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信和Landmark South 招租 呎租逾30

信和集团今年两写字楼项目落成,集团现先推出黄竹坑 Landmark South 甲厦招租,呎租约30餘元;而下半年将推出元朗One North项目,两项目合共提供约80万呎楼面。集团认为今年市场整体商厦供应多,具特色的商厦仍有需求,而集团整体商厦出租率约9成。

信和集团及帝国合作发展的黄竹坑业勤街39号全新甲厦项目 Landmark South,预计今年第2季落成,楼高31层,总楼面达256,957平方呎,包括16层甲厦、3层零售空间及艺术展览厅,另提供佔地9,000平方呎空中花园。艺术发展局将于此开设一个约5,000平方呎的多用途艺术展览,另项目最顶两层29及30楼,享特高楼底,项目可望今年8月入伙。

黄竹坑甲厦 已录成交

信和集团资产管理董事蔡碧林表示,Landmark South 现进行招租,单位面积约1,497至1.4万平方呎,呎租约30餘元。她指因疫情关係,招租工作及睇楼活动最近才开始,暂时反应不俗,已获室内设计、私募基金等机构视察,并已录得数宗细单位成交。项目卖点上,她表示项目邻近港铁站,而黄竹坑本身与中环仅数站之距,租金差幅大,亦邻近南区,地点甚理想。

集团对上一次新写字楼项目落成已为2008年,而今年更有两幢甲厦推出,位于元朗One North,为集团在2015年以16.9亿元投得,邻近港铁朗屏站,涉及2座楼高14层商厦,写字楼面积约44.5万平方呎,另商场零售面积约11.3万平方呎,合共总楼面面积55.8万平方呎。

元朗One North 料第三季招租





更多Landmark South写字楼出租楼盘资讯请参阅:Landmark South写字楼出租



租务市场将转好 租金企稳

整体商厦租金稳定, 有代理行预计,随着租务需求上升,租务市场将转好,租金亦企稳。



IWG租全幢商厦 港岛最大手


港岛区最大手租务,为IWG集团租用湾仔皇后大道东8号全幢 (8QRE),开设Spaces办公中心,而8QRE Spaces预计于2022年7月开幕。该集团指,该中心将提供超过900个办公位置及70间私人办公室,同时预留5层空间作企业专属套间。除了服务式办公室,其中两层更将改造为「商务俱乐部」。业内人士预计,是次成交呎租料约45元,该厦总楼面约8万平方呎,原由忠利保险租用。据悉,2019年共享空间品牌WeWork亦曾预租该厦全幢,惟最终取消,如今由IWG接手。


九龙写字楼租金 末季将回升













鰂鱼涌海裕街地皮放售 可建40万呎



有外资代理行表示,获接管人委託,招标出售鰂鱼涌海裕街内地段第8590号餘段及内地段第8723号餘段,项目截标日期为2022年7月7日 (星期四) 中午12时正。

项目原由太平协和持有,去年3月获通过有关原址换地申请,拟换地后的地盘面积或可达91,838平方呎,经补地价后,或可提供建筑面积约400,000平方呎楼面,兴建5幢34米至41米 (主水平基準以上) 的低矮建筑物,作为酒店和办公室用途,平台设4.1万平方呎的观景平台。




九龙湾亿京中心 享海景楼面大


亿京中心位于九龙湾宏光道,而地段属区内核心商业地段,附近为企业广场一期企业广场二期企业广场五期 Megabox、恩浩国际中心等商厦群,商业气氛理想。交通方面,由港铁九龙湾站前往该厦,步行需15分鐘以上,稍为不便,而大厦设有接驳巴士前往港铁站,另若坐车前往啟德则约5至10分鐘车程。此外,Megabox商场附近亦有多条巴士綫,可前往港岛,交通整体来说仍算方便。




单位四正 间隔灵活












高层多户招租 呎租约21元起



有代理表示, A座28楼多个单位现正放租,涉及该层A至D室,面积由1,788至4,492平方呎,意向呎租约21元起。据了解,该层楼面由一本地厂家持有多年作收租之用,现可因应不同客户需求,灵活安排把个别单位打通使用。由于属高层楼面,单位享极开扬海景,非常舒适。








尖沙咀新港中心 中层户意向呎价1.9万


意向租金5.2 每呎36










4月整体楼宇买卖 代理行估4700宗

有地产代理行统计,4月 (截至27日止) 整体楼宇买卖合约登记 (包括住宅、车位及工商铺物业) 暂录4,016宗及311.4亿元。预计全月录4,700宗及370亿元,将较3月份分别上升22.8%及6.2%。





Property market on the upswing as Covid wanes

Hong Kong's property market has regained its momentum with both primary and secondary markets performing well over the past few days amid the waning fifth Covid wave in the city.

All 388 homes at The Grand Mayfair I in Yuen Long on offer in the first round of sales sold out last Friday, and the remaining 327 units will be put on the market tomorrow, said the developers.

These homes were over 12 times oversubscribed after attracting more than 4,300 checks, they said.

On offer are 103 one-bedroom flats, 173 with two bedrooms, and 51 with three bedrooms, which are priced from HK$6.45 million to HK$14.91 million after discounts.

The 715-flat project is phase 1A of a 2,200-flat mega development that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173) and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).

The prices of phase 1B, which provides 805 flats, will be announced soon after the Wednesday sales, the developers said.

In Tai Kok Tsui, The Quinn Square Mile recorded at least 51 transactions as of Sunday, said the developer Henderson Land Development (0012), which cashed in nearly HK$330 million from the sales.

In Kai Tak, Henderson's project The Henley II kicks off sales of 98 homes today, including 92 on price lists and six by tenders.

The builder said it has collected over 350 checks for the 92 units on the lists, meaning the flats were more than 2.7 times oversubscribed.

Meanwhile, 10 defaulted flats at Sea to Sky, or phase eight of Lohas Park in Tseung Kwan O will be put up for sale again this Friday, said the developers CK Asset (1113) and MTR Corporation (0066).

The completed units, ranging from 468 square feet to 1,054 sq ft, are available for viewing, they said.

In the secondary market, a total of 21 deals were recorded in the 10 major housing estates over the weekend, the same as last week, and above the 20-mark for the seventh week in a row, according to property agency.

Property agent said that the secondary transactions did not decline despite the sales of new projects, reflecting that buyers still have strong interests in the property market.

The agent expects that there will be around 1,500 first-hand deals this month and the overall real estate prices will bounce back as well.

(The Standard)


‘The worst is over’ for Hong Kong’s shops segment, with rents and prices to recover on better consumer sentiment

Hong Kong’s shop market can expect a V-shaped rebound in transaction volume and prices in the second half, says Bridgeway CEO Lee

Prime street shop rents have continued to fall since the social unrest in mid-2019, taking the cumulative decline in value to 75 per cent from 2013

Hong Kong’s shop market is likely to see a V-shaped rebound this year as the easing of social distancing measures following the fifth wave of coronavirus outbreak in the city puts consumer spending back on track.

Shop rents could increase by up to 10 per cent in residential areas and by as much as 20 per cent in core areas, said Edwin Lee, founder and CEO of Bridgeway Prime Shop Fund Management.

“The worst for the shop market is over,” said Lee. “I expect that as the pandemic subsides, and with [subsequent] border reopening at home, there will be a V-shaped rebound in the sales volume and transaction prices [of shops] in the second half of the year.”

The prices of shops will increase by 5 to 10 per cent in residential areas and by 10 to 15 per cent in prime areas, he forecasts.

Prime street shop rents weakened 5 per cent in the first quarter this year, adding to a three-year slump. They tumbled by one-third in 2019 in the wake of the social unrest, followed by another 23.4 per cent in 2020 and 4.3 per cent in 2021 amid the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a property agency.

Overall, they have crashed by around 75 per cent since the first quarter of 2013, when the Individual Visit Scheme drew the most number of mainland travellers to the city.

Lee’s optimism is shared by other market insiders.

“Rents in traditional tourist areas will definitely increase by 10 to 20 per cent, as most of the shops in prime areas have seen rents fall by as much as 70 per cent from their highs,” a surveyor said.

On the other hand, the surveyor said that the rent increases in residential neighbourhoods will be sluggish, as unlike core areas where rents slumped during the pandemic, they moved higher in the same time span.

Meanwhile, the city recorded 288 shop transactions in the first three months this year, the lowest since 248 deals in the second quarter of 2020, according to Land Registry data. The value fell to HK$7.58 billion (US$966 million), the least since the first quarter of 2021.

“Even if there is a sixth wave, [prices] will not drop greatly [as] buyers feel they can bet on it, considering the [low] prices now,” a property agent said, adding that selling prices will be largely flat moving forward.

Russell Street, once the world’s most expensive retail strip, has recently seen a few short-term tenancies of face-mask shops. These retailers sometimes land a bargain, paying as little as HK$80,000 per month, which is about 15 to 25 per cent of peak rents seen in 2013.

With consumers unleashing “revenge spending” in the market, Bridgeway last month found a tenant for its street-level shop in Sheung Wan, who paid significantly higher than the previous client, Lee said.

The company signed a five-year lease for the 2,300-sq ft shop, with a fixed monthly rent of HK$130,000 for the first two years versus HK$100,000 previously, he added. The rate will increase to HK$143,000 per month thereafter.

(South China Morning Post)