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Kerry Properties sells two godowns for $4.6b

Kerry Properties says it has entered into an agreement with China Resources Logistics to sell two warehouses for HK$4.62 billion.

Kerry said in a filing yesterday that one of its wholly owned subsidiaries plans to sell the Chai Wan warehouse for HK$2.29 billion and the Sha Tin warehouse for HK$2.33 billion.

The buyer, CRL, is an indirect wholly owned investment holding subsidiary of the state-owned conglomerate China Resources.

Chai Wan warehouse is at 50 Ka Yip Street, and had a net book value of HK$2.28 billion at the end of last year, it said.

With a total gross floor area of 521,253 square feet, the property brought Kerry HK$45 million in net profit last year.

The Sha Tin warehouse at 36-42 Shan Mei Street New Territories has a total gross floor area of 404,374 sq ft, the filing showed.

It had a net book value of HK$1.46 billion last year and created an after-tax net profit of HK$113 million in 2021.

The deal is expected to be completed on or before June 30 and the related transaction costs would be HK$5 million, Kerry Properties said.

The estimated net proceeds from the disposal in the amount of about HK$4.62 billion will be used as general working capital, and an estimated gain of HK$883 million will be recorded upon completion, it said.

On the prevailing market conditions under the Covid-19 situation, the financial position of the group and the performance of the warehouses, the directors consider that the disposal presents an excellent opportunity for the company to unlock the value of the warehouses and enables it to recycle capital to strengthen its balance sheets and operations, the filing stated.

Given that the group has a diverse and robust property portfolio, Kerry Properties felt the disposal would have no material effect on its business and operations, said the filing.

(The Standard)


Red-hot The Grand Mayfair II rolls out more flats

The Grand Mayfair II in Yuen Long released another two batches with 288 flats together to be put on sale on Wednesday after selling over 90 percent of the homes in the first round of sales last Friday.

The two price lists, which comprise 59 one-bedroom units, 188 two-bedroom units, 34 three-bedroom units, and 7 flats with four bedrooms, are priced from HK$6.52 million to HK$18.47 million after discounts, or from HK$17,132 to HK$20,463 per square foot.

The 805-flat project is phase 1B of a 2,200-flat mega development that is being jointly developed by Sino Land (0083), K Wah International (0173), and China Overseas Land and Investment (0688).

They have earned over HK$3.5 billion following the sales of more than 400 homes last Friday.

In Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon Development (0034) has released the fifth price list for Manor Hill, offering 172 units starting from HK$5.04 million after discounts. The batch provides studio and one-bedroom homes ranging from 208 sq ft to 428 sq ft.

In Kai Tak, Wheelock Properties has sold at least six units at Monaco Marine, raking in HK$81.7 million.

Its Koko Hills in Lam Tin will launch sales of 96 flats today, including 80 on price lists and 16 by tender.

In Cheung Sha Wan, Grand Victoria II co-developed by Sino Land, Wheelock, and three others, will put 130 flats on the market tomorrow, including 76 on price lists and 54 via tender.

The 76 homes ranging from 278 sq ft to 807 sq ft are priced from HK$6.48 million to HK$22.66 million after discounts.

In Kowloon City, Country Garden (2007) has recorded at least 14 transactions for its Allegro, after putting 70 units up for sale.

In Tai Kok Tsui, at least 9 flats - a studio unit and 8 one-bedroom units - were sold over the weekend, which brought the developer Henderson Land Development (0012) over HK$54 million in contracted sales.

New projects across the city drew buyers from the secondary market over the weekend, resulting in a 21.4 percent decline in the top 10 housing estates with half of them recording no transaction, a property agency said.

Only 11 deals were seen over the weekend, but the number has remained in double-digit territory for the 10th week in a row, the real estate agency said.

An agent said that developers are relatively conservative in pricing to attract buyers, which inevitably slows down second-hand transactions.

The agent added that homeowners may need to further cut their asking prices in order to compete.

(The Standard)


長沙灣「變天」激活商貿需求 新世界林浩文:料租售價穩步上揚

















外資基金頻大手購工廈酒店 今年暫錄82億較去年同期升41%


今年以來市場暫錄6宗酒店買賣,基金佔4宗,涉資逾45億,市佔率73%,WEAVE LIVING夥拍安祖高頓一連購入大角嘴九龍珀麗酒店及西環華麗都會酒店,涉資各14.20億及9億;紅磡「逸.酒店」作價16.46億,油麻地CASA酒店5.9億成交,分別由兩家外資基金購入。


今年最矚目工廈成交,為葵涌貨櫃碼頭路集運中心全幢,以約29億易手,每呎1.09萬,創區內工廈新高,更成為二手工廈高價指標,買家為美資基金Nuveen旗下Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF),該基金首度在港插旗,重手出擊令市場側目。



除了上述美資基金外,今年出手購入工廈,包括加拿大基金公司Brookfield Asset Management Inc,向興勝創建購入沙田工業中心單位及車位,涉資2.11億,新加坡基金SilkRoad Property Partners,亦購入荃灣大成大廈3全層,涉資1.8億。





嘉里連沽2貨倉 共46億今年最大額

買家均為華潤物流 近年多番買工

工廈成為投資焦點,嘉里 (00683) 表示,以約46.2億元沽出旗下位於沙田及柴灣貨倉物業,買家均為華潤物流,成為今年最大額工廈買賣個案。

嘉里表示,與華潤物流達成協議,出售旗下嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉及嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉兩項物業,作價分別23.3億及22.9億元,合共涉及約46.2億元。以成交價計,為今年最大金額買賣。

疫情影響貨倉營運 沽貨套現


兩項物業均屬貨倉用途,嘉里 (沙田) 貨倉位於火炭山尾街36至42號,對面為近年入伙的駿洋邨。沙田貨倉樓高18層,總樓面面積約404,374平方呎。據了解,該物業現時出租率理想,呎租約12至14元,主要為物流行業租用。物業以23.3億元易手,呎價約5,762元。

柴灣貨倉作價22.9 呎售4393

另一物業為嘉里 (柴灣) 貨倉,物業位於柴灣嘉業街50號,樓高15層,總樓面約521,253平方呎。數年前,嘉里物流 (00636) 曾作出申請,計劃改裝柴灣貨倉為大型骨灰龕場,惟城規會指項目所在為活躍的作業海港,有貨倉及工業用途,與申請人提出的土地用途不協調,亦憂減少工業用地供應等,否決有關申請。


