會文件顯示,該項目屬「綜合發展區」及顯示為「道路」的地方地帶,申請擬議綜合辦公室、商業及零售發展 (包括商店及服務行業、食肆及娛樂場所) 和政府用途,並略為放寬建築物高度限制。

項目地盤面積約51.63萬方呎,商業部分可建總樓面約161.46萬方呎,包括69.13萬方呎辦公室,商業/零售92.32萬方呎。而非商業部分可建總樓面約24.56萬方呎,提供公共交通設施及公共停車場、政府、機構或社區設施 (包括重置受影響的郵政總局和公共廁所以及重建天星小輪鐘樓)。同時,項目提供共963個車位,當中325個為公眾私家車停車位。


項目細分東面及西面兩部分發展,其中西面部分興建3幢商業物業,將興建一個以「橋」作為整個發展設計概念的綜合項目,為中環新海濱打造世界級地標。並透過空中平台連接3幢向海濱遞減建築物高度的商業大樓,其中第1座樓高6層,建築物高度不多於47米;而第2座樓高9層,第3座樓高10層,而第2及3座建築物高度不多於50米,3幢建築物不包括4層地庫 (耀星街以北) 及6層地庫 (耀星街以南)。

東面部分主要為重置天星鐘樓,建築物高度由原來的16米 (主水平基準上),申請放寬至25米,增幅約56%;同時發展低層園景行人平台並在其下提供商業設施,樓高1至2層 (不包括地庫)。

現有連接國際金融中心和中環碼頭連接大樓的行人天橋將被重新規劃為園景行人平台,涉及30.9萬方呎的公眾休憩用地,包括位於「Horizon Park」空中平台的公眾休憩空間,其他設於低層和地面的公眾休憩空間,以及一條結合「Grand Boulevard」、長達400米,經地面從中環內陸延伸至海濱的景觀走廊。由歷史走廊、休憩用地走廊及觀景走廊組成,現位於三號用地的皇后像廣場走廊將被美化並打造成現代化的園景行人平台,與零售商業發展和怡人的休憩空間充分融合,在海濱位置創造不同焦點的同時,亦能尊重文化歷史脈絡。另有約10.66萬方呎私人休憩用地,換言之整個項目休憩用地逾41.6萬方呎。


申請地點擬分兩期發展,其中第一期的3A用地 (包括早期重置地區相關和現有公共設施) 預計在2026年完成,而第二期的3B用地預計於2031年完成。





Second-hand market back in the doldrums

The number of transactions at 10 major housing estates in Hong Kong fell over the weekend, despite China's monetary easing, deeper price cuts, and fewer primary project sales.

A property agency recorded nine transactions at the estates, down by 25 percent week-on-week and back to single-digit levels.

The agency saw more prospective buyers turning up in the hope of getting further price cuts, but some home owners were waiting to see if prices will rebound, which made the number of transactions fall.

The agency expects trading in the secondary market will continue to fluctuate in a narrow range until the end of the year, due to the impact of the pandemic and interest rate hikes, while prices will continue to be under pressure.

Additionally, another property agency also saw the number of transactions at 10 major housing estates drop by 22 percent week-on-week to seven.

A three-bedroom flat at Taikoo Shing in Quarry Bay changed hands for HK$10.78 million, a discount of HK$4.72 million from the asking price in April. The seller had purchased the property in April 2012 for about HK$8.08 million and made a profit of about HK$2.7 million with a yield of 33 percent.

Meanwhile, in Lohas Park, a high-level three-bedroom unit sold for HK$7.38 million, with the owner taking a HK$370,000 hit.

City One in Sha Tin recorded one transaction: a two-bedroom apartment sold for HK$4.05 million, with the seller losing HK$150,000.

In other news, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation is to raise the cap on mortgages linked to the Hong Kong interbank offered rate by 25 basis points, while two small and medium banks have scrapped plans to lower the caps on their Hibor-based plans, according to reports.

HSBC decided to raise the caps on mortgage rates for both first-hand and second-hand properties by 0.25 percentage points to 3.375 percent, the same as Standard Chartered Hong Kong's Hibor plans.

Based on a loan of HK$5 million and a mortgage term of 30 years, the monthly payment will increase by HK$674 or 3.2 percent for a new property and HK$686 or 3.2 percent for a second-hand property.

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Asia and Chiyu Banking Corporation had lowered the caps on their Hibor plans to 2.875 percent last week.

However, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority had expressed its concern about the two banks' move against the market and both the banks promptly responded by raising the caps back to 3.125 percent, according to the reports.

(The Standard)


工商鋪登記險守300宗 代理行:創29個月新低










堅尼地城全幢巨鋪9000萬易手 TOYOMALL月沽6項物業 套現4.35億


堅尼地城士美菲路41號 (卑路乍街98及100號) 全幢巨鋪,消息人士透露,TOYOMALL早前以約9800萬放售,議價後以9000萬易手,樓高3層,包括地鋪、閣樓及天台,總面積達3018方呎,平均呎價2.98萬。




呎價2.98 回報3.3






Bonham Road building sets the trend with 76pc stake sale

Owners of an old Bonham Road building have become one of the first in the city to target a sale of the property under the new compulsory sale threshold by putting up a 76 percent collective stake on the market.

Last month, Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu proposed cutting the compulsory sale application threshold for private buildings aged 50 years or older from 80 percent of the ownership to 70 percent, with an added reduction to 60 percent for buildings 70 years or older, in his policy address.

The market value of the Bonham Road building is estimated at about HK$142 million.

The property is located at 35 Bonham Road in Mid-levels West and the parts of the collective sale include the underground basement, ground floor, first floor and second floors, representing about 76.9 percent of its titles, according to a property agency.

The total floor area of the building is about 5,430 square feet, and the property will be sold on a vacant possession basis, it said.

The agency also revealed that approval had been granted for constructing a 27-story residential building at 24-30 Bonham Road, which is adjacent to the property.

The old mansion is now a four-story Western-style building with a site area of about 1,648 square feet, which was built before World War II and is listed as a Grade II historic building.

Additionally, there are many banks, restaurants, pet beauty stores and supermarkets in the neighborhood.

The property is also close to the Centre Street Escalator Link, which connects to the local hub facilities such as Sai Ying Pun Market, schools and community centers.

(The Standard)


Hong Kong home prices slump to nearly five-year low after biggest monthly decline of year, with more drops to come

Prices of lived-in homes in Hong Kong fell 2.4 per cent on a monthly basis in October, according to government data released on Monday

The government’s price index stands just above where it was in November 2017, as analysts say prices will continue their slide into next year

Prices of lived-in homes in Hong Kong had their worst month in an already bad year in October, slumping to a nearly five-year low as worsening global and local economic conditions continued to weaken market sentiment.

A home price index released on Monday by the Rating and Valuation Department fell 2.4 per cent on a monthly basis to 352.4, the lowest level since November 2017 when it was at 347.2. So far this year, the gauge has lost 10.5 per cent.

“It’s the biggest decline this year on a monthly basis, and a similar price drop is expected to continue in the upcoming two to three months,” a property said. “The weak sentiment is caused by quickly deteriorating local and global economic prospects.”

The latest in a series of interest rate increases, in early November, contributed to the drop, although its impact had already been expected by the market, the agent added.

Should the forecast hold for the rest of the year, the price index for Hong Kong’s secondary property market may fall to its lowest level since May 2017, when it stood at 333.6.

Government officials earlier this month downgraded their forecast for Hong Kong’s economy this year to a 3.2 per cent contraction, worse than the earlier projection of between 0.5 per cent growth and 0.5 per cent contraction.

The downgrade was made in light of rising global inflation and tightening monetary policies, which are dampening consumer spending.

Hong Kong’s five biggest lenders, including the three note-issuing banks HSBC, Standard Chartered and Bank of China (Hong Kong), raised their key rates at the start of November to the highest levels in 14 years, following US rate increases to curb inflation in the world’s largest economy.

Prices of flats measuring at least 752 square feet slipped 2.5 per cent, while prices of smaller units retreated by 1 per cent.

“Overall housing prices are expected to drop by 15 per cent in 2022,” the agent said, adding that the government needs to consider removing various stamp duties to boost transactions.

Citibank last week said Hong Kong home prices would bottom out in the second quarter of next year at the earliest, following an estimated drop of 20 per cent from a record high in 2021.

The bank, the first to make a clear-cut forecast, said property prices will fall another 10 per cent from October to the second quarter of 2023.

Last month, Goldman Sachs forecast a 30 per cent decline in overall home prices in the city over two years, while DBS said it expected a 5 per cent drop in 2023. Morgan Stanley, HSBC and two property agencies have all predicted lower prices as well.

“The 2.4 per cent decline is the largest month on month drop since November 2018,” another agent said. “This is a clear reflection of the effect of higher mortgage rates, subdued market sentiment and the broader weaknesses in the financial market during the month.”

“With interest rates likely to stay elevated and the economy continuing to be mired in a recession, the declining trend is likely to stretch well into 2023. It is therefore high time the government began to re-visit the suitability of all the counter-cyclical demand-side measures, allowing property transactions to be conducted on normal terms.”

Meanwhile, home rents rose by about 0.3 per cent in October after remaining unchanged in September. For the year, rents have declined by 1.75 per cent.

(South China Morning Post)




報告提到,整體甲級寫字樓市場10月錄得47.9萬方呎的淨吸納量 (搬入多過遷出),但空置率依然錄上升,主要是鰂魚涌太古坊二座及荃灣沙咀道1號兩幢新商廈落成。主要分區市場中,中環、灣仔及銅鑼灣的寫字樓空置率分別微升至8.4%及9.7%,尖沙咀空置率則由11.2%回落至11%。







中環美國銀行中心 優質地段前景佳



前景上,中環向來新商廈供應極少,區內未來出現兩新項目,分別為恒地 (00012) 旗下 The Henderson,以及長江集團中心二期,兩項目均預計明年落成,合共提供逾100萬平方呎商業樓面,而美國銀行中心,比鄰兩大新項目,由於超新超甲廈質素理想,相信該地段未來成為本港商業焦點,前景極佳。

兩超甲廈 明年落成






















更多The Henderson寫字樓出租樓盤資訊請參閱:The Henderson 寫字樓出租




罕有全層放盤 意向價約5億



面積13880 呎價3.6












舊樓擬寬強拍門檻 西半山錄首宗放售

涉般咸道35號逾7成業權 市值約1.42億




二級歷史建築 放售樓面5430




政策落實後 料一籃子即申強拍




菁雋基座商場連車位放售 意向價3.88億


是次出售物業由為基座商場地下至二樓,加相連地舖3個,以及47個私家車車位及5個貨物起卸位。建築面積逾38466 方呎,每層樓高逾4.5米。基座商場建築面積共約35562方呎,3個地舖建築面積共約2904方呎。


同區成交方面,由資本策略地產 (00497) 持有的啟發徑8號住宅項目城‧點的基座一籃子商舖,新近以約4.5億元沽出,成交呎價約2.61萬元。


Po Tin Shopping Centre on sale for $900m

The Po Tin Shopping Centre in Tuen Mun, which is owned by Coda Properties chairman Richard Tong Kwan-ming, is up for sale with an indicative price of HK$900 million, according to property agency.

The center at 99 Ming Kum Road, which comprises a 4-story commercial building and 62 parking spaces, has a total area of 89,437 square feet. It will be sold together with the existing leases.

The mall has a wide range of tenants including convenience stores, clinics and hair salons as well as a kindergarten, youth center, and nursing home, the agency stated.

They currently generate a monthly income of HK$2.4 million and the rents could reach HK$3 million if all the shops were leased out, it said.

Tong, a veteran investor, bought the mall from Link Real Estate Investment Trust (0823) for HK$437.8 million in 2016.

Also on sale are the retail podiums at Park Ivy and Park Summit in Tai Kok Tsui.

The two podiums, which have a combined gross floor area of around 58,600 sq ft, are developed by Sino Land (0083) and the Urban Renewal Authority, said the agent Savills.

The podium at Park Summit has a floor area of 47,000 sq ft and 12 car parking spaces and the Park Ivy one has 12,000 sq ft.

They have a market valuation of HK$380 million in total and can be sold together or separately, it said.

Current tenants at the two properties include a fitness center, food and beverage operators and an education center, and the podiums are to be sold with the existing tenancies via tender, it added.

In the office market, meanwhile, the vendor of a unit at Admiralty Centre Tower II in Admiralty was said to have suffered a loss of HK$10.9 million after selling it for around HK20 million.

The 1,058-sq-ft unit was bought for HK$30.9 million in 2017 and the actual loss from the deal including expenses may hit HK$14 million, or 45 percent of the total investment.

In the residential market, Wang On Properties' (1243) Larchwood in Tai Kok Tsui has released the fifth batch which offers 20 units at an average per-sq-ft price of HK$27,880 after discounts, 10 percent higher than the last batch due to smaller discounts. The batch comprises homes from 202 sq ft to 250 sq ft and is priced at between HK$5.3 million and HK$7.3 million, or between HK$26,124 and HK$29,956 per sq ft after discounts.

(The Standard)

For more information of Office for Sale at Admiralty Centre please visit: Office for Sale at Admiralty Centre

For more information of Grade A Office for Sale in Admiralty please visit: Grade A Office for Sale in Admiralty


中資證券公司沽海富中心低層 持貨5年蝕讓1088萬或35%











上環4項目建商廈涉百萬呎 永泰資本策略嘉咸街最矚目




上述項目是永泰地產及資本策略於2017年投得、市建局卑利街 / 嘉咸街地盤C商業項目,消息指,當年中標價高達115億,相當於每方呎樓面地價約2.67萬。而整個嘉咸街、卑利街重建計畫,屬於區內最大型的重建計畫,細分A、B、C三個項目,而A及B地盤屬於住宅項目,而C地盤則商業項目。





另外,由財團持有的西營盤德輔道西380號,早前向城規會申請改劃作商廈發展,上述項目現劃為「住宅 (甲類) 6」用途,曾申建一幢23層高商廈,可建總樓面約2.25萬方呎。該項目今年4月遭城規會否決。










由鄧成波家族及佳源國際控股持有的菁雋基座商場,日前亦以意向價3.88億放售,較去年9月減價逾15%,當悉數租出後,料回報高於5厘,車位市值約3500萬,鋪位呎價僅9176元。該商場由地下至2樓相連地鋪3個 (鋪面總長度逾24米),47個私家車車位及5個貨物起卸位,商場建築面積共約35562方呎,3個地鋪建築面積共約2904方呎,總建築面積逾38466方呎,每層樓高逾4.5米。








奧朗.御峯位於杉樹街37號 (福全街35號及埃華街8號),建築面積接近1.2萬,租戶包括健身中心、中式酒樓、餐廳及教育機構等,意向價8000萬,若全部出租,料月租達22萬。兩個基座零售項目將於明年2月13日截標。








油塘改劃住宅發展 料增近萬伙

近年油塘臨海一帶的工業區,正在轉型成為新晉住宅社區,當中區內有6個住宅重建項目,合共提供近萬伙供應,最快登場相信是長實 (01113) 東源街5及8號項目,涉及約800伙。

油塘灣綜合發展區 規劃4期興建

油塘區內有2個工業區,當中鄰近港鐵油塘站的油塘灣工業區,佔地達約10公頃,早在20年前已經獲恒地 (00012) 等7間發展商牽頭展開重建轉型,早年更曾經提出填海發展,後來則因反對而採用現有的「零填海」方案。


而持有榮山工業大廈的前廠商會會長李秀恒,則向城規會提出由「綜合發展區」地帶改劃為「商業」地帶,希望脫離其他發展商提出的油塘灣方案,以地積比率約11倍,重建1幢29層高 (另設5層地庫) 的甲級商廈,總樓面約54.5萬平方呎。

長實東源街項目 料明年推售



另外曾經在區內收購工廈重建成曦臺的宏安 (01222) ,於今年初再出手,以約5.8億元購入四山街18至20號油塘工業大廈第4座超過8成業權,每平方呎收購價高達約4,100元,發展商將申請透過強拍以統一大廈業權並作重建。該工廈於1979年落成,現為樓高4層的工業大廈,地盤面積約41,800平方呎,規劃為「住宅(戊類)」,預計重建作商住用途,最高地積比率6倍,可建樓面約25.08萬平方呎,估計可以提供約400至500個中小型住宅單位。



油塘大益貨倉99%業主標售 市值料7億

受惠於油塘區轉型,區內工廈重建潛力提升。早前有業主標售油塘大益貨倉逾99%業權,市值約7億元,將於下月初 (12月6日) 截標。



高輝工廈全層 意向價4000

