今年第三季,投资气氛明显放缓,主要受美国加息步伐转急所致,与供楼相关的港元1个月同业拆息 (HIBOR),续高于3厘水平,最新1个月同业拆息报3.21厘。
基金吸纳工厦 拓迷你仓业务
单计近两三星期,市场上大额工商铺物业买卖,涉及3亿至5亿元以上实在不多,而10亿以上大手成交更是极少。从成交中,资金集中追捧同一个范畴,就是工厦。如长沙湾永新工业大厦,原由「毛纺大王」之称的曹光彪家族持有,总楼面涉约21.5万平方呎,以8.5亿元成交,新买家为私募基金黑石 (Blackstone) 伙迷你仓集团合资买入。
工厦回报率3.5% 胜甲厦商铺
工厦录145宗註册按月跌16% 代理行:淡市下企业偏向租用
十月份有三区平均呎价按月上升,升幅皆维持1%以内。跌幅最大的分区为荃湾区,最新报4183元,按月跌1.4%。分区呎租方面,升幅最大的分区为九龙湾和沙田 (火炭及石门),10月呎租分别报17.7元及15.1元,按月升3.1%。黄竹坑 (香港仔及/鸭脷洲) 最新呎租为15.8元,按月跌1.5%,为跌幅最大一区。
该行指出,截至10月份为止,今年下半年 (7至10月份),工商铺宗数共录1357宗,按年跌约39%,料未来2个月註册量低位徘徊,全年註册宗数或较该行早前预测的5555宗还要低。虽然预计工商铺难以在短期内回復至昔日高峰期水平,但本月宗数及金额稍回暖,微升约0.6%及8.4%,各板块表现个别发展。
Secondary home sales rise amid price cuts
Transactions at major housing estates in the secondary market rebounded amid deeper price cuts, with deals at Taikoo Shing and Nan Fung Sun Cheun falling to under HK$9 million and HK$6 million respectively.
Data from a property agency showed that 10 major housing estates saw a 175 percent jump in transactions to 11 last weekend, amid the possible slower pace of interest rate hikes by the United States and eased Covid-19 restrictions in mainland China.
Among six housing estates which reported at least one deal, City One Shatin topped the list with five deals at an average price of HK$13,200 per square foot, while transactions in Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai doubled to two, despite a 4.5 percent decrease in the average price to HK$9,723 per sq ft.
Taikoo Shing's sole deal came after the owner slashed the asking price by HK$3.5 million or 29 percent to HK$8.5 million, resulting in an average price of HK$14,605 per sq ft for the two-bedroom unit.
The agency added that Taikoo Shing has reported four transactions so far in November, at HK$15,158 per sq ft on average.
Apart from the 10 estates, Nan Fung Sun Cheun in Quarry Bay saw a flat traded for HK$5.78 million or HK$11,202 per sq ft, which might be the first deal below HK$6 million for a three-bedroom unit since 2016.
Elsewhere, a flat with three bedrooms in Festival City Phase 2 in Tai Wai brought a loss of HK$1.38 million to the holder after offering a price cut of 18.4 percent to HK$10.2 million, which led to an average price of HK$13,765 per sq ft, a new estate low in the past 18 months.
Hong Kong Property also attributed the increased deals in the secondary market to the expected slowdown in interest rate hikes as homeowners continue to offer price cuts.
Meanwhile, demand in the primary market remained hot, with small units remaining lucrative to homebuyers.
Vanke Hong Kong said seven flats at Bondlane I in Cheung Sha Wan were sold on Saturday, after the 30 units offered in the first round saw a demand of over seven times the supply, with 250 pledges.
The two-bedroom flats among the released units have sold out.
The developer responded it might consider offering more units with two bedrooms for sale in the short term.
The prices after discount for the 30 units in the first round ranged between HK$4.16 million and HK$7.82 million.
(The Standard)